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EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Smart Adjectives and Little Nouns

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Smart Adjectives and Little Nouns

Ashley Nou
3rd Grade / English & Language Arts

Common Core Standards:

L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
a. Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and written standard English.
g. Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives

L.3.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
when writing.

L.3.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Lesson Summary:

Students will work together in groups to elaborate and describe selected objects by understanding and using
adjectives to describe a noun. In addition, writing a paragraph summary describing their experience, peer grade
another classmate’s assignment and take a quiz at the end of the week to see their understanding of adjectives.
Student’s will have the chance to work individually with active learning games and studying vocabulary

Estimated Duration:

40 minutes – 45 minutes a day for five days

Total: 200-225 minutes long


The approach of this lesson is to help students really grasp the meaning and understanding of nouns along with
adjectives, ensuring they’ll use it in correct written form. All while, sharpening their English writing skills with
correct punctuations, grammar, spelling, commas, etc.
I anticipate my students will quickly want to rush through the writing assignment portion. So I plan to avoid
this by reminding my class that we will be grading these writing assignments as a class the following day.
While also, allowing them to earn free play on the classroom computers. This lesson brings snacks and drinks
in the class, includes advance tech-based learning video games, flashcards, and a short web-based quiz.

I anticipate students to get board at the carpet on day three and plan to make sure each student has a chance to
participate and use technology as much as possible to keep their attention.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
Group Lesson
5 minutes: Lesson Introductory- Students will be seated at their desk as the instructions, expectations and
objectives are given just before dividing them into groups. (preferably 4-6 students in each group) Grab a
classroom item and hold it up for all the students to see. Ask students in the class to describe that item using
descriptive adjectives. Allow each student to take turns describing the item as you write the adjectives on the

5 minutes: Show a quick learning video on the smart board about adjectives. This video is good for beginning
this lesson https://youtu.be/94cdAyyPj3Q

3 minutes: Pass out a few pretzels to each student.

12 minutes: Encourage students to work as a group to write down as many sight adjectives about the pretzel
they can think of. Then encourage students to use their hands to describe adjectives about the pretzel using
their touch senses. Then ask the students to smell the pretzel and use adjectives to describe the pretzels scent.
Finally, allow the student’s whom want to taste their pretzel to do so at this time. The ones who choose not to
can listen to the adjectives of their classmates in the group, describing what a pretzel taste like to them.

5 minutes: Pass out mini waters along with a few grapes for each student.

15 minutes: Again, encourage each student to work as a group and write down as many sight adjectives about
the grapes they can. Then encourage the students to use their hands to describe adjectives about the grapes
using their touch senses. Then ask students to smell the grapes using adjectives to describe the grapes scent.
Finally, allow the student’s whom want to taste their own grapes to do so at this time. The ones who choose
not to can again listen to the adjectives of their classmates in the group, describing what a grape taste like to
them. You can remind students to use their other senses again to describe the grapes that has been bitten into.
In addition, ask students to compare the pretzel and grapes by using comparative adjectives.
Day 2
Writing Assignment
5 minutes: Explain to the students about the reflection writing assignment and make it clear that this will be
graded by another classmate the following day. Remind them the importance of taking their time and to use
correct spelling, grammar, punctuations, etc. Allow students to get out their writing materials and instruct them
to begin writing a descriptive paragraph using as many adjectives as they can to reflect on the group lesson.

30 minutes: Turn on classical or soft music, allowing students this time to concentrate and write their thoughts
as you walk around the room to assist the ones who are asking for help.

Day 3
Computer Lab
5 minutes: Show a video on the smart board of adjectives for the entire class to view. (watch the first 4 minutes
and 40 seconds) https://youtu.be/vzyrYWGpWik)

20 minutes: Help set-up and sign in each student onto the computers and allow them to play an interactive
learning game you’ve designed http://www.classtools.net/widg/201904_9hJCd7

Writing assignment peer grading

5 minutes: Pass out the completed writing assignment to each student, assuring no one gets their own
assignment. Explain that this is an opportunity for each student to read and learn to find common mistakes and
correct them. Ask students to get out a blank sheet of paper and put their name and the person’s name they are
grading on top.

20 minutes: Turn on soft or classical music to allow concentration and give students this time to peer grade
another students writing assignment. Have the students copy and rewrite the other student’s assignment while
correcting anything that may be needing fixed. When done, have each student turn in the assignments together
in one pile.

Day 4:
5 minutes: Explain to students to take a seat quietly on the carpet in front of the white board. Get out the peer
graded assignments to use as examples to correct in front of the class.

15 minutes: Start reading out-loud and select the sentence you’d want to use as an examples on the white
board. Allow volunteers to come up one at a time to correct those selected sentences. Teach and assist the
students during this time. Call on students that may be restless to gain their focus back.

20 minutes: Hand back the student’s original reflection assignment and return to their seats to re-construct and
correct any errors they find. Then have them hand it back in.
Day 5:
Final draft writing assignment / computer lab
25 minutes: Assist and allow students to sign in on the computers. Using an application such as Word. Instruct
students to type out and finalize their reflection assignment on to the computers. While walking around during
these 25 minutes to assist with anyone who may need extra help. Once completed, help students save their
document and print it out to turn in back in. Make sure students include the original, the peer graded paper, and
their rough draft along with the typed final assignment.

15 minutes: Keeping students logged in, bring up an online quiz you have designed for your students to test
their basic understanding over this lesson.


Before the lesson begins, I hold an object in my hand for students to describe the object with adjectives as I
write their responses on the board. This will help me to determine what my student’s already know about
adjectives. I show them a quick learning video on the smart board about adjectives.

On day 2, I encourage students to reflect about the lesson the day before, encouraging them to use comparative
adjectives, and descriptive writing.

On day 3, I allow students to re-construct and correct another students writing assignment. This allows the
students to learn from each other and learn quickly from making mistakes and fixing them.

On day 4, I plan to have the students at the carpet to work as a full group to correct sentences on the board,
from common mistakes I find while reading through the writing assignments. This will allow students to learn
from other student’s mistakes, encouraging them to learn and correct them. Handing back their own writing
assignment, I will have students grade their own reflection writing, re-constructing and correcting any errors
they find.

Scoring Guidelines:

I have a few scoring guideline options in place for this lesson. I can use my judgement at the beginning
of the lesson to see what my students know about adjectives. I can use a checklist of original writing
assignment turned in and completed. I will be able to use the corrected original assignment as another
scoring format. I can grade all of these by participation points and grade the final original reflection
paper as grade in the books. I plan to keep the original reflection writing assignment and the final
assignment in the student’s portfolio as examples of the child sentence structures during parent teacher
conferences as well.


The post-assessment will be the original and final copy of the student’s reflection paper. I’ve created and had
each student take an online quiz over this lesson to see what they have retained.

Scoring Guidelines:

I plan to grade the writing assignments by seeing how much they have learned before and after the
lesson. Then grade each quiz that I give to my students on the last day by using a grading points

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated
students: The instructions wouldn’t need to be changed or altered for my gifted or accelerated students. I can
use these students as peer models and they can be challenged with correcting complicated writing assignments
from their other classmates as well.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: I plan to work with the students individually whom don’t seem to be grasping the understanding of
adjectives or set them on the computer to use Kahn Academy learning videos and short quizzes.

Website students can use that relates to our class assignment.



The first link and adjective video can help because it gives students the chance to visually watch a clip
regarding adjectives before describing items given to them.
The second link is a video I can have students watch another day to demonstrate using adjectives in sentences.
The third link is a beneficial quiz for students who need extra work and can use this to better help them.
The last two are links from my own tech-based creation to include into this lesson for testing and fun learning.

Homework Options and Home Connections

I could encourage my students to go home and teach their own parents about adjectives and nouns, briefly
sharing with the class each day about their experience. I also plan on sending home a paper of helpful free
learning tech-based programs parents can do with their children at home.

Interdisciplinary Connections

I can add more English writing and teach about nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adverbs and their functions in

Materials and Resources:

For teachers Classroom item to hold for students at the very start of the lesson to describe
White board
Drawling board and dry erase markers

For students Pencil / Paper

Key Vocabulary
Limited Adjectives
Comparative Adjectives
Superlative Adjectives

Additional Notes

If student’s may have food allergies, the selected food can be changed or other non-eatable items can be used
as alternatives.









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