D6836 16
D6836 16
D6836 16
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D6836 − 16
1. Scope 1.3 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the
1.1 These test methods cover the determination of soil water guide for significant digits and rounding established in Practice
characteristic curves (SWCCs) for desorption (drying). SW- D6026. The procedures in Practice D6026 that are used to
CCs describe the relationship between suction and volumetric specify how data are collected, recorded, and calculated are
water content, gravimetric water content, or degree of water regarded as the industry standard. In addition, they are repre-
saturation. SWCCs are also referred to as soil water retention sentative of the significant digits that should generally be
curves, soil water release curves, or capillary pressure curves. retained. The procedures do not consider material variation,
purpose for obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any
1.2 This standard describes five methods (A-E) for deter- considerations for the objectives of the user. Increasing or
mining the soil water characteristic curve. Method A (hanging reducing the significant digits of reported data to be commen-
column) is suitable for making determinations for suctions in surate with these considerations is common practice. Consid-
the range of 0 to 80 kPa. Method B (pressure chamber with eration of the significant digits to be used in analysis methods
volumetric measurement) and Method C (pressure chamber for engineering design is beyond the scope of this standard.
with gravimetric measurement) are suitable for suctions in the
range of 0 to 1500 kPa. Method D (chilled mirror hygrometer) 1.4 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded
is suitable for making determinations for suctions in the range as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
of 500 kPa to 100 MPa. Method E (centrifuge method) is standard.
suitable for making determinations in the range 0 to 120 kPa. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Method A typically is used for coarse soils with little fines that safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
drain readily. Methods B and C typically are used for finer responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
soils, which retain water more tightly. Method D is used when priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
suctions near saturation are not required and commonly is bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
employed to define the dry end of the soil water characteristic
curve (that is, water contents corresponding to suctions >1000 2. Referenced Documents
kPa). Method E is typically used for coarser soils where an 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
appreciable amount of water can be extracted with suctions up D421 Practice for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for
to 120 kPa. The methods may be combined to provide a Particle-Size Analysis and Determination of Soil Con-
detailed description of the soil water characteristic curve. In stants (Withdrawn 2016)3
this application, Method A or E is used to define the soil water D425 Test Method for Centrifuge Moisture Equivalent of
characteristic curve at lower suctions (0 to 80 kPa for A, 0 to Soils
120 kPa for E) near saturation and to accurately identify the air D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
entry suction, Method B or C is used to define the soil water Fluids
characteristic curve for intermediate water contents and suc- D698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character-
tions (100 to 1000 kPa), and Method D is used to define the soil istics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600
water characteristic curves at low water contents and higher kN-m/m3))
suctions (>1000 kPa).
1 2
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
and Rock and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.04 on Hydrologic contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Properties and Hydraulic Barriers. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Nov. 15, 2016. Published December 2016. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D6836 – 02(2008)ɛ2. 3
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
DOI: 10.1520/D6836-16. www.astm.org.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
accuracy for the various pressures to be applied. The manom- supporting material shall be sufficiently large to preclude
eter used to measure the applied suction in Method A shall have development of measurable capillary stresses. The membrane
a resolution of 1 mm of water. and supporting material shall be configured such that the
6.5 Porous Plate (Methods B and C)—A porous plate is unsupported side of the membrane is in contact with the
used in the hanging column and pressure extractor to provide specimen and is exposed to gaseous atmosphere in the pressure
a saturated interface between the pore water and the water in chamber. The support side of the membrane shall be in contact
the volume measuring system. Porous plates shall be fabricated with the outflow system. A seal shall be provided that prevents
from material that is hydrophilic and has an air entry pressure gas in the chamber from contacting the side of the porous
greater than the maximum matric suction to be applied during membrane in contact with the outflow system. This seal shall
the test. Porous ceramic plates are typically usually used as also prevent water from leaking from the outflow system and
porous plates. Porous plates are shown in the photographs in into the pressure chamber.
Figs. 4 and 5. 6.7 Capillary Tube (Methods A and B)—A capillary tube is
6.5.1 The porous plate shall be configured such that one side used to measure the outflow from the specimen for Methods A
of the membrane is in contact with the specimen and is exposed and B. The capillary tube shall be free of dirt, oil, or other
to gaseous atmosphere in the pressure chamber. The other side contaminants and include a scale that permits resolution of the
of the plate shall be in contact with the outflow system (Fig. 3). volume expelled to 0.1 mL or better.
A seal shall be provided that prevents gas in the chamber from
contacting the side of the porous membrane in contact with the 6.8 Specimen Retaining Rings—Specimens tested using
outflow system. This seal shall also prevent water from leaking Methods A, B, and C shall be retained on the porous plate or
from the outflow system and into the pressure chamber. membrane using a retaining ring at least 5 mm in height and 25
mm in inside diameter. The wall thickness shall be sufficient to
6.6 Pressure Membrane (Methods B and C)—A porous
retain the soil without visible distortion. A photograph of a
membrane is used in a pressure extractor to provide a saturated
specimen in a typical retaining ring is shown in Fig. 6a.
interface between the pore water and the water in the measur-
Retaining rings are typically constructed from stainless steel,
ing system. The porous membrane shall be fabricated from a
acrylic, or polyvinyl chloride.
material that is hydrophilic and has an air entry pressure higher
than the maximum suction to be applied during the test. A 6.9 Chilled Mirror Hygrometer (Method D)—A chilled
non-corroding porous material having sufficient strength and mirror hygrometer (also known as a chilled mirror psychrom-
stiffness shall be used to support the porous material (a eter) shall be used to measure water activity to within 0.001.
stainless steel screen typically is used). The pores in the The chilled mirror hygrometer must be able to test specimens
with a diameter of at least 20 mm and height of at least 5 mm. non-corroding material such as stainless steel or plastic. A
Water activity obtained from the chilled mirror hygrometer photograph of a specimen in a retaining dish is shown in Fig.
shall be converted to total suction using the Kelvin equation. A 6b.
photograph of a chilled mirror hygrometer is shown in Fig. 7. 6.11 Moisture Content Container—A container meeting the
6.10 Specimen Retaining Dish (Method D)—Specimens requirements outlined in Method D2216 shall be provided for
tested using Method D shall be contained in a specimen determination of water content.
retaining dish with a diameter of at least 20 mm and height of 6.12 Balance—For Methods A-C, a balance shall be used
at least 5 mm. The dish shall be made of a non-porous and that has a minimum capacity of 200 g and a sensitivity of 0.01
Schematic of pressure chambers with ceramic porous plates: (a) conventional chamber for single or multiple specimens and (b) chamber for single specimen
Schematic of pressure chambers with ceramic porous plates: (a) conventional chamber for single or multiple specimens and (b) chamber for single specimen
g. For Method D, a balance shall be used that has a minimum tray, a saturation chamber, or directly in pressure chamber
capacity of 50 g and a sensitivity of 0.001 g. All balances shall using a saturation apron. Trays shall have a depth greater than
meet the requirements of Specification D4753. the sum of the specimen height and thickness of the porous
6.13 Desiccator—A desiccator shall be provided that has plate (or membrane). Saturation chambers are vessels filled
suitable size to hold specimens for cooling after removal from with water in which a specimen in a retaining ring can be
the oven. A desiccator is only recommended when moisture inundated for saturation. A vacuum is applied to the water in a
containers having close-fitting lids are not used (see Method saturation chamber using an external device. A saturation apron
D2216). in the pressure chamber may be used to impound water around
a specimen for saturation. Aprons are only used for saturating
6.14 Drying Oven—A thermostatically controlled drying specimens.
oven capable of maintaining temperature at 110 6 5°C as per
requirements of Method D2216. 6.18 Miscellaneous Tools—wire saw, beveled straightedge,
spatula, and other small tools for trimming test specimens, 10
6.15 Temperature Controlled Centrifuge (Method E)—A mL and 100 mL graduated cylinders, 25 mL syringe.
thermostatically controlled centrifuge capable of maintaining a
temperature of 20 6 3°C when operated between 0-10 000 6.19 Laboratory Environment—The laboratory temperature
RPM. A photograph of a centrifuge is shown in Fig. 8 with shall be maintained within 6 3°C during the test. The
sealed sample support chamber and calibrated water collection apparatus shall be shielded from directly sunlight or other
tube. The centrifuge shall include a measurement device for sources of heat that may cause variations in temperature. If
recording outflow in the support chamber to the nearest 0.1 mL very precise measurements are required, the hanging column or
while the specimen is under centrifugation. A strobe light pressure chamber may be isolated in a thermally insulated box.
apparatus is normalized used for this purpose. 7. Reagents
6.16 Specimen Support Chamber (Method E)—A chamber 7.1 Saturating Liquid:
used to retain the specimen and the calibrated cylinder used to 7.1.1 The saturating liquid is used to saturate the porous
collect the displaced water. A schematic of a specimen support plates and membranes, the specimen, and the outflow measur-
chamber is shown in Fig. 9. ing components of the apparatus.
6.17 Saturation Tray, Chamber, or Apron (Methods A-E)— 7.1.2 The saturating liquid should be specified by the
Plates, membranes and specimens are saturated in a saturation requestor. If no specific type of saturating water is specified by
FIG. 5 Photographs of a Single-Specimen Pressure Chamber and Associated Equipment: (a) Open and (b) Assembled
FIG. 6 Specimen in Retaining Ring (Methods A-C) (a) and Retaining Dish (Method D) (b)
the requestor, the water shall be deaired 0.0025 M CaCl2 To prevent dissolution of air back into the water, deaired water
solution or tap water. Distilled or deionized water shall not be shall not be exposed to the atmosphere for prolonged periods.
used unless specified by the requestor. A biocide may be added
to the water to minimize microbial growth during the test. If a 8. Preparation
biocide is added, the type and concentration of the biocide shall 8.1 Preparation of Specimens:
be included in the report. 8.1.1 Specific Gravity—Measure the specific gravity of
7.1.3 Deaired Water—Deaired water shall be used. Water is solids on a sub-sample of the material to be tested following
usually deaired by boiling, spraying a fine mist of water into an the method in Test Method D854.
evacuated vessel attached to a vacuum source, or by forceful 8.1.2 Retaining Ring, Dish, or Mold—Measure the inside
agitation of water in a container attached to a vacuum source. diameter of the retaining ring, dish, or mold to the nearest 0.1
FIG. 7 Photograph of a Chilled Mirror Hygrometer With Open Sample Drawer and Specimen to be Inserted for Testing
mm at three locations and record the average of these mea- trimming tools to gently remove soil that protrudes beyond the
surements as the diameter. Measure the height of the retaining edge of the retaining ring so that the ring can slide over the soil
ring, dish (inside height for dish), or mold to the nearest 0.1 specimen with little effort. Continue trimming until the soil fills
mm at three locations and record the average of these mea- the retaining ring. Trim the top of the specimen flush with the
surements as the height. Determine the mass of the retaining top of the retaining ring. Determine the mass of the specimen
ring, dish, or mold and record its mass to the nearest 0.01 g in the retaining ring and record the mass to the nearest 0.01 g.
(ring) or 0.001 g (dish). Measure the gravimetric water content of the remaining
8.1.3 Specimens Prepared from Disturbed Samples—Air material using Method D2216. This procedure is also used to
dry and crush a representative sub-sample that has a mass at prepare specimens for testing in the chilled mirror hygrometer
least twice that required to fill the specimen retaining ring. The after being tested in the hanging column or pressure extractor.
sample may be crushed following the procedure described in A similar procedure is followed to prepare speci-
Practice D421. Remove all particles from the crushed sub- mens for Method E, except no trimming ring or dish is
sample having a diameter exceeding one-half the height of the employed. Specimens are trimmed from the undisturbed
retaining ring. If requested, moisten the sample to the gravi- sample to form a right circular cylinder that fits inside the
metric water content specified using tap water. Prepare a specimen support chamber. Typically specimens are 38 mm in
specimen by placing a known mass of the moistened sub- diameter and 51 mm long (Fig. 9). When trimming is complete,
sample into the retaining ring (Methods A-D) or a specimen measure the height of the specimen at three locations to the
mold (Method E). Tap or compact the soil to the density nearest 0.1 mm, and record the average of these measurements
specified by the requestor. Trim the upper surface of the as the height. Similarly, measure the diameter of the specimen
specimen so that it is level with the top of the retaining ring or at three locations to the nearest 0.1 mm, and record the average
mold. Determine the mass of the specimen in the retaining ring of these measurements as the diameter. Determine the mass of
or mold and record the mass to the nearest 0.01 g. Measure the the specimen to the nearest 0.01 g. The sides of the trimmed
gravimetric water content of the remaining material using specimen are wrapped in unsintered teflon tape. Stainless steel
Method D2216. screens (220 mesh) are placed on the ends of the specimen.
8.1.4 Specimens Prepared from Undisturbed Samples—For 8.1.5 Specimens Compacted in the Laboratory—Compact
Methods A-D, place the undisturbed sample on the bench and the specimen to the specified water content and density using
gently place a retaining ring on the surface of soil. Use the method of compaction specified by the requestor. For
Plate functioned satisfactorily until a gas pressure exceeding 1000 kPa was applied. Subsequently, the volume of water expelled increased dramatically. The plate was
FIG. 12 Outflow from Check of a Ceramic Plate With a Reported Air Entry Pressure of 1500 kPa
FIG. 13 Schematic of a Pressure Extractor With Ceramic Porous Plate and Capillary Tube for Measuring Outflow as Used in Method B
air-entry suction. Monitor the location of the air-water interface retaining rings on opposite sides of the porous plate (or
regularly until movement of the air-water interface has ceased membrane). Specimens may not be in contact during the
for at least 24 h. Record the final location of the air-water testing procedure.
interface. 9.3.2 Multiple Specimens—Only soils of similar texture After equilibrium has been established, apply the may be tested together in one chamber. The time required to
next increment in suction using the same procedure and reach equilibrium varies greatly with soil texture due to
monitor movement of the air-water interface in the capillary differences in pore size distribution. Consequently, soils of
tube until movement of the air-water interface has ceased and dissimilar texture should not be tested at the same time. When
equilibrium has been established. For suctions less than 500 multiple specimens are tested, contact between the specimens
kPa, equilibrium is established when the air-water interface has shall be prevented.
not moved for at least 24 h. For suctions between 500 to 1000 9.3.3 Set-up Apparatus—Place a saturated porous plate (or
kPa, equilibrium is established when the air-water interface has membrane) in a pressure chamber (Fig. 3a) and attach the
not moved for at least 48 h. For suctions greater than 1000 kPa, outflow tube to the porous plate (or membrane). Direct the
equilibrium is established when the air-water interface has not outflow tube to a graduated cylinder or similar device that can
moved for at least 96 h. measure volume with an accuracy of 0.1 mL or better. Saturate
NOTE 3—Regularly inspect the outflow tubing for air bubbles caused by the outflow tubing and all connections between the outflow
diffusion of air through the porous plate or membrane. Gently tap the tube tubing and the porous plate (or membrane) with the same
so that the bubbles flow to the vent tube where they can be expelled (Fig. de-aired water solution used for saturating the specimen.
13). Remove all air-bubbles from those portions of the apparatus
NOTE 4—Suctions of 10, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000, and 1500 kPa are filled with water. If more than one plate (or membrane) is used
often used to define the soil water characteristic curve using Methods B
and C. in a chamber, the porous plate (or membrane) shall not touch
NOTE 5—At high suctions (>1000 kPa), very small volumes of water any specimen except the specimens intended to be in contact
may be expelled, especially from coarser soils. These volumes may be with the plate. No contact may exist between the plates.
difficult to measure, and ensuring that equilibrium has been established 9.3.4 Insert and Equilibrate Specimens—Place the speci-
can be difficult. Accuracy of the dry end of the soil water characteristic
curve (that is, suctions exceeding 1000 kPa) can be checked by conducting mens on the porous plate (or membrane). Twist each specimen
additional tests using Method D. If the dry end of the soil water approximately 45° to ensure good contact between the speci-
characteristic curve differs substantially when measured with Methods B men and the porous plate. Close the pressure chamber. Allow
(or C) and D, the data from Method D should be used to define the dry end the specimen to equilibrate for at least 48 h. Record the volume
of the soil water characteristic curve. of water in the graduated cylinder used to collect outflow at the
9.3 Pressure Chamber with Gravimetric Measurements end of the 48 h period.
(Method C):
NOTE 6—When testing soils using Method C that contain coarse
9.3.1 Duplicates—For Method C, duplicate tests should be fragments, or soils that may present difficulties in obtaining intimate
performed when practical on specimens that are as close to hydraulic contact between the soil and the porous plate (or membrane), a
identical as possible. Duplicate specimens shall be placed in 6-mm-thick layer of fine silica sand (that is, silica sand passing the No.
where V is the volume of the retaining ring (Methods A and where θi-1 is the volumetric water content at the previous
B). For Method E, V is the volume of the specimen and is suction, Vdi is the volume of water displaced by the ith suction
computed as: (or ith angular velocity), and V is the volume of the specimen
πd 2 L (Eq 3). Compute the ith suction in kPa induced as:
V5 (3)
4 ψ i 5 β ~ ρ w 2 ρ g ! ω i2 ~ r 2b 2 r t2 ! (11)
where d is the diameter of the specimen and L is the height where ρw is the density of the pore liquid (typically water,
of the specimen, as described in 8.1. The saturated volumetric 1.0 kg/L), ρg is the density of the pore gas (typically assumed
water content is computed as: to be zero), ω is the angular velocity of the centrifuge (rpm), rb
ρd is the outer radius of rotation (m), rt is the inner radius of
θ sat 5 w (4) rotation (m), and β is a constant = 0.00553.
ρ w sat
where ρw is the density of water. 10.3 Total Suctions and Water Content—Method
10.1.2 For specimens saturated directly in a pressure extrac- D—Calculate the total suction for the ith test (ψti) using the
tor using a saturating apron, compute the saturated volumetric water activity reported by the chilled mirror hygrometer and
and gravimetric water contents as: the Kelvin equation:
ρd RT
θ sat 5 1 2 (5) ψ ti 5 ln~ a w ! (12)
G sρ w M
Soil water characteristic curves for (a) a clean medium sand obtained using Method A, (b) a sandy clay using a combination of Methods A, B, an D for low, moderate,
and high suctions, and (c) a sandy silt obtained using Method C. All suctions reported in m of water.
Soil water characteristic curves for (a) a clean medium sand obtained using Method A, (b) a sandy clay using a combination of Methods A, B, an D for low, moderate,
and high suctions, and (c) a sandy silt obtained using Method C. All suctions reported in m of water.
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