Anne Frank

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1. Amsterdam was situated in which country?

2. Where was Anne born? ____________
3. The staircase to the Secret Annex was hidden behind the
4. What war took place during the time Anne wrote the diary?
5. Which political party had taken over Germany and most of Europe during
World War II? ______________________
6. Anne and her family were afraid of being caught by
7. Jewish people and others considered were sent by the Nazi Party to
8. In which city did the Franks hide? ____________________
9. When did Anne receive her diary?_______________________
10.Who was the only survivor from the Frank family who lived in the Secret
Annex? _______________________
11.Who was Anne Frank? a. A young Polish girl b. A young Jewish girl c. A
young English girl
12.The Franks’ house was also known as the _______________
13.Where did the Franks hide? a. in an abandoned warehouse b. in the
basement c. in an attic
14.What is the name of Hitler’s political party? _____________
15.What is the name of Anne’s mother? _________________
16.A biography is the story of a person’s life that someone else wrote. True/
17.Even if the situation was bad, Anne was positive and optimistic. True/
18.Kitty was her fictional friend in her diary. True/ False
19.Anne was born in the Netherlands. True/ False
20.Anne died of which disease? ________________
21. How long did Anne and her family hid in the attic of the building?
22.Anne’s diary was translated into _______ languages
23.Name of Anne Frank’s father _________________
24.Anne Frank’s father was a _______________ by profession
25.Who were the members of Anne’s family ?
26. What kind of childhood did Anne and her sister had?
27.What kind of a child was Anne?
28.Who was the leader of the Nazi Party? When did he come to power?
29.The Franks were German ___________
30.Where did the Franks go after leaving Germany?
31.What did Otto Frank do in Amsterdam for a living?
32.How was the life of the Franks initially in Amsterdam?
33.When did good time flee? Why?
34.Why did the sufferings of the Jewish people begin after Hitler rose to
35.How many Jews were persecuted during Hitler’s rule and how were they
36.Jews were banned to travel with other people in __________
37.What was the allotted time for the Jews for shopping?
38.By when were the Jews were supposed to be indoors? _____________
39.Name the places of entertainment where the Jews were not allowed?
40.Where were the Jewish boys and girls allowed to study?
41.What was the terrible fear that every Jew had?
42.What happened on 10th May, 1940?
43.Where did Anne and Margot study when they were compelled to leave
their school? ____________________________
44.Why did some Jews commit suicide?
45.What happened on 8th July, 1942?
46.When did the Franks understand that it was time to go “underground”?
47.Which place was chosen by Franks as the hiding place?
48.Which part of the building where the Franks hid was used as a store?
49.The secret Annex of the Franks were in the ___________ part of her
father’s old office building.
50.What was the only thing that Anne had to know about the outside world
when they were cut off from the rest of the world ? ____________
51.Who betrayed the Franks? _____________
52.Where was Anne and her family sent after being betrayed?
53.After how many months of her arrest, did Anne die? Where did she die?
54.Who liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp?
55.What did Otto Frank discover after Auschwitz was liberated?
56.Where did Frank return after surviving the Holocaust? What did he find
57.Who was a close friend of the Franks? _______________
58.What did the Franks face when they were cut off from the rest of the
world in the hiding place?
59.Where was the Holocaust held during World War II?
60.How did Anne compare the heaps of clothes on them while moving to
the hiding place to?
61.Why did Anne and her family got sympathetic looks from people on their
way to work when they were moving to the hiding place?
62.How was the weather when Anne and her family walked to their hiding
place? _________________________________________________
63.The front door to the house where Anne and her family hid was next to
the _______________ _____________
64.What was Hitler referred to as ? ________________
65.Why were Anne’s parents slowly sending things to a secret place where
they could go into hiding? Name few things that they were sending?
66.The Franks left Germany and immigrated to ______________

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