Diagnostic Test Grade 6 Tle

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I



Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.
_______ 1. Which of the following is a benefit that people get from planting trees and fruit
bearing trees?
a. It causes good health c. It can be a source of income
b. It can be an additional source of food. d. All of the above
_______ 2. Rodel puts up an orchard farm that produces radish and petchay. What orchard
farm is being used by him?
a. Fruit orchard farm c. Flower farm
b. Seed orchard farm d. Nut orchard farm
_______ 3. Which of the following form of aquaculture in which fish are raised in enclosure to
be sold as food?
a. Swine / hog raising c. Poultry Farming
b. Ruminants Production d. Fish Farming
_______ 4. Which of the following is a way of plant propagation?
a. Budding c. Grafting
b. Marcotting or air layering d. All of the above
_______ 5. Milkfish is referred as the National Fish of the Philippines because ____________
a. It grows rapidly
b. Has become a staple food for many Filipinos
c. It has milky taste and requires no special kind of feed for diet
d. It can be harvested four to six months
_______ 6. Which of the following strategies in marketing will let you decide your tactics, do
some online research, test some ideas and approaches on your costumers, staff
and review what it works?
a. Research your market c. profile your competitors
b. Develop marketing strategies d. test your ideas
_______ 7. Anji plans to sell his seedlings. Where will he write the seedlings he plans to sell
and the materials he will use in selling?
a. Objective b. Procedure c. Task title d. Conclusion
_______ 8. Nathaniel sees to it that roots, branches, and leaves can grow and thrive well. What
element in planting fruit bearing trees is being manifested in the situation?
a. Enough space c. Enough water
b. Appropriate temperature d. Enough sunlight
_______ 9. Why do grafting and budding are considered the most important means of plant
a. Grafting and budding can be done without water.
b. Grafting and budding are the easiest ways to use.
c. Grafting and budding can be done in less than a minute.
d. Grafting and budding can propagate plants that can’t be propagated by air
_______ 10. You noticed that some plants in your orchard started to wither. Which of the
following you must do?
a. Burry the plants c. Pray for the fast recovery of the plants.
b. Check what might be the cause of withering d. Ignore the situation.
Home Economics

_______ 11. It is a money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through
a. Cheque b. Income c. Money d. Salary
_______ 12. Which of the following belongs to measuring tool in sewing household linen?
a. Pin cushion c. Tape measure
b. Sewing needles d. Fabric
_______ 13. It is the first step in making a good sewing project.
a. Project Planning c. Drawing/Designing
b. Preparing Materials d. Preparing the Fabric
_______ 14. Which of the following belongs to good fabric household intended for daily use
such as bedding, tablecloths and towels or even altar cloths used in church?
a. Linen b. Satin c. Wool d. None of the above
_______ 15. Which of the following concern is to considered in sewing or making pillow cases
and in selling them?
a.Target Consumer
b.Designs and Marketing Strategy
c. Materials needed and Cost of Capital
d. All of the above
_______ 16. New technology has promoted most business to engage in its use especially in
terms of fast-paced selling or promoting products. Which of the following does
not use technology in advertising linens and other products?
a. e-mail marketing c. direct selling
b. blogging d. printed media
_______ 17. In making banana chips, how will you assess the quality of the banana chips?
a. The price is affordable to consumers.
.b. By considering its crispiness and taste only.
c. Good packaging, better taste, affordable and nutritious.
d. By looking at the packaging only if it is attractive to consumers.
_______ 18. To avoid accidents in the preparation of preserved foods, what should you do?
a. Use cellphone while cooking
b. Hold the hot pan with bare hands
c. Watch television while cutting the ingredients
d. Hold and use the tools properly and carefully
_______ 19. Haydee’s group would like to preserve their pickles longer. Which do you think
their group should do in the jars that they will use for storage?
a. Sterilize only the lids.
b. Simply wash the jars and lids.
c. Soak only the jars to ice cooled water
d. Bring a large pot of water to boil and sterilize the jars and their lids.
_______ 20. If you don’t have enough money and time to advertise your processed product,
which of the following is a possible way to advertise?
a. Through newspaper c. Event sponsorship
b. Online technology d. Through Flyers

Industrial Arts

_______ 21. Which uses a lathe to make various forms and shapes of wood?
a. Gilding b. Inlaying c. Woodturning d. Staining
_______ 22. What is the process of applying colors into the material?
a. Dyeing b. Pyrography c. Bleaching d. Preserving
_______ 23. Innovative finishing materials and creative accessories are important for increased
____ of the products.
a. kind and number b. marketability c. beauty in display d. appreciation
_______ 24. Which is NOT one of the principles of 5S?
a. Sort b. Straighten c. Sweep d. Standardize
_______ 25. Effective planning is a complex process that covers a wide variety of activities to
ensure that materials, equipment and human resources are available when and
where they are needed. The statement is _______
a. True b. False c. Biased d. Extreme
_______ 26. What type of waste materials includes concrete, wood, metal and gas?
a. Household waste c. Medical waste
b. Electronic waste d. Industrial waste
_______ 27. What should be the first step in making electrical gadgets?
a. Prepare the materials needed. c. Clean the area.
b. Seek for technical assistance. d. Test the project.
_______ 28. The following statements characterizes the importance of production plan,
a. Improved the air quality index.
b. Optimized equipment usage and increased capacity.
c. Reduced labor costs by eliminating wasted time and improving process flow.
d. Reduced inventory costs by decreasing the need for safety stocks and
excessive work-in-process inventories.
_______ 29. Why is it important to manage our waste materials?
a. Because cleanliness is next to godliness
b. Because unmanaged waste causes diseases that leads to death.
c. Because it is or social responsibility to cooperate with the program.
d. Because increasing waste threatens our environment and everything that lives
in it.
_______ 30. Tina observed piles of used plastic bottles at home. She thought of recycling these
into more useful things. What can be made out of these used plastic bottles?
a. airplane b. LED TV c. recycled parol d. car


_______ 31. It is defined as a party which acquires, or agrees to acquire, ownership (in case of
goods), or benefit or usage (in case of services), in exchange for money or other
consideration under a contract of sale.
a. Seller b. Buyer c. Entrepreneur d. Merchant
_______ 32. It is a questionnaire created as web forms with database which is completed by
the respondents over the internet.
a. Online Survey b. Questionnaire c. Survey Form d.Survey Monkey
_______ 33. What computer application performs many of the common mathematical
Calculations including basic arithmetic, conditional sums and products and
trigonometric rations?
a. Word b. Excel c. Powerpoint d. Publisher
_______ 34. It is a type of meeting involving three or more people in different locations by using
computer networks capable of transmitting audio and video data.
a. Discussion Forum c. Audio Conference
b. Video Conference d. Chat
_______ 35. All are disadvantages of online survey EXCEPT ONE.
a. Cheaper c. Absence of Interviewer
b. Survey Fraud d. Inability to reach other samples
_______ 36. Study the table.
1 X Y Z
2 12 10 2
3 5 6 5
4 8 9 11
5 5 4 4
6 7 8 6
To get the sum of the values in column x of the table, what formula will you type to get
a. =SUM(A2:A6) b. =SUM(A2:A6,C2;C6) c. =SUM(A2:C7) d. =SUM(A6:A2)
_______ 37. Nathaniel wants to have more control over his presentation from the design stage
up to delivery, what application will he use?

a. b. c. d.
_______ 38. Which is the first step in creating a Wiki account?
a. Click I want button. c. Fill out join now.
b. Create a Wikispace account. d. Create Wiki.

_______ 39. The following are prerequisite skills that one should possess before proceeding to
the advanced features of Microsoft Powerpoint EXCEPT ONE.
a. Creating a blank presentation. c. Previewing your presentation.
b. Adding new slides. d. Embedding audio and video.
_______ 40. In creating blog, which is the correct procedure to follow?

a. 1. Click new Blog c. 1. Enter the title and address.

2. Enter the title and address, 2. Click new Blog.
3. Select the template for your blog 3. Create blog
4. Create blog 4. Select the template for your blog.

b. 1. Click new Blog d. 1. Enter the title and address.

2. Enter the title and address, 2. Create blog .
3. Create blog 3. Click new Blog.
4. Select the template for your blog 4. Select the template for your blog.
Create blog

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