Exercises For Signals and Systems (Part Four)

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1 Determine the Laplace transform for each of the following functions of time:

(a) −t ;
e sin 2 t u(t)

(b) − ( t − 2) .
te u (t −1)

2 Determine the Laplace transform for each of the following functions of time:
(a) f ( t )=t [u ( t −1 ) −u ( t − 2 ) ].
3 Determine the Laplace transform for each of the following functions of time:
(a) sin 2 t·u(t − 1).
4 Determine the inverse Laplace transform for each of the following functions:
(a) , ℜ [ s ] >−2;
( s+ 4)(s+2)
(b) 3
, ℜ [ s ] > −1;
( s+1) (s+2)
(c) e .
, ℜ [ s ] >0
4 s(s + 1)

5 Determine the inverse Laplace transform for each of the following functions:
(a) 2 2
, ℜ [ s ] > 0.
( s +3)
6 Consider a continuous-time LTI system for which the input x (t) and output y ( t ) are
related by the differential equation
d ( ) d d .
y t +3 y ( t )+ 2 y ( t )= x ( t ) +4 x (t )
dt dt dt

Determine the zero-input response and zero-state response under each of the
following conditions.
(a) x (t )=u ( t ), − , ;
y ( 0 )=0 y ' ( 0− ) =1

(b) ( ) − 2 t ( ), − , .
x t =e u t y ( 0 )=1 y ' ( 0− ) =1

7 The signal
−2 t
y ( t ) =e u (t)

is the output of a causal all-pass system for which the system function is
s −1 .
H ( s )=
(a) Find and sketch at least two possible inputs x (t ) that could produce y ( t ) .
(b) What is the input x (t ) if it is known that

∫ |x (t )|dt <∞ ?

(c) What is the input x (t ) if it is known that a stable (but not necessarily causal)
system exists that will have x (t ) as an output if y ( t ) is the input? Find the impulse
response ℎ ( t ) of this system.

8 Determine the system functions U 2 (s) of the circuits shown in Figure 8.1.
H ( s )=
U 1 (s)

Figure 8.1
9 An LTI system has the same initial state in the following conditions. When the
excitation is , the total response is −t ; when the excitation
x 1 ( t )=δ(t) y 1 ( t )=δ ( t )+ e u ( t )

is , its total response is −t .

x 2 ( t )=u ( t ) y 2 ( t ) =3 e u ( t )

(a) Determine the total response of this system for the excitation − 2t .
x 3 ( t )=e u (t )

(b) Determine the total response of this system for the excitation .
x 4 ( t )=2u ( t −1 )

10 Consider the LTI system shown in Figure 8.2 for which we are given the following
s +2 ,
X ( s) =
s −2
x (t )=0, t >0,
2 2t 1 −t
y ( t ) =− e u ( −t )+ e u(t) .
3 3
(a) Determine H (s) and its region of convergence.
(b) Determine ℎ(t).
(c) Using the system function H (s) found in part (a), determine the output y ( t ) if the
input is
3t , .
x (t )=e − ∞< t< ∞

Figure 8.2

11 Given that the system function is

H ( s )= . 2
s +3 s +2
(a) Determine the response of this system for the input x (t )=10 · u ( t ) , and point out the
natural response component and the forced response component respectively.
(b) Determine the response of this system for the input x (t )=1 0 sin t · u ( t ) , and point
out the natural response component and the forced response component respectively.

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