CEPI - Definitions and Concepts (December 2014)

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Pulp and Paper Industry

Definitions and Concepts

December 2014
Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

The Pulp and Paper Making Process

Page 28
(Recycled Pulp)
Page 14

Industry Structure
Page 5

Pulp Paper for Recycling

(Virgin Pulp) Page 16
Page 12

Page 28
Non-Fibrous Materials
Page 20

Paper and Board

Page 23

Page 9

Social Affairs
Page 36

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts


This document provides definitions of terms used in the European Paper Industry
statistics reports, in particular CEPI's Annual and Key Statistics as well as its Sustainability
Reports. It is for the use of both providers and users of European paper industry statistics.

It is divided into nine sections covering all aspects of the industry, from its structure to the raw
materials used and grades of paper produced. It also covers terms used for environmental,
energy and social statistics.

More information and details related to the definitions reported in this document can be found
in additional annexes, listed on page 47.

For any additional information and suggestions for improvement, please contact:
Eric Kilby – CEPI Statistics Manager – [email protected]
Ariane Crèvecoeur – CEPI Statistics Officer – [email protected]

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

Table of Content

1 Industry Structure 5 7 Paper and Board 23

1.1 Country Details 5 7.1 General Definitions on Paper and 23

1.2 Companies and Mills 5 Board
1.3 Capacities 6 7.2 Paper and Board Grades 23
1.4 Financial Data 7 7.2.1 Graphic Papers 23
7.2.2 Packaging Papers 24
2 Raw Materials 8
7.2.3 Sanitary Papers 25
7.2.4 Other Paper and Board 25
7.3 Paper and Board Flows 26
3 Wood 9 7.4 Alignment with CN Codes and CEPI 27
Harmonised Codes
3.1 General Definitions on Wood 9
3.2 Wood Species 10
3.3 Wood Assortments 10 8 Energy and Environment 28
3.4 Wood Flows 11
3.5 Alignment with CN codes and CEPI 11 8.1 Energy 28
Harmonised codes 8.1.1 Primary Energy 28
8.1.2 Electricity 29
8.1.3 Heat 30
4 Pulp 12 8.2 Water 30
8.2.1 Water Intake 30
4.1 General Definitions on Pulp 12 8.2.2 Water in Manufacturing 31
4.2 Pulp Grades 12 8.2.3 Wastewater Outflow 31
4.2.1 Wood Pulp 12
8.2.4 Water Consumption 31
4.2.2 Non-Wood Pulp and Other Pulps 14 8.2.5 Wastewater Treatment 32
4.2.3 Recycled Pulp 14 8.3 Emissions 32
4.3 Pulp Flows 14
8.3.1 Air Emissions 32
4.4 Alignment with CN Codes and CEPI 15 8.3.2 Water Emissions 34
Harmonised Codes 8.4 Residues and Sludges 34
8.5 Environmental Management System 35
5 Paper for Recycling 16
9 Social Affairs 36
5.1 General Definitions on Paper for 16
Recycling and Recycling 9.1 Employment 36
5.2 Paper for Recycling Classes 16
9.2 Accidents 36
5.3 Paper for Recycling Flows 16 9.3 Health and Safety 36
5.4 Paper for Recycling Rates 18
5.5 Alignment with CN Codes and CEPI 18
Harmonised Codes
I List of Terms 37
5.6 Alignment with EN 643 18
5.7 Paper for Recycling Prices 18
II References 41

6 Non-Fibrous Materials 20 III Acronyms and Abbreviations 45

6.1 General Definitions on Non-Fibrous 20 IV Annexes 47

6.2 Chemicals 20
6.2.1 Mineral Chemicals 20
6.2.2 Non-Mineral Chemicals 22

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Chapter 1 – Industry Structure

1.1 Country Details

The source used for population data in CEPI reports is Eurostat.
Population on 1st January of the year reported.

Gross Domestic Product - GDP

A measure of economic activity, namely the value of an economy's total output of goods and services,
less intermediate consumption, plus net taxes on products and imports, in a specified period. GDP can
be broken down by output, expenditure or income components. The main expenditure aggregates that
make up GDP are household final consumption, government final consumption, gross fixed capital
formation, changes in inventories, and imports and exports of goods and services (including intra-eu
trade). GDP at market prices is the sum of the gross values added of all resident producers at market
prices, plus taxes less subsidies on imports.

Industrial Production
As specified in the Regulation on short-term statistics (STS-R), and in line with traditional practice in
business statistics, the production index should show the evolution of value added at factor cost, at
constant prices. Value added at factor cost can be calculated from turnover (excluding VAT), plus
capitalised production, plus other operating income, plus or minus the changes in stocks, minus the
purchases of goods and services, minus other taxes on products and taxes linked to production.

Private Final Consumption Expenditure

Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident institutional units on goods
or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs
of members of the community. The final consumption expenditure may take place on the domestic
territory or abroad (ESA 1995, 3.75). Private final consumption expenditure includes households' and
Non Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISH's) final consumption expenditure. Data are
calculated as chain-linked volumes (i.e. data at previous year's prices, linked over the years via
appropriate growth rates). Growth rates with respect to the previous quarter (Q/Q-1) are calculated
from calendar and seasonally adjusted figures while growth rates with respect to the same quarter of
the previous year (Q/Q-4) are calculated from raw data.

Retail Trade Turnover

The Retail Trade Index is a business cycle indicator which shows the monthly activity of the retail
sector in value and volume. It is a short-term indicator for final domestic demand. It should be noted
that the volume of sales is different from the volume of (retail) trade services. The latter takes account
of changes in the quality of the trade service supplied. As such the volume of sales is conceptually
different from the index of production which takes account of quality changes. Data are compiled
according to the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, (NACE
Rev.2, Eurostat). Turnover for retail trade are compiled as a "fixed base year Laspeyres type volume-
index". The current base year is 2005 (Index 2005=100). The index is presented in calendar and
seasonally adjusted form. Growth rates with respect to the previous month (M/M-1) are calculated from
calendar and seasonally adjusted figures while growth rates with respect to the same month of the
previous year (M/M-12) are calculated from calendar adjusted figures.

1.2 Companies and Mills

Group or Corporation
Association of companies located in one or several EU countries and bound together by legal and/or
financial links. A group of companies can have more than one decision-making centre, especially for
policy on production, sales and profit. It may centralise certain aspects of financial management and
taxation. It constitutes an economic entity which is empowered to make choices, particularly
concerning the units which it comprises.

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

Combination of pulp, paper or board mills that carry out one or more producing activities at one or
more locations within the same country, and formed in accordance with the law of the country.
Company means a separate legal unit (limited, GmbH, S.A., AB. A/S, etc.) even if it is part of a bigger
group, holding, etc. In some cases, companies carry out raw material supply and converting activities.
The figure for the number of pulp and papermaking companies in all CEPI countries is an aggregate of
all the companies from each individual country. The companies with operations in more than one
country are considered as groups or corporations (see above definition).

The building or buildings and area where the pulp and papermaking operations are carried out.
Sometimes called a plant when referring to one area of the whole operation. It can also refer to
rotating steel rolls used in mixing materials.

Paper Mill
A paper mill is a factory or plant location where various pulps in slurry form are mechanically treated,
mixed with the proper dyes, additives, and chemicals, and converted into a sheet of paper by the
processes of drainage, formation, and drying on a paper machine. Some paper mills also finish the
paper in various ways.

Integrated Paper Mill

A pulp and paper mill manufacturing complex in which all pulp and papermaking operations are
conducted at one site. Sometimes converting operations, such as bag and tissue manufacturing, are
also included. Integrated production means that pulp and paper is produced in the same plant. The
pulp is not dried before paper manufacture. Integrated mills can however also use some dried pulp
acquired elsewhere.
When two or more companies (legal units not belonging to the same group/corporation) work at the
same location, this is not considered as an integrated mill.
See also definition of Integrated Pulp on page 14.

Pulp Mill
Mill which processes pulpwood, wood chips or other such cellulosic material into pulp by using
mechanical, cooking, screening and bleaching methods.

Non-Integrated Pulp and Paper Mills

Non-integrated pulp mills (market pulp) are only manufacturing pulp that is then sold on the open
market. Non-integrated paper mills are using purchased pulp for their paper production.

Paper Machine
The primary machine in a paper mill on which slurries containing fibres and other constituents are
formed into a sheet by the drainage of water, pressing, drying, winding into rolls, and sometimes
coating. Sections of the paper making, which are at the same mill but operation offline (e.g. coaters or
cutters), are counted as parts of the actual paper machine.

1.3 Capacities

Production Capacity
Practical maximum capacity is the tonnage of paper, paperboard or pulp of normal commercial quality
that could be produced per year with full use of equipment and adequate supplies of raw materials and
labour, and assuming full demand. No allowance is made for losses due to unscheduled shut downs,
strikes, temporary lack of power, etc., which cause decreases in actual production, but not in
production capacity.
Capacity of paper machines that produce more than one grade is apportioned in accordance with
actual production patterns or plans for future operation.
Capacity is reported in metric tons of net finished paper and paperboard, and air-dry (10 percent
moisture content) pulp.

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Changes in Capacity
Changes in capacity should be included only for the portion of the year which they are actually
(a) Additions to capacity: For new mills and machines, data should reflect the fact that full capacity
is only reached after a certain period of operation. For the first 12 months of operation, assume 70
percent of capacity, the next 12 months 90 percent and 100 percent thereafter.
(b) Reductions in capacity: Capacity of machinery which has been closed down mainly for
economic reasons, with no intention of resuming production, should be excluded.

Note: for specific subsectors such as graphic or packaging papers, some specific rules can be applied
to calculate the production capacities. More information can be obtained directly from the industry
sectors organisations (see Annex 15).

Average Size of Mills (Pulp or Paper)

Total capacity divided by the total number of mills.

Operating Rate (%) (Capacity Utilisation Rate)

The amount of pulp or paper produced annually compared to the amount of capacity available to
produce pulp or paper.

1.4 Financial Data

Turnover comprises the totals invoiced by the observation unit during the reference period, and this
corresponds to market sales of goods or services supplied to third parties. Turnover includes all duties
and taxes on the goods or services invoiced by the unit with the exception of the VAT invoiced by the
unit vis-à-vis its customer and other similar deductible taxes directly linked to turnover. It also includes
all other charges (transport, packaging, etc.) passed on to the customer, even if these charges are
listed separately in the invoice. Reduction in prices, rebates and discounts as well as the value of
returned packing must be deducted. Income classified as other operating income, financial income and
extra-ordinary income in company accounts is excluded from turnover. Operating subsidies received
from public authorities or the institutions of the European Union are also excluded.

Investments made during the reference period in all tangible goods. Included are new and existing
tangible capital goods, whether bought from third parties or produced for own use (i.e. Capitalised
production of tangible capital goods), having a useful life of more than one year including non-
produced tangible goods such as land. The threshold for the useful life of a good that can be
capitalised may be increased according to company accounting practices where these practices
require a greater expected useful life than the 1 year threshold indicated above. All investments are
valued prior to (i.e. gross of) value adjustments, and before the deduction of income from disposals.
Purchased goods are valued at purchase price, i.e. transport and installation charges, fees, taxes and
other costs of ownership transfer are included. Own produced tangible goods are valued at production
cost. Goods acquired through restructuration (such as mergers, take-overs, break-ups, split-off) are
excluded. Purchases of small tools which are not capitalised are included under current expenditure.
Also included are all additions, alterations, improvements and renovations which prolong the service
life or increase the productive capacity of capital goods.

Added Value
Added value at factor cost is the gross income from operating activities after adjusting for operating
subsidies and indirect taxes. It can be calculated from turnover, plus capitalised production, plus other
operating income, plus or minus the changes in stocks, minus the purchases of goods and services,
minus other taxes on products which are linked to turnover but not deductible, minus the duties and
taxes linked to production. Alternatively it can be calculated from gross operating surplus by adding
personnel costs. Income and expenditure classified as financial or extra-ordinary in company accounts
is excluded from value added. Value added at factor costs is calculated "gross" as value adjustments
(such as depreciation) are not subtracted.

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Chapter 2 – Raw Materials

Raw Materials
Input to pulp and paper manufacturing include (raw) materials and chemicals as well as water, energy
and labour.

The basic (raw) materials to produce pulp and paper can be split into two parts: fibres - or fibrous
materials - and non-fibrous materials. In the case of non-integrated paper and board mills, i.e. mills not
producing their pulp, pulp can be considered as a raw material too.

Fibres – or lignocellulosic fibrous materials – are derived from wood, non-wood fibre sources such as
fibre crops (straw, bamboo, bagasse, etc.) or alternatively paper for recycling, through a recycling
process. Today, wood and paper for recycling are the main fibre sources used in Europe.

Non-fibrous materials are added to paper stock during the papermaking process in order to impart
special characteristics to the final product. There are materials for sizing, loading and filling, colouring
and other additives.

Non-fibrous materials are therefore constituted by coating chemicals and some functional chemicals.
Other functional chemicals and process chemicals have to be considered as well to have the full picture.

Black box: Total input to pulp and paper manufacturing. Green box: Fibres / Fibrous materials.
Blue box: (Raw) Materials ‘embedded’ in paper and board. Yellow box: Non-fibrous materials.
Red box: Chemicals, embedded or not in the final product.

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Chapter 3 – Wood
3.1 General Definitions on Wood

Land within a contiguous area with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10
percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include land that is predominantly
under agricultural or urban land use.

- Forest is determined both by the presence of trees and the absence of other predominant land uses.
The trees should be able to reach a minimum height of 5 meters in situ without measures to increase
production. Areas under reforestation that have not yet reached but are expected to reach a canopy
cover of 10 percent and a tree height of 5 m are included, as are temporarily unstocked areas,
resulting from human intervention or natural causes, which are expected to regenerate.
- Includes areas with bamboo and palms provided that height and canopy cover criteria are met.
- Includes forest roads, firebreaks and other small open areas; forest in national parks, nature reserves
and other protected areas such as those of specific scientific, historical, cultural or spiritual interest.
- Includes windbreaks, shelterbelts and corridors of trees with an area of more than 0.5 ha and width of
more than 20 m.
- Includes plantations primarily used for forestry or protection purposes, such as rubber wood
plantations and cork oak stands.
- Excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems, for example in fruit plantations and
agroforestry systems. The term also excludes trees in urban parks and gardens.

Forest Available for Wood Supply

Forest where any legal, economic, or specific environmental restrictions do not have a significant
impact on the supply of wood. Includes: areas where, although there are no such restrictions,
harvesting is not taking place, for example areas included in long-term utilisation plans or intentions.

Growing Stock
The living tree component of the standing volume. Volume over bark of all living trees that have
reeached breast height. Includes the stem from ground level or stump height.

Net Annual Increment

Average annual volume over the given reference period of gross increment less that of natural losses
on all trees to a minimum diameter of 0 cm (d.b.h.)

A method by which the growing stock (or part of it) of a stand is removed. Includes the procedure from
fellings to long-distance transport. Annual fellings refers to the average annual standing volume of all
trees, living or dead, that are felled during the given reference period.

Forest Certification
A system for verifying that a forest is being managed sustainably according to the requirements of a
forest management standard.
In Europe there exist two certification schemes: FSC – the Forest Stewardship Council – and PEFC -
the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification.

All roundwood felled or otherwise harvested and removed. It comprises all wood obtained from
removals, i.e. the quantities removed from forests and from trees outside the forest, including wood
recovered from natural, felling and logging losses during the period, calendar year or forest year. It
includes all wood removed with or without bark, including wood removed in its round form, or split,
roughly squared or in other form (e.g. branches, roots, stumps and burls (where these are harvested)
and wood that is roughly shaped or pointed. It is an aggregate comprising wood fuel (including wood
for charcoal) and industrial roundwood (wood in the rough).

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Wood Industrial Residues

The volume of roundwood that is left over after the production of forest products in the forest
processing industry (i.e. forest processing residues) and that has not been reduced to chips or
particles. It includes sawmill rejects, slabs, edgings and trimmings, veneer log cores, veneer rejects,
sawdust (fine particles created when sawing wood), residues from carpentry and joinery production
and agglomerated products such as logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms. It excludes wood chips
made either directly in the forest from roundwood or made from residues (i.e. already counted as
pulpwood, round and split or wood chips and particles).

Wood Logging Residues

Residues that result from harvesting and extracting logs from the forest, and generally considered of
no economic use for further processing. These are left in the forest after felling and are not salvaged.

Solid under Bark - The volume of wood excluding the bark.

3.2 Wood Species

Hardwood - Non-Coniferous
The wood from non-coniferous (broadleaved) trees (trees that do not have needles or cones). Include
birch, eucalyptus, aspen, beech, hornbeam, ash, maple, acacia, quercus-cerris, oak, alder, poplar,
willow, chestnut. The wood of these trees is composed of short fibres.
All woods derived from trees classified botanically as Angiospermae, e.g. Acer spp., Dipterocarpus
spp., Entandrophragma spp., Eucalyptus spp., Fagus spp., Populus spp., Quercus spp., Shorea spp.,
Swietonia spp., Tectona spp., etc.

Softwood - Coniferous
The wood from coniferous trees. Include pine, spruce, Fir, Hemlock, Larch, Cedar. The wood of these
trees is composed of long fibres.
All woods derived from trees classified botanically as Gymnospermae, e.g. Abies spp., Araucaria spp.,
Cedrus spp., Chamaecyparis spp., Cupressus spp., Larix spp., Picea spp., Pinus spp., Thuja spp.,
Tsuga spp., etc.

3.3 Wood Assortments

All roundwood felled or otherwise harvested and removed. It comprises all wood obtained from
removals, i.e. the quantities removed from forests and from trees outside the forest, including wood
recovered from natural, felling and logging losses during the period, calendar year or forest year. It
includes all wood removed with or without bark, including wood removed in its round form, or split,
roughly squared or in other form (e.g. branches, roots, stumps and burls (where these are harvested)
and wood that is roughly shaped or pointed. It is an aggregate comprising wood fuel (including wood
for charcoal) and industrial roundwood (wood in the rough). It is reported in cubic metres solid volume
underbark (i.e. excluding bark)

Roundwood that will be used for the production of pulp, particleboard or fibreboard. It includes:
roundwood (with or without bark) that will be used for these purposes in its round form or as
splitwood or wood chips made directly (i.e. in the forest) from roundwood.

Sawlogs and Veneer Logs

Roundwood that will be sawn (or chipped) lengthways for the manufacture of sawnwood or railway
sleepers (ties) or used for the production of veneer (mainly by peeling or slicing). It includes
roundwood (whether or not it is roughly squared) that will be used for these purposes; shingle bolts
and stave bolts; match billets and other special types of roundwood (e.g. burls and roots, etc.) used
for veneer production. It is reported in cubic metres solid volume underbark.

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Fuel Wood
Roundwood that will be used as fuel for purposes such as cooking, heating or power production. It
includes wood harvested from main stems, branches and other parts of trees (where these are
harvested for fuel).

Particles of wood originating from logs and branches. Chipped woody biomass in the form of pieces
with a defined particle size produced by mechanical treatment with sharp tools such as knives. Wood
chips have a subrectangular shape with a typical length 5 to 50 mm and a low thickness compared to
other dimensions.

Small particles of wood formed during slashing and chipping of pulpwood logs. It is screened from the
chips and disposed of or burned in power furnaces. Some mills will also bring in this material from
sawmills to use as a source of fuel for power furnaces. Also, it is sometimes cooked in specially
designed digester vessels for use in certain paperboard furnishes.

Agglomerates produced either directly by compression or by the addition of a binder in a proportion not
exceeding 3% by weight. Such pellets are cylindrical, with a diameter not exceeding 25 mm and a
length not exceeding 100 mm.

3.4 Wood Flows

Wood Consumption
The wood used for pulp and paper manufacturing is mainly constituted of the following assortments:
pulpwood (roundwood other than sawlogs, from silvicultural measures such as thinning or final felling),
chips and residues from sawmills. The utilisation of sawlogs is very limited and sawdust volumes
consumed are negligible. The relative shares of softwood and hardwood used depend on the country
considered and the pulp and paper grades produced. The main softwood species used are pine and
spruce. The main hardwood species used are birch, eucalyptus, beech and aspen. Oak is hardly used.

The wood consumption figures reported by the pulp and paper companies and included in the CEPI
statistics are the volumes of wood at the mill gates and come from domestic supply or imports.

3.5 Alignment with CN Codes and CEPI Harmonised Codes

Annex 1 – CEPI Harmonised Structure for Raw Material and Products
Annex 2 – CEPI Harmonised List for Raw Material and Products
Annex 5 – Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades
Annex 6 – Combined Nomenclature Chapter 44

Alignment with CN Codes

See Annex 5 - Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades

Alignment with CEPI Harmonised Codes

 Softwood Pulpwood - 910 110 000

 Hardwood Pulpwood - 910 120 000
 Softwood Chips - 910 310 000
 Hardwood Chips - 910 320 000

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Chapter 4 – Pulp
4.1 General Definitions on Pulp

Fibrous material in papermaking produced in a pulp mill, either mechanically or chemically from fibrous
cellulose raw material (wood most common).

The act of processing wood (or other plant) to obtain the primary raw material for making paper,
usually cellulose fibre. Wood is the most widely used source of fibres for the paper making process.
The fibres are separated from one another into a mass of individual fibres. The separation can be
undertaken by a mechanical process, where the fibres are teased apart, or by chemical means, where
the lignin binding the fibres together is dissolved away by cooking the woodchips in suitable chemicals.
After separation, the fibres are washed and screened to remove any remaining fibre bundles.

Stock Pulp
Aqueous suspension of one or more paper-making pulps and other material, from the stage of
disintegration of the pulp to the formation of the web or sheet of paper and board.

4.2 Pulp Grades

Annex 1 – CEPI Harmonised Structure for Raw Material and Products
Annex 2 – CEPI Harmonised List for Raw Material and Products

4.2.1 Wood Pulp

Wood Pulp
Fibrous material prepared from pulpwood, wood chips or residues by mechanical and/or chemical
process for further manufacture into paper, paperboard, fibreboard or other cellulose products. It is
an aggregate comprising mechanical wood pulp; semi-chemical wood pulp; chemical wood pulp;
and dissolving wood pulp.

Virgin Pulp / Primary Pulp

Pulp consisting of unused fibres. It contains no secondary or recycled fibres.

Mechanical Pulp
Woodpulp, including reject pulp, obtained by grinding or milling into their relatively short fibres,
coniferous or non-coniferous rounds, quarters, billets, etc., or through refining coniferous or non-
coniferous chips. Called stone groundwood pulp and refiner groundwood pulp can include pre-
treatment with chemical as in chemi-mechanical pulp. It can be bleached or unbleached. This pulp
is used mainly in newsprint and wood-containing papers, like LWC (light-weight coated) and SC

Thermo-Mechanical Pulp (TMP)

Pulp produced by a mechanical process in which wood chips are softened by pre-heating under
pressure prior to a pressurized refining stage.
TMP has mainly the same end-uses as stone groundwood. Variants of the above two processes
produce pressurised stone groundwood pulp and refiner mechanical pulp.

Chemi-Thermomechanical (CTMP)
Pulp produced in a similar way to TMP, but the wood particles are chemically treated before
entering the refiner. This pulp has properties suited to tissue manufacture. CTMP is classified
under semi-chemical pulps in the Harmonised System of the Customs Co-operation Council. In
the FAO, as well as in other industry statistics, such chemi-thermomechanical pulps are grouped
with mechanical pulp.

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Semi-Chemical Pulp
Woodpulp, including reject pulp, obtained by subjecting coniferous or non-coniferous wood to a
series of mechanical chemical treatments and cooking in a pressure vessel, none of which alone is
sufficient to make the fibres separate readily, followed by mechanical treatment. The ratio of the
weight of the pulp produced to the weight of wood used is often very high. It can be bleached or
unbleached. This pulp is mainly used in the production of fluting medium for corrugated board.

Chemical Pulp
Wood pulp obtained by subjecting pulpwood, wood chips or residues to a series of chemical
treatments. It includes sulphate (kraft) wood pulp; soda wood pulp and sulphite wood pulp. It may
be bleached, semi-bleached or unbleached. It excludes dissolving grades of wood pulp.

Removal or modification, to a greater or lesser extent, of coloured components of pulp with a view
to increasing its brightness.

Unbleached Pulp
Pulp that has not been subjected to any treatment which is intended primarily to increase its

Sulphite Pulp
Woodpulp, including rejects, obtained by mechanically reducing coniferous or non-coniferous
wood to chips which are subsequently cooked in a pressure vessel in the presence of a bisulphite
cooking liquor. Bisulphites such as ammonium, calcium magnesium and sodium, are commonly
used. It can be unbleached or bleached. End-uses range from newsprint, printing and writing
papers, tissue and sanitary papers. Sulphite can be either bleached or unbleached.
Exclude: Dissolving grades having very high alpha cellulose content (usually 90 percent or more).
These should be included in dissolving pulps.

Unbleached Sulphite Pulp

Sulphite pulp which has not been bleached.

Bleached Sulphite Pulp

Sulphite pulp which has been bleached or partly bleached.

Sulphate (or kraft) Pulp

Woodpulp, including rejects, obtained by mechanically reducing coniferous or non-coniferous
wood to chips which are subsequently cooked in pressure vessel in presence of sodium
hydroxide cooking liquor (soda pulp) or mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide cooking
liquor (sulphate pulp). It can be unbleached or bleached. End-uses are widespread, with bleached
pulp particularly used for graphic papers, tissue and carton boards. Unbleached pulp is commonly
used in liner for corrugated board, wrappings, sack and bag papers, envelopes and other
unbleached speciality papers.
Exclude: Dissolving grades having very high alpha cellulose content (usually 90 percent or more).
These should be included in dissolving pulps.
In the strict technical sense, the term “kraft pulp” is more restrictive than “sulphate pulp”, and, in
some countries, this distinction is also maintained commercially. In many countries, however, the
two terms are regarded as synonyms commercially, the term “kraft pulp” being preferred in order
to avoid confusion with “sulphite pulp”.

Unbleached Sulphate Pulp

Sulphate and soda pulp which has not been unbleached.

Bleached Sulphate + Soda Pulp

Sulphate and soda pulp which has been bleached or partly bleached.

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4.2.2 Non-Wood Pulp and Other Pulps

Other Fibre Pulps

- Straw: Pulp obtained from straw by any method. It may be bleached
- Bamboo: Pulp obtained from bamboo by any method. It may be bleached.
- Bagasse: Pulp obtained from residue from processing sugar cane by any method. It may be
- Others (reeds, esparto, rags, etc.): Includes pulp obtained by any method from such materials as
esparto and other reeds and grass, cotton linters, flax, hemp, rags, other textile wastes. It may be
bleached. Exclude: Dissolving grades.

Dissolving Pulp (wood and other fibrous raw materials)

Highly bleached chemical pulp (sulphate, soda or sulphite) from coniferous or non-coniferous wood,
rags, cotton linters, etc., of special quality, with very high alpha cellulose content (usually 90
percent and over) readily adaptable for uses other than papermaking. They are used principally as
a source of cellulose in the manufacture of products such as man-made fibres (textiles), cellulosic
plastic materials, lacquers, explosives, etc.

4.2.3 Recycled Pulp

Recycled Pulp
Pulp manufactured from paper for recycling and used for the manufacture of paper, paperboard
and fibreboard. It excludes pulp made from straw; bamboo; bagasse; esparto; other reeds or
grasses; cotton fibres; flax; hemp; rags; and other textile wastes.

Deinked Pulps
Pulp made from paper for recycling from which inks and other contaminants have been removed.

Removal of ink and/or toner from a printed product to a high extent by means of a deinking
process. This shall restore as good as possible the optical properties of the unprinted product.

4.3 Pulp Flows

Integrated Pulp
Integrated pulp is produced for use as raw material in the production of paper at the same mill, or for
shipment by a producing mill to other mills, which it owns, controls or with which it is affiliated within
the same country and therefore not sold on the open market.
See also definition of Integrated Mill on page 6.

Market Pulp
Pulp for sale in the open market and does not include pulp used in own plant or shipped to wholly
owned or associated companies within the country. All pulp moving outside the producing country is
considered to be market pulp.

Internal Deliveries of Pulp

The internal deliveries of pulp reported in CEPI publications are calculated as follow:
Integrated production + domestic deliveries + internal trade within CEPI countries

Total Deliveries of Pulp

The total deliveries of pulp reported in CEPI publications are calculated as follow
Integrated production + domestic deliveries + total exports

Pulp Consumption
The pulp consumption by country reported in CEPI publications is calculated as follow:
Production + imports from other CEPI Countries + imports from outside CEPI – exports to other CEPI
Countries – exports to outside CEPI

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

4.4 Alignment with CN Codes and CEPI Harmonised Codes

Annex 1 – CEPI Harmonised Structure for Raw Material and Products
Annex 2 – CEPI Harmonised List for Raw Material and Products
Annex 5 – Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades
Annex 7 – Combined Nomenclature Chapter 47

Alignment with CN Codes

See Annex 5 - Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades

Alignment with CEPI Harmonised Codes

 Mechanical Pulp - 923 000 000

 Semi-Chemical Pulp - 921 000 000
 Sulphite Chemical Pulp - 922 200 000
 Sulphate Chemical Pulp - 922 100 000

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

Chapter 5 – Paper for Recycling

5.1 General Definitions on Paper for Recycling and Recycling

To clarify the intended use of collected paper for recycling in paper mills, it has been decided to
substitute the term “recovered paper” by “paper for recycling”.

Paper for Recycling

Natural fibre based paper and board suitable for recycling and consisting of
- Paper and board in any shape
- Products made predominately from paper and board, which may include other constituents that
cannot be removed by dry sorting, such as coatings and laminates, spiral bindings, etc.

Reprocessing of used paper in a production process into new paper and board.
See also the Waste Directive 2008/98/EC

Any substance or object which holder discards or intends or is required to discard.

Ability of a product to be recycled into a new paper and board.
Design, manufacturing and converting of paper-based products in such a way as to enable a high
quality recycling of fibres and other materials in a manufacturing process in compliance – where
appropriate – with current standards in the Community: as a minimum, recyclability requires that
sufficient information is exchanged for appropriate risk management and safe re-use of fibres.

Recovered Paper
Outdated term used for paper for recycling.

5.2 Paper for Recycling Classes

Class I - Mixed Grades

Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard, including unsorted waste and scrap.

Class II - Corrugated and Kraft

Unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or corrugated paper or paperboard.

Class III - Newspapers and Magazines

Paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar
printed matter). Including old and unsold newspapers and magazines, telephone directories, brochures
and printed advertising material.

Class IV - High Grades

Other paper or paperboard made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass.

5.3 Paper for Recycling Flows

Paper for Recycling Utilisation

Use of paper for recycling as raw material. Volumes entering the mill gates.
Mill broke are not included.

Mill Broke
Materials that are discarded by a manufacture process but that has properties allowing it to be reused
on site by being incorporated back into the same manufacturing process that generated it.

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Utilisation by Sector (%)

Total utilisation of paper for recycling in a paper & board production sector as percentage of the overall
paper for recycling utilisation. The paper & board production sectors are newsprint, other graphic
grades, case materials, cartonboard, wrapping, other paper and board for packaging and special
papers. See definitions of paper and board production sectors in chapter 7.

Principle of waste management policy including reuse, material recycling, composting and energy
recovery as well as exports for similar purposes.

One who separately collects used paper and board; he may also have pre-processing (sorting,
handling) transport or trade activities.

Separate collection of paper and paper products from industrial and commercial outlets, from
households and offices for recovery. (Collection includes transport to the sorting or recycling
plant/paper mill.)
Collection = utilisation plus exports minus imports of paper for recycling.
The difference between collection and utilisation of paper for recycling can be explained by trade,
stock variations and some volumes destined to other material recycling options.

Paper for Recycling Stocks

Stock figures reported in CEPI reports are closing stocks, at the end of the period reported.
The day of the end of the month also affects the volumes of paper for recycling stocks at mills (often
higher on Mondays than on Fridays).

Non-Paper Usages
Include products such as absorbent and hygienic personal products made of fluff pulp and insulation

Process Losses from Paper Recycling

Recycling residues consisting of non-paper components (metal, plastic, glass, textiles, wood and
sand) separated from the material flow during pulping, cleaning, screening, fine screening and

Paper products which are technical not accessible to collection system, neither mixed nor separate
collection: resulting from purpose, e.g. toilet paper, cigarette paper... Paper products that are used in
coal-fired domestic heating systems are not taken into account because they are collectable, at least

Composting is the natural process of 'rotting' or decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms
under controlled conditions. Raw organic materials such as crop residues, animal wastes, food
garbage, some municipal wastes and suitable industrial wastes, enhance their suitability for application
to the soil as a fertilizing resource, after having undergone composting.

Final Disposal
Definitive disposal of waste to landfill or incineration without energy recovery.

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5.4 Paper for Recycling Rates

Utilisation Rate / Recycled Content

Percentage of paper for recycling utilisation compared to the total paper production.
Important Note: paper for recycling is composed of fibres but also unusable materials - non-paper
components as well as paper and board detrimental to production. The share of unusable materials
depends on the actual sorting and collection of used paper. It varies according to paper for recycling
grades and countries. The volume of paper for recycling actually used to produce new paper is
therefore lower than the volume of paper for recycling considered. The utilisation rate compares paper
for recycling utilisation to paper and board production.

Recycling Rate
The ratio between recycling of used paper, including net trade of paper for recycling, and paper and
board consumption. It is calculated as “paper for recycling utilisation + net trade” divided by “paper and
board consumption”, on base paper level.
See definition of paper & board consumption on page 26.

5.5 Alignment with CN Codes and CEPI Harmonised Codes

Annex 1 – CEPI Harmonised Structure for Raw Material and Products
Annex 2 – CEPI Harmonised List for Raw Material and Products
Annex 7 – Combined Nomenclature Chapter 4707

Alignment with CN Codes

See Annex 5 - Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades

Alignment with CEPI Harmonised Codes

 Mixed Grades - 941 000 000

 Corrugated and Kraft - 942 000 000
 Newspapers and Magazines - 943 000 000
 High Grades - 944 000 000

5.6 Alignment with EN 643

Annex 9a - EN 643 European List of Standard Grades of Paper and Board for Recycling.
Annex 9b - Guidance on the revised EN 643
Annex 9c - Alignment of Paper for Recycling Classes with EN 643 List of Grades

EN643 - European List of Standard Grades of Paper and Board for Recycling.
The European List of Standard Grades of Paper and Board for Recycling give a general description of
the standard grades by defining what they do and do not contain. The list has been revised in 2013, a
guidance on the revised version is available in Annex 9b.

Alignment with EN 643 List of Grades

See Annex 9c - Alignment of Paper for Recycling Classes with EN 643 List of Grades

5.7 Paper for Recycling Prices

Paper for Recycling Prices

Prices of paper for recycling reported in CEPI statistics are the buying prices reported by the mills.
Depending on the country, prices are reported according to two different definitions: “free-delivered” or
“ex-mill”/“ex-works”. When comparing prices between two countries, one should secure that the same
definition is used. Transport cost has to be added to “ex-mill” prices before comparison to “free-
delivered” prices. Transport cost has to be deducted from “free-delivered” prices before comparison to
“ex-mill” prices.

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

Ex-Mill Prices / Ex-Works (EXW)

Means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s
premises or another named place (i.e. works, factory, warehouse, etc.) not cleared for export and not
loaded on any collecting vehicle.

Free-Delivered Prices / Carriage Paid To (CPT)

Means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the seller at an
agreed place, and that the seller must contract for and pay the costs of carriage necessary to bring the
goods to the named place of destination (i.e. the paper mill, for example).

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Chapter 6 – Non-Fibrous Materials

6.1 General Definition on Non-Fibrous Materials

Non-Fibrous Materials
Non-cellulose items added to the paper stock during the papermaking process in order to impart
special characteristics to the final product, such as rosins, dyes, fillers, chemicals, starches, additives,
brighteners, etc. Non-fibrous materials include functional chemicals and coating chemicals.

The main types of non-fibrous materials used can be mainly grouped by purpose:

Materials for Sizing (both internal and surface sizing)

These are used in papermaking to control the absorbency of paper with regards to liquids such as
water or ink. Rosin, alum, starch and gelatine are the most commonly used materials for this purpose.

Addition of materials either to the stock pulp (internal sizing) or to the surface of paper or board
(surface sizing), in order to increase its resistance to the penetration and spreading of aqueous
liquids, for example writing ink. Surface sizing may also be used to increase the surface strength of
paper and board.

Materials for Loading and Filling

These are used to improve the optical and physical properties of the final product such as opacity,
brightness, smoothness, and ink receptivity.

Materials for Colouring

Pigments and dyestuffs used to impart colour to the paper and usually added to the pulp whilst in the

Additives used to impart special paper characteristics

In particular the use of starch as a binder to increase the strength of the final paper.

6.2 Chemicals

Chemicals are used in the paper industry in different parts of the pulp and paper making process. They
can be divided into three main areas: process chemicals, functional chemicals and coating chemicals.
These chemicals have different functions and different influence on the sustainability of the paper

Process Chemicals
Process chemicals to optimize costs and increase machine efficiency

Functional Chemicals
Functional chemicals to attribute specific properties to paper.

Coating Chemicals
Finishing chemicals to improve appearance and performance of printed paper and board.

6.2.1 Mineral Chemicals

The paper industry, particularly printing and writing paper, is by far the largest volume user of
industrial minerals. Minerals are either used as fillers or as a coating on paper. The principal minerals
used in paper making are kaolin, talc, ground calcium carbonate, precipitated calcium carbonate,
titanium dioxide and bentonite.

Minerals are suspended in water before being incorporated into the process. The minerals are often
supplied directly to the paper manufacturers in a slurry form or even produced as an integrated part
of the paper process (precipitated calcium carbonate).

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The use of minerals in paper production increases the speed of the machine performance and
fluidity. The final characteristics of the paper (strength, whiteness, gloss, ink retention, etc.) are
largely determined by the blend of minerals used. High quality, glossy paper is obtained by applying
a thin layer of minerals on the surface of the paper.

Fine pigments, generally white and usually of mineral origin, incorporated in the stock pulp during the
manufacture of paper or board. Filler materials include china clay (kaolin - used by papermakers to
obtain finish and consistency and also for coating art and chromo paper), calcium carbonate, barium
sulphate (barites), talc, and titanium dioxide.

Kaolin or "China Clay" is a white, soft, plastic clay mainly composed of fine-grained plate-like
particles. It is chemically inert, non-abrasive and has low heat and electricity conductivity.
The largest applications for kaolin are the filling and coating of paper as well as the production of fine
ceramics. It is used as filler in the bulk of paper and to coat its surface. Kaolin use reduces the
amount of wood pulp needed, enhances the optical properties of the paper and improves its printing

A naturally occurring, earthy, fine-grain material comprised of a group of crystalline clay minerals with
a natural basic structure of aluminosilicate whose hydrous chemical form is 2H 2 O
It is commonly used in the paper industry to make up paper filling and coating materials. Clays are
sometimes altered by further refining, heat treatment, etc., to enhance or extend their end uses, e.g.,
cal-cined clay and delaminated clay.

Coating Clay
The types of finer size clays with higher whiteness, used to make up coating materials for paper
and paperboard surfaces.

Filler Clay
A white, aluminum silicate, natural mineral added to pulp stock to enhance opacity, brightness, and
printing surface smoothness of the paper made from it.

Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)

White pigment commonly used in the paper industry as a paper coating material and filler that helps
produce papers with high whiteness and gloss and good printing properties. It is a com-pound that
can be chemically prepared but also occurs in a natural form.
A naturally occurring mineral called limestone, usually combined with magnesium carbonate
(MgCO3), and used primarily in the pulping industry to produce lime (CaO). It is used as ground
calcium carbonate (GCC) and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) in the paper industry.

Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC)

Minerals mechanically refined from limestone and marble and used as a filler pigment, paper
coating ingredient, etc. Sometimes referred to as natural ground calcium carbonate (NGCC).

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC)

Wet end filler used in alkaline papermaking and also in some coating formulations. It generally has
good opacity and bulking characteristics, and can be produced in several particle morphologies and
sizes. Most PCC being used in the paper industry is made in onsite satellite plants that utilize
available mill carbon dioxide streams as well as mill power and water resources.

This mineral is used in pitch control, i.e. absorption of wood resins that tend to obstruct the machines
and to improve the efficiency of the conversion of pulp into paper as well as to improve the quality of
paper. Bentonite also offers useful de-inking properties for paper recycling.

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It is used in both uncoated and coated rotogravure papers where it enhances printability and reduce
surface friction, improving productivity at the paper mill and print house. It also improve mattness and
reduce ink scuff in offset papers. Used as pitch control agents, talc “clean” the papermaking process
by adsorbing any sticky resinous particles in the pulp.

6.2.2 Non-mineral Chemicals

Starch is a carbohydrate extracted from agricultural raw materials which is widely present in literally
thousands of everyday food and non-food applications. The starch molecule consists of a large
number of glucose units joined by glycosides bonds. It is produced by all vegetables as an energy
store. Starch is a type of papermaking adhesive and size material. In Europe, starch is extracted
almost exclusively from potatoes, wheat and maize, but it can be also extracted from tapioca and
other sources. It is used to produce a higher degree of rigidity in a sheet and to improve the finish by
causing the fibres to lie flat.

Native Starch
Once extracted, pure starch (native starch) is a white tasteless and odourless powder that is
insoluble in cold water or alcohol, which is used widely in the food and paper industry primarily for
binding and thickening purposes.

Modified Starch
Native starch that has been modified by a chemical, physical or enzymatic process to create
‘modified starches’, each offering differing characteristics and used widely in the food, paper,
textile, oil, adhesives, fermentation and pharmaceutical industries.

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Chapter 7 – Paper and Board

7.1 General Definitions on Paper and Board

Paper and Board

The paper and paperboard category is an aggregate category. In the production and trade statistics, it
represents the sum of graphic papers; sanitary and household papers; packaging materials and other
paper and paperboard. It excludes manufactured paper products such as boxes, cartons, books and
magazines, etc.

Generic term for a range of materials in the form of a coherent sheet or web, excluding sheets or laps
of pulp as commonly understood for paper making or dissolving purposes and non-woven products,
made by deposition of vegetable, mineral, animal or synthetic fibres, or their mixtures, from a fluid
suspension onto a suitable forming device, with or without the addition of other substances.
Papers may be coated, impregnated or otherwise converted, during or after their manufacture, without
necessarily losing their identity as paper. In conventional papermaking process, the fluid is water; new
developments, however, include the use of air and other fluids.

Board / Paperboard
Generic term applied to certain types of paper frequently characterized by their relative high rigidity.
The primary distinction between paper and board is normally based upon thickness or grammage,
though in some instances the distinction will be based on the characteristics and/or end-use. For
example, some materials of lower grammage, such as certain grades of folding boxboard and
corrugated raw materials, are generally referred to as “board”, while other materials of higher
grammage, such as certain grades of blotting paper, felt paper and drawing paper, are generally
referred to as “paper”.

Process of applying, to the surface of a paper or board, one or more layers of coating slip or other
materials in fluid form.

Mechanical Paper or Board

Paper or board having mechanical woodpulp as an essential constituent of its fibre composition.

Woodfree Paper or Board

Paper or board having, in principle, only chemical pulp in its fibre composition. In practice, it may
contain a small amount of other pulps.

7.2 Paper and Board Grades

7.2.1 Graphic Papers

Graphic Papers
The graphic papers category is an aggregate category. In the production and trade statistics, it
represents the sum of newsprint; uncoated mechanical; uncoated woodfree and coated papers.
Products in this category are generally manufactured in strips or rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm or
in rectangular sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded
state. It excludes manufactured paper products such as books and magazines, etc.

Paper mainly used for printing newspapers. It is made largely from mechanical pulp and/or paper
for recycling, with or without a small amount of filler. Products in this category are generally
manufactured in strips or rolls of a width exceeding 36 cm or in rectangular sheets with one side
exceeding 36 cm and the other exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state. Weights usually range from
40 to 52 g/m2 but can be as high as 65 g/m2. Newsprint is machine finished or slightly calendered,
white or slightly coloured and is used in reels for letterpress, offset or flexo printing.

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

Uncoated Printing and Writing Papers

Printing and writing papers, except newsprint, which have been subjected to sizing, calendering,
supercalendering, glazing, water-marking or similar simple finishing processes, but not to coating.

Uncoated Mechanical
Paper suitable for printing or other graphic purposes where less than 90% of the fibre furnish
consists of chemical pulp fibres. This grade is also known as groundwood or wood-containing
paper and magazine paper, such as heavily filled supercalendered paper for consumer
magazines printed by the rotogravure and offset methods. It excludes wallpaper base.

Uncoated Woodfree
Paper suitable for printing or other graphic purposes, where at least 90% of the fibre furnish
consists of chemical pulp fibres. Uncoated woodfree paper can be made from a variety or
furnishes, with variable levels of mineral filler and a range of finishing processes such as sizing,
calendering, machine glazing and watermarking. This grade includes most office papers, such as
business forms, copier, computer, stationery and book papers. Pigmented and size press
“coated” papers (coating less than 5 g per side) are covered by this heading. It excludes
wallpaper base.

Coated Printing and Writing Papers

Printing and writing papers, except newsprint, which have been coated on one or both sides with
coating materials such as clay (beneficiated kaolin), calcium carbonate, barium sulphate, gypsum
or zinc oxide, often supplemented with supercalendering, etc. It includes coated paper produced at
the paper mill from base paper manufactured for own use or purchased, together with all paper
made and coated in a single operation on the papermaking machine. It includes raw carbon and
self-copy paper in rolls or sheets. It excludes other copying and transfer papers.

Coated Mechanical
Made of fibres produced mainly (90%) by a mechanical pulping process and are also known as
coated groundwood.

Coated Woodfree
Made of fibres produced mainly (90%) by a chemical pulping process and are also known as
coated freesheet.

7.2.2 Packaging Papers

Packaging Papers
Paper or paperboard mainly used for wrapping and packaging purposes. Products in this category
are generally manufactured in strips or rolls of a width exceeding 36 cm or in rectangular sheets with
one side exceeding 36 cm and the other exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state. It excludes
unbleached kraft paper and paperboard that are not sack kraft paper or Kraftliner and weighing more
than 150 g/m² but less than 225 g/m²; felt paper and paperboard; tracing papers; not further
processed uncoated paper weighing 225 g/m² or more. It is reported in metric tonnes.

Case Materials / Containerboard

Papers and boards mainly used in the manufacture of corrugated board. They are made from any
combination of virgin and recovered fibres and can be bleached, unbleached or mottled. Fluting is
the middle ply with outer layers called the liners. Includes kraftliner, testliner, semi-chemical fluting,
and recovered paper-based fluting (Wellenstoff). Main uses are corrugated boxes, transport
packaging, storage and product display.

Cartonboard (can also be written as Carton Board)

May be single or multiply, coated or uncoated. It is made from virgin and/or recovered fibres, and
has good folding properties, stiffness and scoring ability. It is mainly used in cartons for consumer
products such as frozen food, cosmetics and for liquid containers. Includes solid board, solid
bleached board, solid unbleached board, folding box board, white lined chipboard, boxboard or
carrier board.

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Papers whose main use is wrapping or packaging made from any combination of virgin or
recovered fibres, bleached or unbleached. They may be subject to various finishing and/or marking
processes. Includes sack kraft, other wrapping krafts, sulphite and grease-proof papers.

Other Paper and Board for Packaging

This category embraces all paper and board mainly for packaging purposes other than those listed
above. Most are produced from recovered fibres, e.g. greyboards, and go for conversion, which in
some cases may be for end-uses other than packaging including book covers and games. Includes
greyboard, moulded products and unlined chip.

Moulded Products
Moulded articles made from paper-making pulp.

7.2.3 Sanitary Papers

Sanitary and Household

This covers a wide range of tissue and other hygienic papers for use in households or commercial
and industrial premises. Some tissue is also used in the manufacture of baby nappies, sanitary
towels, etc. The parent reel stock is made from virgin pulp or recovered fibre or mixtures of these.
It is reported in the production statistics at parent reel weight before conversion to finished products.
Import and export statistics however take into account trade in both parent reels and finished
products. Includes types of creped and uncreped papers such as disposable tissues, facial tissue,
napkin, sanitary wadding, toilet tissue towelling, and wiper stock.

7.2.4 Other Paper and Board

Other Paper and Board

Other papers and boards for industrial and special purposes. It includes cigarette papers and stock
of filter papers, as well as gypsum liners and special papers for insulating, roofing, waxing,
asphalting and other specific applications or treatments; wallpaper base; unbleached kraft paper and
paperboard that are not sack kraft paper or kraftliner and weighing more than 150 g/m² but less than
225 g/m²; felt paper and paperboard; tracing papers; not further processed uncoated paper weighing
225 g/m² or more; and raw copying and transfer papers, in rolls or sheets except carbon or self-copy
paper. It excludes all composite, not coated, paper and paper board of flat layers stuck together;
coated paper and paperboard not uniformly bleached throughout the mass; and paper and
paperboard covered or coated with plastics (excluding adhesives).

Cigarette Paper
Lightweight paper, unsized, which may contains fillers and/or additives in order that its
combustibility may be adapted to that of tobacco; it is resistant to tearing and rubbing, and suitable
for the manufacture of cigarettes, and capable of being reeled in small widths.

Envelope Paper
Paper of suitable strength for the manufacture of correspondence envelopes and pockets, capable
of receiving handwriting, printing and the application of an appropriate adhesive.

Felt Board
Board containing textile fibres specially processed to give a loose soft texture.

Filter Paper
Paper intended to provide selective retention of particles from a fluid suspension.

Insulating Paper or Board

Paper or board which is intended to impede the transmission of certain forms of energy, for
example heat, sound, electricity.

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Wallpaper Base
Paper intended to receive on one side either a coating or a print, or both, the other side being
intended for the application of paste or another adhesive.

7.3 Paper and Board Flows

Paper and Paperboard Production

Quantity of all paper and paperboard of commercial quality (fibre building boards not included)
produced within a country. Net production represents the saleable output of the production line.

Net Production (Roll)

Net production is the unpacked saleable production as weighed on the scale after the slitter winder.
As rolls are wound up with cores and plugged afterwards, the measured weight has to be reduced by
the (theoretical) weight of cores and plugs.

Net Production (Sheet)

Net production is the unpacked saleable production as weighed on the scale reduced by the weight
of pallets, ream wrapper and pallet packaging, if this is included in the weighted mass.

Paper and Board Internal Deliveries

The paper and board internal deliveries reported in CEPI publications are calculated as follow:
domestic deliveries + internal trade within CEPI countries.

Paper and Board Apparent Consumption

Quantity of paper and paperboard consumed within a country without taking into account the changes
in stocks. It is thus paper and paperboard production (on base paper level) within the country plus
imports minus exports.
The word "apparent" signifies that the more a country exports paper as manufactures (ie: in converted
or printed form, such as books), the more paper it will appear to "consume". This results from such
paper not being included in that country's paper exports. To this extent, national consumption actually
by the country's own population is exaggerated. The converse applies to imported paper
The paper and board apparent consumption by country reported in CEPI publications is calculated as
follow: production + imports from other CEPI countries + imports from outside CEPI – exports to other
CEPI countries – exports to outside CEPI

Paper and Board Per Capita Consumption

Per capita consumption of paper and board here is a calculation taking the amount of paper and board
consumed in each country (the amount of paper and board produced domestically by paper
manufacturers plus imports minus exports) divided by the number of the population in that country. It
cannot be assumed to be the average amount of finished paper and board or articles of paper and
board used by an individual. Consumption by companies, and more broadly the whole economy, is

Manufacture of products by processes or operations applied after the normal paper or board
manufacturing process. The operation of treating, modifying, or otherwise manipulating the finished
paper and paperboard so that it can be made into end-user products, such as special coating, waxing,
printing, and gumming, and envelope, bag, and container manufacturing.

Processor of paper or board as a raw material (such as packaging, printing).

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7.4 Alignment with CN Codes and CEPI Harmonised Codes

Annex 3 – CEPI Harmonised Structure for Paper & Board Grades
Annex 4 – CEPI Harmonised List for Paper & Board Grades
Annex 5 – Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades
Annex 8 – Combined Nomenclature Chapter 48

Alignment with CN Codes

See Annex 5 - Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades

Alignment with CEPI Harmonised Codes

 Newsprint - 100 000 000

 Uncoated Mechanical -211 000 000
 Uncoated Woodfree - 231 000 000
 Coated Mechanical - 212 000 000
 Coated Woodfree - 232 000 000
 Sanitary and Household - 700 000 000
 Case Materials - 300 000 000
 Carton Boards - 400 000 000
 Wrappings - 500 000 000
 Other Paper and Boards for Packaging - 600 000 000
 Other Paper and Board - 800 000 000

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

Chapter 8 – Energy and Environment

8.1 Energy

All energy products, consisting of hard coal and derivatives, lignite and derivatives, peat and
derivatives, crude oil and petroleum products (such as LPG, refinery gas, motor spirit, kerosene,
gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil, refuse-derived-fuels, solid-recovered-fuel), natural gas, manufactured
gases, derived heat, renewable energies (such as hydro power, wind energy, biomass, wastes,
geothermal energy), electrical energy and nuclear energy.

8.1.1 Primary Energy

Primary Energy Use

Primary energy use refers to the direct use at the source, or supply to users without transformation,
of crude energy, that is, energy that has not been subjected to any conversion or transformation

Specific Primary Energy Use

Primary energy use calculated per quantity of the final output (paper & board + market pulp).

Fossil Fuels
Coal, natural gas, peat and petroleum products (such as oil) formed from the decayed bodies of
animals and plants that died millions of years ago.

Coal refers to a variety of solid, combustible, sedimentary, organic rocks that are composed mainly
of carbon and varying amounts of other components such as hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur and
moisture. Coal is formed from vegetation that has been consolidated between other rock strata and
altered by the combined effects of pressure and heat over millions of years. Many different
classifications of coal are used around the world, reflecting a broad range of ages, compositions
and properties.

Gas – Natural and Derived

Natural gas comprises gases occurring in underground deposits, whether liquefied or gaseous,
consisting mainly of methane. Natural gas includes "non-associated" gas originating from fields
producing hydrocarbons only in gaseous form, and "associated" gas produced in association with
crude oil, as well as methane recovered from coal mines (colliery gas) and shale gas from fracking.
Derived gases are manufactured gases, comprising coke-oven gas, blast furnace gas, and
gasworks gas.

Peat is a combustible soft, porous or compressed, fossil sedimentary deposit of plant origin with
high water content (up to 90 percent in the raw state), easily cut, and of light to dark brown colour.

Petroleum Products (Fuel Oil and Other Petroleum Products)

Fuel oil covers all residual (heavy) fuel oils (including those obtained by blending). Kinematic
viscosity is above 10 cSt at 80°C. The flash point is always above 50°C and density is always more
than 0.90 kg/l. Low sulphur content: heavy fuel oil with sulphur content lower than 1%, high sulphur
content: heavy fuel oil with sulphur content of 1% or higher.
Other petroleum products include refinery gas & ethane, liquefied petroleum gas, motor spirit,
kerosene & jet fuels, naphtha, gasoil, diesel oil.

Biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from biological origin from agriculture
(including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries including fisheries and
aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste. Includes bio-
based products and lignin.

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Bio-Based Products
Material of biological origin excluding material embedded in geological formations and/or fossilized.
Examples are (whole or parts of) plants, trees, algae, marine organisms, micro-organisms, animals,

Bioliquids - Biofuels
Bioliquids are liquid fuels for energy purposes other than for transport, including electricity and
heating and cooling, produced from biomass. Biofuels means liquid or gaseous fuels for transport
produced from biomass.

Black Liquor
Black liquor is generated in the chemical pulping process (kraft, sulphite) and recovered in the
recovery boiler. Black liquor contains organic substances (essentially the separated lignin residue but
also minor dissolved components of wood: extractives, hemicelluloses) and inorganic chemicals that
resulted from the pulping process reactions. After washing and evaporation, the concentrated black
liquor is led to the recovery system where cooking chemicals are recovered using energy made
available from the combustion of organic substances. Additional energy from the flue-gases is
recovered to produce heat, process steam and generate electrical power. Also known as spent
cooking liquor.

Wood substance, an aromatic polymer in the cell wall of plants. The binding substance in natural
fibres. Lignin is dissolved out along with the carbohydrates in the pulping process.

Energy from Renewable Sources

Energy from renewable non-fossil sources, namely wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal,
hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and

Other Energy – Waste of Waste

Rejects from recycling operations (not from pulping) used as fuel (bought or produced on the site).

Any substance or object which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard.

8.1.2 Electricity

Gross Electricity Generation

Total gross electricity generation covers gross electricity generation in all types of power plants. The
gross electricity generation at the plant level is defined as the electricity measured at the outlet of the
main transformers, i.e. the consumption of electricity in the plant auxiliaries and in transformers is

Net Electricity Generation

Total net electricity generation covers net electricity generation in all types of power plants. Net
electricity generation is defined as the total gross electricity generation (Code 107000) less the
consumption of the auxiliary services of the power stations. The generation in pumped storage plants
is included.

Electricity Produced on Site

Electrical energy produced on the mill site from different primary sources such as: hydro power,
steam boilers, CHPs, recovery boilers, etc.

Purchased Electricity
Electrical energy bought from outside the mill to be used on site.

Sold Electricity
Net electrical energy produced on site and sent (sold) to the public grid network or other electricity

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Co-Generation (Combined Heat and Power - CHP)

The definition of combined heat and power (CHP) or "cogeneration" implies that heat and electricity
are produced simultaneously in one process. The overall efficiency of a CHP unit is used as a
measure to determine whether the electricity generation is fully CHP or not. If the overall efficiency is
above a threshold set at 75% (85% for steam condensing extraction turbines and combined cycle
units), all the electricity generated is considered as CHP electricity.

Net Bought Electricity

Difference between “Purchased Electricity from the Grid” and “Sold Electricity”.

8.1.3 Heat

Heat Energy
Heat is obtained from fuels combustion, nuclear reactors, geothermal reservoirs, capture of sunlight,
exothermic chemical processes and heat pumps which can extract it from ambient air and liquids. It
may be used for heating or cooling or converted into mechanical energy for transport vehicles or
electricity generation. Commercial heat sold is reported under total final consumption with the fuel
inputs allocated under power generation.

Heat Produced on Site

Total heat production in heating plants and in combined heat and power plants. It includes the heat
used by the auxiliaries of the installation which use hot fluid (space heating, liquid fuel heating, etc.)
and losses in the installation/network heat exchanges. For auto producing entities (= entities
generating electricity and/or heat wholly or partially for their own use as an activity which supports
their primary activity) the heat used by the undertaking for its own processes is not included.

Purchased Heat
Purchased heat not included in the primary energy use.

Sold Steam
Steam delivered to outside the industry. It does mean outside the mill.

Sold Other Heat

Any other heat delivered to outside the industry (warm water, thermal fluids…).

8.2 Water

8.2.1 Water Intake

Water Intake
The amount of freshwater abstracted by source and any other water received at the mill and the
amount of water content in purchased materials and products for the purpose of pulp and paper

Freshwater Abstracted
Freshwater abstracted by source and any other water received at the mill for the purpose of pulp and
paper production.

Surface Water
All waters on the surface of the Earth found in rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, marshes, wetlands, as
well as ice and snow, and transitional, coastal and marine waters.

All water from below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the
ground or subsoil.

Municipal Supply Water

All public or private water services that are providing drinking water for the society, its citizens,
activities and services.

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Other Water Received

For example desalinated sea water and reclaimed wastewater treated externally of the mill.

Water Content in Purchased Materials and Products

Water content in purchased materials and products for the purpose of pulp and paper production.

Water Content in Fibrous Materials

From forest (timberland), i.e. water content in wood chips etc, market pulp and recycled fibre.

Water Content in Non-Fibrous Materials

Water content in process chemicals, coating pigments, fillers, etc.

Other purchased materials or products

For example steam, hot water, etc.

8.2.2 Water in Manufacturing

Cooling Water
Water used for cooling purposes (used to absorb and remove heat). Depending upon the mill, (non-
contact) cooling water may be used for process needs. It includes the fresh water which feeds the
cooling water circuit (e.g. water towers) and then it is either discharged or re-circulated after re-
cooling or is used as warm water in the pulping process.

Process Water
Water used in a manufacturing or treatment process or in the actual product manufactured.
Examples would include water used for washing, rinsing, direct contact, cooling, solution make-up,
chemical reactions, and gas scrubbing in industrial and food processing applications. In many
cases, water is specifically treated to produce the quality of water needed for the process.

8.2.3 Wastewater Outflow

Wastewater Outflow
The amount of wastewater discharged from mill site to final destination.

Artificial and heavily modified surface bodies (surface water).

Transitional Water
Discharge to brackish water i.e. mixture of freshwater and sea water or to an estuary with a free
connection to the open sea.

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

Wastewater from the mill site discharged/piped and treated at external wastewater treatment plant.

8.2.4 Water Consumption

Water Consumption
Equals water lost during manufacturing plus water in sold products and water in waste – i.e. “the
portion of the water that is removed from a water source that is not immediately returned to the water

Conversion from a liquid or solid state to a vapour.

Water Lost during Manufacturing

Water evaporated to the atmosphere during manufacturing, from on-site wastewater treatment
facilities and any other water evaporated to air or lost to soil.

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Water in Products Sold

Water content in manufactured products sold (at gate) to the market, in pulp, paper and any other
products. Water contained in finished products sold is calculated based on factors – supporting
calculation table for optional use is provided by CEPI.

Water in Waste
Water content in waste that is permanently stored on site or removed from site for treatment off site
or for deposit on landfill. Includes water in rejects – e.g. contrary bale content –, water in sludge –
from paper production, de-inking, wastewater – and water in any other solid residual.
Water contained in waste is calculated based on factors – supporting calculation table for optional
use is provided by CEPI.

8.2.5 Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Treatment
Waste water treatment techniques are end-of-pipe (secondary techniques or abatement techniques).
Because it is not always possible to prevent pollution at the source, end-of-pipe techniques are those
that treat the waste stream arising from a process or storage unit, or an area, or part thereof, to
reduce its pollutant content. Waste water treatment techniques aim to reduce waste water and the
pollutants it carries. They encompass pre-treatment at the source or in combined streams as well as
final treatment of collected waste water before discharge into a receiving water body.

Primary Treatment
Physico-chemical treatment, such as equalisation, neutralisation or sedimentation. Equalisation (e.g.
in equalising basins) is used to prevent large variations in flow rate, temperature and contaminant
concentrations and thus to avoid overloading the waste water treatment system.

Secondary Treatment
For the treatment of waste water by means of microorganisms, the available processes are aerobic
and anaerobic treatment. In a secondary clarification step, solids and biomass are separated from
effluents by sedimentation, sometimes combined with flocculation.

Tertiary Treatment
Advanced treatment comprises techniques, such as filtration for further solids removal, nitrification
and denitrification for nitrogen removal or flocculation/precipitation followed by filtration for
phosphorus removal. Tertiary treatment is normally used in cases where primary and biological
treatment are not sufficient to achieve low levels of TSS, nitrogen or phosphorus, which may be
required e.g. due to local conditions.

8.3 Emissions

Means the direct or indirect release of substances, vibrations, heat or noise from individual or diffuse
sources […] into air, water or land.

Specific Emissions
Emissions calculated per quantity of the final output (paper & board + market pulp).

8.3.1 Air Emissions

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

A naturally occurring gas, also a by-product of burning fossil fuels from fossil carbon deposits, such
as oil, gas and coal, of burning biomass, of land use changes and of industrial processes (e.g.,
cement production). It is the most important anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas (see definition below).
CO2 emissions are fossil emissions – from stationery combustion of fossil fuels – or biogenic
emissions – emissions directly resulting from the combustion, decomposition, or processing of
biologically based materials other than fossil fuels, peat, and mineral sources of carbon.

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Indirect CO2 Emissions

CO2 emissions from net bought electricity, calculated as “net bought electricity” multiplied by the
“electricity emissions factor” applied in each country. The factors are reported in Annex 11.

Electricity Emissions Factors

CO2 emissions per kWh from electricity generation: CO2 emissions from fossil fuels consumed for
electricity generation, in both electricity-only and combined heat and power plants, divided by output
of electricity generated from fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro (excl. pumped storage), geothermal, solar,
wind, tide, wave, ocean and biofuels. Both main activity producers and autoproducers have been
included in the calculation.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

Those gaseous constituents of the Earth's atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, with
properties that cause the greenhouse effect. Water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous
oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) are the primary greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
The Kyoto Protocol deals with these greenhouse gases, except for water vapour, as well as sulphur
hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs).Other entirely human-
made greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as the halocarbons and other chlorine- and
bromine-containing substances, are dealt with under the Montreal Protocol.

Methane (CH4)
Methane is a colourless gas, odourless at low concentrations, but with sweetish chloroform-like
odour at high concentration. It is one of the six greenhouse gases to be mitigated under the Kyoto
Protocol. Methane is the major component of natural gas and associated with hydrocarbon fuels
(animal husbandry and agriculture). The gas is highly combustible, and mixtures of about 5 to 15 per
cent in air are explosive. Upon release into the atmosphere, methane is destroyed by reactions with
other chemicals in the atmosphere, giving a lifetime of about 10 years.

Sulphur Emissions (SOx)

Sulphur emissions come from fossil fuel combustion by power plants, large industries, and mobile
sources, and from some industrial processes. It is harmful to vegetation and contributes to adverse
health effects and to the formation of ground-level ozone and fine particle pollution. Sulphur dioxide
and other sulphur compounds are listed as polluting substances e.g. in the Industrial Emissions
Directive (IED) (Annex II).

Total sulphur (S) emissions to air are the sum of sulphur dioxide, TRS and all other gases containing
sulphur compounds.
• Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is major air pollutant of sulphuric emissions. When expressed as sulphur
emissions (S) in tonnes, 2 tonnes of SO2 equals 1 tonne of S.
• Total reduced sulphur (TRS). The sum of the following reduced malodorous sulphur compounds
generated in the pulping process: hydrogen sulphide, methyl mercaptan, dimethylsulphide and
dimethyldisulphide, expressed as sulphur. (Source BAT conclusions, PP). Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
is the main contributor.
• Other gases containing sulphur compounds include is e.g. SO3.

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are together referred to as nitrogen oxides (NOX). The
sum of nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), expressed as NO2.

Particulate Matter (Dust)

Particulate matter (synonymous dust) is a collective name for all solid particles (of any shape,
structure or density) or liquid materials (droplets and aerosols) suspended in air, including dust,
smoke, soot, pollen and soil particles. These complex mixtures include both organic and inorganic
particles and vary greatly in size, composition and origin. Based on size, particulate matter is often
divided into two main groups. The coarse fraction contains the larger particles with a size ranging
from 2.5 to 10 μm (PM10– PM2.5). The fine fraction contains the smaller ones with a size up to 2.5
μm (PM2.5). The particles in the fine fraction which are smaller than 0.1 μm are called ultrafine
particles. Particles present in the flue-gas are determined from waste gases as 'mass concentration
of dust' according to an appropriate standard method, e.g. gravimetric method EN 13284-1.

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8.3.2 Water Emissions (Discharge of Pollutants)

Discharge of pollutants at point source after internal or external treatment to final destination for
pollutants specified following legal requirements.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

BOD is the quantity of dissolved oxygen required by microorganisms to decompose organic matter in
waste water. BOD is related to the content of substances that can be biochemically oxidised. BOD
can be seen as the easily degradable part of COD. The unit of measurement is mg O2/l.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD is the amount of chemically oxidisable organic matter in waste water (normally referring to
analysis with dichromate oxidation).

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total suspended solids (in waste water). Suspended solids consist of small fibre fragments, fillers,
fines, non-settled biomass (agglomeration of microorganisms) and other small particles.

Total Nitrogen
Total nitrogen (Tot-N) expressed as N, includes organic nitrogen, free ammonia and ammonium
(NH4+-N), nitrites (NO2--N), nitrates (NO3--N) and organic nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen is released
to water from mills due to the content in wood, use in biological treatment plant and use of chemicals.

Total Phosphorus
Total phosphorous (Tot-P) expressed as P, includes dissolved phosphorus plus any insoluble
phosphorus carried over into the effluent in the form of precipitates or within microbes.

Adsorbable Organic Halides (AOX)

Adsorbable organic halides measured according to the EN ISO: 9562 standard method for waste
waters and expressed as chloride in mg Cl/l. It includes adsorbable organically bound chlorine,
bromine and iodine.

8.4 Residues and Sludges

Residues and Sludges

All residues from the pulp and paper production and waste water treatment processes are included:
bark, ashes, green liquor sludges, other sludges, paper rejects, etc.

A semifluid mass of sediment resulting from treatment of water, sewage and/or other wastes.
A soft, soupy, or muddy bottom deposit, such as found on tideland or at the bottom of a water body.

A waste disposal site for the deposit of the waste onto or into land (i.e. underground).

Use on Land
Residues are used as soil improvers in road construction and on land reconstruction applications.
For example, a large fraction of deinking sludge consists of carbonates and clay and can act as
liming agents, acidity controllers, and structure improvers in agricultural land. Ash can be used in
land construction and also as a fertiliser.

Incineration with Energy Recovery

Since these residues are, to a large extent, based on wood they are ideal for co-combustion in heat
or power generating plants. Since wood is a renewable resource, combustion of pulp and paper
production residues with energy recovery contributes to the battle against global warming.

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8.5 Environmental Management System

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)

The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary management instrument
developed by the European Commission for companies and other organisations (all economic and
service sectors, applicable world-wide) to evaluate, report, and improve their environmental
performance. EMAS is open to every type of organisation eager to improve its environmental
performance. Its objective is to improve the environmental performance of organisations by having
them commit to both evaluating and reducing their environmental impact, and continuously improving
their environmental performance. External and independent nature of the EMAS registration process
ensures credibility and reliability of the scheme. This includes both the actions taken by an
organisation to continuously improve its environmental performance, and the organisation’s
disclosure of information to the public through the environmental statement.

Environment Management System (ISO 14001)

The ISO 14000 family addresses various aspects of environmental management developed by ISO
(International Organization for Standardization). ISO 14001:2004 sets out the criteria for an
environmental management system. It maps out a framework that a company or organization can
follow to set up an effective environmental management system. It can be used by any organization
regardless of its activity or sector and can be certified to. Using ISO 14001 can provide assurance to
company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is
being measured and improved; however the standard does not state requirements for environmental
performance. ISO 14004:2004 provides guidance on the establishment, implementation,
maintenance and improvement of an environmental management system and its coordination with
other management systems.

Energy Management System (ISO 50001)

ISO 50001:2011 sets requirements with guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and
improving an energy management system with the purpose to support organizations in all sectors to
enable an organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of energy
performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption, through the development of
an energy management system.

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Chapter 9 – Social Affairs

9.1 Employment

The number of employees concerned with the manufacture of pulp and/or paper as recorded by CEPI
member associations at a specific point during the year concerned. Includes all full-time and part-time
employees in what might be classed as blue-collar and white-collar occupations.
Employment figures reported in CEPI annual statistics don’t include employees in converting
operations. However, employees of integrated converting operations (within the producing mill) and
those of headquarters are included.

Number of "Man-years"
All employees who are on the payroll of the mill calculated as full time employees during the year (full
year equivalent)

Total Number of Worked Hours

Refers to the total worked hours for the mill (planned hours plus overtime of all employees worked
minus absenteeism due to sickness, holidays, sabbaticals…)

9.2 Accidents

Number of Accidents
Fatality: accident at work leading to the death of the victim within a year after the date of the accident
1 to 3 days lost time accidents: number of accidents resulting 1 to 3 days of absence after the accident
More than 3 days lost time accidents: number of accidents resulting 4 and more days of absence after
the accident day (counting starts on the 4th day)

Accident Rate
Number of all lost-time-accidents at work (fatal and non-fatal) divided by the number of employed
persons times 1000

Lost Time Accidents Frequency Rate

Number of lost-time-accidents/worked hours * 1,000,000

Accidents Travelling to and from Work

These accidents refer to commuting accidents from and to work. If a person has e.g. a traffic accident
outside the mill in the course of a business trip, that accident should be recorded under “number of
accidents at work”.

Lost Workdays
Total number of days lost due to accidents at work

9.3 Health and Safety

OHSAS 18000
International occupational health and safety management system specification. It comprises of
OHSAS 18001, which is an Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series for health and safety
management systems. OHSAS 18001 is intended to help an organizations to control occupational
health and safety risks. It was developed in response to widespread demand for a recognized
standard against which to be certified and assessed.

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I - List of Terms
Abstracted (Water) 30 Classes (PFR) 16
Accident Rate 36 Clay 21
Accidents 36 Coal 28
Added Value 7 Coated Graphic Papers 24
Additives 20 Coated Mechanical 24
Adsorbable Organic Halides 34 Coated Woodfree 24
Air Emissions 32 Coating 23
AOX 34 Coating Chemicals 20
Apparent Consumption (P&B) 26 Coating Clay 21
Audit Scheme 35 COD 34
Average Size of Mills 7 Co-generation (CHP) 30
Bagasse 14 Collection 17
Bamboo 14 Collector 17
Bentonite 21 Colouring (Materials for) 20
Bio-based Products 29 Company 6
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 34 Composting 17
Biofuels 29 Coniferous 10
Bioliquids 29 Consumption (Paper and Board) 26
Biomass 28 Consumption (PFR) 16
Black Liquor 29 Consumption (Pulp ) 14
Bleached Sulphate 13 Consumption (Water) 31
Bleached Sulphite Pulp 13 Consumption (Wood ) 11
Bleaching 13 Containerboard 24
Board 23 Converter 26
BOD 34 Converting 26
Broke (Mill) 16 Cooling Water 31
Calcium Carbonate 21 Corporation 5
Capacity 6 Corrugated and Kraft 16
Carbon Dioxide 32 Deinked Pulps 14
Carriage Paid To 19 Deinking 14
Cartonboard 24 Deliveries (Pulp) 14
Case Materials 24 Derived Gas 28
Certification 9 Disposal 17
Changes in capacity 7 Dissolving Pulp 14
Chemical Oxygen Demand 34 Dust 33
Chemical Pulp 13 Eco-Management and Audit Scheme 35
Chemicals 20 Electricity 29
Chemi-thermomechanical Pulp 12 Electricity Emissions Factors 33
Chips 11 Electricity Generation 29
Cigarette Paper 25 Electricity Produced on Site 29

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EMAS 35 Hardwood 10
Emissions 32 Heat Energy 30
Emissions Factors (Electricity) 33 Heat Produced on Site 30
Employment 36 High Grades 16
EN643 18 Incineration 34
Energy 28 Indirect CO2 Emissions 33
Energy management system 35 Industrial Paper and Board 25
Envelope Paper 25 Industrial Production 5
Environmental Management System 35 Industrial Residues (Wood) 10
Evaporation 31 Insulating Paper or Board 25
Ex-mill Prices 19 Intake (Water) 30
Ex-works Prices 19 Integrated Paper Mill 6
Felt Board 25 Integrated Pulp 14
Fibres 8 Internal Deliveries (P&B) 26
Fibrous Materials 8 Internal Deliveries (Pulp) 14
Filler 21 Investments 7
Filler Clay 21 ISO 14001 35
Filling (Materials for) 20 ISO 50001 35
Filter Paper 25 Kaolin 21
Final Disposal 17 Kraft Pulp 13
Forest 9 Landfill 34
Forest Available for Wood Supply 9 Lignin 29
Forest Certification 9 Loading (Materials for) 20
Fossil Fuel 28 Logging 9
Free-delivered Prices 19 Logging Residues (Wood) 10
Freshwater Abstracted 30 Losses 17
Fuel Oil 28 Lost Workdays 36
Fuel Wood 11 Machine 6
Functional Chemicals 20 Man-years 36
Gas 28 Market pulp 14
Generation (Electricity) 29 Mechanical Paper or Board 23
Grades (Paper and Board) 23 Mechanical Pulp 12
Grades (Pulp) 12 Methane 33
Graphic Papers 23 Mill 6
Greenhouse Gas 33 Mill Broke 16
Gross Domestic Product 5 Mineral Chemicals 20
Ground Calcium Carbonate 21 Mixed Grades 16
Groundwater 30 Modified Starches 22
Group 5 Moulded Products 25
Growing Stock 9 Municipal Supply Water 30

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Native Starch 22 Production (Paper and Board) 26

Natural Gas 28 Production Capacity 6
Net Annual Increment 9 Pulp 12
Net Bought Electricity 30 Pulp Mill 6
Net Production 26 Pulping 12
Newspapers and Magazines 16 Pulpwood 10
Newsprint 23 Purchased Electricity 29
Nitrogen 34 Purchased Heat 30
Nitrogen Oxides 33 Raw materials 8
Non-Collectable 17 Recovered Paper 16
Non-Coniferous 10 Recovery 17
Non-Fibrous Materials 20 Recyclability 16
Non-Integrated Pulp and Paper Mills 6 Recycled Pulp 14
Non-Wood Pulp 14 Recycling 16
OHSAS 18000 36 Recycling Rate 18
Operating Rate 7 Renewable Sources 29
Other Paper and Board 25 Reservoir 31
Other Paper and Board for Packaging 25 Residues 34
Other Pulps 14 Retail Trade Turnover 5
Outflow (Water) 31 Roll 26
Packaging Papers 24 Roundwood 10
Paper 23 Sanitary and Household 25
Paper and Board 23 Sawdust 11
Paper for Recycling 16 Sawlogs 10
Paper Mill 6 Secondary Treatment 32
Paperboard 23 Semi-Chemical Pulp 13
Particulate Matter 33 Sheet 26
Pellets 11 Size of Mills 7
Phosphorus 34 Sizing (Materials for) 20
Pollutants 34 Sludges 34
Population 5 Social Affairs 35
Precipitated Calcium Carbonate 21 Soda Pulp 13
Prices (PFR) 18 Softwood 10
Primary Energy 28 Sold Electricity 29
Primary Pulp 12 Sold Steam 30
Primary Treatment 32 Solid under Bark 10
Private Final Consumption Expenditure 5 Speciality Papers 25
Process Chemicals 20 Specific Emissions 32
Process Losses 17 Specific Primary Energy 28
Process Water 31 Starch 22

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Stock Pulp 12 Wood 9

Stocks (PFR) 17 Wood Consumption 11
Straw 14 Wood Pulp 12
Sulphate Pulp 13 Woodfree Paper or Board 23
Sulphite Pulp 13 Worked Hours 36
Sulphur Emissions 33 Wrappings 25
Surface Water 30
Suspended Solids 34
Talc 22
Tertiary Treatment 32
Thermo-Mechanical Pulp 12
Total Deliveries (Pulp) 14
Transitional water 31
Treatment (Wastewater) 32
Turnover 7
Unbleached Pulp 13
Unbleached Sulphate Pulp 13
Unbleached Sulphite Pulp 13
Uncoated Graphic Papers 24
Uncoated Mechanical 24
Uncoated Woodfree 24
Use on Land 34
Utilisation (PFR) 16
Utilisation by Sector (PFR) 17
Utilisation Rate 18
Value Added 7
Veneer Logs 10
Virgin Pulp 12
Wallpaper Base 26
Waste 16-29
Waste of Waste 29
Wastewater 31
Wastewater Treatment 32
Water 30
Water Consumption 31
Water Content 31
Water Emissions 34
Water in Products Sold 32
Water in Waste 32
Water Lost 31

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II - References
1. Industry Structure
Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database
[GDP] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - European Central Bank on-line glossary
[GDP at Market Price] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - United Nations, "System of
National Accounts (SNA) 1993", United Nations, New York, 1993, § 6.236 - 6.237
[Industrial Production] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Eurostat, News Releases, No.
38/2000, 23 March 2000, Luxembourg, 2000
[Private Final Consumption] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Eurostat, "European
System of Accounts - ESA 1995", Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
Luxembourg, 1996
[Mill] RISI Dictionary - https://www.risiinfo.com/community/paperdictionary
[Integrated Mill] BAT (Best Available Techniques) conclusions under Directive 2010/75/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council, for the production of pulp, paper and board – 26 September
[Production Capacity] FAO Pulp and paper capacities, 2013–2018 – ISSN 0255-7665
[Turnover & Value Added] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - European Union,
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2700/98 of 17 December 1998 concerning the definitions of
characteristics for structural business statistics.
[Investments] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Definition of SBS Regulation variables
(15 11 0).

2. Raw Materials
[Raw Materials] – Inputs to pulp and paper manufacturing – Raw Materials Sketch – CEPI, 2014

3. Wood
[Forest] FAOSTAT Glossary - Forest Resource Assessment (FRA)
[Forest for Wood Supply] MCPFE 2003 - Terms and definitions applied in the UN-ECE/FAO
Temperate and Boreal Forest Resources Assessment 2000
[Growing Stock – Net Annual Increment] UNECE Statistical Glossary - Concepts and Definitions by
Statistical Domain http://www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/Statgloss/Forestry+Statistics
[Logging] EFI Compilation of forestry terms and definitions – Internal report No. 6, 2002.
[Wood Industrial Residues] - MCPFE 2003, Joint FAO/ECE/Eurostat/ITTO Questionnaire
[Wood Species] – FAOSTAT Joint FAO/UNECE/Eurostat/ITTO Questonnaire Definitions
[Pellets] FAOSTAT Joint FAO/UNECE/Eurostat/ITTO Questonnaire Definitions
[Sawdust] RISI Dictionary - https://www.risiinfo.com/community/paperdictionary

4. Pulp
[Pulp] Utipulp - The group or European Market wood pulp users.
[Pulp Grades] FAO Pulp and paper capacities, 2013–2018 – ISSN 0255-7665

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

[Bleaching] ISO 4046-2 :2002 - Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 2:
Pulping terminology
[Market Pulp ] FAO Pulp and paper capacities, 2013–2018 – ISSN 0255-7665
[Stock Pulp] ISO 4046-3:2002 - Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 3: Paper-
making terminology

5. Paper for Recycling

[Watse] Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC of 19 November 2008
[Paper for Recycling] EN 643 – European List of Standard Grades on Paper and Board for Recycling
[Paper for Recycling Grades] Official Journal of the European Union L 290 – 31 October 2013 –
Combined Nomenclature chapter 4707.
[Mill Broke] FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) - Sourcing reclaimed material for use in FSC Product
Groups or FSC Certified Projects - FSC-STD-40-007 (V2-0) EN, 2011
[Non-collectable] PTS/Intecus study on critical parameters of the fibre flow chart for CEPI member
states – September 2013
[Composting] On-Farm Composting Methods – FAO Corporate document repository
[Final Disposal] European Declaration on Paper for Recycling – CEPI/ERPA, 2000
[Paper for Recycling Prices] Incoterms - International Commercial Terms - 2010

6. Non-Fibrous Materials
[Sizing] ISO 4046-3:2002 - Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 3: Paper-
making terminology
[Kaolin & others] IMA Europe – About industrial minerals
[Calcium Carbonates] RISI Dictionary - https://www.risiinfo.com/community/paperdictionary
[Starch] European Starch Industry Association

7. Paper and Board

ISO 4046-3:2002 - Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 3: Paper-making
FAOSTAT Joint FAO/UNECE/Eurostat/ITTO Questonnaire Definitions
FAO Pulp and paper capacities, 2013–2018 – ISSN 0255-7665
ISO 4046-4:2002 - Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 4: Paper and board
grades and converted products
FAO Corporate document repository – Definitions of the terms used in the FAO recovered paper
survey questionnaire.
Zellcheming - Association of Chemical Pulp and Paper Chemists and Engineers

8. Energy and Environment

[Energy] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database
[Primary Energy Use] OECD – Glossary of Statistical Terms
[Coal] International Energy Agency – Topics

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Pulp and Paper Industry - Definitions and Concepts

[Gas] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Joint IEA/ESTAT/UN annual questionnaire on
natural gas and Joint IEA/ESTAT/UN annual questionnaire on solid fossil fuels and manufactured
[Fuel Oil] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics.
[Fossil Fuel] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Eurostat, The Environmental Goods and
Services Sector (2009 Edition), Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
Luxembourg, 2009
[Biomass-biofuels] Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April
2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending.
[Bio-based Products] European Standard EN 16575:2014 Bio-based products – vocabulary.
[Black liquor] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Energy statistics manual 2004,
International Energy Agency, in co-operation with Eurostat. Best Available Techniques (BAT)
Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board – July 2013 (BREF-PP)
[Lignin] Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and
Board – July 2013 (BREF-PP)
[Energy from Renewable Sources] Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending.
[Waste] Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on
waste and repealing certain Directives.
[Electricity Generation] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Joint IEA/ESTAT/UN annual
questionnaire on electricity and heat.
[Co-generation] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Eurostat, "Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) electricity generation in the EU-25 in 2002 totalled 299.2 TWh, 9.9% of total gross electricity
generation", Statistics in Focus, Environment and Energy, 3/2006, Luxembourg, 2006.
[Heat Energy] International Energy Agency – Glossary of Terms
[Heat Produced on Site] Eurostat's Concepts and Definitions Database - Joint IEA/ESTAT/UN annual
questionnaire on electricity and heat.
[Surface/Ground Water] Eurostat, The Environmental Goods and Services Sector (2009 Edition).
[Cooling Water] Manufacturing water profile of the European paper industry (NCASI, 2011) and BREF-
PP (JRC, final drfat July 2103) (modified).
[Process Water] European Environment Agency - Environmental Terminology and Discovery Service
[Evaporation] European Environment Agency - Environmental Terminology and Discovery Service
[Wastewater Treatment] Based on Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for
Common Waste water and Waste Gas Treatment/Management Systems in the Chemical Secto – July
2014 (BREF-CWW).
[Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Treatment] BAT conclusions for the production of pulp, paper and board
[Emissions] Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November
2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control).
[Carbon Dioxide] Shortened, based on IPCC, 2013: Annex III: Glossary [Planton, S. (ed.)]. In: Climate
Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis.
[Electricity Emissions Factors] CO2 Emissions from fuel Combustion Highlights (2013 Edition) – IEA.
[Greenhouse Gas ] Modified based on IPCC, 2013: Annex III: Glossary [Planton, S. (ed.)]. In: Climate
Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis.

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[Methane] Modified based on IPCC, 2013: Annex III: Glossary [Planton, S. (ed.)]. In: Climate Change
2013: The Physical Science Basis.
[Sulphur emissions] Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of Pulp,
Paper and Board – July 2013 (BREF-PP).
[Nitrogen Oxides] BAT conclusions for the production of pulp, paper and board (2014). European
Environment agency.
[Particulate Matter (Dust)] Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Production of
Pulp, Paper and Board – July 2013 (BREF-PP) and Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference
Document for Common Waste water and Waste Gas Treatment/Management Systems in the
Chemical Secto – July 2014 (BREF-CWW).
[BOD, COD, TSS, Nitrogen, Phosphorus] BAT conclusions on pulp, paper and board (2014), modified.
[AOX] BAT conclusions on pulp, paper and board (2014) and Best Available Techniques (BAT)
Reference Document for Common Waste water and Waste Gas Treatment/Management Systems in
the Chemical Secto – July 2014 (BREF-CWW).
[Sludge-Landfill] European Environment Agency - Environmental Terminology and Discovery Service
[EMAS] Eco-Management and Audit Scheme - European commission.
[ISO 14001 and 50001] International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

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III - Acronyms – Abbreviations

AOX Absorbable Organic Halides

BAT Best Available Technology
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
BREF Best Available Technology Reference Documents
BREF-CCW BAT Reference Document for Common Waste water and Waste Gas Treatment
BREF-PP BAT Reference Document for the Production of Pulp, Paper and Board
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CEPI Confederation of European Paper Industries
CHP Combined Heat and Power (Generation)
CH4 Methane
CMP Chemi-mechanical Pulp
CN Combined Nomenclature
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CPT Free-delivered Prices / Carriage Paid To
CTMP Chemi-Thermomechanical Pulp
DIP De-inked Pulp
EC European Commission
ECB European Central Bank
EEA European Environment Agency
EFI European Forest Institute
EN European Normalization
EPIS European Pulp Industry Sector
ERPA European Recovered Paper Association
ERPC European Recovered Paper Council
ESTAT Eurostat - Statistical office of the European Union
ETS Emissions Trading Scheme
EU European Union
EXW Ex-mill Prices / Ex-works
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FRA Forest Resource Assessment
FSC Forest Stewardship Council
FTP Forest-based Sector Technology Platform
GCC Ground Calcium Carbonate
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GTIS Global Trade Information System
GVA Gross Value Added
HS Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
HW Hardwood
ICFPA International Council of Forest and Paper Associations
IEA International Energy Agency
IED Industrial Emissions Directive
IMA Industrial Minerals Association

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IMF International Monetary Fund

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization
JPC Jaakko Poyry Consulting
JRC Joint Research Centre
LHV Lower Heating value
LWC Light-weight Coated
MCPFE Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
NACE Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community
NCASI National Council for Air and Stream Improvement
NGO Non-governmental Organization
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
NPISH Non Profit Institutions Serving Households
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OHSAS Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series
P Phosphorus
PCC Precipitated Calcium Carbonate
PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
PM Particulate Matter
PPI Pulp and Paper Industry
PRODCOM European Comunity Industry Production (statistics of industrial production)
PTS Papiertechnische Stiftung
R&D Research and Development
RES Renewable Energy Sources
RISI Resource Information System Inc
S Sulphur
SC Super Calendered
SFM Sustainable Forest Management
SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
STS-R Regulation on Short-Term Statistics
SW Softwood
TBFRA Temporate and Boreal Forest Resources Assessment
TMP Thermo-Mechanical Pulp
TOR Terms of Reference
TRS Total Reduced Sulphur
TSS Total Suspended Solids
UN United Nations
UNECE Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nation
VAT Value Added Tax
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development
WTO World Trade Organization

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IV - Annexes
1 Harmonised Structure for Raw Material and Products – CEPI – 2007
2 Harmonised List for Raw Material and Products – CEPI – 2007
3 Harmonised Structure for Paper & Board Grades – CEPI – 2007
4 Harmonised List for Paper & Board Grades – CEPI – 2007
5 Alignment of Combined Nomenclature Products Headings with CEPI Grades – CEPI 2014
6 Combined Nomenclature Chapter 44 – European Union – 2015
7 Combined Nomenclature Chapter 47 – European Union – 2015
8 Combined Nomenclature Chapter 48 – European Union – 2015
EN 643 European List of Standard Grades of Paper and Board for Recycling –
CEN/CEPI/ERPA – June 2002
Guidance on the revised EN 643 – CEPI – 2013
Alignment of Paper for Recycling Classes with EN 643 List of Grades – CEPI 2014
Geonomenclature – Eurostat – 2004
11 CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion - Highlights (2013 Edition) – IEA - 2013
12 Converting Factors currently used by CEPI – Poyry, Eurostat
13 Raw Material Efficiency in the European Paper Industry – CEPI – 2012
14 Wood Flows in Europe – Study by Prof. Dr. Udo Mantau – 2012
15 European Pulp & Paper Manufacturing and Converting Trade Organisations – CEPI – 2014

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