MOGCITY Looksmaxxing Guide 1-2

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What Is Looksmaxing?

Looksmaxing is defined as any attempt to improve or maximize one’s appearance. The term
“Looksmaxing” is geared towards men, as most women have been more appearance-focused or
“Looksmaxing” since they were young. Most men don’t put much effort into their looks, other than the
regular haircut


Soft Looksmaxing involves using noninvasive methods and DIY methods to improve your looks. A few

• Dietary changes
• Body Fat loss
• Grooming
• Weight Training
• Skincare routines

Hard Looksmaxing involves using invasive (possibly dangerous) methods such as surgery in an attempt to
improve one’s appearance. Hard Looksmaxing works, but it comes with risks. A few examples would be:

• Anabolic steroids
• Skin bleaching
• Plastic surgery (Rhinoplasty, fillers, Botox)
• Double jaw surgery
• Hair transplants
• Limb lengthening surgery

Identify your failos and put 100% effort into fixing them first. Failos are usually things that stand out in a
negative way, people have bullied you for it, or commented on it multiple times. Anything average is NOT
a failo. Your goal should be to make your failos at least average. There is no need to make your failos into
halos. You will be chasing the carrot on the stick if you try to make your least aesthetic part of your face
into the most aesthetic part. You will ruin your harmony which is by far the most important thing when it
comes to looksmaxxing. You want your features to flow together. That’s why Chico is so aesthetically
pleasing. He doesn’t have one failo. His jaw isn’t Chad tier, he doesn’t have a very masculine chin, nor
have hollow cheekbones. His harmony is top tier. Don’t ruin your harmony trying to get O’Pry’s eye area
and a square jaw. You will fall into uncanny valley. Wanting another man’s features on yourself will look
like shit 9/10 times as well. DO NOT try to emulate someone else’s look because it only looks good on
them. You need to work with your face and minimize flaws while not overdoing your strong points. Sad
truth is the majority of people, even after looksmaxxing, will never be Male Model tier and I know that’s
the dream for practically all of this forum. Accept this, but keep looksmaxxing. Don’t lose yourself in your
delusions of having girls approach you on the street and living a completely different life.
MAXING YOUR FACE IS CRUCIAL!!!! It’s the first thing girls look at when they see you. You need to max
out these features

• Jaw
• Eyebrows
• Skin
• Mouth
• Eyes
• Nose


• Minoxidil Guide
• Anti-Aging
• Bone smashing
• Volufiline
• Craniofacial Growth
• Diet
• Gut Health and how it AFFECTS EVERYTHING
• Asymmetry



If your jaw is too narrow the best way to get a wider jaw is to CHEW. CHEW, CHEW, CHEW, get 2
pieces of falim gum pieces on both sides, drink water and chew with an intent to crush your teeth. Create
a mind muscle connection. Make sure you chew till your jaw gets sore, but don’t overdo it or you might
get TMJ. It’s a muscle just like any other on your body. Chewing builds masseter muscles which give your
face definition but if done for long time it can heavily change bone structure (increase bone mass).

HOW TO CHEW CORRECTLY: It's a simple thing to do.

1)use your molars to chew because we have evolved to use them for chewing.

2) don't use your cheek muscles while chewing

3) chew from both sides How to not get bloated look through chewing: Muh chewing gives
bloated look Spoiler:

The key is to not cause cheek muscles hypertrophy, how?

1)don't use your cheeks in chewing. Use your tongue to swipe food across the mouth and use
tongue to swallow.
3) Routine : For bone changes start from chewing hard gum 1 hour and processed to 3 For chiselle
users start from 20 min and processed to 40 min to hour or more Chew on both sides equally if u have
chiselle u don't need to worry about this but if have gum try chewing it consciously on one side for like 5
sec and move it to the other side then and repeat, it will become a habit after sometime.

Note: to see any bone changes try this for at least 2 to 3 years everyday(ideally 4 to 6 years)
although you'll see masseter changes in a month Which is more better hard gum or chisell device

If your face is soy looking and underdeveloped, it’s okay. It’s because mainly because of mouth
breathing, start mewing. Adapt mewing as your all-time state. Then... here comes the fun part but if you
want to truly change your facial structure, naturally. You can do this. Relax yourself, calm yourself down so
your sutures will relax. Then do 2 things. Thumbpulling and hard mew. Also relax your masseter muscles
down. Massage them because they’re powerful AF. Relax them up. Then do the hard mewing and
thumbpulling. But always constantly mew. You also need ELITE level posture to not have an
underdeveloped face.

Your chin is very important. Your chin is 1/8th of your face but can make or break your face
depending on how recessed or projected it is. The best way to fix this is with bone smashing (In depth
guide on this and how to do it properly and safely will be found in the exclusive pack).

If your jaw is too narrow and recessed the best way to fix this is with bimax surgery.


Eyebrow maxing (probably make 35% of eye attractiveness):

Thickness and Density:



Peppermint Oil


Shape: Threading Plucking

Your eyebrows need to be dense and thick. Trim them with tweezers, never use a razor. Use
minoxidil to make them dense if they are lacking in volume. (In depth minoxidil guide will be found in the
exclusive pack). Use a derma stamp with minoxidil for thicker and better results.


Most people do skincare all wrong, they dry out their skin with tons of products, and moisturize
with synthetic ingredients that just mask the problem. Your skin is an ORGAN and the key to fixing acne is
to keep the organ healthy by NOT stubbing tons of creams on it. Think of it this way, if we are having
trouble breathing, we don’t rub cream on our mouth and nose, rather we know it’s a problem with the
lung organ and the respiratory system and we heal those from the inside. Treating skin problems is no
different. Acne is a problem with the skin organ, instead of rubbing endless creams on it, heals the organ
from the inside out. Our skin has been under attack since birth, constantly bombarded with toxins like
plastics, tap water, low quality soaps, seed oils, sugar, processed food, etc. We must reverse this process
of skin degeneration. Acne is caused by 2 things, inflammation, and sebum overproduction. Sebum is the
oil produced on our skin. The goal is not to eliminate sebum as it is essential to skin health but rather to
balance our sebum production. We NEEED sebum, it protects our skin from UV, repels bacteria,
moisturizes our skin, etc. most acne products clear away this vital oil making our skin dry, but this only
causes your skin to produce MORE sebum, it’s an endless cycle. We want healthy sebum production. And
we want to eliminate other things that clog pores. Remember Sebum is good. So, we need to eliminate
other sources that clog pores, start with not using any hair products, no conditioner, no shampoo, no
creams, or product. These all clog your pores, for your hair just wash with water. The hair will be oily at
first but will later regulate its sebum production, that’s right, hair also produces sebum, and when we stop
putting synthetic products in it, it regulates its sebum production. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT OUR SKIN TO
DO. Stop using any skincare products that don’t mimic sebum. The only ones I’ve found that work with is
olive oil, beef tallow, and jojibia oil. Over time when your skin isn’t being bombarded with chemicals, it will
regulate itself over time. THIS WILL TAKE TIME, our skin needs to heal, this will take MONTHS. You also
need the proper energy inputs to heal your skin. Cut out all processed food, including but not limited to,
Seed oils, White sugar, Chips, Pasteurized milk, etc. You also need the proper nutrients to build up your
skin, these are collagen, vitamin A (in the form of retinol NOT BETA CAROTENE) and not topical synthetic
retinol, get your retinol from animal sources like liver, beef, eggs, raw dairy. Your body doesn’t absorb non
animal based vitamin A like beta carotene well. Vitamin E will detox your skin from seed oils. Found again
in animal products. A supplement is good for this one. Zinc, great for overall skin health and detox. Found
in animal sources. Over time your skin will heal, give it time, and heal it. Also get sunlight.

Sunmaxxing Been doing a lot of research about the sun and it’s benefits. The sun causing skin cancer
is a lie from big pharma and big food to sell sunscreen and give you skin cancer (they want you to have
cancer, because it makes them millions of dollars. Cancer treatment is a billion-dollar industry). The real
cause of skin cancer relating to the sun is seed oils. For melanomas (cancer on skin) to develop you need
uv light (sun) AND lipid peroxidation which is caused by seed oils. Skin cancer rarely develops without
both of these. So don’t worry about fucking skin cancer and just don’t eat toxic seed oils. Now onto the
benifets of sun exposure
1. Tanned skin, more attractive (depending on phenotype of course), safer (less likely to get skin
problems of all kinds due to the sun callus developed from sun exposure)
2. Endorphins, sun exposure causes endorphins to be released which makes you happier and
reduces stress and improves your mood.
3. The sun will make your hair and eyes be brighter and more attractive.
4. Vitamin D improves test protection along with numerous other benefits.


Replace your tooth paste and traditional fluoride filled oral care with a ultra soft tooth brush (too
protect enamel from abrasion of aggressive brushes), organic natural tooth cleaning powder (look for one
with baking soda but make sure it’s aluminum free), practice oil pulling twice a day (the bacteria in your
mouth that causes oral problems is fat soluble so the oil swishing for 10 mins will get rid of some of the
bacteria. Most oral problems can be linked to the food you eat. Your guy in connected to literally anything
and what you eat literally is what your cells are made from. Fix your energy inputs (diet) and you will fix
oral issues. Avoid Fluoride at ALL COSTS, it calcifies your pineal gland over time. TLDR: Fluoride bad, use
baking soda without aluminum and soft toothbrush, swish with high quality virgin oil Our ancestors had
perfect teeth without “normal” oral care Ideal diet will consist of RAW dairy, don’t eat any fucking diary
unless it is raw and grass fed, the pasteurization process gets rid of the lactase which helps your body
digest and metabolize the milk. Even if you are lactose intolerant you still need the lactase Eat tons of red
meat, contains so many nutrients and most importantly they are bioavailable, a lot of the nutrients in
vegetables don’t even get absorbed Eggs (pasture raised organic) Organic fruit Butter, olive oil, coconut
oil, etc are good.


You cannot change your canthal tilt without Canthoplasty surgery.

Fix your undereye support. If you have a hollow undereye look the best way to fix this naturally is to
use Volufiline. A permanent treatment to fix hollowness is to get an implant (Infraorbital Rim Implant).
Using hidden incision inside the lower eyelid (transconjunctival), the implant is inserted to fill the tear
trough deformity and shallow orbital rim or those with maxillary hypoplasia. Before you go to sleep make
sure to apply moisturizer or Vaseline to your undereye. It will keep you undereye fresh and will help get
rid of dark circles. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT YOU GET AT LEAST 8 HOURS OF SLEEP. It will not only help with your
undereye but your overall appeal. These are your best options to fix your under eye.

If you find yourself with low UEE/hooded + Almond/hunter-eyes they are a sign of
underdeveloped eye area + Prenatal/puberal Low-T, you get them when you don't take care of
yourself. How to avoid them: I prefer doing this "pinch-on-the eye" exercise, it's very functional:

Ice hooding - (Thery, increase fat as eye contains brown fat):

Eyelash maxing (apparent better PFL): Castor oil Peppermint Oil Eyelash Extensions Eyelash
Transplant Eyelash Dye Minoxidil and latisse (not recommended)

Orbicularis Oculi Hypertrophy (decrease uue and increase undereye support)


Having a bump or a big nose isn’t bad if your other features are strong. Harmony is #1. The only
real way to fix your nose is with rhinoplasty. You can help change the downwardness of your nose by
doing nose exercises. Apply pressure upwards to the tip of your nose and hold. Move your upper lip down
to create tension between your nose and upper lip. Release and repeat 50 times a day.

Losing body fat and decreasing inflammation will also help and make your nose smaller. Having a
proper skin care routine will help with inflammation and cutting carbs will give you a less bloated look all

If you are on Accutane, it will also decrease the size of your nose.



Here’s a short video guide overview. Minoxidil for Hair Loss - YouTube

This covers most if not all minoxidil questions / the science behind if you will be a responder ect.

“Transcript to the video : The following talk is about minoxidil which is one type of medication that's used
for non-surgical hair restoration in this talk I’ll be covering the history of minoxidil which is also called
rogaine. rogaine is the brand name I’ll be going through the mechanism of action of minoxidil the different
formulations of the medication as well as its side effects make sure to watch till the end of the video
where I’ll cover a newer type of formulation which is showing some promise in delivering results I’d like to
mention that this is part of our series on non-surgical hair restoration options and with all medical
therapies I recommend being on at least two different types of medical therapies to optimize your hair
restoration goals and I also want to say that with all medical therapies you have to continue to be on that
medical therapy to see sustained beneficial effects of that medication or different procedures that might
be done that are still in the realm of medical therapies so let's start with the history of minoxidil minoxidil
was introduced in the early 1970s as a treatment for hypertension or high blood pressure it's really rarely
used today for that same purpose but that's how people found out about its benefits for hair restoration
one of the side effects of the medication was hypertrichosis which means increased amount of hair on
different parts of the body and people found that when you had different patients on oral minoxidil they
were getting these situations where more hair was growing in other parts of their body including hair on
the head and the beard area so this led to the development of a topical formulation of minoxidil for the
treatment of androgenic alopecia in men and then subsequently in women and as you know androgenic
alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in men and women so the two percent product was first
marketed for hair regrowth in men in 1986 in the united states and then the five percent product became
available in 1993. so moving on to the mechanism of action of minoxidil so minoxidil is actually what's
called a pro drug which is not the active form of the medication it's then converted to its active form
which is called minoxidil sulfate and that's done by an enzyme called sulfo transferase that enzyme is
expressed in the outer root sheath of hair follicles the higher the enzyme activity in a person the better
the response to minoxidil and that's why not everyone responds as well as they'd like to minoxidil is a
vasodilator that works by opening up potassium channels on smooth muscle as well and that's how it
works to lower blood pressure when it's given in a high enough dose in oral formulation it also has been
shown to enhance hair growth and it reduces hair loss specifically it prolongs the anagen phase of the
growth cycle which is the growth cycle responsible for improved growth of of the actual hair and there are
actually some new tests that are assessing sulfo transferase enzyme activity in kind of plucked hair follicles
to predict treatment response so generally low enzyme activity will mean that you have a limited
response to minoxidil and then the opposite is also true high enzyme activity means a better response to
minoxidil and one interesting point is that salicylic acid which is an aspirin precursor actually inhibits that
same enzyme expression in the liver and that's why it really should be avoided if possible for optimal
efficacy of minoxidil so let's go through the different formulations we're going to start with the topical
formulation so it's one of only two usfda approved drugs for the treatment of androgenic alopecia it's also
used off label in other hair loss disorders including alopecia areata which is what i have but usually not in
universalis which is the subset that i specifically have but it's also used in beard and eyebrow
enhancement for example as has been shown to to work for those applications as well it comes as either a
solution or a foam product the solution which is the original sort of formulation for the topical minoxidil
has what's called propylene glycol in it which improves the delivery of the drug into the hair follicle but it
also causes local irritation so the foam is easier to use because it's it's quicker to dry and it's more
localized in its application so it's kind of the more popular choice between those two for men with
androgenic alopecia it's recommended that you do a twice daily application of either one ml of five
percent minoxidil solution or half of a capful of five percent minoxidil foam for women with female
pattern hair loss it's recommended twice daily application of one ml of two percent minoxidil solution or
once daily application of half a capful of the five percent minoxidil foam and the reason for that is that you
want to reduce the side effects of the medication we'll go through the side effects later in the talk but
women are more susceptible to getting that additional hair growth and other parts specifically of the face
so to reduce that side effect you want to keep that foam application especially at five percent down to
once a day and what's interesting is that with the topical formulation approximately 1.4 percent of the
actual topical minoxidil is absorbed through the normal scalp so most of the actual drug is not being
absorbed into through the scalp and that is why other formulations exist and are still prescribed for hair
restoration when it comes to minoxidil and following four months of twice daily application less than 40
percent of patients regrow hair and that's something that is important to remember and one of the
reasons why it's not used as as widely as it potentially could be and that's because not everyone's a
responder and we talked about earlier why that might be and that's because of that sulfo transferase
activity and enzyme expression why do people stop using topical minoxidil the main reasons are poor
regrowth of hair the fact that it's a twice daily application undesirable hair texture which can occur in
some people scalp irritation especially with the solution and a shedding period which usually lasts for
about three to six weeks and because of these shortcomings some opt for an oral formulation of minoxidil
so let's talk about that so remember the oral formulation of minoxidil is actually how we discovered its
beneficial effects for hair restoration it was used for blood pressure control but for blood pressure control
the doses are much higher and are different from the doses used for for hair loss type of conditions the
adverse effects that are seen with oral minoxidil are much higher and much more serious the higher the
dose that's given so the blood pressure doses for hypertension are on the order of 10 to 40 milligrams per
dose whereas for hair restoration it's generally five milligrams or under and so low-dose oral minoxidil has
been shown to be safe and effective for hair growth the doses are as low as this is again for the literature
the doses are as low as 0.25 milligrams daily for women with female pattern hair loss and that's been
shown to be effective and as low as one milligram for men though in men based on various studies the
recommended dose is actually 2.5 milligrams to five milligrams for the oral daily dose there's also and this
is what I was telling you guys in the beginning of the talk there's also sublingual application of minoxidil
and that involves taking a pill putting it under the tongue and allowing it to dissolve and there was a study
in 2020 from Dr. Sinclair in Australia that was a retrospective review of 64 patients men and women and
they had a six-month follow-up period the advantage of the sublingual administration is that it actually
bypasses hepatic which means liver metabolism and therefore it increases the bioavailability of the drug
meaning there's more of it actually working in your body compared with the oral administration of the pill
and the doses used in his study were 0.45 milligrams daily 20 of the 64 patients were actually increased to
0.9 milligrams daily and in his study he found that there were improvements based on a global
assessment of the photographs as well as hair shedding scales that were shown to also improve in the
study the side effects that he showed were mild hypertrichosis in eight uh women there was mild postural
dizziness that occurred in three men and two women and there was mild edema that occurred in two
women so overall good safety profile to the sublingual formulation and this definitely is very promising
but we need prospective studies we need additional studies and there was also a lack of statistics that I
saw in that retrospective study so basically we need to study it much more before that could be
recommended but it's definitely a very interesting and novel approach and it could end up being a very
kind of a beneficial way to administer minoxidil so let's now go over the side effects of minoxidil both with
the topical applications as well as systemic use as far as the topical side effects of minoxidil use you have
the contact dermatitis and that is mostly from the solution formulation you have headaches which can
occur hypertrichosis which we already covered and that's been shown to be worse in women five percent
formulation of the topical solution is actually more likely to give you these side effects compared to the
two percent which makes intuitive sense as far as systemic side effects of minoxidil which you can get
from oral use or sublingual use there are some serious side effects at the high doses again at doses that
are given more for the blood pressure type of application rather than for hair restoration and those
systemic side effects include different types of fluid retention problems that can result in something called
pericardial effusion as well as a few other conditions swelling of the legs things of that nature and as far as
the termination of treatment because a lot of people think that when you stop minoxidil you just start to
lose your hair right away and many of my patients are worried that if they miss one dose that all of a
sudden everything will just you know be lost all the gains that they've made and that's really not true
there's a progressive decline of hair that occurs over the course of about 12 to 24 weeks is what's been
shown in the studies it's not a kind of instant on off switch so it's okay to miss the occasional dose of
minoxidil you're not going to lose your hair right away from that so let's summarize what we've talked
about and what we've learned so far about minoxidil I’ll also give you an idea here of what i generally
recommend when it comes to like you know clinical practice and how you should administer minoxidil
both for yourself and sometimes maybe going to your doctor for a prescription so keep in mind that for
the topical formulation at least in the united states you don't need a prescription right you can go to the
drug store and you find it on the shelf so you start with topical minoxidil generally the foam version is
recommended you can start with the two percent but I would just recommend starting with the five
percent if you're able to tolerate it and i recommend attempting it for at least three months to see what
kind of benefit you might get from it as far as your hair growth this includes not just the scalp but it can
include eyebrows and could include the beard as well so if you're tolerating that and you're seeing some
improvement great continue using that if you're unable to tolerate the medication the topical like for
example if you get a headache that becomes persistent or you get this hypertrichosis effect where you get
extra hair on a face that you don't want in the case of women for example or you don't see much of an
impact with the topical formulation you could then bump up to oral minoxidil you need a prescription
from your doctor for this and you want to start with again low dosing right five milligrams or less and it's
really gender specific based on the studies women do well with lower doses of minoxidil oral and then
men do better with the doses of the two and a half to five milligrams daily dose so again talk to your
doctor see if it's okay with all the other medications that you take i can tell you that in my practice for
women i might start with a one milligram per day dose for men closer to a 2.5 milligram per day dose and
most people do extremely well and tolerate the pill well and definitely you know many people see some
benefits with oral minoxidil the sublingual formulation of minoxidil i think is still too experimental and i
wouldn't just jump to using that I don't even know if you can easily obtain that at least in the states here
so i think we still need to do more studies as a community before we can kind of safely say that that's a
good option for people and if you're on the systemic formulation so like the oral minoxidil you definitely
have to be vigilant for some of the more systemic kind of blood pressure related side effects of minoxidil
that i mentioned earlier fluid retention any changes in your overall sort of condition need to be you know
those things have to be brought up with your doctor if you're on that type of pill so that is pretty much all
I have for you when it comes to minoxidil in in 2021 you know as time goes on I’m sure we'll get more
information and i'll be sure to share updates with you we could do that every year if you guys would like
and we have a whole lot more planned for you as far as non-surgical hair restoration videos I know you
know the community has been asking me about this we put out a lot of hair transplant videos but there
are a lot of people who don't need or want a hair transplant but a lot of people who benefit from these
non-surgical modalities and minoxidil is like a tried and true one and it's one of the only FDA approved
ones so we have a lot of data to support its use so hopefully you guys learned something make sure to like
comment and subscribe to the channel turn on your notifications and I’ll see you again soon.”

Craniofacial Growth

here's my hypothesis for forward craniofacial growth

first, we need to understand the process of bone metabolism. Bone remodeling (or bone metabolism) is a
lifelong process where the mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton (a process called bone
resorption) and new bone tissue is formed. These processes also control the reshaping or replacement of
bone following injuries like fractures but also micro-damage, which occurs during normal activity.
Remodeling responds also to the functional demands of mechanical loading. Two main cells are
responsible for bone remodeling, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts secrete new bone, osteoclasts
break down old bone. Our goal is to enhance the process of bone remodeling by altering the osteoblast
and osteoclast function, this will only work during puberty, whilst the body is in a state of susceptibility to
growth factors. This guide is going to basically me regurgitating all of my research into one thread, it won't
be structured well but take what you can from it. Okay, firstly, don't fast, restrict caloric intake or eat a shit
diet whilst in the midst of pubertal growth. You want to follow a diet high in cholesterol, saturated fats,
moderate amounts of protein (animal sourced), and most importantly, high carbohydrate. Eat well above
2500kcal daily, you want to be in a constant state of anabolism, you want your metabolism to be firing,
without a functioning thyroid none of what I'm about to tell you will work. you'll need to be constantly
eating, specifically carbohydrates like potatoes, tubers, and white rice, don't eat any other source of
carbohydrates, stick to tubers and vegetables, involve high amounts of cholesterol from eggs and butter,
don't consume polyunsaturated fats at all, they will oxidize in the blood and become free radicals,
damaging the Leydig cells and lowering steroid hormone levels within the body. Consume fruits like apples
and oranges, eat red meats, specifically beef, some fish here and there. Mainly focus on eating as much
cholesterol from eggs and consuming large amounts of carbohydrates from the correct sources before
you sleep, don't pig out on high-glycemic carbs, that isn't what I'm suggesting, I'll go into more detail later.
Don't restrict calories or fast, this will lower the activity of the mTOR/pi3k/ATK pathways as insulin is vital
for the activation of these pathways, fasting and lowering caloric intake will also decrease both insulin and
leptin within the body, leptin is the hormone that is released when you have eaten past the point of
satiation, my findings suggest that leptin is a potent agonist to osteogenic genotypes, essentially it induces
bone formation, remodeling, and mineral disposition, it also increases IGF-1 levels, which is what we
want. I can't stress how much eating is necessary for bone remodeling. Correcting your diet is step one,
following the diet that I have written above will guarantee that you're inducing a constant state of
anabolism, insulin will be released when you consume food, your metabolism with increase, in turn
producing t3 and t4, both these thyroid hormones will convert somatropin into IGF-1, IGF-1 and insulin
will then stimulate the mTOR1-2/pi3k/ATK pathways, in turn inducing hyperplasia, cell proliferation,
hypertrophy and increased level of protein synthesis. Basically, through the activation of these pathways,
your body will be in a constant state of anabolism.

Pi3k is necessary to promote growth and proliferation over the differentiation of adult stem cells It is the
difficulty in finding an appropriate amount of proliferation versus differentiation that researchers are
trying to determine in order to utilize this balance in the development of various therapies. The constant
spike of insulin and IGF-1 is what keeps these pathways active during adolescence, specifically insulin. To
keep it simple, I'd say using exogenous forms of either GH or IGF-1 is enough to enhance the mTOR/pi3k
pathways, but if you really want to induce growth. Your best bet is to use experimental chemicals that are
known as pi3k agonists/activators. Agonists such as 740-Y-P can be used, these will have a potent
stimulatory effect on the anabolic pathways, in combination with constant insulin secretion and high IGF-
1, and GH levels, you will experience growth like none other, although I don't recommend the usage of
these experimental 'pathway agonists' as they are not researched extensively and can possibly cause
cancer due to chronic cell proliferation.

constantly activating the mTOR/pi3k/ATK pathways is vital, keeping these anabolic pathways firing during
puberty is important for growth, don't fast and don't restrict calories, keep insulin up, keep metabolism
firing and get plenty of deep sleep with the correct circadian rhythms, after puberty you can focus on
autophagy and anti-aging protocols.

cortisol is a negative hormone, we don't want it. Glucocorticoids will suppress bone formation via the
inhibition of osteoclasts, meaning it'll stop the process of the bone breaking down. We want osteoblasts
and osteoclasts to be in a state of equilibrium or homeostasis for better words, we want them to be
functioning together, but we want them to be functioning at a higher rate than the normal person. the
usage of delta sleep-inducing peptide will block corticotropin from synthesizing cortisol, DSIP will also
block somatostatin and upregulate the release of gonadotropin, in turn amplifying the release of
luteinizing hormone. This peptide is a must in any protocol, due to the blockage of somatostatin and

dihydrotestosterone and E2 are both needed for bone remodeling, testosterone not so much. Estrogen
maintains adult bone mass by inhibiting bone resorption and osteoclast activity, which in theory isn't what
we want, again we want homeostasis between osteoblast and osteoclast, both estrogen and cortisol block
osteoclast activity and bone resorption from occurring, this is the reason estrogen is promoted as
necessary for bone health, if you can't make up for the bone resorption with sufficient bone formation
than problems occur. Theoretically, if you wanted to reshape your bones, the best method would be to
nuke your estrogen with letrozole, this would decrease osteoclast activity substantially, to the point where
bone resorption would be almost impossible, it would also exasperate the effects of osteoblast activity,
again we don't want this, we want equilibrium between the two, estrogen is needed in keeping
homeostasis between the osteoblasts and osteoclasts, dihydrotestosterone increases osteocalcin activity,
in turn inducing bone formation and increasing bone mineral deposition, dihydrotestosterone and
estrogen together synergize nicely, DHT will decrease the level of estrogen within the body, but not
enough to the point where osteoclast activity is altered, we want bone resorption to occur, so that dht can
begin the formation of new bone cells. The problem with administrating DHT alone is that at the dosages
that we need to be working with in order to increase osteocalcin and osteoblast activity would nuke our
estradiol, so the usage of human-chorionic-gonadotropin should be used in order to increase intra-
testicular estrogen and aromatase activity. Keep in mind this is all theoretical, but I'm sure that estrogen
and dht synergize when it comes to bone metabolism and remodeling.

again, let me just explain, osteoblasts promote the proliferation of bone cells and the growth of bone,
whereas osteoclasts promote resorption of the bone cells, essentially osteoclasts are there to renew the
bone by metabolizing bone cells, allowing for new bone to form via osteocytes, osteocalcin, and
osteoblast activity. Estrogen effectively inhibits osteoclast activity from occurring, this is why post-
menopausal women experience BMD issues as osteoclast activity is at an all-time high due to the lack of
estrogen in the women's bodies, osteoclasts are high and osteoblasts are low, meaning constant bone
metabolism and no new bone cell proliferation and growth. We don't want to nuke our estrogen as we
need it to keep homeostasis

I hypothesize that we need high activity of both osteoclast and osteoblast for bone substantial bone
growth, others debate that reshaping the bone requires an overabundance of osteoclast activity and less
osteoblast, others debate that osteoblasts should be promoted, and osteoclasts should be inhibited.
Vitamin K2 has agonistic properties on the nuclear factor-kB signaling pathway. Nf-kB agonists have potent
pro-anabolic and anti-catabolic effects on bone cells, essentially when this pathway is activated it
decreases bone resorption and upregulates osteoblast activity. vitamin K2 action on osteoblast and
osteoclast formation and activity is accomplished by down-regulating basal and cytokine-induced NF-kB
activation, by increasing IkB mRNA, Furthermore, vitamin K2 prevents repression by tumor necrosis factor-
a (TNFa) of SMAD signaling induced by either transforming growth factor B (TGFB) or bone morphogenetic
protein-2 (BMP-2). This is why menopausal women who take vitamin K2 experience great results when it
comes to BMD, due to their lowered estrogen activity osteoclasts are high, when MK4 is introduced
osteoclast are somewhat inhibited and osteoblast activity is increased, countering the effects of low
estradiol. For a protocol, I'd suggest either 5-7.5iu of growth hormone daily, along with IGF-1 Lr3 50-
100mcg daily, add in some Mk4 at 100-200mg daily (you can buy pure powder and just wing the dosage,
mk4 isn't toxic, just don't go over 500mg). IGF-1 Lr3 would work great, it has a low affinity to bind to
IGFBP3 and a higher affinity to the IGFR1-2, it's basically IGF-1 on roids. Most importantly, eat. Leptin and
Insulin are the most important hormones for growth, keep that in mind.


Quick diet guide Don’t eat processed foods Eat a shit load of red meat (grass fed) Eat a shit ton of fruit
Honey honey honey honey Eat vegetables (I recommend carrots and broccoli as staples) Best starchy carb
is going to be potatoes Eat Dairy (raw is best) Olive oil, butter, and avocados are best fats Eat nuts That’s
pretty much it, focus on those foods (this is 95% of what I eat) Meal example is a steak, sweet potato with
butter, and honey.



Health is Gut Health

• Health begins in the gut. We are what we digest and absorb.
• The intestines function to digest and absorb nutrients, which brings us health.

The One & Only Root Cause

• Low stomach acid is the primary cause of digestive problems.

• Stomach acid consists of hydrogen and chloride and is essential for digestion.

Problems On a Plant Based Diet

• Most Westerners have shifted towards a plant-based diet, leading to digestive and thyroid issues.
• Anti-nutrients and indigestible fiber in plant foods can cause digestive problems.

The Solution Provided

• The Ancestral Gut Health course aims to simplify health and provide the necessary knowledge to
optimize gut function.
• Avoiding gut-damaging habits and implementing healthy habits is key to fixing gut issues.

The Great Gut Reset

• Establishing a healthy gut foundation should be the priority.

• Deep sleep, sunlight, physical activity, pure water, and whole foods are essential for a healthy
digestive system.

Know Thyself

• Understanding your current state of health, environment, and consistent effort are important
factors in achieving optimal gut function.
• Listen to your body's signs and feedback and trust your intuition.

Speeding Up Transit Time

• Healthy gut function relies on speeding up transit time.

• Consistency and routine in diet and lifestyle are necessary for optimal gut function.

Healing is Sealing The Gut

• Maintaining a healthy gut requires avoiding bad habits and maintaining consistency.
• A few basic things like deep sleep, sunlight, physical activity, pure water, and whole foods are
essential for a healthy gut.

Plants contain various toxins and antinutrients

• Plants produce toxins and antinutrients to protect themselves from being eaten
• Toxins and antinutrients like lectins, goitrogens, phytates, oxalates, and enzyme inhibitors can
negatively affect human health
Grains should be eliminated from the diet

• Grains are heavily processed and often sprayed with pesticides and glyphosate
• High consumption of grains has been linked to various digestive diseases and psychological

Gluten and grains have detrimental effects on the gut

• Gluten content in cereal grains has increased and can cause inflammation
• Grains are taxing to the organs, lead to weight gain, and contribute to leaky gut syndrome

PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are harmful to health

• Saturated fats are healthier and more stable than unsaturated fats
• Unsaturated vegetable oils and fats can oxidize, cause inflammation, and damage organs
• PUFAs deplete antioxidant reserves and impair liver detoxification

Reduce consumption of vegetable oils and focus on animal foods

• Get nutrients mainly from animal foods rather than from nuts, grains, and vegetables
• Avoid vegetable oils and opt for coconut oil instead

Eliminate all grains and antinutrients from the diet

• Gluten-free products can be worse for gut health

• Focus on healing the digestive system and include healthy swaps once healed

Be aware of other plant toxins and antinutrients

• Plants contain various other toxins and antinutrients like lignin, glycoalkaloids, tannins, saponins,
and caffeine
• Some plant nutrients have poor availability compared to animal sources
• Consider eliminating vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and greens during severe gut issues

Moderation is key with cellulose consumption

• Cellulose is indigestible fiber

• In large quantities, it can deteriorate the gut, while in moderate quantities, it can be beneficial for
certain ethnicities
• Ruminant animals can convert cellulose into absorbable carbs, fats, and proteins

Replace vegetable oils with saturated animal fat

• Vegetable oils, such as flax seeds, margarine, and potato chips, are high in polyunsaturated fats
(PUFAs) that can be harmful to health.
• To promote good thyroid function and digestion, it is recommended to include coconut oil in the
• Saturated fats from animal sources are stable and provide essential fat-soluble vitamins and
cholesterol for hormone production.

Bioavailable calcium deficiency and mineral deficiencies

• Plant-based diets lack bioavailable calcium and essential minerals, leading to imbalances in the
phosphorus-to-calcium ratio.
• This imbalance can suppress normal thyroid function and hinder metabolic processes.
• Adequate intake of minerals like zinc, selenium, copper, iodine, iron, and calcium is essential for
optimal metabolic function.

Importance of cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins

• Cholesterol is crucial for hormone production, and its deficiency can lead to stress and nutrient
• Plant-based diets lack active forms of vitamin A and vitamin D, which are essential for immune
function, gut health, and overall well-being.
• Supplementing with vitamin A and vitamin D, such as from cod liver oil, is recommended during
winter time.

Balancing macronutrients for good digestion

• Balancing macros - carbohydrates, fats, and proteins - in proper ratios promotes stable blood
sugar regulation and decreases stress.
• Plant-based diets often contain excessive indigestible fiber, starches, and complex carbohydrates,
lacking quality fats and proteins.
• Consuming excessive carbohydrates taxes the pancreas and impairs liver and gallbladder
function, while diminishing stomach acid production.

Plant-based diet and B vitamin deficiencies

• Heating destroys B vitamins in plants, making plant-based diets deficient in B6 and completely
lacking in B12.
• Plant-based diets also contain antinutrients that inhibit proper absorption of minerals and
• B vitamin deficiencies can manifest as chronic fatigue, nervousness, numbness, anemia, digestive
problems, and mood disorders.

Importance of quality protein

• Plant-based diets lack quality protein, leading to various health issues, including muscle loss,
cognitive decline, fatigue, and more.
• Proteins are essential for the structure and function of the body's tissues, organs, hormones,
enzymes, and immune system.
• Quality protein sources include meat, fish, organs, and collagen peptides, which can help heal the
gut and support overall health.
The Great Gut Reset

• Eliminating excessive fiber, high-fiber foods, and coffee can improve gut health and metabolism.
• Alcohol and tap water should be completely avoided due to their detrimental effects on the
stomach and intestinal lining.
• Eliminating stimulants like caffeine promotes healing and digestive improvement in as little as 1-3


• Replacing vegetable oils with saturated fats, addressing mineral deficiencies, ensuring adequate
cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamin intake, balancing macronutrients, addressing B vitamin
deficiencies, prioritizing quality protein, and undertaking a gut reset are crucial for optimal health
and well-being.
• By making these dietary adjustments, individuals can promote thyroid function, digestion,
immune health, and overall metabolic function.

Avoiding Gut Injuries

• Contaminants in water can injure the gut and increase oxidative stress levels.
• Avoid alkaline water as it impairs digestion.
• A1 dairy, especially milk, can cause inflammatory reactions in the digestive tract.

Knowing Your Metabolic Type

• Metabolic typing questionnaire helps determine your preferred macro-nutrient ratio.

• There are three metabolic types: protein, mixed, and carb types.
• The macro-nutrient ratio varies based on your metabolic type.

Understanding Signs from Your Body

• Stool consistency and odor indicate digestion and bacterial overgrowth issues.
• Nail conditions reveal nutritional deficiencies and digestive tract health.
• White spots on nails suggest a zinc deficiency.

Establishing Foundational Habits

• Vitamin D plays a crucial role in gut function and can be obtained from sunlight or cod liver oil.
• Exercise improves digestion by increasing transit time.
• Focus on getting the basics right: vitamin D and exercise.

Speeding Up Transit Time

• Physical activity is essential for improving transit time and digestion.

• Including protein with every meal increases stomach acid production.
• Protein provides amino acids that support digestion.
Prioritizing Gut Health

• Avoid gut injuries by consuming pure water and avoiding harmful contaminants.
• Understand your metabolic type to tailor your diet accordingly.
• Pay attention to signs from your body, such as stool and nail conditions.

Building Foundational Habits

• Maintain healthy vitamin D levels through sunlight or cod liver oil.

• Exercise regularly to improve digestion and transit time.
• Focus on getting the basics right: vitamin D and exercise.

Improving Transit Time

• Stay physically active to boost metabolism and improve transit time.

• Include protein in each meal to increase stomach acid production.
• Protein contains amino acids that support digestion.

Increase stomach acid production

• Eliminate complex carbohydrates from the diet

• Start your day with re-mineralizing water
• Include protein with every meal
• Chew food thoroughly and eat in a calm environment
• Use apple cider vinegar before, with, or after a meal
• Take digestive bitters before a meal
• Drink bone broth before a meal
• Consider supplementing with betaine HCL and thiamine HCL
• Supplement with magnesium

Address bacterial overgrowth and endotoxemia

• Avoid all grains and foods that include yeast fermentation

• Have a daily raw carrot salad
• Try fasting to increase transit time
• Include fiber-rich foods like kiwis, prunes, and pears
• Consider adding aloe vera to your diet

Heal the gut

• Increase protein intake to support gut healing

• Include protein sources like white fish, oysters, and raw egg yolks
• Drink raw milk on an empty stomach
• Consume broth and collagen for gut healing
• Experiment with different types of meat and organ meats
• Include carbs as simple sugars for thyroid function and intestinal healing
• Choose carbohydrate sources like raw honey and low FODMAP fruits
Foods for Gut Health

• Include ripe bananas, blueberries, kiwi, limes, mandarins, oranges, papaya, pineapple, and
strawberries in your diet.
• Avoid unripe bananas and high FODMAP vegetables like asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and

Healing the Gut

• Eat a raw carrot daily for several weeks to keep the gut clean.
• Consistency is key for gut healing, with expected results in 8 to 12 weeks.

Importance of Fats

• Include healthy fats like olive oil and coconut oil in your diet.
• Consider monolaurin supplementation for added antimicrobial benefits.

Removing Unwanted Hosts

• Support your biome by building up stomach acid and introducing healing protein.
• Use natural antimicrobial foods like garlic, onion, coconut oil, and ginger.

Gut Pathologies & Solutions

• SIBO can cause bloating, indigestion, and possibly hypothyroidism.

• A high protein diet and specific supplements/herbs can be effective in treating SIBO.
• H. Pylori can weaken the stomach lining, requiring natural ways to increase stomach acid.
• Candida overgrowth calls for eliminating processed grains and high sugar foods, and using
antifungal agents.
• IBS and acid reflux can be related to SIBO infection.

Do's and Don'ts for Elite Digestion

• Don't stress, as it can diminish stomach acid production and cause digestive issues.
• Practice deep breathing to reduce stress and improve digestion.
• Avoid overeating and aim to eat until 80% full.
• Don't drink while eating to avoid diluting digestive juices.
• Use apple cider vinegar to aid digestion and balance gut flora.
• Regular fasting can help reset the gut and promote rest.

Aim for a 24-72h fast

• Don't gorge
• Chew more

Eat Protein
• Have 30-50 grams of protein with every meal
• Protein should be dominant when gut needs healing

Compromise Sleep

• Less sleep increases gut leakiness

• Op5mal sleep is crucial for gut health

Gut Healing Supplements

• BPC 157 helps with rapid gut healing

• Supplement with IAP, Zinc carnosine, Glutamine, Curcumin, Cod Liver Oil, Collagen, Taurine, and


This is How i fixed my Asymmetry First you Need to locate the source of your asymmetry for that go on
Snapchat TikTok or any app that uses filters and use an Inverted filter click on it a couple of times and look
at your Source of asymmetry If it’s the brows it is a common thing and a pretty easy fix grow them out and
pluck them out SYMMETRICALLY The second step and the biggest problem i had was the jaw and the
midface How I fixed that was also simple i stopped sleeping on one side completely and started taping my
mouth shut when sleeping I also started chewing on the other side way more to even it out Then a
Controversial Method that many retards will advise you not to do which worked wonders for me is open
your mouth slightly and press against the opposite direction very lightly do this a couple of times it clicks a
couple of times and it basically fixed my entire jaw asymmetry.


• reasons to bonesmash. Larger and stronger bones and bone remodeling.

• how bonesmash works. Wolf's law states that bone in a healthy person or animal will adapt
to the loads under which it is placed. Bonesmash puts pressure on the bone by hitting it.
• how to bones grow and remodel.
• Where to hit and where not to hit.
• safe to hit

• hit carefully.

• blood vessels/don't hit

• note be extremely careful when bonesmashing the ramus and gonial angle sense it's close to
a major artery. And be careful in general when bonesmashing the lower mandible. Also be
careful near the eyes and when hitting nose. Be careful also when hitting the orbital vector.
• How to bonesmash. You can bone smash with any hard object. I personally prefer my fist. I
seen massage guns and they seem promising. But I haven't used one so I'm not
recommending it personal.


• note. Use a mouth guard or put a towel in your mouth.

• note. you should Bonesmash for 45/30 minutes bonesmash each area for around five minutes
make sure you do every area evenly use a timer.
• note. Do not hit to hard!⚠
• Schedule/routine

• Everything else

• Lower mandible

• Orbital vector

• rest day/break
• Possible method for nose. If you have a bump on your nose you can hit the areas next to it to
make it appear straighter.

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