The Looksmaxxing Guide Free

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Effective techniques to
glowup this year!.










Importance of clear and healthy skin.

Having clear and healthy skin can take things

up a notch in terms of attractiveness. In this
document, you will learn natural tricks and
skincare which is just right for you.

I will give you all the secrets to clear and

healthy skin, Your skin plays a crucial role in
determining your face ratings and aesthetics.

Clear healthy skin contributes to a more

vibrant complexion, enhancing your facial
features and overall attractiveness.

Skincare routine

Skincare Routine: To get a smooth and glowing skin,

follow these easy steps:

• Goal: Remove dirt and oil.
• Home remedy: Mix one tablespoon of honey with
water. Massage onto damp skin, then rinse.

• Goal: Clear pores and renew skin.
• Home remedy: Mix coffee granules with a bit of
yogurt or honey. Gently, scrub then rinse.

• Goal: Balance skin Ph,
• Home Remedy: Brewed green tea, and apply on
the skin with a cotton pad or spray on the face w
a spray bottle.
Ensuring Healthy Skin

Aloe vera gel for lightweight moisturizing:

Experience a gentle, Moisturizing effect by applying
aloe vera gel to your face.

DIY Sunscreen for Daytime Protection:

Protect your skin from UV damage and premature
aging. Just mix zinc oxide granules with coconut oil
before sun exposure.

Internal Hydration for Radiant Skin:

Keep your skin hydrated by drinking 3 to 6 liters of
water every day.

Nighttime Nourishment with coconut oil:

Apply coconut oil before sleeping at night as a
moisturizer to rejuvenate your skin.
Clear Acne

Cleanse after sweating:

After sweating make sure you clean your face, Helps in
minimizing acne.

Hands off your face:

It can spread germs so do not touch your face with
dirty hands.

Smart makeup chouces:

If you use makeup, I suggest you go for the ones
labeled as ‘Non-Comedogenic’. This lowers the
chances of your pores getting clogged. Also, be
sure to remove your makeup before going to bed.

Clean pillowcase:
They collect bacteria, dead skin, and oil, so keep
them clean.

Best way to get rid of acne is to start using retinol,
It improves skin texture and treats acne.

Collagen is a crucial protein that provides structure,

strength, and elasticity to your skin. Here’s an overview
of the potential benefits and changes you might
observe with increased collagen intake:

Improved Skin Elasticity, Reduced Wrinkles and Fine

Lines, Hydration and Moisture Retention, Enhanced Skin
Texture, Reduction in Cellulite and Stretch Marks

Best ways to get Collagen:

Bone broth, Chicken skin and cartilage, Supplementing
Gelatin, Eat more Vitamin C rich foods
The most popular Looksmaxxing technique
is mewing,

Why to Mew?
Mewing fixes your asymmetrical face can
help you get more prominent cheekbones,
can help you get a low set, and more
attractive eyes, It Also has health benefits
as breathing through your nose helps your
blood absorb more oxygen .

How to Mew ?
Place the tip of the tongue behind the front teeth

Then, press the tongue to the roof of your mouth

Rest teeth together and close lips

Lastly, swallow your spit/salavia

Thats how you actively mew and have a correct tongue

Three cells you need to know:

• Osteocytes-: Senses stimuli and controls blasts and


• Osteoblasts-: Adds bone.

• Osteoclasts-: Removes Bone.


• Pressure into electricity.

• Osteocyte senses electrical charge and reacts

• Blasts and Clasts start working on.

• Bone remodels its shape or length.

Mechanical Stress

For Bone Remodeling

• Machenical Stress on bone generates

• Tension on both sides is optimal.

• Compression is suboptimal.
• Tension = Growth

• Compression = No growth.

• Tension = osteoblasts

• Compression = Osteoclast.


It is crucial to eliminate as it shortens the bone.

It is the key to bone remodeling for height growth. Here are
some ways to get tension on your bones:
• Limit Compression.

• Exercise with techniques taught in The Skyscraper

Method (If you don't have it then what are you doing? Get
it Now!). The techniques will help you gain a lot of tension
and hence height.

• Play sports and breathe correctly

• Maintain good posture.

The term refers to optimizing the appearance of your
eyes. It encompasses various techniques styles, and
practices, aimed at maximizing the visual appeal of
eyes, often drawing attention.

How big of a role do eyes play?

Eyes> jaw

Eyes can either make or break your appearance so

optimizing it is very important in this document I will
teach the strategies to maximize eye appearance
How to get better eyebrows?

Plucking, Threading, OR Waxing

Shape eyebrows to complement facial features,

Avoid over plucking aim for a naturally defined arch

Skincare for Eyebrow

Keep the skin around the eyebrows moisturized

Apply castor oil before bedtime to grow thicker eyebrows.

Eye Hooding

Orbital height adjustment

Decrease orbital height for a more hooded appearance,
Mewong might play a factor.

Cold water exposure

‘Ice hooding’ involves exposing eyes to cold water cautiously

Spuint your eyes for more of a ‘Hunter look’ might help and pull your
upper eyelid to get a hunter eye look.
• Always clean your lips, cause of the visible dead cells on the

• Fill cheeks with air,

• Hold for 5 Seconds,

• Move air from one cheek to another 10 times

• No air should escape from around the lips to the nose.

• Rest and repeat after 4 to 5 minutes

Good posture has aesthetic benefits

• Height increase: Correct posture can instantly add 2cm to

your height!

• Frame- Shoulder to Waist ratio: Posture improves shoulder-

to-waist ratio, as it elongates the torso and narrows the waist.

• Bulge- Prominence of the penis: Propper posture, addressing

anterior pelvic lift hence enhancing prominence of the penis.

• Cortisol and Confidence: Studies have shown that a proper

posture increases confidence and some studies also suggested
that it boosts testosterone.

Fixing your Posture

Here are some stretches that will help:

Chest Stretch

Hip Flexor Stretch

Choosing Fragrance wisely:
Avoid popular choices to stand out.
Fragrance is categorized by seasons, based on notes.
Differentiate between synthetic and natural
Be mindful of harmful toxins present in some

Concentration Levels and Application:

Fragrance concentration- Eau de toilette, Eau de parfum,
Indicates oil content.

Lighter fragrance for summer & Denser for Winter.

Apply a nonscented moisturizer before spraying the

fragrance .
Understanding the Significance of Diet
Your diet affects various parts of your life including your skin
health, Motivation, height, body development, sex drive,


Consuming too much or too little can both be equally bad,

FIrst, get your goals right if you are too skinny eat in a surplus
and If you are fat then consider a calorie deficit.

How to create the perfect deficit?

Go to websites as ‘Calorie Calculator’ to know your required
amount and then add or subtract 500 calories that would be
your surplus or deficit.

How to get your Macros?

You can either choose shitty sources which would be enjoyable
but will have negative effects on your body
You can consume good quality food and have results and better

Best sources of macros

Let's start with Carbs-:
Your brain alone needs 100g of glucose a day.
Then your gonads, thyroid, muscles, and almost everything else need much
more themselves.
Carbs are muscle-sparing.
Carbs increase testosterone and reduce cortisol.
So STOP fearing sugar!
You should get a minimum of 30% of your daily calories from carbohydrates.
Good carb sources for muscle building and testosterone are:

❖ Kiwis
❖ Honey
❖ Apples
❖ Oranges
❖ Bananas
❖ Cherries
❖ Coconut water
❖ Organic fruit juice
❖ Asparagus
❖ Broccoli
❖ Potato
❖ Rice

This isn’t all, but many of these fruit choices are better options as far as
glycemic index and/or testosterone.

Next are fats

I’ll start right away by saying that

“red meat is bad” has been debunked.
“Saturated fats cause heart disease” has been debunked.
“Seed oils are heart healthy” has been debunked.
Fats are crucial for all androgen production.
Cholesterol is the backbone of testosterone.
Don’t worry about cholesterol or saturated fats, they aren’t
bad for your heart. In fact, they’re better than seed oils by far.

I’d say get a minimum of .3g/lb of body weight in fats to

maintain androgen production.
Good sources of fats for testosterone are:

❖ Fish
❖ Milk
❖ Eggs
❖ Ghee
❖ Cheese
❖ Avocado
❖ Real butter
❖ EV olive oil
❖ Coconut oil
❖ Dark chocolate
❖ Pumpkin seeds
❖ Organic peanut butter
❖ Macadamia nuts (not most other nuts)
❖ Bratwursts/sausage
❖ Bacon/pork belly
❖ Tallow
❖ Lard

Again, these aren’t all options.

I like a mostly carnivore diet so these options work better for

Most carnivore fat options are better for testosterone and

muscle building regardless.
Now onto protein.

Most people underestimate how many calories they eat.

Most people overestimate how much protein they get.
Let’s not be one of those people.

Get 1g/lb of body weight in protein. .8g/lb if you're


Good sources of protein are:

❖ Eggs
❖ Fish
❖ Whey
❖ Greek yogurt
❖ Grass-fed red meat
❖ Grass-finished white meat
❖ Organic cheeses
❖ Organ meats T

here’s less specifics when it comes to protein.

Just make sure your sourcing is of at least good, if not great

I’d recommend getting a minimum of 3g of leucine worth of

protein 3x daily.

I’m usually 6+g of leucine 2-3x daily. *One meal a day

approach leads to stalling due to this reason.
Nutrition For Healthy Hair

Eat biotin-rich foods such as Avocados, Raspberries,

cauliflower carrots, almonds, eggs, and cheese.

Additional benefits biotin has- Supports energy levels,

promotes healthy liver, skin, glucose metabolism, eyes etc,

DIY Hair Mask for hair health

Egg whisk
Apply a whisk made from 1-2 eggs to the scalp and damp

Allow it to sit for 30 Minutes then rinse with lukewarm water

and a mild shampoo.

Hair care practices:

Trim regularly
Avoid heat styling as much as possible to prevent hair
Addressing Receding Hairline

Ginger and castor oil

Grind ginger and strain to obtain ginger water,
Mix 1 tbsp of castor oil and 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel with ginger
Apply the mixture to bald patches using a cotton piece

Massage for 2-3 minutes daily and wash with normal water.

Patchy small Baldness

Garlic and Potato Treatment:

Take a garlic clove and rub it on the patchy area.
Rub the slice of potato over the same area.
Apply mixture of coffee and lemon on the affected spot

Do this routine for 4 weeks to see improvements.

Hai thinning

Oil Massage and treatment

Massage your hair with castor oil, onion oil, and rosemary oil.
Use a carrier oil and incorporate anti-thinning into your
Consider using a derma roller and, if necessary, minoxidil or
even Finasteride.
Manage stress, avoid excessive junk food consumption and
minimize use of hair products filled with shitty chemicals.

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