Research Paper On Climate Change in The Philippines

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive Thesis on Climate Change in the Philippines

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on climate change in the Philippines is a commendable
endeavor, but one that comes with its own set of challenges. Tackling a subject as complex and
multifaceted as climate change requires a deep understanding of scientific, social, and environmental
nuances, making the task inherently intricate.

The research process involves extensive literature review, data collection, and analysis, demanding a
significant time commitment. The need to navigate through a vast array of scientific papers,
governmental reports, and local studies adds to the complexity. Furthermore, understanding the
unique context of the Philippines, with its diverse ecosystems, socio-economic disparities, and
susceptibility to climate-related events, requires a nuanced approach.

Crafting a thesis that contributes meaningfully to the discourse on climate change necessitates a
synthesis of various perspectives and the ability to connect disparate pieces of information. From
identifying research gaps to formulating a clear research question and methodology, every step
requires meticulous attention.

For many students, the challenge of balancing academic commitments, personal responsibilities, and
the rigorous demands of thesis writing can be overwhelming. In such instances, seeking professional
assistance becomes a viable option.

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By choosing ⇒ ⇔, you can benefit from expert guidance, timely delivery, and a
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compelling thesis on climate change in the Philippines.
These concerns only increased in the 2 years following the publication of the interim report as
additional missions and sensors were cancelled. Eventually, they fall back into the troposphere where
they are rapidly removed by precipitation. Collectively, these observations span a broad range of
instruments and types of information, from instruments initially deployed as part of research
experiments to operational networks at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels
deployed by a range of public and private institutions. These detailed questions, and more, serve as
healthy indicators that the scientific method is alive and well in the field of climate science. For
example, the poor, the very young, and some older people have less mobility and fewer resources to
cope with extremely high temperatures, increased water scarcity, environmental degradation, and
other impacts. Some of the largest risks associated with climate change are associated with the
potential for abrupt changes or other climate “surprises” (see Chapters 3 and 6 ). For example, in
2000, the coastal counties of California were home to 77 percent of the state’s residents, 81 percent
of jobs, and 86 percent of the state’s gross product—which represents nearly 19 percent of the total
U.S. economy (Kildow and Colgan, 2005). Finally, as discussed in Chapter 10, there are a number of
potential options for reducing GHG emissions from the agricultural, fisheries, and aquaculture
sectors through new technologies or management strategies. However, peer review is only the first
step in the long process of acceptance of new ideas. The Antarctic Ice Sheet is up to three miles deep
and contains enough water to raise sea level about 200 feet. Second, modeling studies show that
when human influences are removed from the equation, climate would actually have cooled slightly
over the past half century. Similarly, setting and evaluating goals and policies for limiting the
magnitude of future climate change involves decision-making processes at a variety of scales that
would benefit from decision-support tools that aid in handling uncertainty and understanding
complex value trade-offs ( Theme 5 ). Furthermore, the dust from volcanic eruptions creates a layer,
shading parts of the earth which could result in a decrease in global temperatures within the next 5
years. The National Academy of Sciences found that the inherent complexities and uncertainties of
climate change will be best met by applying a risk management approach and by making efforts to
significantly reduce heat-trapping gas emissions; prepare for adapting to impacts; invest in scientific
research, technology development, and information systems; and facilitate engagement between
scientific and technical experts and the many types of people making America’s climate choices.
Seven cross-cutting research themes are identified to support this scientific enterprise. However,
there is one more concern I want to talk about and that is the troubles of the polar bear which is
suffering as a direct result of the melting of the ice glaciers. Shading indicates the range (5 th to 95
th percentile) of results from a suite of climate models. In addition to the warming, the acidity of
seawater is increasing as a direct result of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (see FAQ Q ).
Because Antarctica is so cold, there is little melt of the ice sheet in the summer. In addition to
improved computational resources and improved understanding of human and environmental
systems, integrated assessment modeling would also benefit from model intercomparison and
assessment techniques similar to those employed in models that focus on Earth system processes.
These drastic environmental changes have a direct link to the damage of the coral reefs from the
warm seas, which when ravaged by hurricanes can lead to the destruction of more than half of these
essential structures in the Caribbean. The lines show annual differences in temperature relative to the
1901-1960 average. Most climate studies have considered only relatively gradual, continuous
changes in the Earth’s climate system. A variety of efforts are under way to develop alternative
indicators of both human well-being and of human impact on the environment that may help monitor
social and environmental change and the link between them (Frey, 2008; Hecht, 2005; Krueger,
2009; Parris and Kates, 2003; Wackernagel et al., 2002; World Bank, 2006). Perhaps the single
greatest roadblock to achieving this capability is the lack of comprehensive, robust, and unbiased
long-term global observations of the climate system and other related human and environmental
systems. Other scientific and technical challenges. The amount of climate change expected over this
time period is unlikely to be significantly altered by reducing current heat-trapping gas emissions
alone or even by stabilizing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and other gases. These include the
strength of certain forcings and feedbacks, the possibility of abrupt changes, and the details of how
climate change will play out at local and regional scales over decadal and centennial time scales. In
addition to interdisciplinary interactions, research teams would benefit from interactions with
decision makers to improve knowledge and understanding of the specific challenges they face (Cash
et al., 2003; NRC, 2008h, 2009k). Ano Ang Climate Change Essay Tagalog Learn more words for
global warming. Changes in biogeochemical processes and biodiversity (including changes in
reflectance characteristics due to land use changes) also have the potential to feed back on the
climate system on a variety of time scales.
This peer review process provides quality assurance for scientific results, ensuring that anything
published in a scientific journal has been reviewed and approved by other independent experts in the
field and that the authors of the original study have adequately responded to any criticisms or
questions they received. The upper ocean has warmed, and more than 90% of the additional energy
absorbed by the climate system since the 1960s has been stored in the oceans. First, basic physics
dictates that increasing the concentration of CO 2 and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere
will cause the climate to warm. Policy decisions are already being made to limit or adapt to climate
change and its impacts, but there is a need for greater integration between science and decision
making. Investments in limiting emissions, combined with capturing and storing carbon, could
possibly reverse the warming trend, but it remains to be seen if this is feasible. The present
generation of climate models can successfully reproduce the past warming and therefore provide an
essential tool to peer into the future. These actions should limit the amount of CO2 in the
atmosphere and so reduce the greenhouse effect. An additional blow to the nation’s Earth observing
program was the July 2009 launch failure of NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO), which
was expected to provide high-resolution satellite-based measurements of CO 2 and other GHGs
(NRC, 2009h). If you need more, take a look at my vocabulary lesson on this: Suggestion language.
CO2 emissions in China increased at an annual rate of about 3 to 4. However, global warming is
slowly progressing and changing the frequency of several abnormal or extreme weather phenomena,
although it is a slight change.?By conducting a large number of elaborate simulations, we can
understand the mechanism of climate events and calculate the contribution of global warming.
Climate change occurs when these large-scale climate factors change over time. When sulphur and
ash is spurted out the vent during the eruption, they rise high into the atmosphere and reflect heat
from the sun, having a cooling effect. Climate tells us what it's usually like in the place where you
live. My suggestion is that you do not start writing too quickly but plan and think about what words
you need to use. There is currently little standardization of these databases or of methods for
drawing boundaries and allocating impacts. Ocean acidification lowers the availability of carbonate
ions in many parts of the ocean, affecting the ability of some marine life to produce and maintain
their shells. Having a long term plan of recycle is one of the best solutions. How do we know that
human activities are the primary cause of recent climate change? Is the global surface temperature
record good enough to determine whether climate is changing? Moderate, careful and controlled use
of the Amazon also supports local food sources, livelihoods and pollinating animals and insects that
agriculture depends on. Many lines of evidence demonstrate that human activities are primarily
responsible for recent climate changes. Integrated assessments—which are done through either
formal modeling or through informal linkages among relevant disciplines—have been used to
develop insights into the possible effectiveness and repercussions of specific environmental policy
choices (including, but not limited to, climate change policy) and to evaluate the impacts,
vulnerability, and adaptive capacity of both human and natural systems to a variety of environmental
stresses. Examples include clouds, convection, and turbulent mixing of the atmosphere, for which
important processes are much smaller than the resolution of current models. Deforestation produces
more carbon dioxide, and it concentrates in the atmosphere. It is believed that the temperature rise
has temporarily halted primarily in the sea surface as a result of natural fluctuations of heat
transportation inside the ocean. A wide range of models, tools, and approaches, from quantitative
numerical models and analytic techniques to frameworks and processes that engage interdisciplinary
research teams and stakeholders, are needed to simulate and assess these interactions. Fundamental
knowledge of risk perception provides a basis for this understanding (e.g., NRC, 1996; Pidgeon et
al., 2003; Renn, 2008; Slovic. Rather, we can project the climate change that would result from a
given set of assumptions, or future scenarios, regarding human activities (including changes in
population, technology, economics, energy, and policy). Proceedings of the 15th Conference on
Biometeorology and Aerobilogy, Kansas City, Missouri, 28 Oct. -1 Nov. 2002. Boston, MA:
American Meteorological Society.
Global surface temperatures are measured by weather stations over land and by ships and buoys over
the ocean. These decisions would similarly benefit from integrated analyses or linked “end-to-end”
models ( Theme 7 ) of how policies and other actions influence emissions, how the climate system
and related environmental systems will respond to these changes in emissions, and how human and
natural systems will be affected by all of these changes—all of which again depend critically on
observations ( Theme 6 ). The seven integrative, crosscutting research themes described in this
chapter are critical elements of a climate research endeavor that seeks to both improve understanding
and to provide input to and support for climate-related actions and decisions, and these themes
would form a powerful foundation for an expanded climate change research enterprise. They need to
implement long term plan to reduce the greenhouse gases to get into the atmosphere, this could be
possible with a recycle, that can reduce deforestation because don’t need curt trees to produce paper
or reusing plastic, Recycle can save energy and the environment. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
are currently higher than any time in at least the last 800,000 years. As discussed in Theme 7, these
improvements require advances in understanding regional climate dynamics, including atmospheric
circulation in complex terrain as well as modes of natural variability on all time scales. Differences in
these projections are principally a result of differences in the scenarios. (Data from CMIP3, CMIP5,
and NOAA NCDC). Unlike many areas of science, however, scientists who study the Earth’s climate
cannot build a “control Earth” and conduct experiments on this Earth in a lab. Global Change
Research Program (USGCRP) to coordinate federally-. While research on these topics cannot be
expected to eliminate all of the uncertainties associated with Earth system processes (and
uncertainties in future human actions will always remain), efforts to improve projections of climate
and other Earth system changes can be expected to yield more robust and more relevant information
for decision making, as well as a better characterization of remaining uncertainties. These recordings
show that the earth’s surface temperature is increasing massively. Over time horizons of hundreds to
thousands of years, a general melting and reduction in the extent of both of these ice sheets is
expected to occur in response to global warming. The underlying model is simple enough to be used
in real time by policy makers to ask “what if” questions that can inform negotiations. The greenhouse
effect is caused by heat-trapping gases, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane, in the
Earth’s atmosphere. Millions of tonnes of poisonous gas and particles were sprayed out over Iceland
over 8 months. Many such mechanisms are already in operation, and these constitute natural
experiments, but the scientific base for evaluating these experiments and designing effective
institutions is limited (see, e.g., Ostrom, 2010; Prakash and Potoski, 2006; Tietenberg, 2002). As the
ecosystem changes, however, it could begin to release more of the greenhouse gas than it takes in,
which could affect global temperatures. Documenting climate change often begins with global
average temperatures recorded near Earth’s surface, where people live. For example, data for the
ocean, atmosphere, and land are typically assimilated separately in different models and frameworks.
These include responses to consumer and investor demand, management of supply chains and
production networks, standard setting within sectors, decisions about technology and process, how
environmental performance is assessed and reported, and the interplay between government policy
and private-sector decision making (NRC, 2005a). Re-. The first report, Evaluating Progress of the
U.S. Climate Change. Since climate change is already occurring, adaptation in some form is
inevitable. There is currently little standardization of these databases or of methods for drawing
boundaries and allocating impacts. Thus it is actually easier to project how climate will change in the
future. Political leaders across the globe need to cooperate so that research into renewable forms of
energy such as wind and solar power is properly funded and the use of coal and gas in power stations
is phased out. In my opinion, and that of world environmentalists, yes it is. For example, the weather
in areas covered by mountains can be completely different than the weather in areas where the land is
mostly flat. In addition, improved analyses of the interactions of climate-related
variables—especially temperature, moisture, and CO 2 —with each other and in combination with
other natural and human-caused changes (e.g., land use change, water diversions, and landscape-
scale management choices) are needed, as such interactions are more relevant than any individual
change acting alone. Estimates of past changes in solar variability over the last several millennia
suggest that the magnitude of solar effects over this century are likely to be small compared to the
magnitude of the climate change effects projected from human activities. Moreover, sea level rise
projections are, by themselves, not sufficient to meet coastal managers’ information needs.
Greenhouses are used to grow plants, especially in the winter. Citizens are using the land for farm
that have a considerable impact on the forests. As indicated by the green band, without human
influences, temperature over the past century would actually have cooled slightly over recent
decades. However, to date there has been no sustained support to collect comparable data at the
individual or organizational level on environmentally significant behaviors, such as energy use and
GHG emissions. For example, U.S. households could significantly reduce their GHG emissions (and
save money) by adopting more energy-efficient driving behaviors and by properly maintaining
automobiles and home heating and cooling systems (Dietz et al., 2009b). Research on behavioral
change suggests that a good portion of this potential could actually be achieved, but further analysis
is needed to develop and assess specific strategies, approaches, and incentives. In addition, satellite
and ocean observations indicate that most of the increased energy in the Earth’s climate system from
the increasing levels of heat-trapping gases has gone into the oceans. A firmer grasp on these issues
can serve as a guide for climate-smart and timely interventions that can build and further develop our
resilience. Changing temperature and precipitation patterns, as well as increasing sea level, are
important factors affecting various parts of the United States. Our intent is to describe some of the
more important scientific issues that could be addressed within each theme, to show how they
collectively span the most critical areas of climate change research, and to demonstrate the vital
importance of research progress in all of these areas to the health and well-being of citizens of the
United States as well as people and natural systems around the world. Given that these systems are
intrinsically coupled on climate time scales, for instance through exchanges of water and energy,
coupled data assimilation methodologies are needed to take into account their interactions. Use
specific examples and avoid grammar and spelling mistakes. Certain human actions and activities,
including agricultural practices, fire suppression, deforestation, water management, and urban
development, can also interact strongly with climate change. By Samantha- Rae Tuthill, Accu.
Weather. com Staff Writer. November 2. 3, 2. AM ESTOver the course of the past 4. Aerosols and
aerosol-induced changes in cloud properties play an important role in offsetting some of the warming
associated with GHG emissions and may have important implications for several proposed strategies
for limiting the magnitude of climate change (see Theme 4 ). Surviving Climate Change in Small
Island-A Guidebook. If you need more, take a look at my vocabulary lesson on this: Suggestion
language. As discussed in Chapter 5, these characteristics all point to the need for an expanded and
enhanced climate change science enterprise—an enterprise that is comprehensive, integrative,
interdisciplinary, and better supports decision making both in the United States and around the
world. A number of state and local governments have also been proactive in developing policies to
adapt to climate change and reduce GHG emissions. The figure shows space patterns obtained from
a principal component analysis of observed surface air temperature anomaly in winter (left: surface
air temperature anomaly (color), associated surface atmospheric pressure anomaly (isogram: 1 hPa
interval), and surface wind (arrow mark) anomaly) and their time coefficients (right). Also, in many
areas, heavy rainfall events have already, and will continue to become more frequent and severe as
climate continues to change. As noted in Chapter 2 and discussed in greater detail in Chapter 15,
little is currently known about the efficacy or potential unintended consequences of SRM
approaches, particularly how to approach difficult ethical and governance questions. Thus it is not
surprising that recent reports from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, including America’s
Climate Choices 22 and America’s Energy Future, 23 have concluded that the environmental,
economic, and humanitarian risks posed by climate change indicate a pressing need for substantial
action to limit the magnitude of climate change and to prepare to adapt to its impacts. I think that we
should make an change to this world before we are left with nothing. For example, many
thermometers are located in urban areas that could have warmed over time due to the urban heat
island effect (in which heat absorbed by buildings and asphalt makes cities warmer than the
surrounding countryside). Thus, managers and decision makers in the coastal zone—including land
use planners, conservation area managers, fisheries councils, transportation planners, water supply
engineers, hazard and emergency response personnel, and others—will face a wide range of
challenges, many of them place specific, regarding how to respond to the risks posed by climate
change. Because weather forecasts are based on the initial conditions of the atmosphere and ocean at
the time the prediction is made, accuracy decays over time. Given that new scientific understanding
emerges from this exhaustive process, the widespread agreement in the scientific community
regarding the reality of climate change and the leading role of human activities in driving this
change is striking. Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate. Regular observations of the
Earth system, for example, are needed to improve climate models, monitor climate and climate-
related changes, assess the vulnerability of different human and environmental systems to these
change, monitor the effectiveness of actions taken to limit the magnitude of climate change, warn
about impending tipping points, and inform decision making. Green shows a climatological PDF of
the same variables obtained in a longer term reproductive experiment.
For example, many thermometers are located in urban areas that could have warmed over time due to
the urban heat island effect (in which heat absorbed by buildings and asphalt makes cities warmer
than the surrounding countryside). It is the sum total of these indicators that lead to the conclusion
that warming of our planet is unequivocal. This amount of temperature increase would reshape
human societies in ways that are almost unthinkable to us today. While this understanding has
improved markedly over the past several decades, a number of key uncertainties remain. Lava
erupted from vents in the mountain, killing off vegetation and in turn animals died from starvation -
a third of the islands population died from famine. Some experts worry that the rapid depletion of
this vast ecosystem could eliminate what remains in the next 4. NOAA, National Climatic Data
Center Viatcheslav Kharin. These emissions account for about 80% of the total emissions of carbon
from human activities, with land-use changes (like cutting down forests) accounting for the other
20% in recent decades. (Data from Boden et al. 2012 3 ). Research is needed to understand how
rapidly species and ecosystems can or cannot adjust in response to climate-related changes and to
understand the implications of such adjustments for ecosystem services. Ocean acidification lowers
the availability of carbonate ions in many parts of the ocean, affecting the ability of some marine life
to produce and maintain their shells. Deliberation with analysis is an iterative process that begins
with the many participants in a decision working together to define a decision problem and then to
identify (1) options to consider and (2) outcomes and criteria that are relevant for evaluating those
options. You will find a lot more words on my lesson cause and effect vocabulary. Climate change is
altering the world around us, and these changes will become increasingly evident with each passing
decade. The effects of current emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases on climate
can take decades to fully manifest themselves. Three basic approaches to uncertainty analysis have
been employed by the integrated assessment community: sensitivity analysis, stochastic simulation,
and sequential decision making under uncertainty (DOE, 2009b; Weyant, 2009). By Samantha- Rae
Tuthill, Accu. Weather. com Staff Writer. November 2. 3, 2. AM ESTOver the course of the past 4.
There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase,
a SQL command or malformed data. Finally, it is clear that public policy is shaped not only by the
formal organizations of government, but also by policy networks that include government, the
private sector, and the public. Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate. Lopez Center
for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Management released the 2nd issue of an annual report
entitled “Progress of Climate Research in the Philippines: State of Knowledge from the Series of
Climate Conferences.” This report assesses the progress of the conferences since 2012 in providing a
venue to share climate-related researches while determining the state of climate knowledge in the
Philippines through the submitted researches and scientific papers. For example, Brazil has the
greatest concern about climate change that can have significant impacts on tropical forests because
the continuation deforestation ( Fearnside). This material is particularly important for the non-
scientist, and even some scientists, to understand when the media, politicians and others mention it
with respect to global warming. These drastic environmental changes have a direct link to the
damage of the coral reefs from the warm seas, which when ravaged by hurricanes can lead to the
destruction of more than half of these essential structures in the Caribbean. For the period from 2007
to 2010, missions were generally assumed to operate for 4 years past their nominal lifetimes. This
extra energy warms the ocean, causing it to expand. Because of the size and location of the Amazon,
as well as the amount of rain that it produces, the effects it has on weather patterns reach well
beyond its immediate area. Studies in psychology, sociology, and anthropology, on the other hand,
focus on the social influences on preferences but often fail to account for economic processes.
Science Program: Methods and Preliminary Results (NRC, 2007c). Currently, the proximity, rate, and
reversibility of tipping points are usually assessed through a mixture of climate modeling, literature
review, and expert elicitation. Since climate change is already occurring, adaptation in some form is
One cold year, or even a few cold years in a row, does not contradict a long-term warming trend,
even as one hot year does not prove it. (Figure source: adapted from Kunkel et al. 2013 1 ). In this
project I will be talking about Climate change and how it has affect on our planet, green house
gases, climate and weathering, the climate system and a few other facts. There are also many
examples of differential use of or opposition to new technologies among individuals, communities,
and even nations. No. Since accurate satellite-based measurements of solar output began in 1978, the
amount of the sun’s energy reaching Earth has slightly decreased, which should, on its own, result in
slightly lower temperatures; but the Earth’s temperature has continued to rise. Because it is
UNCORRECTED material, please consider the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy for
the authoritative book pages. Red dots indicate severe bleaching. (Figure source: Marshall and
Schuttenberg 2006; 15 Photo credit: NOAA). Biosphere The biosphere is that part of Earth's
atmosphere, land, oceans that supports any living plant, animal, or organism. The earth present
changes in precipitation, arctic sea ice and atmospheric moisture also the rate of recurrence and
intensity of extreme weather conditions. A good research paper answers a question completely and
comprehensively. Millions of tonnes of poisonous gas and particles were sprayed out over Iceland
over 8 months. For example, it is unclear whether the natural “biological pump,” which transports
enormous amounts of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean, will be enhanced (Riebesell et al.,
2007) or diminished (Mari, 2008) by ocean acidification and by changes in ocean circulation. Each
line represents a central estimate of global average temperature rise for a specific emissions pathway.
These tipping points have been identified based on observations of past abrupt climate changes,
recent observations showing abrupt changes underway (for example, in the Arctic), process-based
understanding of the dynamics of the climate system, and climate simulations showing tipping points
in future projections. She specializes in reconstructing past climate change using molecular fossils
and statistical techniques. Typically, participants work with experts to generate and interpret
decision-relevant information and then revisit the objectives and choices based on that information.
Research shows that global warming is caused by human activity. This figure shows how regional
temperatures can be much more variable than global temperatures, going up and down from decade
to decade; all regions, however, show warming over the last two decades or more. What impacts has
global warming had upon our planet. Research is needed to understand how rapidly species and
ecosystems can or cannot adjust in response to climate-related changes and to understand the
implications of such adjustments for ecosystem services. Such processes can inform decision makers
about anticipated changes in climate, help scientists understand key decision-making needs, and
work to build mutual understanding, trust, and cooperation—for example, in the design of decision
tools and processes that make sense both scientifically and in the actual decision-making context.
Table 4.5 provides a list of the related scientific research needs that emerge from the chapters in Part
II of the report. The key processes that control the abundance of tropospheric ozone and its
interactions with climate change also need to be better understood, including but not limited to
stratospheric influx; natural and anthropogenic emissions of precursor species such as NO x, CO,
and volatile organic carbon; the net export of ozone produced in biomass burning and urban plumes;
the loss of ozone at the surface, and the dependence of all these processes on climate change. About
CChAMSEA News Contact JavaScript is currently disabled. Projected global average annual
temperature changes for multiple future scenarios relative to the 1901-1960 average temperature. The
ice sheets on both Greenland and Antarctica, the largest areas of land-based ice on the planet, are
losing ice as the atmosphere and oceans warm. For the period 1965 through 1979, the literature
survey found seven papers suggesting further cooling, 20 neutral, and 44 warming. Instructions about
how to access the course online will be sent to all enrolled students before the course begins. By the
second half of the century, however, human choices, as reflected in these scenarios, become the key
determinant of future climate change. Course will be password protected and only available to
enrolled students. For example, widespread adoption of batteries and fuel cells would switch the
main source of transportation energy from petroleum to electricity, but this switch will only result in
significant GHG emissions reductions if the electricity sector can provide low- and no-GHG
electricity on a large scale. By initiating reduced emissions efforts in 2010 (blue line), a 4% per year
reduction would have been required; waiting until 2020 to reduce emissions (red line) doubles the
rate at which emissions must be reduced. (Figure source: Luers et al. 2007 21 ).
But these changes in the distant past generally occurred much more slowly than current changes.
Amazon rainforest has been lost due to deforestation. For example, observed changes in surface air
temperature at both the global and continental levels, particularly over the past 50 years or so, cannot
be explained without including the effects of human activities. Over the last century, scientists have
learned a great deal about what drives Earth’s ice ages. Emissions of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere contribute to changes in global trends. In conclusion, while global warming is a serious
threat to humanity, there are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce its effects.(2. Test yourself
on some of this language. The report recommended studies focused on assessing decision quality,
exploring decision makers’ evaluations of decision processes and outcomes, and improving formal
tools for decision support. This includes average weather conditions, regular weather sequences (like
winter, spring, summer, and fall), and special weather events (like tornadoes and floods). These gases
are natural in the atmosphere but have been added to by humans which lead to a gradual warming of
the atmosphere, which then leads to global warming. This is largely because our society and
infrastructure have been built for the climate of the past, and any rapid change from that climate
imposes difficulties and costs. However, global warming is slowly progressing and changing the
frequency of several abnormal or extreme weather phenomena, although it is a slight change.?By
conducting a large number of elaborate simulations, we can understand the mechanism of climate
events and calculate the contribution of global warming. The figure on the right shows the
distribution of upper ocean temperature data before World War II. Equity and distributional
weighting issues, including issues related to weighting the interests of present versus future
generations, are areas of particular interest. As states and other entities adopt policies to limit GHG
emissions, sustained and integrated efforts to collect data on environmentally significant
consumption will be extremely helpful for monitoring progress and honing programs and policies.
These natural variations are largely unpredictable and are superimposed on the warming from
increasing heat-trapping gases. Three types of geoengineering approaches have been proposed to alter
the climate system: 1) enhancing the natural processes that remove carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere; 2) altering the amount of the sun’s energy that reaches the Earth (referred to as “solar
radiation management”); and 3) direct capture and storage of CO 2 from the atmosphere. These
gases are virtually transparent to the visible and ultraviolet wavelengths that comprise most of the
sun’s energy, allowing nearly all of it to reach Earth’s surface. When such simplified models are
used, however, it is important to ensure that the simplified representations of complex processes are
backed up, supported, and verified by more comprehensive models that can simulate the full range
of critical processes in both the Earth system and human systems. Heuristic models and exercises
have also been developed that engage decision makers, scientists, and others in planning exercises
and gaming to explore futures. Warming ocean waters also affect marine ecosystems like coral reefs,
which can be very sensitive to temperature changes. The cooling effect that some types of particles
have on the atmosphere has led to the proposal of an array of possible geoengineering projects,
especially with the goal of offsetting the warming until more non-fossil fuel energy is put into place.
This, combined with a lack of institutional preparedness and other social factors, led to a well-
documented human disaster, especially for the poorest sections of the city (Costanza et al., 2006;
Day et al., 2007; Kates et al., 2006). We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present, and the
Aboriginal Elders of other communities. Our analysis—the details of which can be found in Part II
of the report—indicates that additional research, supported by expanded observational and modeling
capacity, is needed to better understand climate forcings, feedbacks, responses, and thresholds in the
Earth system. Climate Change -Impacts on the Tourism Industry in Mountain Areas. To extend this
analogy into the realm of climate change, we can also calculate the life expectancy of the average
American who smokes. On other planets, like Venus, where there are much higher concentrations of
heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect has a much stronger influence on
surface temperature, making conditions far too hot for life as we know it. In theory, it may be
possible to reverse global warming through technological interventions called geoengineering. For
example, understanding and comparing the full effects of various energy technologies or climate
policies (including their comparative benefits, costs, risks, and distributional effects) typically
requires an integration of climate models with energy and economic models ( Theme 7 ), which in
turn are based on fundamental understanding of the climate system ( Theme 1 ) and human systems.
An examination of the research needs identified in the technical chapters of Part II of the report
reveals that there is indeed still much to learn. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) to
coordinate federally-.

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