NSYF Post Forum Report
NSYF Post Forum Report
NSYF Post Forum Report
A Report on the Conduct, Proceedings, Results and Output of the 2022 National
Scout Youth Forum of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines for Luzon Region
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We hereby certify to the correctness and the truthfulness of all information stated in this
report to the best of our knowledge and as per records on hand.
Witness our hands, this 9th day of April 2022 at Calapan City, Mindoro
Forum Adviser
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The 2022 National Scout Youth Forum for Luzon was held at the Mindoro Heritage
Museum, Calapan City, Mindoro on 07-09 of April, 2022.
The participants to the Forum, excluding the Organizing Committee are stated, viz:
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There are a total of forty-four (44) participants to the Scouts Youth Forum, excluding
the six (6) members of the Organizing Committee. From the total number of the participants,
thirty-five (35) are voting delegates and nine (9) are observers.
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In addition to the participants, the following constituted the Organizing Committee for
the Forum:
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The 2022 National Scout Youth Forum for Luzon was held in Mindoro
Heritage Museum, Calapan City, Mindoro from the 7th to 9th of April, 2022.
The programme resumed at 11:01 A.M. with a short Orientation and Briefing on
the NSYF by Sctr. Janice Q. Cartago. The speaker delivered some notable words of
wisdom and encouragement, with one line being transcripted as follows: “The Youth
Forum is an event for us to enjoy, not to compete with each other.”
It was then followed by the event’s guest speaker, the Regional Scout
Representative of Visayas Region, Sct. Mary Shantheim Chillin Patnubay, delivering
her short talk entitled “Safe From Harm and its Connection to the Scout Youth Forum”
at 11:18 A.M., Sct. Patnubay emphasized to the participants that “harm can exist in
any form, and as Scouts, we should prevent it from happening to us and to others as
By 11:45 A.M., the RSR of Luzon, Eagle Sct. Kurt Quiambao, took over and
presented another talk entitled “Forum 101” which tackles the concepts, principles,
and several issues that the participants will encounter throughout the duration of the
Forum. He also reiterated that “the Youth Forum is a place for development, unity, and
enjoyment, not for competition or seeking for fame.”, Eagle Sct. Quiambao concluded
the Morning Program with an Open Forum for all participants to share their ideas,
reflections, and queries in regards to the National Youth Forums. Several impressions,
along with a few questions were raised by the participants. By 12:38, the participants
and guests were dismissed to have their lunch.
The Program resumed at 1:44 PM, with the Forum Adviser and the CSE of Ilo-
Ilo Council, Sctr. Leo D. Lao, bringing about a short talk entitled “National Scout Youth
Forum - a Briefer”, which tackles the Rationale and Fundamentals of the Forum. After
Sctr. Lao’s discussion, the First part of the Program was officially closed, and a short
break was issued before the start of the First Plenary Session.
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The First Plenary Session was presided by the RSR of Luzon, ES Kurt
Quiambao, the call to order was raised at 2:40 P.M., and the session was adjourned
at 5:19 P.M.
The Agenda for the First (1st) Plenary Session were the Reading and Adoption
of the House Rules, Election of the Steering Committee Officials, and the Presentation
of the Subjects of each Crew. By the end of the session, each Crew had a total of 2
resolutions. It is to be taken into account, however, that one of the Crews was
dissolved and the rest of its members distributed among the five remaining crews due
to most of the Steering Committee officers are members of the aforementioned Crew.
After the dismissal of the 1st Plenary Session, a special program was planned
and conducted in the evening hours as the first part of the Socials as well as a Simple
Celebration of the 18th Birthday of one of the participants, Sct. Kelly Manjaro Palamos.
The Agenda for this session is to present the proposed Resolutions of each
Crew. It has been decided by the Forum Body that the Resolutions that they will
present for this session are the Resolutions for their 1st Subjects. After the
adjournment of the session, 5 out of 5 Crews have presented their Resolutions, with
all of them being adopted after a series of debates and amendments.
The Third Plenary Session was presided over by the Vice-Chairperson of the
Steering Committee, Sct. Chelsea Louise San Juan of Bicol Region. The session was
called to order at 2:11 P.M. and was adjourned at 3:57 P.M.
During this session, the Crews presented their Resolution for the 2nd chosen
Subject. And after the session was adjourned, 3 more Resolutions were adopted, and
2 were quashed, with a total of 8 Resolutions to be presented, approved, or quashed
in the Fourth Plenary Session.
The participants were then given a few hours of free time and preparation for
the Offical Forum Socials Night, which was held from 7:00-10:45 P.M.
In the Fourth Plenary Session, the Steering Committee relinquished the power
over the Forum Body, with the Organizing Committee reclaiming the position with the
Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Sct. Via Mari D. De Vera of Northeastern
Luzon Region, being the presiding officer. The session was called to order at 8:27
A.M. and was adjourned at 9:11 A.M.
During the Fourth Session, the Steering Committee presented the approved
Resolutions of the 2nd and 3rd Plenary Sessions, the Organizing Committee then
raised a series of amendments, as well as motions for the adoption and quashing of
the Resolutions. After the adjournment of the session, a total of five (5) resolutions
were approved, with three (3) being quashed during the duration of the session.
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Before the closure of the Fourth Plenary Session, the Vice-Chairman of the
Organizing Committee ceded power to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee in
preparation for the Fifth Plenary Session to commence the election of the Regional
Scout Representative of Luzon.
The Fifth Plenary Session was presided by ES Kurt Quiambao, the Chairperson
of the Organizing Committee. The session was called to order at 9:37 A.M. and was
adjourned by 10:36 A.M.
During the session, the election for the Regional Scout Representative of the
Luzon Region was held. Five (5) participants were nominated. The candidates are ES
Nico C. Fellinger of Central Luzon Region, Sct. Kent Charles Namorro of Bicol Region,
Sct. Adrienne Palomar of Southern Tagalog Region, ES Elijah Esteban of National
Capital Region, and Sct. John Gabriel Villareal of Central Luzon Region. The casting
of votes was held at 10:10 A.M., and by 10:34 A.M., ES Elijah Esteban of the National
Capital Region was officially proclaimed as the newly elected RSR for Luzon Region.
The Forum Officially ended with a Closing and Awarding Ceremony held by the
host council and the event organizers. The program started at 11:30 A.M. and was
formally closed with a Scout Benediction by 12:00 N.N; ending the conduct of the 2022
National Scout Youth Forum for Luzon.
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a. Issues discussed:
Modification in the attainment of the Rizal Lore Merit Badge. It was brought
into discussion that there are certain requirementsin the merit badge that are
difficult to attain. These issues includes the visiting of historical landmarks in the
life of Rizal and the inconsistency of formal education curriculum in learning the
literary works of Rizal which could hinder the progress of a scout.
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Establishment of the Merit Badge Proposal Form. This resolution further
strengthens the capacity of scouts to create a merit badge by filling out the Merit
Badge Proposal Form.
b. Adopted resolutions:
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Resolution No. 2. S. 2022
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B. The sash will only be intended for merit badges and
other awards apart from the merit badges should not be
attached or stitched to the sash.
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Resolution No. 3. S. 2022
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Resolution No. 4. S. 2022
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AGENCIES INVOLVED - Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP)
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Resolution no. 5. S. 2022
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c. Elected Regional Scout Representative for Luzon
RSR Elijah G Esteban, National Capital Region
b. Forum Socials
The Forum Socials was filled with fun and entertaining activities combined with
delicious treats prepared in the venue. The attending crews prepared yell, sing,
and talent portions for the scouts to enjoy.
c. Venue
The venue for the plenary sessions for the National Scout Youth forum for Luzon
2022 was in the newly built Mindoro Heritage Museum conference hall. The
overall appearance was a clash of modern and traditional styles which the
participants found appealing. The environment helped produce a productive and
encouraged participations from the delegates. The venue also featured a
museum which the participants could visit if they choose to do so.
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2022 National Scout Youth Forum for Luzon
Mindoro Heritage Museum, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro | 07-09 April, 2022
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07 APRIL 2022
Pledge of Allegiance
Oriental Mindoro Council, Southern Tagalog Region
Recognition of Participants/Guests
CSE-OIC, Oriental Mindoro Council
Welcome Address
Regional Scout Director, Southern Tagalog Region
Vote of Thanks
Regional Scout Representative for Luzon
Photo Opportunity
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09 APRIL 2022
Pledge of Allegiance
Oriental Mindoro Council, Southern Tagalog Region
Acceptance of challenge
Metro Manila East Council, National Capital Region
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7 April 2022
Time Started
2:40 P.M.
The Session was called to order by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, ES
Kurt James M. Quiambao, which heralded the formal commencement of the 2022 National
Scout Youth Forum for Luzon.
Immediately after the opening of the session, the presiding officer discussed the
agendas for the current plenary session, to which the forum body attentively listened, and
unanimously agreed.
At 2:41 P.M. the Presiding Officer motioned to the technical team to present the
suggested house rules, to which he presented and discussed with the forum body. Several
points of inquiries and clarifications were raised, to which the Presiding Officer duly responded
with clear and on-point answers.
At 2:44 P.M. a motion to amend the suggested house rules was raised, the amendment
consists of adding to the suggested rules to utilize laptops and similar devices as means of
presenting the upcoming resolutions. The presiding officer then called for a division of the
house in order to decide if the motion is to be approved or not, by 2:45 P.M. the motion was
approved via majority.
Another point of inquiry was raised by a member of the forum body, which was
answered by the Presiding Officer. A series of motions to amend the House Rules soon
followed, which were adopted by 3:00 P.M., excluding one that was overruled and withdrawn
by one of the members of the Forum Body.
The approved motions consist of additional rules that are to be implemented
throughout the conduct of the Youth Forum. These additionals are listed as follows:
- Utilization of Laptops as a method of presentation of resolutions
- Repercussions for violation of rules and orderliness
- Additional time extension of up to 10 minutes per presentation.
A final exchange of questions and answers occurred at 3:01 P.M., a motion to adopt
the suggested house rules was raised. By 3:02 P.M., the motion was seconded and approved.
The presiding officer then closed the agenda for the suggested house rules and began
the Election for the Steering Committee/Forum Officials at 3:04 P.M., at the same time, the
Vice-Chairperson of the Organizing Committee opened the nomination for the SteCom
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The nomination began at 3:09 P.M. with a distinguished scout nominating ES Nico C.
Fellinger of the Central Luzon Region for the position. Subsequent nominations were then
raised and accepted, including ES Elijah Esteban of the National Capital Region, Sct. John
Gabriel Villareal from Central Luzon Region, and Sct. Jan Willem Pimentel of Southern
Tagalog Region. Sct. Chelsea Louise San Juan of the Bicol Region was also nominated,
however, Sct. San Juan respectfully declined.
Nominations for the position ceased at 3:12 P.M. when a member of the forum body
raised a point of personal privilege. After which, a motion to close the nominations was raised,
but without any seconds, dropping it.
One of the nominees raised a point of clarification in regards to the spelling of his
name, which was attended to by the technical team, and was quickly resolved by 3:13 P.M.
at the same time, a motion to close the nominations was raised and is duly seconded and
At 3:14 P.M., the nominees were called upon by the presiding officer to give a 1-minute
privilege speech before the voting will begin. The respective nominees began addressing the
forum body and delivers their respective speeches, which ended with Sct. Pimentel at 3:18
The presiding officer then opened for the votation via raise of hands for the Steering
Committee Chairperson. Votings were called up for each nominee. The votation began at 3:19
P.M. and ended at 3:25 P.M. due to a mismatch of votes, which led to the presiding officer
calling for a recount of votes.
By 3:26 P.M., ES Nico C. Fellinger is elected as the Steering Committee Chairperson,
after which the presiding officer opened the nomination for the Steering Committee Vice-
The following are the names of the distinguished scouts that have been nominated and
duly accepted for the elections: Sct. Elisha Larrosa of Southern Tagalog Region, Sct. Shelou
Garcia of Central Luzon Region and Sct. Chelsea Louise San Juan of the Bicol Region.
Nominations temporarily ceased by 3:30 after a motion to close the nominations was raised,
which was seconded but objected by a distinguished scout, the nomination resumed at the
same time, with ES Elijah Esteban of the National Capital Region being nominated, however,
he discreetly rejected the nomination.
At 3:31 P.M., Sct. John Gabriel Villareal of the Central Luzon Region was nominated,
to which he accepted.
A minute later, a motion to close the nomination was raised and was seconded without
objections. With the nomination coming to a close, the presiding officer gave the nominees a
1-minute privilege speech.
The nominees’ speeches ended with Sct. Villareal at 3:35 P.M. after which the
presiding officer opened the votation for the position via raise of hands.
The votation began at 3:36 P.M. and ended at 3:42 P.M., Sct. San Juan was declared
the Vice-Chairperson of the Steering Committee via majority. At the same time, the presiding
officer then opened the nomination for the Steering Committee Secretary.
At 3:43 P.M. Sct. Cristel Claire Lachica of Ilocos Region was nominated, followed by
Sct. Alessandra Ysabelle Parian of Bicol Region a minute later.
With no further nominations to raise, a member of the forum body raised a motion to
close the nomination, which was seconded and approved.
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At 3:46 P.M. the presiding officer opened the votation for the Secretary of the Steering
Committee. By 3:48 P.M. the voting ceased and Sct. Parian is declared the winner via the
majority of hands raised.
At the same time, the presiding officer opened for the nomination of the Steering
Committee Members. Sct. Mark Ariate of Bicol Region was nominated first, followed by Sct.
Sofia Licayu of North Eastern Luzon Region, Sct. Shelou Garcia of Central Luzon Region, Sct.
JanRei Mariano of North Eastern Luzon Region, Sct. Giofrey Tandoc of Ilocos Region, and
Sct. Gabriel Villareal of Central Luzon Region.
Nominations temporarily ceased at 3:51 P.M. with a motion for its closure raised by a
distinguished scout, which was seconded but objected to, overruling the motion.
At 3:52 P.M. a point of inquiry was raised by a member of the forum body, which was
answered by the presiding officer. After which Sct. Angeline Sevilla of Ilocos Region was
nominated, to which she accepted.
Another motion to close the nomination was raised, which was seconded but objected
to and overruled due to a follow-up nomination for Sct. Rud Clydes Rabanal of Southern
Tagalog Region at 3:54 P.M.
A minute later, a motion to close the nomination was raised, it was duly seconded and
approved by the forum body.
At 3:57 P.M., the presiding officer opened the votation for the Steering Committee
Members. The votation began at 3:58 P.M. and ended at 4:02 P.M., after which Scouts Shelou
Garcia and Angeline Sevilla were declared the winner by a majority of votes.
At 4:03 P.M., the presiding officer called for an indefinite caucus, which was
immediately lifted after a short reminder of the presiding officer to the forum body and to the
newly-elected Steering Committee members.
At 4:04 P.M., the presiding officer explained the conduct of the presentation of subjects
of the resolutions to the forum body.
The presiding officer then declared a definite, 30-minute caucus for the preparation of
the Crews for the presentation of subjects.
At 4:42 P.M., the presiding officer resumed the session, he then motioned the first crew
to present, which is Crew YARN, after two minutes of preparation, Crew YARN presented their
At 4:50 P.M., the presiding officer proceeds to divide the house in regards to the
adoption of the subjects of Crew YARN via viva voce, after which two subjects were adopted,
these were: "SPECIAL SCOUTS: Scouters' and Scout Masters' Congress on PWD Inclusivity,"
and "Breaking Cultural Barriers: Implementation of Scout Exchange Program."
The presiding officer motioned the next presenter, Crew LMAO, to present their
subjects, the crew’s presentation began at 4:52 P.M. and ended at 4:54 P.M., after which the
presiding officer motioned for the division of the house for the approval of the subjects.
Out of the presented subjects of Crew LMAO, two were adopted, these are “Revisiting
of the Rizal Lore Merit Badge" and the "Creation of Guidelines for the BSP Uniform Insignia."
At 4:58 P.M., the presiding officer called upon Crew OMSIM to present their subjects,
and after 4-minutes, called for the division of the house for the approval of the presented
subjects, the forum body approved the adoption of the subjects entitled “Banning Single-Use
Plastics in Scouting Jamboree and Activities," and "Small-Scale Water Filtration System in
Rural Areas" by 5:04 P.M.
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The fourth Crew to present is Crew One Dot, which began their presentation at 5:04
P.M., and ended at 5:07 P.M., after which the presiding officer called for the division of the
house. Two subjects entitled “Philippine Scout Youth Forum Resolution Databank," and
"Kamusta ka, Luzon? A General Assembly of Luzon RSRs”, were adopted by 5:08 P.M.
The presiding officer then called for the last crew, a.k.a. Crew Sheesh, which presented
their subjects at 5:08, approximately seven minutes later, the presiding officer called for the
division of the house. The forum body had adopted two subjects from Crew Sheesh, entitled
“Merit Badge Proposal Form" and "Pet Life Project” by 5:17 P.M.
Without any further matters to discuss, the presiding officer adjourned the First Plenary
Session at 5:19 P.M.
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08 April 2022
Regional Scout Representative - Central Luzon Region
Chairman, Steering Committee
Presiding Officer (after the turnover)
8:34 A.M., 08 April 2022
At 8:34 A.M., the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee called the house to order,
opening the Second Plenary Session of the 2022 NSYF for Luzon. The OrgCom Chairperson
then ceded the power over the forum body to the members of the Steering Committee, to
which they subsequently accepted.
The Chairperson of the Steering Committee then motioned the Secretary of the
SteCom, to read the Previous Minutes of the 1st Plenary Session. At 8:45 A.M., a motion to
adopt the previous minutes was raised, seconded, and approved.
After the Reading and Approval of the Previous Minutes, the Chairperson of the
Organizing Committee then opened the floor for the Crews to present their first Resolutions.
Crew #2 is the first to present and ended at 8:56 A.M.
At the same time, a member of the body raised a Point of Inquiry directed to the
presenting Crew, which was duly answered, satisfying the former. Another Point of Inquiry
was raised by a distinguished Scout and was answered and clarified at 8:59 A.M.
An exchange of Points of Inquiry and Information between the forum body and the
proponent crew soon followed, which briefly continued until 9:06 after a Point of Clarification
was raised.
A minute later, a motion to adopt the resolution was raised by a member of the forum
body, which was objected to by another distinguished scout, the motion was therefore
At 9:08 A.M., a motion to amend the resolution was raised, and the presiding officer
then called for a Division of the House regarding the approval of the said motion, by 9:15 A.M.,
the motion was approved and the presented resolution is hereby amended.
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A Point of Clarification was raised by a distinguished scout, which was followed by two
Points of Information by other distinguished scouts at 9:20 A.M.
Another motion to amend the presented resolution was raised at 9:22 A.M., this was
followed by several Points of Privilege by different distinguished members of both parties,
after which the motion was seconded, and approved by 9:28 A.M.
At 9:30 A.M., a motion to adopt was raised, which was objected by a member of the
forum body, overruling the motion.
A minute later, a motion to amend the 5th part of the resolution was raised but was
objected to, and was subjected to a series of clarifications leading to the motion’s withdrawal
at 9:39 A.M.
At 9:40 A.M., another motion to amend the resolution was raised by a distinguished
scout, at the same time, an additional motion, which aims to adopt the resolution was raised.
The latter motion was withdrawn.
A point of information by the proponent crew was raised at 9:44 A.M., which was
followed by a motion to amend by a distinguished scout, which was duly seconded and
At 9:48 A.M., a member of the forum body raised a motion to quash the presented
resolution and was seconded. However, a distinguished scout raised an objection, overruling
the former motion.
The distinguished scout suggested opening the floor for debate at 9:52 A.M., and the
presiding officer considered the suggestion and called for the opening of debates. By 9:56,
the opposing sides give their points on whether the resolution shall be adopted or quashed.
The debate ended at 9:59 A.M.
At exactly 10:00 A.M., the presiding officer closed the debate and called for the division
of the house in regards to the adoption or quashing of the presented resolution. After a brief
counting of votes, the side in favor of the adoption of the resolution won, adopting the
resolution after a lengthy exchange.
The presiding officer then called up Crew 5 to present their first resolution at 10:06
A.M., after which an exchange of Points of Inquiry, Information, and replies between the forum
body and the presenting crew began at 10:15 A.M. and temporarily ceased at 10:34 A.M. after
a motion to adopt the resolution was raised but was objected.
At 10:36 A.M., a distinguished scout raised a motion to amend all points contained in
the resolution section of the presented SPEAR, the said motion was withdrawn a few minutes
later after a suggestion raised by another member of the body by 10:40 A.M.
At 10:44 A.M., a motion to amend a section of the resolution was raised and seconded.
Following this, another distinguished scout raised the motion to adopt the resolution
but was objected to. However, the objection was also withdrawn, dropping both motions.
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Another member of the forum body raised the suggestion to adopt the resolution by
10:49 A.M., the motion was seconded and the resolution was hereby adopted.
The presiding officer then motioned for the next crew, Crew 4, to present their SPEAR,
the crew began their presentation at 10:55 A.M. and was done at 10:57 A.M. after which a
distinguished scout raised a point of inquiry which was immediately answered by the
proponent crew with a point of information.
At 11:04 A.M. a motion to amend was raised and was seconded and approved by the
forum body. After which, another motion to amend was raised but was objected to and
Another distinguished scout raised an amendment and was duly seconded by 11:07
A.M. Another exchange of inquiries, points of information, and responses between the forum
body and the proponent crew ensued and lasted until 11:15 A.M.
A minute after the exchange, a motion to add additional provisions to the resolution
was raised and seconded, the motion was followed by another motion to add another
provision, but went in simultaneously with another motion by a distinguished scout to adopt
the resolution. The latter speaker withdrew the motion at 11:18 A.M.
At 11:19 A.M. A motion to adopt the resolution was raised but is objected to and was
overruled. A short while later, a distinguished scout raised the motion to add another provision
to the resolution, and the motion was seconded and approved by 11:21 A.M.
A follow-up motion to add was raised a minute later, but the motion was overruled.
Another motion to adopt was raised by 11:24 A.M., which was seconded and approved by the
forum body.
At 11:26 A.M., Crew 4 presented their next resolution, after which a point of information
was raised before the presiding officer declared an indefinite caucus in preparation for the
Lunchbreak at 11:34 A.M.
The session resumed at 1:00 P.M., after a short break, a distinguished scout raised a
point of inquiry, which was answered by a point of clarification by the proponent crew.
At 1:12 P.M., the Steering Committee raised a suggestion to adopt the resolution, a
minute later, a member of the forum body raised a motion to adopt, which was seconded and
By 1:15 P.M. the resolution of Crew #3 was presented, after five minutes of
presentation, a series of points of inquiry, replies, clarifications, and amendments began,
ending with a final motion to add a provision at 2:03 P.M. that is seconded and approved,
At 2:03 to 2:05 P.M., a distinguished scout raised a motion to adopt the presented
resolution, which was duly seconded and was approved by the body.
With no other matters to discuss, the presiding officer adjourned the session at 2:08 P.M.
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08 April 2022
Time Started
2:10 P.M., 08 April 2022
The Vice Chairperson of the Steering Committee began the Third Plenary Session
with a call to order at 2:10 P.M.
Immediately after the opening, the presiding officer motioned the Steering Committee
to read the minutes of the previous session. A motion to approve the minutes was raised at
2:15 P.M. and was duly seconded.
After the approval of the minutes, the presiding officer motioned for Crew #3 to present
their second SPEAR, the presentation ended, after which a point of clarification was raised at
2:23 P.M. that was responded to by a point of information from the proponent crew.
This was followed by another series of inquiries and responses coming from both sides
of the forum body and the proponent crew, which momentarily halted at 2:32 P.M. with a
distinguished scout raising a motion to amend the resolution, the motion was seconded and
The exchange continued until 2:43 P.M., during which a motion to quash the resolution
was raised by a distinguished member of the forum body, followed by a privilege of speech at
2:44 P.M.
Another distinguished scout objected the motion and was also given the privilege of
speech at 2:49 P.M., the presiding officer then moved for the division of the house, the side of
those in favor of quashing the resolution was given another privilege of speech at 2:50 P.M.
At 2:53 P.M., the votation for the adoption or quashing of the resolution began, with
the majority favoring for the latter option, the resolution was effectively quashed.
The presiding officer then motioned Crew #5 to present their resolution, after a 3-
minute preparation, the proponent crew began their presentation, which ended at 2:58 P.M.
At the same time, a distinguished scout raised a point of inquiry, which was quickly
responded by a point of information by the proponent crew by 2:59 P.M., but the latter speaker
was unsatisfied by the answer.
The proponent crew then raised another point of information at 3:01, and was about to
have a follow-up but was declared out of order.
A motion to quash the resolution was raised at 3:04 P.M., the motion was seconded
and approved, effectively quashing the resolution.
By 3:07 P.M., Crew #4 presented their second resolution, after a few minutes, an
exchange of inquiries and responses began and ceased at 3:22 P.M. after a distinguished
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scout raised a motion to amend a specified part of the resolution, which was seconded and
A motion to adopt the resolution was raised at 3:24 P.M., but was objected and thereby
dropped a minute later. The presiding officer called for the division of the house after a short
while, and the resolution was adopted at 3:29 P.M. via majority.
At 3:30 P.M., the presiding officer motioned Crew #1 to present their resolution, after
the presentation, a short exchange of questions and answers occurred, before a distinguished
member of the forum body raised a motion to adopt the resolution, which was seconded and
approved at 3:46 P.M.
The final crew to present their resolution is Crew #2, which presented at 3:50 P.M.,
and at 3:55 P.M., a motion to adopt was raised and seconded, adopting the presented
With no further matters to tackle, the presiding officer adjourned the Third Plenary
Session at 3:57 P.M.
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9 April 2022
Vice-Chairperson, Organizing Committee
Presiding Officer
The Fourth Plenary Session was called to order by the Presiding Officer at 8:27 AM
held at Mindoro Heritage Museum, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro.
At 8:33 AM, the Chairman directed the Secretary to read the minutes of the previous
plenary session. The Secretary read the same. A motion was raised for the adoption of the
minutes as read. It was duly seconded and was unanimously approved by the body.
The Chairman then directed the Steering Committee to begin with the presentation.
The secretary of the Organizing Committee was hereby recognized to read the resolutions.
The first resolution was presented at 8:36 AM with the subject, “Revisiting the Rizal Lore
Merit Badge.” The secretary of the Organizing Committee was recognized to quash the
resolution for the reason that the proposed amendments could remove the uniqueness,
challenge, and purpose of the merit badge as this is an opportunity for scouts to venture the
lives and works of Rizal. Transforming the Rizal Lore Merit Badge to a digitized one could
affect the authenticity of the said badge as visiting the tangible heritages are imperative in
preserving the purpose of the badge. This motion was seconded and not objected, therefore
the motion was approved by unanimity.
The second resolution entitled, “Revisiting the Guidelines of the BSP Uniform and
Insignia,” was read at 8:38 AM. The secretary of the Organizing Committee raised an
amendment to include a provision on the flexibility of the proposed changes as there are
certain parts in the proposal that were not included that also needs to be added or reviewed.
The motion was then approved by the Organizing Committee. Afterwards, a motion to adopt
was raised and was approved by unanimity.
The third resolution with a subject, “Small-scale Water Purification-Filitration Systems
in Rural Areas in Luzon,” was presented at 8:45 AM. The Organizing Committee
Chairperson raised a motion to quash the resolution for the reason that this SPEAR is
viewed as a project proposal that can be implemented without approval. It is also in the
manifestation of the speaker to denounce that the forum body must focus on presenting
policies rather than project proposals. This motion was seconded and not objected.
Therefore, the motion was approved by the Organizing Committee.
The fourth resolution with was presented with a subject, “Scouting with Special
Scouts: Scouters’ and Scout Masters’ Congress on PWD Inclusivity.” The Organizing
Committee raised an expunsion of a certain provision in the resolution and thereby approved
by the Organizing Committee. Subsequently, the Organizing Committeee adopted the
resolution as this can help to strengthen the inclusivity of the scouting movement.
At 8:56 AM, the fifth resolution with a title of “Breaking Cultural Barriers:
Implementation of Scout Exchange Program,” was presented before the Organizing
Committee. This resolution was quashed by the Organizing Committee due to the feasibility
of its implementing rules and regulations.
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Afterwards, the sixth resolution was read with a subject, “Merit Badge Proposal Form
(MBPF).” This resolution was interpellated during the plenary and made few amendments.
After the revisions in the resolution, the Organizing Committee adopted the resolution in due
course as this proposal can be beneficiary for all scouts to lobby their desired merit badges.
The seventh resolution with a subject, “The Creation of the Philippine Scout Youth
Forum Data Bank Website,” was read before the Organizing Committee at 8:59 AM. The
Organizing Committee proposed few amendments and eventually, the resolution was hereby
approved by unanimity.
At 9:02 AM, the eighth and last resolution was presented with a subject, “Kamusta
ka, Luzon?: A Quarterly Meeting with the RSRs.” An amendment was raised by the
Organizing Committee and eventually adopted the resolution. This proposal can serve as an
avenue for the Scout Representatives to collaborate for one another in pursuit of
accomplishing the goals of the movement.
After a series of presenting the approved resolutions during the third plenary session,
a total of five (5) resolutions were approved while, three (3) resolutions were quashed by the
Organizing Committee. The Fourth Plenary Session was hereby called to adjourn at 9:11
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9 April 2022
The Fifth and Final Plenary Session was called to order by the Presiding Officer at
9:37 AM held at Mindoro Heritage Museum, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro.
The Presiding Officer directed the Secretary of the Organizing Committee to read the
minutes of the previous plenary session. No matters arose from the floor, thus approving the
minutes of the previous plenary session. The agenda for the plenary session is the election
for the Regional Scout Representatives for Luzon.
The Secretary of the Organizing Committee was hereby recognized to read the
election procedures and guidelines in the conduct of the Regioanl Scout Representatives for
Luzon elections. The nomination for the position was opened right after the election procedure
was read and approved by the forum body. The nominated scouts were given 2 minutes to
deliver a speech.
The following were nominated with their corresponding votes for the Regional Scout
The elected Regional Scout Representative for Luzon was Elijah G. Estaban of
National Capital Region by plurality of votes. The Fifth Plenary Session was adjourned at
10:36 AM.
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Overall Assessment of the Forum.
The forum was a great experience. Scouts got
to meet and discuss with other scouts from
other regions throughout Luzon. The forum had
a very quick phase due to active participation
from the body and the effectiveness of the
presiding officers. The forum had helped the
scouts to create sound policies that would
greatly impact the organization. It started a
new and better culture of oneness and unity
amongst the scouts of Luzon.
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