Module 4 (B) Active Filters

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Electronics Principles and Circuits (BEC303) 2023-24

Module 4(b): Active filters

Introduction- Almost all communication systems use filters. A filter passes one band of frequencies while
rejecting another. Filters can separate desired signals from undesired signals, block interfering signals,
enhance speech and video, and alter signals in other ways.

Active filters
Filters are frequency selective circuits that pass only desired band of frequencies and attenuates the undesired
band of frequencies.
Based on the frequency response, filters are further classified into
(a) Low Pass Filters (LPF) (b) High Pass Filters (HPF) (c) Band Pass Filters (BPF) (d) Band Rejection
Filters (BRF) (e) All Pass filters.

Ideal Responses
Low pass filter: A low-pass filter passes all frequencies from zero to the cutoff frequency and blocks all
frequencies above the cutoff frequency. With a low-pass filter, the frequencies between zero and the cutoff
frequency are called the passband. The frequencies above the cutoff frequency are called thestopband. An ideal
low-pass filter has zero attenuation (signal loss) inthe passband, infinite attenuation in the stopband, and a
vertical transition

Fig: Ideal low pass response

High pass filter: A High-pass filter blocks all frequencies from zero up to the cutoff frequency and passes all
frequencies above the cutoff frequency. With a high-pass filter, the frequencies between zero and the cutoff
frequency are the stopband. The frequencies above the cutoff frequency are the passband.An ideal high-pass
filter has infinite attenuation in the stopband, zero attenuation in the passband, and a vertical transition

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Fig: Ideal High pass response

Band pass filter: A Bandpass filter passes only a specific range of frequencies and all others blocked.. All
frequencies from frequencies from zero up to the lower cutoff frequency are blocked Then, it passes all the
frequencies between the lower and upper cutoff frequencies. Finally, it blocks all frequencies above theupper
cutoff frequency. With a bandpass filter, the passband is all thefrequencies between the lower and upper cutoff
frequencies. Thefrequencies below the lower cutoff frequency and above the upper cutoff frequency are the
stopband. Anideal bandpass filter has zero attenuation in the passband, infinite attenuation in the stopband, and
two verticaltransitions.The center frequency Bandwidth BW = f2 – f1 and Quality factor 𝑄
=𝑓𝑜 / BW

If [Q<1], the bandpass filter is called a Wideband filter. If [Q>1], the filter is called a Narrowband filters.
For Q >10, the center frequency fo =𝑓1+𝑓2 /2

Fig:Ideal Band pass response

Bandstop Filter:This type of filter passes all frequencies from zero up to the lower cutoff frequency. Then, it
blocks all the frequencies between the lower and upper cutoff frequencies. Finally, it passes all frequencies
above the upper cutoff frequency. Hence there exists two passbands and one stopband.

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The center frequency , Bandwidth BW = f2 – f1 and Quality factor 𝑄 =𝑓𝑜/𝐵𝑊

Fig:Ideal Band stop Response

All pass filter: All pass filter has a passband and with no stopband. Because of this, it passesall frequencies
between zero and infinite frequency. The reason it is called a filter is because of the effect it has on the phase of
signals passing through it.The all-pass filter is useful when it is required to produce a certain amount ofphase
shift for the signal being filtered without changing its amplitude..Ex- an opamp inverting amplifier with gain 1.

First- Order Stages

First-order or 1-pole active-filter stages have only one capacitor. Because of this, they can produce only a
lowpass or a high-pass response. Bandpass and bandstop filters can be implemented only when n is greater than
First order Lowpass filter(LPF):
i)Non-Inverting Unity gain LPF

Fig:Non inverting unity gain LPF

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Figure shows the non inverting unity gain LPF.It is nothing but a RC lag cirvuit and voltage follower. The
voltage gain is Av=1. The 3 dB cutoff frequency is given by

When the frequency increases above cutoff frequency,the capacitive reactance decreases and reduces the non-
inverting input voltage.As the frequency approaches infinity,the capacitor becomes a short and there is zero
input voltage

ii)Non-inverting with voltage gain LPF:

Fig: Non-inverting with voltage gain LPF

Figure shows the non inverting voltage gain LPF.It is nothing but a RC lag circuit and non-inverting
amplifier.It has the advantage of voltage gain. The voltage gain is given by

The 3 dB cutoff frequency is given by

When the frequency increases above cutoff frequency,the capacitive reactance decreases and reduces the non-
inverting input voltage. As the frequency approaches infinity, the capacitor becomes a short and there is zero
input voltage

Inverting with voltage gain LPF:

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Fig: Inverting with voltage gain LPF

Fig shows the first-order low-pass active filter implemented using an inverting amplifier gain AV =−R2/R1 and
one RC lag circuit The parallel combination of C1 and R2 sets the cut-off frequency.At low frequencies the
capacitor reactance is much higher thanR2, so the dc gain AV = (–R2/R1). As the frequency increases the
capacitors reactance decreases reducing the impedance of the parallel combination of XC||R2, in-turn the gain
of the amplifier until eventually at a high enough frequency, XC reduces to zero resulting in zero output.

The operation of the circuit is summarized as:

First order High Pass Filter(HPF):

Non-Inverting Unity gain HPF

Fig:Non inverting unity gain HPF

Figure shows the non inverting unity gain HPF.It is nothing but a RC lead circuit and voltage follower. The
voltage gain is Av=1. The 3 dB cutoff frequency is given by

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When the frequency decreases below cutoff frequency,the capacitive reactance increases and reduces the non-
inverting input voltage.As the frequency approaches zero,the capacitor becomes open and there is zero input

Non-inverting with voltage gain HPF:

Fig: Non-inverting with voltage gain HPF

Figure shows the non inverting unity gain HPF.It is nothing but a RC lead circuit and non-inverting amplifier..

The voltage gain is given by

The 3 dB cutoff frequency is given by

When the frequency decreases below cutoff frequency,the capacitive reactance increases and reduces the non-
inverting input voltage.As the frequency approaches zero,the capacitor becomes open and there is zero input

Inverting with voltage gain HPF:

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Fig: Inverting with voltage gain HPF

Figure shows the inverting voltage gain HPF.At high frequencies,the circuit acts like an inverting amplifier with
a voltage gain of:

As the frequency decreases,the capacitive reactances increase and eventually reduce the input signal and the
feedback.This implies less voltage gain.As the frequency approaches zero,the capacitors become open and
there is no input signal.The 3 dB cutoff frequency is given by:

Problem – Determine the voltage gain, the cutoff frequency and draw the frequency response for the
filter circuit shown below. (ii) If the resistor R1 is changed to 6.8 kΩ. Find the new cutoff frequency.

For R1=6.8 K Ω

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Fig:Frequency response

VCVS Second- Order Filters

Second-order or 2-pole stages are the most common because they are easy to build and analyze. Higher-order
filters are usually made by cascading second order stages. Each second-order stage has a resonant frequency
and a Q to determine how much peaking occurs.
These filters are also called as Sallen-Key filters These filters are also called VCVS filters because the op amp
is used as a voltage-controlled voltage source. VCVS low-pass circuits can implement three of the basic
approximations: Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel.

(a) VCVS Unity-Gain Second- Order Lowpass Filter

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Figure shows a Sallen-Key second-order low-pass filter. The two resistors have the same value, but the two
capacitors are different. There is a lag circuit on the non-inverting input, but this time, there is a feedback path
through a second capacitor C2.

Operation:At low frequencies, both capacitors appear to be open and the circuit has a unity gain because the
op amp is connected as a voltage follower.As the frequency increases, the impedance of C1 and C2 decreases
and the gain eventually starts to decrease until it is down 3dB at the cut-off frequency and gain roll-off takes
place at the rate -40dB/ decade . As the frequency increases above cut-off frequency, the output is attenuated.

The pole frequency is given by:

And the Quality factor

Butterworth and Bessel Responses

When analyzing a circuit shown above,we start by calculating the value of Q and fc

For Butterworth filter;Q= 0.707 and KC = 1

Cut-off or Edge frequency

For Bessel filter; Q=0.577 and KC=0.786

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Cut-off or Edge frequency fc = Kc fP

Peaked response:
After calculating Q and fp, when Q is greater than 0.707, we can calculate 3 other frequenciesusing the
following equations

Problem:What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What is the cutoff frequency?

Practice problem: Repeat the above problem by changing R=10kΩ

Problem:What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What is the cutoff frequency?

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Problem:What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What are the cutoff and 3 dB
Given KO = 0.99, KC = 1.38 and K3 =1.54

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b)VCVS Equal-Component Second order Low-Pass Filter (Second order Lowpass filter with gain)

Figure shows a Sallen-Key second-order equal component low-pass filter with gain. Both resistors and both

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capacitors have the same value.

Operation - At low frequencies, both capacitors appear to be open and the circuit has a gain because the opamp
is connected as a non-inverting amplifier with gain.

As the frequency increases, the impedance of C1 and C2 decreases and the gain eventually starts to decrease
until it is down 3dB at the cut-off frequency and gain roll-off takes place at the rate -40dB/ decade . As the
frequency increases above cut-off frequency, the output is attenuated.

Voltage gain,Q and pole frequency are given by

For Butterworth filter; KC = 1

Cut-off or Edge frequency fC = KC fP
For Bessel filter; KC = 0.786
Cut-off or Edge frequency fC = KC fP

Problem:What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What is the cutoff frequency?

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Practice problem:Change the value of R from 47kΩ to 22 kΩ and repeat above problem

Problem: What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What is the cutoff frequency?

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Problem:What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What are the cutoff and 3 dB
Given KO = 1, KC = 1.414 and K3 =1.55

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VCVS Second Order High Pass Filters

a) VCVS Unity-Gain Second- Order Highpass Filter

Figure shows a Sallen-Key second-order Highpass filter. The two Capacitors have the same value, but the two
resistors are different. There is a lag circuit on the non-inverting input, but this time, there is a feedback path
through a second capacitor C2.

Operation - At low frequencies, both capacitors appear to be open and no input is applied to the non inverting
terminal, hence output is zero. As the frequency increases, the impedance of C1 and C2 decreases and the gain
eventually starts to increase and becomes unity after cutoff frequency. The gain roll-on
takes place at the rate +40dB/ decade. As the frequency increases above cutoff frequency, the output is constant.
The pole frequency is given by:

And Quality factor Q is given by:

b)VCVS Equal-Component Second order Highpass Filter (Second order Highpass filter with gain)
Figure shows a Sallen-Key second-order equal component high pass filter with gain. Both resistors and both
capacitors have the same value.

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Operation - At low frequencies, both capacitors appear to be open and the circuit and no input is applied,hence
the output is zero.As the frequency increases, the impedance of C1 and C2 decreases and the gain eventually
starts to increase and becomes AV = 1 +R2/R1 after cutoff frequency. The gain roll-on takes place at the rate
+40dB/ decade. As the frequency increases above cut-off frequency, the output is constant with a gain AV.
The pole frequency is given by:

The quality factor Q is given by:

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Problem:What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What is the cutoff frequency?

Problem:What are the pole frequency and Q of the filter shown below.What are the resonant, cutoff and
3 dB frequencies?

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Problem :Design a II order Butterworth Lowpass filter for a cut of frequency of 3

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Problem :Design a II order Bessel Lowpass filter for a cut of frequency of 3 kHz

Multiple Feedback (MFB) Bandpass Filters

A Band Pass Filter Circuit designed to pass signals only in a certain band of frequencies while rejecting all
signals outside this band.There are basically two types of Band Pass Filter Circuit,
(i) Wide band pass (ii) Narrow band pass

A Bandpass filter is defined as a Wide bandpass if its figure of merit or quality factor Q < 1 and if Q > 1, then
filter is referred to as Narrow Bandpass filter. Hence Q is a measure of selectivity meaning, the higher the value
of Q, the more selective is the filter, or the narrower is the band width. The relationship between Q, 3dB
bandwidth and the centre frequency fo is given by

Where fC2 and fC1 are cut-off frequencies

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Figure shows the frequency response of a band pass filter. This type of filter has a maximum output voltage
Vmax at one frequency called the resonant frequency, fO. If the frequency is varied away from resonance, the
output voltage decreases. There is one frequency above fo and one below fo at which the voltage is 0.707Vmax
(3 dB point). These frequencies are the high and low cutoff frequencies. The band of frequencies between
fH and fL is the bandwidth. Therefore the band width is given by BW = fc2 – fc1

Wide bandpass filters:

A wide bandpass filter (Q < 1) can be formed by simply cascading high pass and low pass section and is

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generally the choice for simple to design. To obtain a ± 20 db/decade band pass filter, a first order high pass
filter and a first low pass sections are cascaded,for a ± 40 db/decade band pass filter.Figure shows the block
diagram of a ± 20db/decade wide band pass filter (which iscomposed of a first order high pass and a first
order low pass filter) and its frequency response. Consider the cascaded Highpass and Lowpass filters as shown
in the block diagram.

Narrow bandpass Filters

When Q is greater than 1, the bandpass filter is known as Narrow bandpass filter and can be implemented using
multiple feedback as shown in figure below. The input signal goes to the inverting input first rather than the
non-inverting input and the circuit has two feedback paths, one through a capacitor and another through a

At low frequencies, the capacitors appear to be open. Therefore, the input signal cannot reach the op amp, and
the output is zero. At high frequencies, the capacitors appear to be shorted. In this case, the voltage gain is zero
because the feedback capacitor has zero impedance. Between the low and high extremes in frequency, there is a
band of frequencies where the circuit actslike an inverting amplifier.
The voltage gain at the center frequency is given by:

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Increasing input impedance of MFB stage.:

Since the above circuit uses inverting amplifier whose input impedance is low, to increase the input impedance,
the modified circuit is used. The modified equations are

Bandstop Filters (Notch Filters)

At low frequencies, all capacitors are open. As a result, all the input signal reaches the non-inverting input. The
circuit has a passband voltage gain of:

At very high frequencies, the capacitors are shorted.Again, all the input signal reaches the non-inverting input.
The circuit has a passband voltage gain of:

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Between the low and high extremes in frequency, there is a center frequency given by:

At this frequency, the feedback signal returns with the correct amplitude and phase to attenuate the signal on the
non-inverting input. Because of this, the output voltage drops to a very low value. The Q of the circuit is given

To avoid oscillations and proper operation of the circuit (i) the voltage gain AV has to be less than 2 and (ii) Q
should be much less than 10.
Ex- The ac power lines may induce a hum of 60 Hz in sensitive circuits; this may interfere with a desired signal.
A bandstop filter is used to notch out the unwanted hum signal.

Problem : Determine the voltage gain, the center frequency and Q for the bandstop filter with
R1 = 13kΩ, R2 = 10kΩ, R=22kΩ and C=120nF

Practice Problem:change R2 to obtain a Q value of 3. Also, change the C value for a center frequency of 120

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