States of Matter - Thermodynamics

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👉 Boyle’s Law

P1V1=P2V2 ( at constant n and T )

👉 Charle’s Law

( at
constant n and P )

👉 Gay - Lussac’s Law

( at constant n and V )
Graphical representation of Boyle’s Law
Graphical representation of Charles's Law
Graphical representation of Gay Lussac’s Law
👉 Avogadro’s law :

( at constant P
and T )

👉 Ideal gas equation :

Combining all these gas laws , a simple equation can be

derived at, which relates P, V, n and T for a gas

PV = nRT (for n moles of gas)

Q. A balloon filled with an ideal gas is taken from
the surface of the sea deep to a depth of 100m. What will
be its volume in terms of its original volume?
Q. A balloon filled with an ideal gas is taken from
the surface of the sea deep to a depth of 100m. What will
be its volume in terms of its original volume?

Pressure at the surface = 76 cm of Hg = 76x13·6 cm of H2O = 10·3 m of H2O

∴ Pressure at 100 m depth = 100 + 10·3 m = 110·3

Applying P1 V1 = P2 V2,
(At surface) = (At 100 m depth)

10·3xV = 110·3xV2
V2 = 0·093 V = 9·3% of V
Q. Which curve shows Charles’ law?


Q. Which curve shows Charles’ law?


👉 If p1 , p2 , p3… be the partial pressure of n gases
enclosed in a given vessel and P be the total pressure of
the gaseous mixture. Then by Dalton’s Law of partial

P=p1+p2+ p3…

Where x1 = mole fraction of gas

P1 = Partial Pressure of gas
P = Total Pressure
👉The rate of diffusion (or effusion) r of two
gases under different pressure can be given by
👉Equation of kinetic molecular theory

mN0 = M (molar mass)

N0 = Avogadro’s number
U = root mean square velocity (Urms)
Different types of Molecular Velocities

Most probable velocity (Ump) Average velocity (Uav) Root mean square velocity (Urms)

👉Relation b/w Urms:Uav: Ump

👉Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution Curve
Q. In a container of capacity 1 litre there are 1023
molecules each of mass 10-22 gms. If root mean square
speed is 105 cm/sec then calculate pressure of the gas.
Q. In a container of capacity 1 litre there are 1023
molecules each of mass 10-22 gms. If root mean square
speed is 105 cm/sec then calculate pressure of the gas.

V = 10-3 m3
M = 10-25 Kg
N = 1023
Q. The root mean square speeds at STP for the
gases H2,N2,O2 and HBr are in the order

A H2 < N2< O2 < HBr

B HBr < O2< N2 < H2

C H2 < N2= O2 < HBr

D HBr < O2< H2 < N2

Q. The root mean square speeds at STP for the
gases H2,N2,O2 and HBr are in the order

A H2 < N2< O2 < HBr

B HBr < O2< N2 < H2

C H2 < N2= O2 < HBr

D HBr < O2< H2 < N2

👉 Compressibility factor :

The extent to which a real gas departs from the

ideal behaviour may be depicted in terms of a
new function called the compressibility factor(Z).
Z = 1 → Ideal gas
Z ≠ 1 → Real gas

Z>1 Z<1

👉 Real gas 👉 Real gas

👉 Positive deviation 👉 Negative deviation
from ideal behaviour from ideal behaviour
👉 Intermolecular repulsion 👉 Intermolecular attraction
👉 can’t be liquefied 👉 can be easily liquefied
👉 Van der Waal equation for n mol,

Where a and b are constants

characteristic of a gas.
👉 Volume correction

👉Pressure correction

(a = constant of proportionality which

depends on the nature of gas)
👉 Critical Temperature (Tc)
If (Tc) is maximum temperature at which a gas can be liquefied
i.e. the temperature above which a gas can’t liquid.

👉 Critical Pressure (Pc)

It is the minimum pressure required to cause liquefaction
at Tc

👉 Critical Volume :
It is the volume occupied by one mol of a gas at Tc and Pc

Vc = 3b
👉 Relation b/w Tc , Pc , and Vc
Q. Van Der Waals constant ‘a’ has the dimensions

A mol L-1

B atm L2 mol-2

C litre mol-1

D atm L mol-2
Q. Van Der Waals constant ‘a’ has the dimensions

A mol L-1

B atm L2 mol-2

C litre mol-1

D atm L mol-2
According to van der Waals equation,
Q. Using van der waals equation. Find the
temperature at which 3 moles of SO2 will occupy a volume
of 10 dm3 at a pressure of 1.52 MPa given : a = 678.88 dm3
KPa mole-1 and b = 5.6x10-2 dm3 mol-1
Q. Using van der waals equation. Find the temperature at
which 3 moles of SO2 will occupy a volume of 10 dm3 at a pressure of
1.52 MPa given : a = 678.88 dm3 KPa mole-1 and b = 5.6x10-2 dm3 mol-


R = 8.314 Kpa dm3 K-1 mol-1

P = 1.52x103 KPa V = 10 dm3

∴ (1581.0992) (9.832) = 3x8.314xT or T = 623.26 K
∴ the required temperature 623.26 K
States of Matter PYQ
A closed tank has two compartments A and B, both filled with oxygen
(assumed to be ideal gas). The partition separating the two compartments is
fixed and is a perfect heat insulator (Fig. 1). If the old partition is replaced by a
new partition which can slide and conduct heat but does not allow the gas to
leak across (Fig. 2), the volume (in m 3 ) of the compartment A after the
system attains equilibrium is ____. [2018 Adv]
The diffusion coefficient of an ideal gas is proportional to its mean free path and mean
speed. The absolute temperature of an ideal gas is increased 4 times and its pressure is
increased 2 times. As a result, the diffusion coefficient of this gas increases x times. The
value of x is .. [2016 Adv]
The diffusion coefficient of an ideal gas is proportional to its mean free path and mean
speed. The absolute temperature of an ideal gas is increased 4 times and its pressure is
increased 2 times. As a result, the diffusion coefficient of this gas increases x times. The
value of x is .. [2016 Adv]

A closed vessel with rigid walls contains 1 mole of and 1 mole of 92U238 air at 298 K.
Considering complete decay of 92U238 to 82Pb206 , the ratio of the final pressure to the
initial pressure of the system at 298 K is [2018 Adv]
A closed vessel with rigid walls contains 1 mole of and 1 mole of 92U238 air at 298 K.
Considering complete decay of 92U238 to 82Pb206 , the ratio of the final pressure to the
initial pressure of the system at 298 K is [2018 Adv]

If the value of Avogadro number is 6.023 x 10-23 mol -1 and the value of Boltzmann
constant is 1.38 x 10-23 J/K , then the number of significant digits in the calculated value
of the universal gas constant is [2014 Adv]
If the value of Avogadro number is 6.023 x 10-23 mol -1 and the value of Boltzmann
constant is 1.38 x 10-23 J/K , then the number of significant digits in the calculated value
of the universal gas constant is [2014 Adv]

To an evacuated vessel with movable piston un der ex ter nal pressure of 1 atm, 0.1 mole
of He and 1.0 mole of an unknown compound (vapour pressure 0.68 atm at 0°C ) are
introduced. Considering the ideal gas behaviour, the total volume (in litre) of the gases at
0°C is close to [2011]
To an evacuated vessel with movable piston under external pressure of 1 atm, 0.1 mole of
He and 1.0 mole of an unknown compound (vapour pressure 0.68 atm at 0°C ) are
introduced. Considering the ideal gas behaviour, the total volume (in litre) of the gases at
0°C is close to [2011]

System, surrounding and Universe

Boundary Surrounding
Surface that separates Rest of the universe
system from its

Part of universe we are interested in

Universe = System + Surrounding

Extensive and intensive properties
Extensive Intensive

● Depend upon the quantity of the ● Independent of the amount of the

matter contained in the system substance present in the system

● Additive ● Non additive

● Ratio of two extensive properties is

an intensive properties

● Molar mass, molar volume, molar heat

● Mass, volume, heat capacity capacity, specific heat
internal energy, enthalpy, capacity,Temperature, pressure,
entropy, gibbs free energy refractive index, viscosity, density,
surface tension
State and Path function
State function:

If the value of a physical quantity depends only upon the state of the system and
does not depend upon the path by which this state has been attained.

Examples :
Pressure, volume, temperature, internal energy, entropy, free energy.
Path Function:

Quantities which are dependent on the path/way the system has

achieved a particular state

Examples :
Heat, work, Heat capacities(Molar heat capacities, specific heat
capacities etc
Among the following, the intensive property is (properties

A molar conductivity

B electromotive force

C resistance

D heat capacity
Among the following, the intensive property is (properties

A molar conductivity

B electromotive force

C resistance

D heat capacity

Molar conductivity and electromotive force (emf) are

intensive properties as these are size independent.
Among the following, the state function(s) is(are) :

A Internal energy

B Heat capacity

C expansion work

D Molar enthalpy
Among the following, the state function(s) is(are) :

A Internal energy

B Heat capacity

C expansion work

D Molar enthalpy

State function are internal energy and molar enthalpy.

Internal energy:

E or U = Ukinetic + Upotential+ Uelectronic + Unuclear+...........

Absolute value of U can never be calculated only change in

value of U can be calculated for a particular process.

ΔU = Ufinal - Uinitial
Heat capacity

Quantity of heat required by the system to raise

temperature of the system by 1 degree

Molar Heat capacity

Heat required to raise temperature of 1 mole of a substance

by 1oC

Heat and work

Heat : When the energy transfer between system

& surroundings takes place because of
temperature difference.

Work : Any energy transfer which is not heat or

which is not because of temperature difference is
called work.
PV Work
For a small displacement dx due to
force F, work done on the system.

A d l

dW = F.dx
also F = PA
dW = PA.dx
V = (l - x)A
⇒ dV = -A.dx ⇒ dW =
- Pext.dV
Work done on the Heat absorbed
system +q

Work done by the
system Heat released

First law of thermodynamics

Energy of total universe is always conserved

Mathematical form of 1 st Law of thermodynamics :

U2 = U1 + q + W
so ΔU = (U2 - U1) = q + W

U1 = internal energy at initial state

U2 = internal energy at final state
q = amount of heat is given to it
W = amount of work is done on it
A system undergoes a process which absorbed 0.5 kJ of heat
and undergoing an expansion against external pressure of 1
atm, during the process change in internal energy is 300 J.
Then predict the change in volume (lit.)

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4
A system undergoes a process which absorbed 0.5 kJ of heat
and undergoing an expansion against external pressure of 1
atm, during the process change in internal energy is 300 J.
Then predict the change in volume (lit.)

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4
Reversible process


Pext = Pint ± dP
Irreversible process

Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a thermodynamics system.

Enthalpy of a system is defined as
H = U + PV

So dH = dU + d(PV)

H = enthalpy of system
U = internal energy of the system
P = pressure at the boundary of the system
and its environment
V = volume of the system
● Enthalpy of a system is defined as
H = U + PV
So dH = dU + d(PV)

● At constant pressure P, we have heat capacity

qP = n CPΔT
This value is equal to the change in enthalpy, that is,
qP = n CPΔT = ΔH
● Similarly, at constant volume V, we have
qV = n CVΔT
This value is equal to the change in internal energy,
qV = n CVΔT = ΔU
One mole of a non-ideal gas undergoes a change of state from
(1.0 atm, 3.0 L, 200 K) to (4.0 atm, 5.0 L. 250 K) with a change in
internal energy (ΔU) = 40 L-atm. The change in enthalpy of the
process in L-atm:

A 43

B 57

C 42

D None of these
One mole of a non-ideal gas undergoes a change of state from
(1.0 atm, 3.0 L, 200 K) to (4.0 atm, 5.0 L. 250 K) with a change in
internal energy (ΔU) = 40 L-atm. The change in enthalpy of the
process in L-atm:

A 43

B 57

C 42

D None of these
One mole of a non-ideal gas undergoes a change of state from
(1.0 atm, 3.0 L, 200 K) to (4.0 atm, 5.0 L. 250 K) with a change in
internal energy (ΔU) = 40 L-atm. The change in enthalpy of the
process in L-atm:

Isochoric process

V = constant
dV = 0 P
From first law of thermodynamics
ΔU = qv isochoric

Heat exchanged at V1 V
constant volume
Isobaric process

Pgas = constant
Since pressure of gas is defined during whole of the process and hence
the process must be reversible

So dW = -PextdV
= -Pgas dV Isobar

W = P(Vf - Vi)

Isothermal process

T = constant throughout the process

dT = 0
For expansion of an ideal gas

ΔH = nCpΔT

ΔU and ΔH = 0

V1 V
Isothermal process

● Work done in reversible isothermal Process

● Work done in irreversible isothermal Process

Wirr = - Pext(V2 - V1)

Adiabatic process
There is no heat exchange between system and surrounding
From first law of thermodynamics
ΔU = q + W

W = -ve
ΔU < 0
ΔT < 0
ΔU = W T2 <T1
Temperature ↓ cooling occurs

W = +ve
ΔU > 0
T2 >T1
Temperature ↑ heating occurs
Work done in adiabatic process

● Reversible adiabatic process

● irreversible adiabatic process

In figure, A and B are two adiabatic curves for two different
gases. Then A and B corresponds to :

A Ar and He respectively

B He and H2 respectively

C O2 and H2 respectively

D H2 and He respectively
In figure, A and B are two adiabatic curves for two different
gases. Then A and B corresponds to :

A Ar and He respectively

B He and H2 respectively

C O2 and H2 respectively

D H2 and He respectively
5 mole of an ideal gas expand isothermally and irreversible
from a pressure of 10 atm to 1 atm against a constant external
pressure of 1 atm wirr at 300 K is:

A –15.921 kJ

B –11.224 kJ

C –110.83 kJ

D None of these
5 mole of an ideal gas expand isothermally and irreversible
from a pressure of 10 atm to 1 atm against a constant external
pressure of 1 atm wirr at 300 K is:

A –15.921 kJ

B –11.224 kJ

C –110.83 kJ

D None of these
5 mole of an ideal gas expand isothermally and irreversible
from a pressure of 10 atm to 1 atm against a constant external
pressure of 1 atm wirr at 300 K is:

A gas behaving ideally was allowed to expand
reversibly and adiabatically from 1 litre to 32 litre. It’s initial
temperature was 327°C. The molar enthalpy change (in J/mol)
for the process is:

A –1125 R

B –675

C –1575 R

D None of these
A gas behaving ideally was allowed to expand
reversibly and adiabatically from 1 litre to 32 litre. It’s initial
temperature was 327°C. The molar enthalpy change (in J/mol)
for the process is:

A –1125 R

B –675

C –1575 R

D None of these
A gas behaving ideally was allowed to expand
reversibly and adiabatically from 1 litre to 32 litre. It’s initial
temperature was 327°C. The molar enthalpy change (in J/mol)
for the process is:

Match the column:
Match the column:

Ans: (A – r) ; (B – p) ; (C – s) ; (D – q)
Match the column:
Match the column:

Ans: (A – p, s) ; (B – q, r) ; (C – r) ; (D – s)
One mole of an ideal gas at 300 K and 5 atm is
expanded adiabatically to a final pressure of 2 atm against a
constant pressure of 2 atm. Final temperature of the gas is :

A 270 K

B 273 K

C 248.5 K

D 200 K
One mole of an ideal gas at 300 K and 5 atm is
expanded adiabatically to a final pressure of 2 atm against a
constant pressure of 2 atm. Final temperature of the gas is :

A 270 K

B 273 K

C 248.5 K

D 200 K

Entropy is the measure of randomness or disorder of the system

Spontaneity in terms of entropy change

Spontaneous Non-spontaneous

ΔStotal = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurroundings > 0 ΔStotal = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurroundings < 0

Calculation of ΔSsurrounding
As the surrounding is an infinite heat reservoir hence no. amount of
heat given to the surrounding can cause turbulence in it, hence all heat
exchanges with surroundings are considered to be reversible.

ΔSsurrounding =

For surrounding T is constant

∴ ΔSsurr =
But the law of conservation of energy
qsurr = - qsystem
ΔSsurrr =
Calculation of ΔSSystem

For ΔSsystem
State State
A reversible B

As ‘S’ is a state function ‘ΔS’ will not depend on path.

∴ ΔSirrev = ΔSrev

reversible path.
Second law of thermodynamics

● The entropy of the universe increases in a spontaneous

process and remains unchanged in an equilibrium process


A spontaneous process:

ΔS universe = ΔS system + ΔS surroundings > 0

An equilibrium process:

ΔS universe = ΔS system + ΔS surroundings = 0

Entropy change for an ideal gas in a thermodynamic process

From First law dq = dU + PdV

dS =

But for ideal gas

Integration gives

General Expression, for any process

Entropy change for an ideal gas in a thermodynamic process

● Isothermal process
Reversible and irreversible isothermal expansion and contraction
of an ideal gas

ΔSsys = nR ln

For surroundings

ΔSsurr = - ΔSsys (for reversible)

ΔSsurr = (for irreversible)

Entropy change for an ideal gas in a thermodynamic process

● Isobaric process


ΔH = CpΔT = qp

ΔSsys = nCp ln

For surroundings

ΔSsurr = - ΔSsys (for reversible)

ΔSsurr = (for
Entropy change for an ideal gas in a thermodynamic process

● Isochoric process

ΔU = CvΔT = qv


ΔSsys = nCv ln

For surroundings

ΔSsurr = -ΔSsys (for reversible)

ΔSsurr = (for
Entropy change for an ideal gas in a thermodynamic process

● Adiabatic process



ΔSsys = nCv ln + nR ln for irreversible process

ΔSsys = 0 for reversible adiabatic compression and expansion

For surroundings

ΔSsurr = (for irreversible)

When two mole of an ideal gas heated from 300 K

to 600 K at constant pressure. The change in entropy of gas (S)

is :

When two mole of an ideal gas heated from 300 K

to 600 K at constant pressure. The change in entropy of gas (S)

is :

Gibbs free energy
A system parameter to predict the spontaneity of chemical
reaction was introduced by Gibb’s so that entropy calculation
for the surrounding need not be carried out

G = H - TS
G1 = H1 - TS1 for the initial state
G2 = H2 - TS2 for the final state
∴ G2 - G1 = (H2 - H1) - T(S2-S1) Gibbs - Helmholtz
ΔG = ΔH - TΔS equation
Condition for the process to be spontaneous

ΔG = ΔH - T ΔS
ΔH T ΔS Conditions ΔG

-ve (favourable) +ve (favourable) (any) -ve spontaneous

-ve (favourable) -ve (unfavourable) |ΔH| > (TΔS) -ve spontaneous

+ve (unfavourable) +ve (favourable) |TΔS| > |ΔH| -ve spontaneous

Role of temperature on spontaneity

Sign of ΔH, ΔG and ΔS and prediction of spontaneity

ΔH ΔS ΔG Remarks

-ve +ve -ve Spontaneous at all


-ve -ve -ve (at low temperature) Spontaneous

+ve (at high temperature) Non-spontaneous

+ve +ve +ve (at low temperature) Non-spontaneous

-ve (at high temperature) Spontaneous

+ve -ve +ve Non-spontaneous at

all temperatures
For the process, H2O(𝓁) → H2O(g) at T = 100C and 1 atmosphere
pressure, the correct choice is :

For the process, H2O(𝓁) → H2O(g) at T = 100C and 1 atmosphere
pressure, the correct choice is :

Standard entropy of X2, Y2 and XY3 are 60, 40 and 50 JK–1 mol–1,
For the reaction, 𝚫H = –30 kJ.

To be at equilibrium the temperature will be :

A 500 K

B 750 K

C 1000 K

D 1250 K
Standard entropy of X2, Y2 and XY3 are 60, 40 and 50 JK–1 mol–1,
For the reaction, 𝚫H = –30 kJ.

To be at equilibrium the temperature will be :

A 500 K

B 750 K

C 1000 K

D 1250 K
Two blocks of the same metal having same mass and at temperature
T1 and T2, respectively, are brought in contact with each other and
allowed to attain thermal equilibrium at constant pressure. The
change in entropy, 𝚫S, for this process is:

Two blocks of the same metal having same mass and at temperature
T1 and T2, respectively, are brought in contact with each other and
allowed to attain thermal equilibrium at constant pressure. The
change in entropy, 𝚫S, for this process is:

Match the column:
Match the column:

Ans: (A) (p, s); (B) (r) ; (C) (q, s) ; (D) (q, s).
Match the thermodynamic processes given under Column-I with the
expressions given under ColumnII.
Match the thermodynamic processes given under Column-I with the
expressions given under ColumnII.

Ans: (A-R,T); (B-P,Q,S); (C-P,Q,S); (D-P,Q,S,T)

Thermodynamics PYQ
The internal energy change (in J) when 90g of water
undergoes complete evaporation at 1000 C is…..
(Given :∆Hvap for water at 373 K =41 kJ/mol, R=8.314 JK-1
(2020 Main)
The internal energy change (in J) when 90g of water
undergoes complete evaporation at 1000 C is…..
(Given :∆Hvap for water at 373 K =41 kJ/mol, R=8.314 JK-1
(2020 Main)

Ans : 189494

Solution :
Benzene and naphthalene form an ideal solution at room
temperature. For this process, the true statement(s) is (are)

(2013 Adv.)
A ΔG is positive

B ΔS system is positive

C ΔS surroundings = 0

D ΔH = 0
Benzene and naphthalene form an ideal solution at room
temperature. For this process, the true statement(s) is (are)

(2013 Adv.)
A ΔG is positive

B ΔS system is positive

C ΔS surroundings = 0

D ΔH = 0
An ideal gas is allowed to expand from 1 L to 10 L against
a constant external pressure of 1 bar. The work done in
kJ is
(2019 Main)

A - 9 .0

B + 10.0

C -0.9

D -2.0
An ideal gas is allowed to expand from 1 L to 10 L against
a constant external pressure of 1 bar. The work done in
kJ is
Solution :
(2019 Main)

A - 9 .0
According to the given conditions, the expansion is against
B + 10.0 constant external pressure. So, the work done is given by following

C -0.9 W = -pext (V2 -V1)

=-1bar (10L-1L) =- 9 L bar (∵ 1L bar =100J)
D -2.0 = -9 ×100 J = -0.9 kJ
For one mole of an ideal gas, which of these statements must be true?
(a) U and H each depends only on temperature
(b) Compressibility factor z is not equal to 1
(c) Cp,m-Cv,m = R (2020 Main)
(d) dU = CVdT for any process

A (b), (c) and (d)

B (a) and (c)

C (a),(c)and (d)

D (c) and (d)

For one mole of an ideal gas, which of these statements must be true?
(a) U and H each depends only on temperature
(b) Compressibility factor z is not equal to 1
(c) Cp,m-Cv,m = R (2020 Main)
(d) dU = CVdT for any process

A (b), (c) and (d)

B (a) and (c)

C (a),(c)and (d)

D (c) and (d)

A process will be spontaneous at all temperature if

(2019 Main, 10 April I)

A ΔH > 0 and ΔS < 0

B ΔH < 0 and ΔS > 0

C ΔH < 0 and ΔS > 0

D ΔH > 0 and ΔS > 0

A process will be spontaneous at all temperature if

(2019 Main, 10 April I)

A ΔH > 0 and ΔS < 0

B ΔH < 0 and ΔS > 0

C ΔH < 0 and ΔS > 0

D ΔH > 0 and ΔS > 0

600 c.c. of a gas at a pressure of 750 mm of Hg is compressed
to 500 c.c. Taking the temperature to remain constant, the
increase in pressure, is

A 150 mm of Hg

B 250 mm of Hg

C 350 mm of Hg

D 450 mm of Hg
4.4 g of a gas at STP occupies a volume of 2.24 L, the gas
can be

A O2



Calculate the weight of methane in a 9L cylinder at 16 atm
and 27℃?
Which one of the following equations does not correctly represent
the first law of thermodynamics for the given processes involving
an ideal gas? (Assume non- expansion work is zero)

A Cyclic process; q = -W

B Adiabatic process; ΔU = -W

C Isochoric process; ΔU = q

D Isothermal process; q = -W
1 mole of a monatomic gas expands adiabatically at initial
temp. ‘T’ against a constant pressure (external) of 1 atm from 1
L to 2 L. Find the final temp. of gas.
600 c.c. of a gas at a pressure of 750 mm of Hg is compressed
to 500 c.c. Taking the temperature to remain constant, the
increase in pressure, is

A 150 mm of Hg

B 250 mm of Hg

C 350 mm of Hg
Therefore increase of pressure
= (900 – 750) = 150 mm of Hg
D 450 mm of Hg
4.4 g of a gas at STP occupies a volume of 2.24 L, the gas
can be

A O2 44g at STP occupies volume 22.4 litre

which is molecular mass of CO2 .
Molecular mass occupies 22.4 litre at


Calculate the weight of methane in a 9L cylinder at 16 atm
and 27℃?

Which one of the following equations does not correctly represent
the first law of thermodynamics for the given processes involving
an ideal gas? (Assume non- expansion work is zero)

A Cyclic process; q = -W Cyclic process: ΔU = 0; q = -W

Adiabatic process: q = 0; ΔU = W
Isochoric process: ΔV = 0, Thus W = 0
B Adiabatic process; ΔU = -W
(W = pΔV); ΔU = q
Isothermal process: ΔU = 0; q = -W
C Isochoric process; ΔU = q

D Isothermal process; q = -W
1 mole of a monatomic gas expands adiabatically at initial
temp. ‘T’ against a constant pressure (external) of 1 atm from 1
L to 2 L. Find the final temp. of gas.


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