Determine and Maintain Business Resources

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Document No.

: ___________
Rift Valley University
Gotera TVET College Page 1
Title Determine and Maintain Business Resources Ref No.: ________________

Department: Marketing and Sales Management

Section: Level II
Program: Regular
Academic Year: 2015 (2022/23)
Session Plan (LSA MSM2 02 1221)
Unit of Determine and Maintain Business Resources
Module Title: Determining and Maintain Business Resources
Module Code: LSA MSM M02 0322
LO_1: Advice on resource requirements
Session Objectives: At the end of each session the trainees would be able to:-

 Estimates of future and business resource needs are calculated and

presented in accordance with organizational requirements.
 Ensure advice is made clear, concise and relevant to achievement of
organizational requirements.
 Information on the most economical and effective choice of
equipment, materials and suppliers is provided.
 Resource shortages and possible impact on operation are identified.
Activities Nomin
al Learning
Duratio methods
Introduction 20 min Introduction to technology and application softwares Lecturing

60 min Identifying technologies and application softwares Lecturing


60 min Identifying workplace furniture and equipment Lecturing

60 min Identifying workplace furniture and equipment Lecturing
240 Adjusting ergonomic requirements & use of technologies Demonstration
min and equipments
Evaluation 70 min Interview
Summary 10 min Wrap-up and Feedback
Resources  Operation Manual
 Learning guide
Prepared by:- ____________________ Approved by:- ____________________
Sign :- ________________ Sign :- ________________
Date:- ________________ Date:- ________________

Page 1
Document No.: ___________
Rift Valley University
Gotera TVET College Page 2
Title Determine and Maintain Business Resources Ref No.: ________________

Session Plan (LSA MSM2 02 1221)

Unit of Competency: Determine and Maintain Business Resources
Module Title: Determining and Maintain Business Resources
Module Code: LSA MSM M02 0322
LO_2: Monitor resource use and maintenance
Session Objectives: At the end of each session the trainees would be able to:-

 Resource handling is ensured in according with established organizational

requirements including occupational health and safety requirements.
 Business technology is used to monitor and effective use of resources is
 Consultation with individuals and teams are used to facilitate effective
decision making on the appropriate allocation of resources.
 Relevant policies regarding resource use in the performance of
operational tasks are identified and adhered.
 Resource usage are routinely monitored and compared with estimated
requirements in budget plans.
Activities Nominal
Duration Contents Learning methods
Introductio 60 min Identifying Files and Records Lecturing
60 min Opening, Generating and Amending Files and Records Demonstration

120 min Operating input devices Lecturing

120 min Storing data appropriately and exiting applications without Lecturing
damage or loss of data Demonstration

120 min Manual Training in basic business applications software’s Lecturing

Evaluation 120 min interview
Summary 10 min Wrap-up and feedback
Resources  Operation Manual
 Learning guide

Prepared by:- ____________________ Approved by:- ____________________

Sign :- ________________ Sign :- ________________
Date:- ________________ Date:- ________________

Page 2
Document No.: ___________
Rift Valley University
Gotera TVET College Page 3
Title Determine and Maintain Business Resources Ref No.: ________________

Session Plan (LSA MSM2 02 1221)

Unit of Competency: Determine and Maintain Business Resources
Module Title: Determining and Maintain Business Resources
Module Code: LSA MSM M02 0322
LO_3: Acquire resources
Session Objectives: At the end of each session the trainees would be able to:-

 Acquisition and storage of resources are ensured and is in accordance with

organizational requirements, is cost effective and consistence with
organizational timelines.
 Resources are acquired within available time lines to meet identified
 Resource acquisition processes are reviewed to identify improvements in
future resource acquisitions.
Activities Nominal
Duration Contents Learning methods
Introduction 60 min Introduction to consumables and routine maintenance Lecturing
60 min Identify and replace consumables Lecturing

60 min Identify equipment faults Lecturing

60 min Identify equipment faults Lecturing
60 min Identify equipment faults Lecturing

Evaluation 40 min interview

Summary 10 min Wrap-up and feedback
Resources  Operation Manual
 Learning guide

Prepared by:- ____________________ Approved by:- ____________________

Sign :- ________________ Sign :- ________________
Date:- ________________ Date:- ________________

Page 3

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