Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay Paper

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Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis on Embryonic Stem Cell Research is not for the faint of
heart. It demands a profound understanding of the subject matter, rigorous research skills, and the
ability to synthesize complex information into a coherent and persuasive argument. As many students
have discovered, navigating the intricacies of this topic can be a daunting task, requiring time, effort,
and expertise.

One of the primary challenges lies in the vastness of the subject matter. Embryonic Stem Cell
Research is a highly nuanced and multidisciplinary field that encompasses biology, ethics, and legal
considerations. Crafting a well-researched and comprehensive essay requires a deep dive into
scientific literature, understanding ethical implications, and staying abreast of legal frameworks. The
synthesis of these diverse elements into a cohesive thesis is a formidable challenge that often
overwhelms students.

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Because of this their have been instances of American companies moving to the UK to continue their
work. Several days are needed in order to produce viable stem cells. Opponents assert that the use of
embryos for the purpose of stem cell research serves as the basis to destroy the life of the embryo, an
act that is not tolerable on an ethical level. A better understanding of normal cell development will
allow us to understand and perhaps correct the errors that cause these conditions. The blimp use
persuasive slogans to convince people that there can have a better life at the other planets.
Researchers at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ could discover that bone marrow cells
may be used to treat nerve and brain injuries. The National Academy of Engineering was established
in 1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of
outstanding engineers. However, supporters claim that such instances rarely happens (Weiss 2005).
After S phase is complete, CDC6-d2 on the other hand blocks cell cycle progression and inhibits
proliferation as cells with 2C DNA pile up; CDC6-d2 does not inhibit DNA replication but it does
passage via mitosis. There is a huge separation between the state and federal take on stem cell
research. The heart could no longer function properly than it used to. By seeking to understand their
regenerative process, scientists can treat, prevent and maybe someday cure diseases such as diabetes
and heart disease. The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their
special competences and with regard for appropriate balance. Hundreds of amalgamations of
different antigens are likely. Along with trying to learn if they can direct a cell to produce a retain
type of adult stem cell when needed. This year, a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University
derived Embryonic Stem Cells from mouse embryos, and transplanted these into paralyzed rats
(JHMI, June 20, 2006). Stem cell research impacts all of these factions of the human world. They are
pluripotent, in that they are able to specialize into different types of cells. This essay talks about the
embryonic stem cells which have two unique properties including their ability to grow and
differentiate as well as to replicate infinitely. This is important because it can determine what kind of
money it will take to run such an operation as we will discuss later that this is not a cheap endeavor
for any party. Again I believe skeptics might refute pluripotent stem cells as tumorogenic. At this
point there was a lack of understanding in how ouch a single cell could impact the medical
community. The second source is aborted tissue where stem cells are taken from the aborted foetus.
A number of experts are opposed to its improvement. Millions of ES cell lines might be required to
institute a bank of cells with protected matches for most potential patients. There are three different
stem cells that are the most common: embryonic, fetal and adult stem cells. Since this research
involves the devastation of the embryos from which stem cells are collected, federal financial
support for it was barred by an act of Congress (Hug 107). This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Stem cell research is a process of
studying the division of cells that can be used to cure diseases and illnesses and even fix tissues
within the body. In another experiment at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in
Houston, a patient with fatal skin disorder was cured through his own adult stem cells.
It also provides sufficient nutrients for the culture. In addition, this method is May 7th Benefits of
legal human cloning research outweigh the opponent negatives Human cloning refers to the
processof producing a complete and total duplicate of a human being or human body part (Smith
Par. The ethical decisions concerning the use of embryonic stem cells are only mentioned in passing.
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that could be obtained from a week old fertilized egg. It
also led to the first human embryonic stem cell line. Opinions on this vary from the moment of
conception, to a 14 day embryo, to a living baby at birth. Upon the authority of the charter granted to
it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal
government on scientific and technical matters. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC), which were
discovered in 2006, are derived from skin or blood cells that have been reprogrammed back into an
embryonic-like pluripotent state that enables the development of an unlimited source of any type of
human cell needed for therapeutic purposes. Some people also raise the fact that pluripotent cells, if
uncontrolled, can develop into tumors which will eventually lead to malignant cancers. In addition to
the obvious advantages of providing a clear model for embryonic development, the discovery of
stem cells is also a crucial milestone for genetic manipulation. Stem cells have all been the source of
replacing cells, which have participated in treatment of diverse diseases and even disabilities other
than just diabetes type 1. This new method takes less time and produces more liver cells in the
process. The embryonic stem cells extracted for research are being derived from embryos that are
being aborted regardless (Johansen). Each of us started as a single living cell that resulted from the
union between a sperm and an egg. Similarly, a 4-or 8-cell human embryo when its capacity of
division, growth and differentiation is lost should be considered dead. Under biomedical technology
certain technologies and sciences are emerging such as genetic engineering, body implants, life
extension and stem cell research and treatments. This allows the body to successfully overcome a
number of different blood related illnesses including immune deficiencies, anemia and leukemia.
Should we prohibit the destruction of embryos in the name of research and medicine as it disrespect
the value of life or should we permit the destruction of embryo to promote its research, which has
excellent potential benefits? In order to achieve the cells, they are to be taken while in the early
forming of a human embryo. Scientists know that turning the genes off and on is central to this
process. These are just a few of many reasons as to why stem cell research is not safe yet to be used
regularly. Poorly processed cells have been documented to mutate into cancerous tumors that can
wreak havoc upon people’s bodies. First and foremost, at Columbia University's college of
Physicians and Surgeons, patients who were given embryonic cells implant had uncontrollable
movements to the extent that doctors called them devastating. As such, the continued development
of methods that keeps as many factors controlled as possible allow for the best research that can be
done. If implantation does not take place, the cells can be grown and manipulated indefinitely in the
laboratory (NIH, 2006; Marshak, Gardner, and Gottlieb, 2001). Since 2008 the CRIME has been
responsible for twelve facilities being built in order to work with and study stem cells. A sense of
pride rushed through my head as I looked down happily at my notebook after answering a question
about convection. Pharmaceutical companies are adapting to this new and innovative trend on a day-
to-day basis. Therefore since this is the most effective effort and just takes nine days, it should be
adopted for faster advancement that the conventional means for liver-poisoning victims seeking
transplantation. On the off chance though that something does happen then there is a big payoff for
hose investors in the long run.
Stem cell research is a process of studying the division of cells that can be used to cure diseases and
illnesses and even fix tissues within the body. Many believe that life starts the moment fertilization
takes place. Embryos are tested for genetic viability, and it is the policy of IVF clinics to destroy
those that test unsuitable rather than freezing them. The point is that embryonic stem cell research
needs to be accepted by the moralists in the same way as they accept IVF practices for last over one
decade. Bush announced federal funding for stem cell research using existing stem cell lines. Studies
of human embryonic stem cells will reveal complex information of events that occur during human
development. On the other hand, concerns about potential ethical complexities should be cause for
judicious oversight and regulation, not necessarily for prohibition. For some people, it may seem
unethical to use stem cells on the grounds that extracting stem cells damages the blastocyst, which is
a structure formed in the early development of mammals, more specifically the sixth or the eighth
day of the development of an embryo. ES cells and their imitative carry the same possibility of
immune rejection as a transferred organ. Umbilical cord blood is also useful to some extent; cord
blood can be stored in banks and is typically used by the person who donated it. However, in some
abnormal medical cases wherein cancer and birth defects occur, scientists still cannot exactly pinpoint
the culprit that led to abnormal mitosis. Even the staunch dissenters have shown some support and
approval towards other stem cell research methods like in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics and adult
stem cell. These statutes encourage embryonic stem cell research. An adult stem cell is meant to repair
the tissue where it is found when in a living host. With stem cells being very difficult to obtain and
the controversy surrounding them, researchers are working on the best practices with respect to using
them. Stem cell research has become a scrutinized science because of its history, how scientists have
obtained the stem cells and because of the political, legal, economical and environmental issues
surrounding stem cell research. Another factor is that with these diseases, the only best hope for cure
and relief is only through the embryonic stem cell technology. These cells are extremely important to
researchers. Even in very small numbers, Embryonic Stem Cells produce teratomas, rapid growing
and frequently lethal tumours. Everyone has had their different opinion in support or against this
new technological research with the aim of curing life-threatening diseases. The objective of this
research is to modify stem cells so that they transform into particular cell types, including blood or
heart muscle cells, which can subsequently be reintegrated into. Copyright for the photograph is held
by the University of Wisconsin’s Board of Regents. Hence, an artificial condition is created; if the
mouse embryonic stem cells are put back into the blastocysts, before halting the self-renewal. We
have tried to take these diverse perspectives into account in a report that mirrors the seriousness with
which we have reflected upon them. This is a type of stem cell application as described previously.
In November of 1998, scientists reported that they had successfully isolated and cultured human
embryonic stem cells—a feat which had eluded researchers for almost two decades. Esc research
have been derived from world. and. Is at the neuron example. Thus, Embryonic Stem Cells became a
word of mouth in all scientific publications and journals. Bone marrow can create all different types
of blood cells, thus classifying it as a stem cell. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
The review comments and draft manuscript remain confidential to protect the integrity of the
deliberative process. Solid data of constant, operation islet cells from embryonic cells in animals has
not been observed. It is then rather evident, that the life of the embryo originally used in the
harvesting of the embryonic stem cells for this discovery, is only more sacred, and contributed more
to society and humanity, than most human lives do in a lifetime. The viable embryos, whether fresh
or frozen, could be useful to stem cell researchers, and it is a woman’s choice whether or not she
wants to donate them, not the researchers’ nor the clinicians’ choice. Implanted of these cells is done
into mice that lost the ability to produce insulin and in turn, these cells was capable of producing
insulin biologically normal without any notable defects hence treating the diabetic condition. Their
exploitation is controversial since, unfortunately, these cells cannot be collected without damaging
the embryo. This is a great example of profound research work. Such announcement crippled the
independent researches about to take place. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to
go directly to that page in the book. This information enables the scientist to develop in the
laboratory both embryonic and non-embryonic stem cells more effectively. On the other hand, purely
subjective doctrinal claims without objective criteria of any kind are wholly inappropriate bases for
defining scientific concepts like when life begins. Accessed 6 May 2009 from Academic Search
Premier EBSCO host. Bearing this in mind, scientists also do not believe that this should derail stem
cell therapies considering that there are DNA tests to check if stem cells will turn out to be
problematic or not. They acknowledge life commences at the point of conception, when a sperm
fertilizes an egg. This is a type of stem cell application as described previously. Hence, an artificial
condition is created; if the mouse embryonic stem cells are put back into the blastocysts, before
halting the self-renewal. Consequently, the life of the embryo should be secluded since it has a worth
to the embryo itself. By July 2010, total 64 hES cell lines were supported by US federal funding
(Federal Policy, 2011). In any biotechnological advancement, sacrifices must be made. Adult Stem
Cells Offer More Promise than Embryonic Stem Cells As per Harvard Medical School’s finding,
adult stem cells can eliminate the need, if there is any, of embryonic stem cells. Some of the qualms
arise from unfamiliarity and the “shock of the new,” but others arise from concerns about the nature
of human life, about ethical treatment of reproductive. In light of human stems cells potential to
treat, prevent and possibly cure disease, scientists and legislators must work in conjunction to
optimize this potential for the betterment of all while mitigating the potential negative impact to
society. Researchers will then start sub-culturing the ICM by separating and placing it in other
culture feeders. Asterias is now expanding its clinical trials to include patients with sub-acute
injuries. This is not to say that at the fourteenth day, an embryo IS a person; just that an important
physical moment has occurred which sets the embryo on the path of greater potentiality. Umbilical
cord blood is also useful to some extent; cord blood can be stored in banks and is typically used by
the person who donated it. The gastrointestinal and central nervous system were damaged by
irradiation as shown by studies in al affiliation Mobilisation and harvest of haematopoietic stem cells
In the current patient care, haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been
comprehensively exploited as a therapeutic and research modality. Another dimension of argument
can be seen in this statement: “Simply because being uncertain as to whether a particular organism is
a human being, it would be more reasonable to refrain from destroying it. This does not occur
without chemicals or electricity. Many doctors agree that this is a miracle of Science.
Thomson of the University of Wisconsin and his team announced that they had successfully isolated
and cultured the first human stem cell line derived from blastocytes. However, some other people
believe that some implications could be used to examine the molecular factors of Marfan on an
adopted basis (Goldman 1) There is no doubt that the breakthrough of induced pluripotency denotes
the synthesis of scientific standards and technologies that have been created over the past sixty
years. To understand the stem cell, scientists had to first figure out what a cell is. Let us write or edit
the research paper on your topic. Embryonic Stem Cells differ from Adult stem cells in that adult
stem cells result from non-embryonic human tissue like the brain or bone marrow and are found in
certain tissues within the human body. United States' position towards the advancement of
Embryonic Stem Cell Research - an endless debate. Technology and science will forever be
connected, and scientific technology has changed countless lives, evolving exponentially throughout
the history of time. Bone marrow can create all different types of blood cells, thus classifying it as a
stem cell. This is perhaps because there is need for more convincing evidence or people are not
informed accurately on the details of this research area. When the embryologist or inner cell mass is
isolated it causes destruction of the blastoffs. Disorders of the haematopoietic system and immune
system use the haematopoietic stem cell transplant procedure. Hence I strongly believe this may
possibly permit permanent repair of failing organs by injecting healthy cells produced from human
embryonic cells. Despite all these ethical issues revolving around the embryonic stem cell research, it
has shown its ability to treat or contain a number of dangerous diseases. On the other hand, concerns
about potential ethical complexities should be cause for judicious oversight and regulation, not
necessarily for prohibition. The Jewish population seems to have a more insightful, yet still opposing
take on the issue. Again I believe skeptics might refute pluripotent stem cells as tumorogenic. I had 5
days to complete my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself. The gastrointestinal and
central nervous system were damaged by irradiation as shown by studies in al affiliation Mobilisation
and harvest of haematopoietic stem cells In the current patient care, haematopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HSCT) has been comprehensively exploited as a therapeutic and research modality.
These cells possess regenerative properties for longer periods of time than other cells. The blastocysts
were not created with the intention of producing dozens of humans; they are created as a kind of
backup plan until the infertile couple either succeeds in having a baby or gives up on the process.
This is a large challenge as it is one of the main sources use by researchers for growing human stem
cells. Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells. On
October 13th, 2001, scientists clone human embryos to make stem cells. The continual desire to
explain the world to a deeper level drove scientists to further probe this cell. The President also
ordered a directive to the National Institute of Health in monitoring the existing stem cell lines and
come up with a list of cell lines that followed the mentioned criteria. In a way, it will help unravel the
secrecy of cell division (vescell 2007). Two main sources of stem cells include embryos during the
early phase of embryonic development and adult stem cells. By the very fact that they are slated to
be destroyed, their potential is eliminated. The embryonic stem cell has recently begun being used
for individuals with an eye disease. Indeed, when all the fact are in about stem cells, it is very hard
for someone to believe research involving them should be banned.
As mentioned above, California did pass a legislation allowing a significant amount of money to
fund stem cell research. Two of them are artificial embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer.
Given the appropriate conditions, any pile of stuff has the potential to become something else; the
cells produced in the laboratory, or multiple fertilized eggs produced through IVF treatments, do
indeed have the possibility of becoming people endowed with will and intellect. Apoptosis produces
apoptotic bodies which are cell fragments through which phagocyte cells quickly remove and also
engulf the content linked with the cell which can spill out in the cells which are in the surrounding
which is extremely harmful. They present new opportunities to develop new therapies, to treat
diseases where the functions of repair, replacement and regeneration are impeded. Stem cells have a
plural potentiality and are termed pluripotent. The failure here is people not seeing the good that can
come of it, yet there is still time and still funding to make progress to prove the points of embryonic
stem cell research. Our democratic society should be capable of entertaining challenges to familiar
beliefs and adapting to new conditions without yielding on its fundamental values. As long as no
concrete evidence proving that it can do whatever promises it makes, this study will always receive
criticisms and endless debates from people. However research shows that all the above pathways are
also activated by various cancers. Esc research have been derived from world. and. Is at the neuron
example. Moreover, embryo loss is a certainty that often occurs during in-vitro fertilization
techniques; accordingly, let there be some embryo loss for research purposes because that is for the
benefit of masses. Also, this method is important has amounted to further improvement towards
isolating iPSCs since the discovery of immortal pluripotent cells from teratocarcinomas (Stadfeld and
Hochedlinger 2239-2263). On the other hand, purely subjective doctrinal claims without objective
criteria of any kind are wholly inappropriate bases for defining scientific concepts like when life
begins. These cells are derivatives of the inner cell mass. There are many ways in which human
embryos can be used such as in research and clinical studies. Therapeutic cloning would be the
process of using a cloned human embryo to create matching tissues for medical treatments. The type
I diabetes is an autoimmune disease hence leading to the death of pancreatic cells that regulate
glucose in the body through insulin production (EuroStemCell, “Type 1 Diabetes”). Thomson
revealed that the obtained cells transformed into different types when it was injected under the
mice's skin. Thus, embryonic stem cells became a word of mouth in all scientific publications and
journals. The most commonly understood form is a patent on a physical invention taking the form of
a product or device designed by the inventor. Americans believe that instead of being wastes
materials, these embryos could be made useful by placing them in laboratories. Both values cannot
concurrently be respected in the scenario of embryonic stem cell study. Report this Document
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(0 votes) 184 views 4 pages Essay On Stem Cells Uploaded by Adrien G. S. Wald AI-enhanced title
Written as a project for Junior Year in School, this document gives a very superficial insight into the
studies of Stem Cells. Those who are against it, line their reasons up and present them with fervor,
while those who are for the research being continued, throw their own reasons into the mix. The
answer to such question is a definite no since the field of embryonic stem cells encounters huge
hurdles to overcome prior to these cells can be utilized in human body. The problem is what standard
ought to be given priority in this divergence situation (Hug 108). Stem cell research is a polarizing
political issue. Embryonic Stem Cells are “pluripotent”, having the capacity to develop into any of
the specialized cells in the body (e. Stem cell research is a process of studying the division of cells
that can be used to cure diseases and illnesses and even fix tissues within the body.
Adult Stem Cells Offer More Promise than Embryonic Stem Cells As per Harvard Medical School’s
finding, adult stem cells can eliminate the need, if there is any, of embryonic stem cells. Other
developments and laboratory experiments soon followed with the same aim of developing their own
embryonic stem cell line. As you may have heard Stem cells can be very important and useful, but
there's a catch, in order to use stem cells you must first conduct Stem cell research in order to
understand how useful it truly is. This procedure paved the way for transplanting organs, reducing
the possibility of rejection within the body, without the use of anti-rejection drugs. After several
days, clumping of the ICM occurs in some parts of the dish. If using donated embryos is unethical,
then creating multitudes of embryos for in vitro fertilization treatments should also be unethical, and
should be outlawed as well. Associated Science When we speak about plasticity it is referred to as
the ability of an organism to have the ability to change or transform. Further research and
development of treatments is ongoing to turn this possibility into a reality for those people suffering
with increased succession rates. Name Instructor Course Date The Impact of embryonic stem cells on
Regenerative Medicine The new millennium has come along with it new developed in biomedical
science. Academy officials couldn't immediately be reached about media reports that the speaker
lineup irked scientists opposing embryonic research, while others declined invitations for fear of lack
of open discussion”. (Associated, 2012) While the church may be against the idea of stem cell
research whether it be adult cells or human embryonic; scientists and researchers are for stem cell
research for several reasons. When the lives of real, living people are added into the mix, the
requirement to get things right the first time and every time is very high. The outer trophoblast is a
concaved shaped structure made of cells and will eventually develop to become the placenta and the
umbilical cord. When this happens it raises ethical issues as to whether or not embryos at the pre
implantation tag should hold the same moral status of a more developed human being. At this stage,
the embryonic cells are pluripotent because they are undergoing mitotic cell division without
differentiating. Because of president's Bush's ban, many scientists alter from studying stem cells and
only a small number of laboratories have the capacity of continuing stem cell line research (Begley
2008). If chromosomes have been altered, mutation might happen affecting the results of the
experiment. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief background on some facts about the human
embryonic stem cells. Some state laws have restricted the use of embryonic stem cells from some or
all sources or specifically permit certain activities. Some of such diseases that could be treated using
embryonic stem cells are degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease,
spinal cord injury, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthiritis (NIH 2008).
However, with great power comes great responsibility and stem cells are no exception. Embryonic
Stem Cells are found in the blastocyte in the inner mass of the cell and they ensure growth and
development of the embryo into the several stages it goes through before it becomes a fetus hence
are very crucial cells in an embryo. This study further established the capabilities of embryonic stem
cells to differentiate in many forms (Stem Cell Portal 2008). Under viable conditions, these 50-150
young cells can continuously divide and eventually differentiate to become any cell type. Another is
umbilical cord blood, rich in stem cells. It begins with an overview of current stem cell research,
where stem cells are derived from, and the usefulness of embryonic stem cell lines derived from
discarded in vitro fertilization patients. National Institutes of Health. “Removing Barriers to
Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells.” Federal Register, March 11, 2009.
Stem cells are non-specialized cells, which has the potential to generate a particular cell in the body.
Several laboratory tests are needed although scientists claim that there is no standards set in
identifying such cells. They present new opportunities to develop new therapies, to treat diseases
where the functions of repair, replacement and regeneration are impeded. Imagine yourself at the
peak of adulthood, running, swimming, enjoying all aspects of life to the fullest, and being
diagnosed with a fatal disease.

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