Test and Evaluation 3

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" Constructing Vocabulary test"

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Anti Khusnul Khatimah 2111600

Arjat 211160044

Nurmadani 211160052


Zul Aini Rengur, S.Pd., M.Pd





1. Background

Vocabulary is the words of a language, including single items and phrases or chunks of several
words which covey a particular meaning, the way individual words do. In the context of ESL
teaching, it would make sense that the teaching of vocabulary should take priority over the teaching
of grammar, especially in today's growing use of communicative approach where limited
vocabulary is the primary cause of students' inability to express what they intend to say in
communicative activities.

Knowing the importance of vocabulary in language teaching, it would make sense to be able to
assess vocabulary. Such measurement may inform teachers of how much vocabulary learning has
taken place in the class, whether the teaching has been indeed effective. Thombury (2002) contends
that vocabulary tests may also give two added advantages to teachers in that it provides beneficial
backwash and an opportunity for recycling vocabulary. Provided that students are informed in
advance that vocabulary is part of the assessment, students may review and learn vocabulary in
earnest, thus creating a beneficial backwash effect.

2. The Problem Formulation

1. What are the aspects in making vocabulary test?

2. What aspects are tested in the vocabulary test?

3. How to test vocabulary?

4. What are the techniques to test vocabulary and give the example?
3.Writing Purpose

1. To be considered in terms of making the test vocabulary.

2. To explain what should be tested in the test vocabulary.

3. To explain how to test vocabulary.

4. To know every technique to making vocabulary test with the examples.




The basic aspek of vocabulary are to measure the size of a student's vocabulary (breadth of
knowledge) or test how well he knows the individual words (depth of knowledge). In the classroom,
vocabulary achievement tests usually try to measure how many words students know from the
subset of words they studied. Placement and diagnostic tests have Also commonly measured
vocabulary size, but we have pointed out that a person must know more than just a word's meaning
in order to use it fluently. There are eight kinds of native-speaker word knowledge:

1. Knowledge of a word's meaning. We can be divided into several categories. The most use are
synonyms (pretty-beautiful), antonyms (young-old), and hponyms (bon, cat, zebra - animals)

2. Spoken form, it means that we have to know the pronunciation and spelling of a word.

3. Written form.

4. Grammatical patterns (part-of-speech and derivative forms) if it is mucessary, for example,

when teaching irregular verbs we should be present the other two form, as well. Similarly, when
teaching a noun with irregular plural form such as woman, we should be teach the plural from

5. Collocations (other words the which naturally occur together with the targeted word in the text),
we must to give the information that students have to know in what context the can use the word,
for example, verb do and make can be used with different situations, we can say do the shopping
but not make the shopping.
6. Frequency.

7. Associations (the meaning of words ie relationships. diamond hard, jewelry,


8. Stylistic restrictions (such as levels of formality and regional variation).

2. Tested Aspect In Vocabulary Test

One of the most common reasons for testing vocabulary is to find out if the students have
covered the words they have been taught. As Read (2000) states, in the achievement test, the
vocabulary section may be designed to assess how well the students have mastered a vocabulary
skill that they have been taught. Moreover, vocabulary test can be utilized as a means of motivating
students to study and showing them their progress in learning new words. Ako, vocabulary tests
which are part of commercial tests, such as TOEFL, attempt to provide a measure of learners'
vocabulary size, which is believed to give an indication of overall language proficiency (Schmitt,

1. Finding out about progress This is done through so called progress tests which "book back
at what students have achieved... and are the most important kinds of tests for teachers"
(Heaton 9). The author also chains that in progress tests student's results should be very
good, most of them should have about 80% or even 90% of correct answers, otherwise the
subject of the test was not mastered and the teachers should find the mistake which may be
in the content of the test or in the bad method of teaching. The author adds that "the best
progress test is one which students do not recognise as a test but see as simply an enjoyable
and meaningful activity (Heaton 9).
2. Finding out about learning difficulties Teachers can learn about students' problems with
the language through tests. Such tests are called diagnostic tests and are used mainly for
finding out student's difficulties. The test must be well-prepared so that it could really find
out what students do not know. The best time for such a test is at the beginning of a course
or a school year (Heaton 11-12).
3. Finding out about achievement For this we use so called achievement tests which are tests
covering a large amount of curriculum, for example, they may test whole year or even
several years of study. For teachers at elementary or secondary schools these kinds of tests
are very difficult to prepare, because of the big amount of curriculum covered through
whole year or several years and teachers do not know what to put into the test and what not
to as everything seems important to them. Heaton advises to work with other colleagues
on that to be more objective (Heaton13-14).

3.How To Test Vocabulary

Many teachers use a variety of methods to test vocabulary. The methods can apply for all age
groups and levels from third grade to college. Vocabulary testing can also be used in a wide area
of subjects, not only in Language Arts classes. Teacher Edition textbooks often offer supplemental
material for further vocabulary development and testing however, teachers can provide vocabulary
testing on any type of material Students learn in different ways and can show their knowledge
through a test that meets their needs.

Use a current reading assignment to create a fill in the blank worksheet with passages from the
reading Allow students to use a word bank to complete the task. Use the same reading from Step
1 with the vocabulary words already filled in the blanks. Have students use the context clues from
the sentences to write the definition of the word.

Test students using words connected to a certain theme. For example, give students multiple-
choice terms from the drama/Shakespearean chapter, but do not include words from Poc/modem
short story section. Give students words from the same chapter, especially in the science-related
classes. Test vocabulary by having students identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Allow
students the chance to figure out words through identifying word parts. Create a worksheet in
which the vocabulary words are used incorrectly in sentences. Have students correct the mistakes
and change the wrong words to the correct words. Create pictures for science-related vocabulary
and have students label them Create a worksheet that will allow students to categorize words that
belong together, which also works well for science-related vocabulary.
4. Vocabulary Testing Techniques.

We can use a lot of types of techniques when testing vocabulary there are:

1) Multiple choice.

This is a question which consists of a so called stem and four options from which only one is
correct. The examinee has to choose the right answer. The form of the multiple choice can also
vary, here are three possible forms:

He accused me of...les.

a. speaking

b. saying

c. telling

d. talking

Everything we wanted was to hand.

a. under control

b. within reach

c. well cared for

d. being prepared ("Multiplechoice").

The biggest advantage of this kind of testing is that we do not have to worry about subjectivity
because only one answer should be correct. Secondly, it is very easy and quick for the examiner
to correct this test because he or she just puts ticks or crosses,

The other difficulty with multiple choice is that we have to find three distractors which are items
that would distract or confise the examince. Therefore, it is hard to create a good multiple choice
test. This causes problems with more correct answers or even no correct answer. This all means
that it is very difficult and time-demanding to write such a test (Hughes 61).

Next disadvantage is that these tests also enable cheating because if a potential cheater looks at
someone's paper which is near, he or she can easily recognize what the person has answered as
there can be seen circles A, B, C, or D (Hughes 62).

2) Cloze test

Cloze test is test based on a text with gaps which are put there regularly after every seventh, eighth
or ninth word. The examinee has to complete the gaps with appropriate words. Mostly more than
one option is possible. The first three or more lines of the text are without gaps (Scrivener 261).
Example of a cloze test:

I was so....... (1) because it was my first time to visit the place. There are many interesting places
to visit. First, I (2) Tangkupan Perahu. The place is just wonderful. After that, I went to Dago
Street. I ................(3) some t-shirt there. Then, I went to Cibaduyut. I bought many things like
shoes, dolls, ands some souvenirs. also did not forget to buy "peuyeum". Bandung is.......... (4) for
its "peuyeun". Finally, I went to a cafe nearby to have-hunch. I ............(5) Three days in Bandung
and that was really fun

Anyway, I will write to you again next time. Write to me as soon as you can. Bye Sincerely,Hana

1. Happy

2. Visit

3. Buy

4 Famous

5. Spend
The advantage of cloze tests is that it is quite easy to create them. The teacher just needs to find a
suitable text and delete words from it. Nevertheless, Hughes does not consider cloze tests much
reliable because we do not know what ability (speaking, writing, reading etc.) of the examince it
shows. Moreover, the regular interval of every ninth word does not work very well because some
deleted words are very difficult to determine (Hughes 62-67). This is a kind of cloze test but with
initial letters of words that are omitted.

This test is more advantages for the examince as the texts are shorter and less difficult. On the
other hand, the gaps are so close to one another that the learner can get lost in the text (Hughes 71).

3) Dictation

The examiner dictates a text and students write it down. Here we examine mainly spelling or
pronunciation and also listening Dictation is an easy way of testing for the teacher because the
preparation is minimal However, it is demanding to assess such tests, Hughes recommends that
we should consider the dictation correct as long as there is the right order of words and that
misspelled words should be accepted because phonologically it is correct (Hughes 71-72).

Another disadvantage is the difficulty of assessment. Generally, teachers themselves determine

which errors are considered serious and which are just mild ones. It is advisable to set the scale of
assessment before we start to correct. There is also the question of objectivity because every
teacher will look the dictations from her own perspective. To prevent this we can use an aberative
to dictation which is called paused dictation which is a text with missing words, students fill in the
missing words while the teacher dictates (Berka, Váňová 36-37). Example:


My Day

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off
Then I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when was making breakfast After breakfast got
dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9.30
bus but of course missed it wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money Finally, I wasted
the three miles to my school only to decover that it was Sunday! I hope never have a day as the
one had yesterday

Activity 1. Listen to your teacher and fill the blank! (English in Focus for Grade Vill Junior High
School SMP/MTS)

My Day

I had a ...........day yesterday. First, I ..........an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off Then,
I was in such a hurry that burned my hand when was making breakfast After ..............I got dressed
so quickly that forgot to wear socks ..............I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but
of course! take a tax, but I didn't have enough.......... it I wanted to I walked the three miles to my
school only to........... never have a day as the one had ........that it was Sunday! I

4) Transformation

In this type students are given sentences which they have to put into another form, for example, to
put sentences in past simple tense into past perfect tense. They are not difficult either to create or
to correct. Example of transformation:

Put the following sentences into past simple tense:

She likes her job.

Jane wears jeans.

They clean the windows.

5) Matching

There are two groups of words mostly in two columns, the student has to make pairs from these
words which make sense somehow. They are especially good for practising vocabulary such as
adjectives of opposite meaning. Berka and Vañová add that matching is especially good for testing
definitions, events and relations. The items are demanding to create, but offen they emerge from
the context.

1. Elderly (C) A. Pathetic

2. Shame (A) B. Salary

3. Employer (D) C. Old

4. Paycheck (B) D. Worker

5. Personal (J) E. Tool to hit nail

6. Shocked (G) F. Wisdomly

7. Wisely (F) G. Suprised

8. Workmanship (H) H. Good working

9. Carpenter (1) I. House builder

10. Hammer (E) J. private

6) Translation

This is a damned as well as praised method. Students receive sentences or a text in their mother
tongue and their task is to translate them into English. Although, the method is easy for the teacher,
students hate it because it is very difficult for them. It also prevents students thinking directly in
English and they tend to translate things in their minds which is not good. It is a quick way how
to find out about students's knowledge but marking may be quite difficult as there may be tens of

7) Synonyms and Antonyms

Students have to write down words of the same meaning:

a. Clever ..........(bright)

b. Important .........(significant)

Students have to write down words of the opposite meaning:

a. Beautiful ............(ugly)

b. Happy.....(sad)

8) Definitions

The teacher gives her students a list of definitions of words she needs to test (Hughes 150).
However, not every word can be easily defined and sometimes there can be more than one possible
answer. Moreover, the definitions should be clear so that students understand the definition and
can come to the right answer. I would recommend to give the pilot definitions to a teacher's
colleague to try them first. I think that definitions are good to use

because students have to be active and not just translate words. Simple example of a definition: a.
It is an animal which likes bananas. (monkey)

9) Rearranging

Students have to rearrange given words so that the sentence makes sense and is grammatically
correct. Simple example:

a. Class-In-You-Strongest-The-Are-Our. (You are the strongest in our class)

b. Is-He-My-The-In-Youngest-Family. (He is the youngest in my family)

10) Odd One Out

Students have to determine which item does not belong among the others. The amount of items
can be various. This kind of exercise is easy to prepare, however, the teacher must know which
words her students know so that they could find the odd one. It also test only the meaning of words,
but it can be both useful and interesting for the students. Example:

a) Coat b) Scarf c) Glove d) Short

a) bedroom b) Classroom c) Kitchen d) Living room

a) windows b) Table c) Wall d)Florr

a) Cow b) Horse c) Chicken d) Frog

a) Paper b) Chair c) Desk d)Table



Vocabulary is the words of a language, including single items and phrases or chunks of several
words which covey a particular meaning the way individual words do. The basic aspek of
vocabulary are to measure the size of a student's vocabulary (breadth of knowledge) or test how
well he knows the individual words (depth of knowledge). And also, there are many techniques to
give vocabulary test that is multiple-choice, cloze test, ditection, transformation, matching
translation, synonym and antonym, definition, rearranging and odd one out.

Through a well-crafted test, a teacher can find out. If the student has understood the course that
has been taught or not. The students' strengths and weaknesses. And also, tests and examinations
are the main motivation for students to study.



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