By Rashid Al Dosari Khalid Al Subaie Hassan Al Habger Maher Al Mitairy

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 Problems of Learning English Language Grammar in the Saudi context as Perceived by Students at the College of Science and humanities,


Rashid Al Dosari
Khalid Al Subaie
Hassan Al habger
Maher Al mitairy
Background 1.1
Grammar is one of the most difficult aspects of a foreign language
to master. It is defined as “the rules that govern how a language’s
sentences are formed” (Thornbury, 2000, p. 1). Grammar is often
the most feared aspect of the English language. Teaching grammar
to ESL students is one of the toughest tasks faced by most ESL
instructors, and for good reason. Many of us do not even fully
understand our own grammar rules. Even when we do, conveying
them in an understandable format for ESL students can be
challenging. English grammar has been traditionally viewed as “a
system of syntax that decides the order and patterns in which
words are arranged in sentences” (Close, 1982, p. 13). It is argued
that mastering grammar is a complex process that requires
“making a series of decisions about when and why to use one form
rather than the other” (Celce-Murcia, 2002, p. 121). Of course,
teachers know correct grammar rules, but it's one thing to know
them, and another thing to effectively teach them, and transmit
them so that students not only understand the rules, but also
apply them correctly. Grammar is an essential element of learning
.a language. Yet it can be hard to learn and difficult to remember
The Statement of the Problem. 1.2
Mastering the grammar of English language is 
essential for achieving linguistic competences. This
is because it enables learners to communicate
effectively through written and/or spoken English.
In turn, this assists learner attain accuracy, which
is crucial. However, many problems are faced by
students regarding learning of grammar in ESL/EFL
context, and this may affect their communicative
competence. Therefore, the propose of this study
is to examine the problems of learning English
grammar faced by Saudi EFL learners. Identifying
such difficulties and being consciously aware of
them would help teachers find ways of overcoming
.them and provide effective grammar instruction
The Objectives of the Research 1.3

: The study aims at

1. Discovering the problems that face
English Department students,
College of Science and Humanities
in learning English grammar.
2. Identifying the causes of these
3. Proposing solutions to these
1.4 The Questions of the study

This study attempts to provide answer to the following

1- What are the problems facing Saudi EFL learners at the
English Department, College of Science and Humanities,
PSAU when learning grammar?
2-What are the supposed reasons behind these problems?
3-What are the suggestions to solve these problems?
Significance the study 1.5

The results of the study will hopefully aid the students and
teachers of English language as a second language. It is also
the hope of this study to raise the consciousness of the role of
correct grammar in writing and speaking English to reach a
high level of proficiency of English. The research will also
provide new directions for further studies that can be explored
related to this topic. Furthermore, the study aims for the
enhancement of the teacher education instruction, especially
.teaching in the early grades, early childhood education
Methodology of the Study 1.6
Design 1.5.1
The study adopted the mixed method design since it used a
questionnaire that contained both
..close-open-ended questions

Participants 1.6.1
The participants of this study consisted of EFL students who were
enrolled in Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University. This language
center is specialized in teaching English for students age 18 and
above who plan to study towards their undergraduate or
postgraduate degrees in Saudi Arabia. The center can be
characterized as heavily academic and intensive. The students
who participated in this study were upper-intermediate EFL
learners. All the participants were enrolled in a grammar class in
. the language center
Instrument 1.6.3

A questionnaire is the main research instrument. Using

questionnaires is assumed to be “one of the most common
methods of data collection in second language research”
(Dörnyei, 2003, p. xiii). The reasons for self-designing the
questionnaire were (1) there were no questionnaires
available in the literature that meet the objectives of this
study, and (2) it allows the researcher (or the teacher) to
adapt the questionnaire according to the grammar topics
covered in level 4 that all the participants had been exposed
. to
Outlines of the Study 1.7

The research is divided into five chapters. Chapter one deals

with the background of the study. The second chapter
provides the theoretical framework and literature review. The
third chapter gives a detailed description of the methods used
in this study: research design, population and sample, data
collection methods and instruments, data analysis, validity
and reliability, and ethical considerations. The fourth chapter
presents and discusses the findings. The last chapter is giving
.a summary and conclusion
Chapter Three
Introduction. 3.0

 This chapter discusses the

methodology of the research. It
provides background to the
participants, instrument and

 3.1. Design
 The study used the mixed method
Sampling Technique. 3.2

 The study adopted the stratified sampling

technique. This refers to groups which are
already exist in forms of classes. Level
four students were selected to be the
sample of this study. They were chosen
because the students have completed
studying grammar courses prescribed by
the English department. They can,
therefore; provide suitable responses to
the study questions.
3.3. Participants

 This study was carried out with the

participation of one group of
participants. The group was eighteen
students who are students at the
English department, College of Science
and Humanities at PSAU. They are in the
fourth level of the academic year 1439
-1440 H. They are all male students.
They have been learning English for
more than 8 years.
Instruments. 3.4
 To collect data for this study, one instrument was
adopted. The instrument which was employed in this
study was questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to
get information about the problem’s students facing
problems in learning grammar.
 The questionnaire consisted of three sections. Section one
contained 10 questions to identify the problems students
face in learning grammar. Section two contained 10
questions to determine these causes of these problems.
Section three, which is an open- ended question,
attempted to ask the participants to suggest some
solutions to these problems. The students were asked to
choose among three choices (Agree, neutral, disagree).
Validity. 3.5

 To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, it was

given to one experienced teacher who have
taught English courses for years in the same
university where the present study was
conducted, to examine the structure, logical flow
of the questionnaire, the wording, clarity, length,
and the order of the questions. The researchers
then made some modifications based on the
comments of the experts. For instance, items
with semantic ambiguity were clarified or
deleted, and items recommended by the expert
were added.
Reliability. 3.6

 Reliability refers to the instrument

consistency. To check reliability SPSS
version 21 was used. The value of
Cronbach Alpha was found to be .733
which yielded .86 reliability that is
considered to be enough to conduct
the questionnaire.
Procedures. 3.7

 The questionnaire was translated into

Arabic and returned to the supervisor
who approved the translation
appropriacy. After that, the questionnaire
was photocopied, and it was given to
one of the professors who teach level
four students to administer it. The data
obtained through the questionnaire were
organized and analyzed quantitatively
and qualitatively.
Data Analysis. 3.8

 The data obtained through the

questionnaire were organized and
analyzed quantitatively and
qualitatively. Statistical Package for
Social Science (SPSS) version 21 was
employed to analysis the
questionnaire. The answers in the
open-ended question were qualitatively
analyzed to sort out the solutions
suggested by the students.
Chapter Four
4.0. Introduction

 This chapter presents the results of the questionnaire

analysis. It covers the problems students face in learning
grammar, the causes of these problems, and the solutions
they could propose to deal with these problems. These
represent the research questions.

 4.1. The Problems PSAU English Language Students

Face in Learning Grammar
The first section in the questionnaire sought to disclose the
problems that English language students face when learning
grammar. It covers items 1-10 and the results are shown in
Table 4.1 below.
Students Problems in Learning

N Item Agr Neutr Disagre

o ee al % e%
1 Learning the English tenses 55.6 22.2 22.2
2 Understanding the English 44.4 27.8 27.8
3 Learning English word 50.0 5.6 44.4
formation processes
4 Using the correct word form 55.6 16.7 27.8
5 Forming irregular verbs 66.7 5.6 27.8
6 Forming questions 16.7 50.0 33.3
7 Forming sentences correctly 50.0 27.8 22.2
8 Using pronouns 50.0 33.3 16.7
9 Using the correct grammar 66.7 5.6 27.8
communicatively in writing
and speaking
1 Using the correct grammar 61.1 5.6 33.3
0 communicatively in speaking
 It can be seen from Table 4.1 that 55.6% of the students agreed that they had
problems when they learn English tenses. 22.2% of them where neutral, and
22.2% of them disagreed, 44.4% of the students agreed that they had problems in
understanding the English articles, and 27.8% of them were neutral.27, and 8% of
them disagreed.
 For the third item, 50.0% of the student agreed that they had problems when they
learn English word formation processes, 44.4% of them were neutral, and only
5.6% of them disagreed.

 The forth item 55.6% of the students agreed that they had problems when using
the correct word form, 27.8% of them were neutral, and 16.7% of them where

 Regarding the fifth item, 66.7% of the subjects agreed that they had problems
when forming irregular verbs, 27.8% of them were neutral, and 5.6% of them

 Half of the participants 50.0% were neutral regarding item six, 33.3% agreed and
16.7 %.

 As for the seventh item 50.0% of the students agreed that they had problems
when forming English sentences., 22.2% of them were neutral and 27.8% of them
 Half of the participants 50.0% agreed that they had problems
when they use pronouns, 16.7% of them were neutral, and 33.3%
of them disagreed.
 For the ninth item 66.7% of the students agreed that they had
problems when they use the correct grammar communicatively in
writing, 27.8% of them where neutral, and only 5.6% of them

 A big number 61.1% of the students agreed that they had

problems when they use the correct grammar communicatively in
speaking, 33.3% of them were neutral, and 5.6% of them
 4.2. The Causes of the Problems
 In the questionnaire, items 11-20 asked students to identify the
causes of the problems they face in English grammar learning.
Table 4.2 below shows the results. Table 4.2.
Causes of the Grammar Learning

No Item Agre Neutral Disagre

e % e
% %

1 Difficult course books 27.8 33.3 38.9

2 Unclear course content 33.3 33.3 33.3
3 Unclear course objectives 27.8 33.3 38.9
4 Teaching styles and techniques 50.0 11.1 38.9
5 Unhelpful teachers 27.8 22.2 50.0
6 Teachers only use English 33.3 38.9 27.8
7 Unmotivated students to learn grammar 44.4 11.1 44.4

8 Students not revising their lessons 66.7 0 33.3

9 Students absence from lessons 61.1 11.1 27.8
10 Differences between Arabic and English 66.7 22.2 11.1
 It is obvious from the table that College of
Sciences & Humanities regarded that the
causes of their problems in learning English
grammar were caused by differences
between Arabic and English grammar
66.7%, students did not revise their lessons
66.7, students’ absence from classes 61.1%,
and teaching styles and techniques 50.0%
4.3. Students’ Solutions to the
 The third section in the questionnaire asked the
participants to propose some solutions to the problems the
perceived. The students suggested the following solutions:

• Practicing grammar during the class • providing intensive grammar lessons 

• Language learning courses outside the • doing homework and assignments on
classes time
• student competitions to motivate them
• re-teaching grammar in different stage
for learning 
• not afraid to make mistakes • developing the teaching styles
• Watching channels about English • self-development by self-learning
learning • Improving course content 
• using grammar in the right place • Cooperation from teachers.
• putting enough time for practicing • developing of methods of teaching to
grammar in class or home keep pace with the level of students.
• putting enough grammar Homework or
• Knowing the level before the
• appointing good teachers to focus on introduction of abnormal rules and others
using the accent to receive the so as not to accumulate lessons and
language in a better way  frustrate the student.
Chapter Five
 5.0. Introduction

 This chapter brings together all the findings

and discusses different difficulties faced by
students and teachers with regard to
grammar instruction in an ESL/EFL context.
It gives recommendations and suggestions.
 5.1. Summary of the Study

 The study investigated the difficulties of learning

grammar as they are faced by PSAU English
language students. The study attempted to
provide answers to the following questions: What
are the problems facing Saudi EFL learners when
learning grammar? What are the supposed
reasons behind these problems? In order to
achieve that, the study adapted the mixed
method by using a questionnaire.
 The questionnaire contained
three sections (Appendix 1). The
sample was comprised of
eighteen- fifth level students at
the English department, College
of Science and Humanities, PSAU.
 5.2. Summary of the Results

 What are PSAU English major students' problems in

learning English grammar?

 Regarding the first research question, the study

revealed that 66.7% of the students agreed that they
had problems when forming irregular verbs and using
the correct grammar communicatively in writing. Next,
61.1% of the students agreed that they had problems in
using the correct grammar communicatively in
speaking. In addition, they had problems in forming
words and learning English tenses since 55.6% of the
participants agreed on that. Finally, the students had
problems in forming correct sentences.
 What are the causes of these problems?

The second research question attempted to discover the

causes of these problems PSAU students face in grammar
learning. The following causes are revealed. First, 66.7%
of the students agreed that the problems are caused by
differences between Arabic and English grammar and
students not revising their lessons, respectively. 61.1% of
the students agreed that the cause of the problem
students' absence from lessons. Finally, the problems
were caused by teaching style and techniques
 5.3. Recommendations

 The study recommends the following based on the

 Teachers of grammar should focus on the grammatical
differences between Arabic and English in their lessons.
 The problematic areas in learning grammar such as
forming words and sentences correctly should have
more practice.
 Students' awareness to the difference between
accuracy and fluency must be raised.
 Students' must be advised not to be absent
from their lesson.
 Students' must regularly revise their lesson.
 Studies incorporating lager number of
students to investigate the topic are needed.
 Use of additional data collection methods such
as a grammar elicitation test is strongly
recommended to identify the problems facing
students in learning grammar.
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Thank You

Hassan Alhabjar
Khalid Alsubaie
Rashid Aldosari
Maher Almutairi

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