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Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:495–501

DOI 10.1007/s00276-013-1211-4

TeAchIng AnATOmy

Can palmar creases serve as landmarks for the deeper

neuro-vascular structures?
M. Kwiatkowska · T. Jakutowicz · B. Ciszek · J. Czubak

Received: 1 July 2013 / Accepted: 26 September 2013 / Published online: 11 October 2013
© The Author(s) 2013. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract The superfcial palmar arch was found between the thenar
Purpose The aim of this study was the examination of the and proximal palmar crease and never crossed the proximal
superfcial anatomy of palmar creases and their relation to or distal palmar creases.
deeper neuro-vascular structures. Conclusions These anatomical dissections will provide
Methods Four creases: distal wrist fexion crease, thenar reference material for further ultrasound studies on the
crease, proximal palmar crease and distal palmar crease arrangements of neuro-vascular structures in reference to
were evaluated with reference to the following structures: superfcial palmar creases.
palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve, palmar cutane-
ous branch of ulnar nerve, the nerve of henle, transverse Keywords Palmar creases · hand anatomy · Wrist
palmar branches from ulnar nerve, recurrent motor branch anatomy · Palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve ·
of median nerve, radial proper palmar digital nerve to Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve · Superfcial
the index and the ulnar proper palmar digital nerve to the palmar arch · Berrettini’s communicating branch
thumb, Berrettini’s communicating branch, ulnar nerve and
artery, superfcial palmar arch. We performed dissections of
20 cadaveric upper limbs derived from a homogenous cau- Introduction
casian group. In our study we measured the location of sur-
gically important structures with reference to palmar skin The palmar creases have been the subject of interest to sci-
creases. entists for centuries. nevertheless, there are very few cur-
Results Among the other observations we noticed that the rent references addressing the anatomy of palmar creases
palmar cutaneous branches of the median and ulnar nerves and its clinical signifcance. So far in the literature there
were located at least 0.5 cm away from the thenar crease. have been descriptions of the palmar creases in reference to
osseous structures or genetically inherited disorders [5, 7,
28]. Although the surgical approach to the palmar surface
We declare that the experiments comply with the current laws of of the hand is usually straightforward, it may be occasion-
the country in which they were performed (i.e. Polish law).
ally a challenging task. There are several small cutaneous
m. Kwiatkowska · B. ciszek branches of nerves that are at risk when approach is being
Department of Descriptive and clinical Anatomy, centre made to operate the hand. Several different incisions have
of Biostructure, Research medical University of Warsaw, been proposed to avoid the damage of these structures [1,
chalubinskiego 5, 02-004 Warsaw, Poland
3, 6, 10, 16, 21, 24, 25, 29, 33]. In our study for the frst
e-mail: [email protected]
time we decided to use the natural palmar lines-creases as
m. Kwiatkowska · T. Jakutowicz (•) · J. czubak a guide to localise precisely the important neuro-vascular
Department of Orthopaedics, Paediatric Orthopaedics structures.
and Traumatology, The medical centre of Postgraduate
The aim of this study was to examine the superf-
education, gruca Teaching hospital, Konarskiego 13, Otwock,
05-400 Warsaw, Poland cial anatomy of palmar creases and their relation to
e-mail: [email protected] deeper structures. Four palmar creases were evaluated:

496 Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:495–501

Fig. 1 Palmar surface of the left hand. Incisions following the natural
palmar creases: 1 distal palmar crease, 2 proximal palmar crease, 3
thenar crease. The probe is inserted deep to the fexor retinaculum
Fig. 2 Distances between the creases. measurements performed
along the radial axis of the ring fnger. 1 Distance between the thenar
distal wrist fexion crease, thenar crease, proximal pal- crease and the proximal palmar crease, 2 distance between proximal
mar crease and distal palmar crease. The anatomy of and distal palmar crease, 3 distance between the thenar and distal pal-
palmar skin creases was evaluated with reference to the mar crease, 4 thenar crease, 5 proximal palmar crease, 6 distal palmar
following structures: palmar cutaneous branch of median crease
nerve (PcBmn), palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve
(PcBUn), the nerve of henle, transverse palmar branches system (multiScanBase v.13.08; computer Scanning Sys-
from ulnar nerve, recurrent motor branch of median tem, Warsaw, Poland). The measurements were taken from
nerve, the ulnar proper palmar digital nerves to the thumb, the photographs of the dissected specimens. each picture
the radial proper palmar digital nerve to the index, Berret- contained a 5-cm-long ruler. The scale tools for the meas-
tini’s communicating branch, ulnar nerve and artery and urements were manually calibrated. The distances from the
superfcial palmar arch. thenar crease to the proximal palmar crease and the distal
palmar crease were measured along the radial axis of the
ring fnger (Fig. 2). The measurements of the structures
Materials and methods crossing the distal wrist crease were performed from the
ulnar to the radial side of the hand. The results of measure-
We performed dissections of 20 cadaveric upper limbs (11 ments were automatically transferred to the database of the
right and 9 left). The specimens were obtained from the multiScanBase.
Department of Anatomy at the medical University of War-
saw, Poland. Twelve limbs were fxed with formaldehyde
solution and eight were fresh frozen. All specimens were Results
derived from a homogenous caucasian group. The dissec-
tions of the palmar surface of hands were performed with Thenar crease
the aid of surgical microscope with magnifcation 2–5.5×.
The incisions were performed within the natural palmar The thenar crease usually intersects the lateral side of the
creases from the proximal to the distal end of the crease proximal palmar crease and curves obliquely across the
(Fig. 1). In the case of the distal wrist creases and the dis- palm to intersect the distal wrist crease near the wrist cen-
tal palmar creases the dissection was begun from the ulnar tre. The mean length of thenar crease was 7.37 cm (range
side of the crease. The subcutaneous fat was very thin 5–10.7 cm). The mean distance from thenar crease to
under these creases and made the beginning of dissection proximal and to distal palmar crease evaluated along the
much easier. In the frst step of our work we were able to radial axis of the ring fnger (Fig. 2) was 0.97 cm (range
separate the palmar skin from the underlying subcutaneous 0.7–1.3 cm) and 1.58 cm (range 1.2–2.1 cm), respectively.
fat leaving this layer intact. This was essential for cutane- The thenar crease, in our dissections, was never crossed
ous nerves identifcation and preservation during dissec- by any cutaneous or motor branches of nerves. These struc-
tion. The palmar creases and the deeper structures, listed tures were always located a few millimetres away from
above, were identifed and documented with a digital cam- the thenar creases (at least 5 mm). The only structure to be
era (Konica minolta Dimage A200 8mP with Anti-shake found within the course of the thenar crease is the carpal
7× optical zoom, Korea) and analysed using a computer tunnel (Table 1; Figs. 1, 3).

Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:495–501 497

Table 1 mean distances from thenar crease to important neuro-vascular structures of the wrist
Palmar cutaneous Palmar cutaneous Recurrent branch of Branch of the median Ulnar nerve, artery carpal tunnel
branch of the ulnar branch of the median the median nerve nerve to the index and the nerve of
nerve (PcBUn) nerve (PcBmn) henle

2.12 cm (0.7–3) 1.1 cm (0.7–1.4) 1.09 cm (0.6–2.3) 1.87 cm (0.5–3.5) 1.71 cm (1–2.3) 0.43 cm (0–0.8)

Table 2 Distance from the superfcial palmar arch to the thenar

crease measured in three points of the arch

Distal part of the arch 0.51 cm (0.02–1)

convex part of the arch 0.72 cm (0.4–1.2)
Proximal part of the arch 1.07 cm (0.8–1.7)

Fig. 3 Distances between creases, nerves, and arteries: 1 radial

proper palmar digital nerve to the index, 2 ulnar proper palmar digital
nerve to the thumb, 3 recurrent motor branch of the median nerve,
4 carpal tunnel, 5 ulnar nerve, artery and nerve of henle, 6 palmar Fig. 5 Distance from palmar creases to the superfcial palmar arch
cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PcBmn), 7 palmar cutaneous and Berrettini’s communicating branch: 1 distal palmar crease,
branch of the ulnar nerve (PcBUn) 2 proximal palmar crease, 3 thenar crease, 4 superfcial palmar arch,
5 Berrettini’s communicating branch

thenar crease and proximal palmar crease. The distance

from superfcial palmar arch to the thenar crease was
measured in three points of the arch: radially to the thenar
crease (distal part of the arch), in the max convex of the
arch, ulnarly to the crease (proximal part of the arch). The
superfcial palmar arch never crossed the level of proximal
palmar crease. moreover, the Berrettini’s communicating
branch was located along the course of the superfcial pal-
mar arch and was usually located deep to the arch. In our
study the superfcial palmar arch was located between the
thenar and the proximal palmar creases (Table 2; Fig. 5).

Berrettini’s communicating branch

Fig. 4 Dissected palm of the left hand: 1 superfcial palmar arch, 2
common palmar digital arteries. The probe is inserted under the fexor
The communicating branch between the median and ulnar
nerve, known as the Berrettini’s communicating branch
(Fig. 6), was also examined. This branch courses from
Superfcial palmar arch the common digital nerve in the fourth interosseous space
(ulnar nerve origin) to the common digital nerve in the
The superfcial palmar arch (Fig. 4) is located just beneath third interosseous space (median nerve origin). Its course
the palmar fascia and on top of the superfcial tendons often parallels the superfcial palmar arterial arch. In two
and may be complete or incomplete. It is located between cases this nerve was present in a plexiform nature. This

498 Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:495–501

Table 3 Distance from the thenar crease to the Berrettini’s branch

measured from both ends of the branch

From ulnar end 1.1 cm (0.7–1.3)

From median end 0.74 cm (0.4–1.3)

Fig. 6 Dissected palm of the left hand: 1 superfcial palmar arch, cut,
2 Berrettini’s communicating branch 3 distal palmar crease

Fig. 8 Dissected palm of the left hand: 1 ulnar nerve, 2 ulnar artery,
3 nerve of henle

Fig. 9 Palmar surface of the left hand. Dissection follows the distal
wrist crease: 1 PL palmaris longus tendon, 2 FCR fexor carpi radia-
lis tendon, 3 PCBMN palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve,
4 PCBUN palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve
Fig. 7 Dissected palm of the left hand: 1 Berrettini’s communicating
branch, 2 ulnar nerve, 3 ulnar artery, 4 recurrent branch of median
nerve, 5 distal palmar crease nerve of henle

communicating branch was perforated by the superfcial The triad of ulnar artery, nerve and nerve of henle (Fig. 8)
palmar arch (Fig. 7). In the other specimens the Berrettini’s was also evaluated with reference to thenar crease.
communicating branch of ulnar nerve was located deep to The distance of this triad to thenar crease was an average
the superfcial palmar arch. of 1.71 cm (range 1–2.3 cm). The nerve of henle, the sym-
The length of the branch was an average of 0.94 cm pathetic nervi vasorum of the ulnar artery, gives additional
(range 0.8–1.2 cm).The distance from the thenar crease to sensory innervations to the palm. The nerve lies alongside
the communicating branch was measured at two points: the artery and then branches off into smaller nerves along-
side the superfcial palmar arch.
1. At the ulnar end of the nerve.
2. At the median end of the nerve. Distal wrist fexion crease

The superfcial palmar arch and the Berrettini’s communi- Although there are usually three wrist fexion creases, only
cating branch were always found between the thenar crease the distal crease is of suffcient consistency to be used as a
and the proximal palmar crease (Table 3; Fig 5). These struc- reliable landmark. The length of distal wrist crease was an
tures never crossed the line of the proximal palmar crease. average of 5.95 cm (range 4–7.5 cm).

Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:495–501 499

The location of anatomical structures crossing the dis- foetal hand movement may infuence the development of
tal wrist crease and their arraignment was also evaluated the creases, genetic factors are considered most important
(Fig. 9). to their formation [7, 19]. Our understanding of the creases
Flexor carpi radialis tendon was located an average of and their values is yet incomplete. The gaps in our insight
1.4 cm (range 0.7–2.1) from radial side of the hand cross- limit the possible interpretations and practical applications
ing the line of the distal fexion wrist crease. Flexor carpi of the knowledge gained from the studies of various aspects
ulnaris tendon was identifed an average of 1.35 cm (range of fexion creases.
1.3–1.4 cm) from ulnar side of the hand. Palmaris longus Four palmar creases were evaluated in present study:
tendon was absent in two cases and when present located distal wrist fexion crease, thenar crease, proximal palmar
an average of 2.95 cm (range 2.6–3.3 cm) from ulnar side crease and distal palmar crease. These creases were con-
of the hand and an average of 2.9 cm (range 2.4–3.3 cm) sistently present in our specimens. We performed dissec-
from radial side. tions of twenty cadaveric limbs from which twelve were
Ulnar artery and nerve with nerve of henle was detected fxed with formaldehyde solution and eight were fresh fro-
an average of 1.6 cm (range 1.2–1.8 cm) from ulnar side zen. We are aware of the existence of some limitations to
of the hand. The nerve of henle was present in 100 % of the present study. This anatomic study was performed in
specimens. nonliving tissue and thus in vivo conditions could not be
PcBmn was located an average of 3.11 cm (range 2.6– examined. moreover, the cadaveric post mortem process-
3.7 cm) away from radial side of the hand. ing might have altered the neuro-vascular relationships. We
PcBUn was located an average of 3.82 cm (range do feel, however, that our sample of specimens preserved
2–5.8 cm) away from radial side of the hand. in two different conditions refects the broad spectrum of
patients encountered in a hand surgery practice.
The proximal and distal palmar creases In 1953, the most famous surgical landmark of hand
known as the Kaplan’s [15, 17] cardinal line was described
The length of proximal palmar crease was an average of and used worldwide. Kaplan’s description of his landmark
3.54 cm (range 0.7–7.7 cm) and the length of distal palmar was a line “drawn from the apex of the interdigital fold
crease was of an average of 4.42 cm (range 1.3–7.0 cm). between the thumb and index fnger toward the ulnar side
We also measured the distance from proximal to distal of the hand, parallel with the middle crease of the hand”
palmar crease along the radial axis of the ring fnger and it The middle crease of the hand is the crease located between
was an average of 0.87 cm (range 0.6–1.0 cm) (Fig. 2). the distal palmar crease and the thenar crease and is also
We evaluated the distance from superfcial palmar arch known in the literature as the proximal palmar crease [9].
and Berrettini’s communicating branch to proximal and As the later studies show, the line may be presented and
distal palmar creases. used in four different ways by hand surgeons [32]. This
The distance from superfcial palmar arch to proxi- may lead to the unintentional damage of important cuta-
mal palmar crease was an average of 1.33 cm (range neous branches as well as the vascular structures such as
0.6–1.7 cm) and to the distal palmar crease an average of superfcial palmar arch [2, 11, 14, 23].
2.17 cm (range 1.9–2.7 cm). The Kaplan’s cardinal line has been used as a surface
The distance from the Berrettini’s communicating marker in various anatomical studies. Anand and Trzeciak
branch to the proximal palmar crease was an average of [1] anatomically correlated the relationship of Kaplan’s
1.35 cm (range 0.6–2.1 cm) and to the distal palmar crease cardinal line to the superfcial palmar arch. They found the
an average of 2.21 cm (range 1.6–2.7 cm). superfcial palmar arterial arch was located an average of
10.4 and 11.8 mm from the radial and ulnar borders of the
ring fnger with standard deviations of roughly 4 mm for
Discussion each measurement.
In our study the superfcial palmar arch was located
Palmar creases, which are defned as the skin histologically between thenar crease and proximal palmar crease, which
attached to an underlying structure, are formed during the is similar to results of Anand and Trzeciak.
foetal period. The main creases of the palm may be mor- Other investigators, including Kaplan himself, have
phologically constant, but with regard to length and posi- described numerous variations to the cardinal line [4, 16,
tion, they vary from person to person. The palmar creases 17, 27]. current textbooks, even pinnacle works on surgi-
naturally grow and develop with hand. They are unique cal approaches, differ in their portrayal of Kaplan’s cardi-
for every human being. Palmar creases form at about 12 nal line [13]. This ambiguity becomes important when one
foetal weeks, although spontaneous hand movement does considers the complex neurovascular patterns in the volar
not occur before 11.5 foetal weeks. Therefore, although hand [11, 14]. more importantly, since Kaplan’s cardinal

500 Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:495–501

line has been described as representing the surface corre- tendon surgery, Dupuytren’s fasciectomy and when dealing
late of the motor branch of the median nerve [13, 27], deep with arterial repairs and vascular graft applications in the
branch of ulnar nerve [4, 16, 27], distal extent of the trans- hand [30].
verse carpal ligament [4] and the superfcial palmar arch [4, endoscopic and open carpal tunnel releases, even if per-
16, 18, 27], it becomes paramount to accurately defne the formed meticulously, still carry the potential for compli-
landmark. We believe that palmar skin creases can be help- cations. A survey of American Society for Surgery of the
ful here and serve as important additional superfcial land- hand (ASSh) members published in 1999 noted a myriad
marks to guide the surgeon. of injuries, including damage to the superfcial palmar arch
In our anatomical study we examined and measured not (SPA) in both types of releases [26]. The preciseness of
only the palmar creases but also important neuro-vascular the incision utilised is paramount in preventing iatrogenic
structures such as nerve of henle, transverse branches of injury and ensuring a good outcome. The limited visual
ulnar nerve and Berrettini’s communicating branch. The feld in cTR, more appreciable in the endoscopic method,
nerve of henle was present in 100 % of our specimens. attests to the importance of topographical markers to delin-
According to the literature the nerve serves as the nervi eate underlying structures [12, 26, 31]. Incisions can then
vasorum of the ulnar artery, and gives innervations to the be planned taking into consideration potential areas of neu-
forearm and palm, in addition providing sympathetic inner- rovascular vulnerability. Thus examination of the superf-
vations to the artery [9, 29]. This nerve was traced along cial skin markers can make it easier to plan the operation.
the ulnar artery and the superfcial palmar arch and its As we mentioned above our cadaveric study has some
branches: common palmar digital arteries. limitation, but in the future we are planning to expand it on
Accidental damage to this nerve can occur especially in living subjects by performing the ultrasound examination
the case of iatrogenic injury of the superfcial palmar arch. of palmar hand surface. We will try to localise ultrasono-
This is not a benign occurrence and can result in complex graphically the neurovascular structures with their correla-
regional pain syndrome [31]. tion to palmar skin creases.
multiple cutaneous nerves to the palm are noted from We hope this future study will add to that anatomical
the ulnar nerve. many of these nerves exited perpendicu- one and will help us to use the palmar skin creases as the
larly from the longitudinal direction of the ulnar nerve, thus reliable topographical landmarks for planning the safe sur-
prompting a description of them as transverse palmar cuta- gical incisions.
neous branches of the ulnar nerve. These nerves pierced
the palmar carpal ligament to innervate the skin and sub-
cutaneous tissue of the hypothenar eminence and midpalm,
usually distal to that area innervated by either the nerve of
The palmar creases may serve as landmarks for the deeper
henle or the palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve [9, 29,
neuro-vascular structures.
The superfcial palmar arch was found between the the-
The communicating branch of ulnar nerve, known as
nar and proximal palmar crease and never crossed the prox-
the Berrettini’s communicating branch, connecting the
imal palmar crease.
third common palmar digital branch of the median nerve
The thenar crease, in our dissections, was never crossed
with the fourth common palmar and proper palmar digital
by any cutaneous or motor branches of nerves.
branches of the ulnar nerve was present in 100 % of our
These anatomical dissections will provide reference
specimens. The earliest illustrations of the communicat-
material for further ultrasound studies on the location of the
ing branch between the digital branches of the median and
neuro-vascular structures in reference to superfcial palmar
ulnar nerves were the Berrettini drawings in 1741 [8]. Stud-
ies on the incidence of Berrettini anastomosis suggested
that it should be considered a normal structure rather than Acknowledgments The authors did not receive any outside funding
an anatomical variation as its incidence was found to be or grants in support of their research for or preparation of this work.
over 80 % [8, 20, 22].
In two cases this nerve was present in a plexiform Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no confict
nature. This Berrettini’s communicating branch was perfo- of interest.
rated by the superfcial palmar arch. The unusual relation-
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the crea-
ship of Berrettini anastomosis with the superfcial palmar tive commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribu-
arch is very rare, and knowledge about such a variation is tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)
important when performing carpal tunnel release, fexor and the source are credited.

Surg Radiol Anat (2014) 36:495–501 501

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