Gambar 3.1. Morfologi Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus Vittatus) Keterangan Gambar

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Gambar 3.1.

Morfologi Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus vittatus)

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Lekuk hidung 16. Porus urogenitalis

2. Moncong 17. Pinnae dorsalis
3. Maksilla 18. Pinnae caudalis
4. Mandibulla 19. Pinnae analis
5. Misae 20. Pinna abdominalis
6. Nostril 21. Pinna pectoralis
7. Organon visus 22. Caput
8. Operculum 23. Truncus
9. Pre-operculum 24. Cauda
10. Inter-operculum
11. Sub-operculum
12. Radii branchiostegi
13. Membrana branchiostegi
14. Linea lateralis
15. Anus
Gambar 3.2. Anatomi Viscera In-situ Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus vittatus)

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Moncong
2. Organon visus
3. Tapis insang
4. Cor
5. Pronephros
6. Mesonephros
7. Gonad
8. Vesica metatoria
9. Intestine
10. Hepatopancreas
11. Anus
12. Porus urogenitalis
Gambar Skematis Otot Jantung

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Vena hepatica 18. Intestine

2. Ductus cuveri 19. Vesica felea
3. Sinus venosus 20. Ductus pneumaticus
4. Atrium 21. Hepatopancreas
5. Ventricle
6. Bulbus arteriosis
7. Arteri branchialis
8. Insang
9. Pronephros
10. Mesonephros
11. Ureter
12. Esofagus
13. Gonad
14. Ductus spermaticus
15. Porus urogenitalis
16. Vesica metatoria
17. Anus
Gambar Mikroskopis Otot Jantung

Perbesaran Gambar : 100 X

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Cardiac muscle fibre

2. Miofibrils
3. Branching of fibres
4. Central nucleus
5. Striations
6. Intercalated disc
7. Connective tissue between fibres
Gambar Skematis Otot Lurik

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Sarkolema
2. Nukleus
3. Sarkoplasma
4. Miofibril
5. Pita A
6. Pita I
7. Pita Z
8. Sarkomer
9. Pita H
Gambar Mikroskopis Otot Lurik

Perbesaran Gambar : 400 X

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Peripheral nuclei
2. Position of sarcolemma
3. I band (light)
4. A band (dark)
5. Z band (thin and dark)
6. H band (thin and light)
7. Sarcomere (= segment between to succecive Z bands)
8. Myofibrils
Gambar Skematis Tulang Keras

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Osteosit
2. Lakuna
3. Kanalikuli
4. Kanal haversi
5. Sistem haversi
6. Kanal Volkmann
7. Lamela
Gambar Mikroskopis Tulang Keras

Perbesaran Gambar : 100 X

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Haversian canal
2. Interstitial bone (= between Haversian systems)
3. Volkmann’s canal
4. Haversian systems
5. Cement line
6. Lacunae containing osteocytes
7. Canaliculi
8. Bone lamallae (= layers)
Gambar Skematis Rawan Hyalin

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Nukleus
2. Kapsul
3. Matriks
4. Lakuna
5. Kondroblas
6. Perikondrium
7. Grup isogenik
8. Fibroblas
9. Kondrosit
Gambar Mikroskopis Rawan Hyalin

Perbesaran Gambar : 100 X

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Perichondrium and fibroblasts

2. Chondroblasts
3. Matrix
4. Nuclei of chondrocytes
5. Lacunae
6. Capsule
Gambar Skematis Rawan Elastin

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Nukleus
2. Kapsul
3. Matriks
4. Lakuna
5. Kondroblas
6. Perikondrium
7. Grup isogenik
8. Fibroblas
9. Serat elastin
10. Kondrosit
Gambar Mikroskopis Rawan Elastin

Perbesaran Gambar : 100 X

Keterangan Gambar :

1. Matrix
2. Nuclei of chondrocytes
3. Lacunae
4. Capsule

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