Capstone Instructional Strategies 1

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Instructional Strategy

Sequence and Cluster Objectives

Cluster Objectives Time

1- 1. Using prior knowledge of aperture and shutter speed 20

Introduction techniques and awareness of desired creative technique use,
students will choose an aperture or shutter speed technique
to study for creative implementation after five minutes of

2- 2. Given access to a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) 40

Setting up application and after reviewing their understanding of its
the functionalities, learners will use the application for fifteen
Assignment minutes to generate ten original images demonstrating
experimentation and exploration of creative use of chosen
aperture or shutter speed techniques.
3. After generating ten original images, students will curate a
selection of three images that best emphasize the creative
use of their chosen aperture or shutter speed technique and
interest them creatively.

3 - Analyze 4. Using their previously acquired understanding of their 60

and Execute chosen photographic technique, prior knowledge of
composition, design principles, and art elements, and
awareness of available equipment, students will critically
analyze the curated GenAI images, identifying three notable
aspects in each and evaluating how to emulate the employed
5. After identifying and evaluating how to emulate techniques
employed in curated images, students will use their
knowledge of the different types of photography equipment
and camera settings available to select appropriate
equipment and adjust camera settings, ensuring alignment
with the creative techniques and desired outcomes to create
one emulation with eighty percent accuracy.

4 - Submit & 6. Given guidelines for constructive feedback and peer critique 30
Critique sessions and using prior knowledge of how to use an online
discussion board, students will submit their emulation
photographic works for review, provide constructive
feedback to two peers, and be receptive to feedback on their
work to actively participate in discussions.

5 - Revise, 7. Using feedback from the discussion board and continued 30
Resubmit, & access to photography resources, students will revise their
Evaluate photographic works and submit finalized artworks
demonstrating notable improvements in technique
execution, creativity, or alignment with the intended artistic

Pre-instructional, Assessment, and Follow-Through Activities

Pre-Instructional Activities

Attention: The instructor will grab students' attention by showing photograph-like images created
with a Generative AI (GenAI) application, all incorporating previously studied aperture and shutter
speed techniques for students to analyze and discuss how aperture and shutter speed are effectively
used creatively. Attention will be maintained throughout the project because the students will work
with new and developing technology to assist their creative development. They will receive instant
feedback from peers and the instructor during in-class practice and through an online discussion

Relevance: Students need to know how to operate a DSLR camera, produce aperture and shutter
speed techniques with a DSLR camera, analyze photos for various artistic and photographic features
(e.g., art elements, design principles, lighting, etc.), and access and use an online discussion board.

Confidence: Students will develop confidence in their creative abilities and personal style by
producing and curating a selection of GenAI images that resonate with them, analyzing the images
to emulate the significant features of the image in their unique works, and further handling the
camera body and adjusting the settings when correctly producing the technique in their original

Satisfaction: Satisfaction is achieved when students can accurately and effectively emulate the
significant features of the analyzed GenAI images in their original works.

Objectives: The introduction presentation slides and introduction page in the module located on
the course’s learning management system (LMS) page will state the lesson objectives. The instructor
will explain why the objectives are essential to the student’s success on the current assignment and in
real-world scenarios.

Entry Skills: The instructor will explain that students must understand and know how to use
aperture priority, shutter priority, and manual modes on a DSLR camera, adjust additional
in-camera settings with the multi-selector, use a tripod, change out lenses, use a computer, use the
internet, use a keyboard to type, use an online discussion board, download an image from camera,
edit an image with post-processing software, and upload an image to a discussion board.

Student Groupings and Media Selection: This lesson will have 10-16 students. The instructor
will provide two digital or printed handouts: ten steps to analyze for emulation and photography
technique settings and equipment. The instructor will present slides showing Generative AI
(GenAI) images creatively incorporating the various shutter speed and aperture techniques.


Pretest: Before instruction, students will take a quiz on all previously studied aperture and shutter
speed techniques and the exposure triangle.

The instructor will use the pre-test to evaluate the current knowledge retained and briefly review
missing skills before starting the lesson.

Practice Test: Students will have a brief one-to-one with the instructor during which the instructor
will assess student analysis of one of their curated photos, and the student will explain how they
intend to incorporate one of the notable aspects with the available photography equipment and
prior knowledge.

Posttest: The formal posttest will occur after students have submitted their revised final works and
will entail the instructor evaluating students' understanding of emulating their chosen aperture or
shutter speed technique by viewing the curated photos analyzed by the students, reviewing feedback
provided to the student, and assessing the student’s final, revised photograph submission on the
discussion board assignment using a rubric.

Student Groupings and Media Selection: Students will complete the pretest and practice test
independently but within a class-group environment. No in-class distractions will be allowed during
the pretest assessment time. The post-test rubric will be displayed on the screen as a guide and in the
discussion board assignment.

Follow-Through Activities

Memory Aids: The instructor will provide links on the learning platform for digital handouts of
settings and equipment for various photography techniques and steps for analysis, as well as recorded
how-to presentations. The instructor will also provide prints of digital handouts if necessary.

Transfer: Students will receive instant written and verbal feedback from the discussion board,
instructor, or peers throughout the instruction period.

Student Groupings and Media Selection: Students will work in pairs, small groups, as a whole
class, or independently, depending on the objective. Students will use computers to view and create
assignment materials and participate in the online discussion board.

Content Presentation and Student Participation

Objective 1: Using prior knowledge of aperture and shutter speed techniques and awareness of
desired creative technique use, students will choose an aperture or shutter speed technique to study
for creative implementation after five minutes of reflection.

Content Presentation

Content: Information will be presented in a direct instruction model. The instructor will use
presentation slides to review aperture and shutter speed techniques and introduce the intentional
and creative use of these techniques. The instructor will also use a handout to assist with student

Examples: The instructor will use presentation slides with Generative AI (GenAI) images and
descriptions that match each photo technique (shallow depth of field, deep depth of field, bokeh,
frozen motion, long exposure, motion blur, and panning). The instructor will ask students to
consider situations where each technique might be beneficial or ineffective for photographic
composition. Last, the students will work in table groups to analyze a final photo using the “10 Steps
to Analyze for Emulation.”

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work as a whole class and as table groups.
Presentation slides will aid instruction and discussion. A handout will aid the final photo analysis.

Student Participation

Practice Items and Activities: Students will discuss the instructor-provided examples as a class.
Students will analyze a final photo in groups. Students will reconvene as a whole class to briefly
present part of their analysis. Finally, students will have five minutes to independently reflect on the
information and consider which technique they want to study for creative application.

Feedback: The instructor and students will provide feedback by stating if and why they agree or
disagree with individual responses during the initial presentation and varied group analyses of the
final example GenAI image.

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work as a whole class to discuss the
effective and ineffective use of aperture and shutter speed techniques. They will then work in groups
to analyze a GenAI image. Finally, students will work independently to decide which technique to
study creatively. Students will need a computer with internet access and handouts from the

Objective 2: Given access to a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) application and after
reviewing their understanding of its functionalities, learners will use the application for fifteen
minutes to generate ten original images demonstrating experimentation and exploration of creative
use of chosen aperture or shutter speed techniques.

Objective 3: After generating ten original images, students will curate a selection of three images
that best emphasize the creative use of their chosen aperture or shutter speed technique and interest
them creatively.

Content Presentation

Content: Instruction will occur independently (provided through a pre-recorded demonstration) or

one-to-one for students who need further assistance. In the recording, the instructor will
demonstrate how to use a Generative AI (GenAI) application to generate images, including a chosen
aperture or shutter speed technique.

Examples: In the pre-recorded demonstration, the instructor

1. navigates the Canva Magic Media GenAI application;
2. shows various text combinations to create a variety of image generations;
3. and places ten images into a file for consideration and final curation.

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work independently, though discussion
with peers is allowed and encouraged. Students will use a pre-recorded demonstration for assistance.

Student Participation

Practice Items and Activities: Students will work independently to use a GenAI application to
generate ten images. Then, students will curate three images from the ten for emulation-focused

Feedback: During the activity, students will critique the generated images based on their creative
taste. The instructor will move around the class and provide feedback as needed, and peers can
provide feedback during the activity.

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work independently, though discussion
with peers is allowed and encouraged. Students can reference the pre-recorded demonstration if

Objective 4: Using their previously acquired understanding of their chosen photographic

technique, prior knowledge of composition, design principles, and art elements, and awareness of
available equipment, students will critically analyze the curated GenAI images, identifying three
notable aspects in each and evaluating how to emulate the employed techniques.
Objective 5: After identifying and evaluating how to emulate techniques employed in curated
images, students will use their knowledge of the different types of photography equipment and
camera settings available to select appropriate equipment and adjust camera settings, ensuring
alignment with the creative techniques and desired outcomes to create one emulation with eighty
percent accuracy.

Content Presentation

Content: The instructor will display a single GenAI image exemplar and analyze the image in front
of the class, focusing on five notable aspects, then, with the students, consider which available
equipment, settings, and other photography-specific choices would be best for emulating the effect.

1. The instructor will show an exemplar, then ask questions, such as…
a. “What aperture or shutter speed technique is present in this image?”
b. “What aperture or shutter setting do you think was used?”
c. “What mood is conveyed through composition, color, etc.”
d. “Does the chosen technique benefit or detract from the final composition?”
e. “What other techniques learned do you notice?”

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work as a class. The instructor will use a
SmartBoard to present a GenAI image exemplar and use Smart Board writing utensils to mark the
image during the discussion.

Student Participation

Practice Items and Activities: Students will work individually to curate three images from their
original ten GenAI images to analyze. Students will analyze the three photos using the “10 Steps to
Analyze for Emulation” handout and the “Settings & Equipment for Photography Techniques”
handout. After analyzing, students select equipment and adjust DSLR camera settings to create one
emulation. Students are encouraged to speak with peers and the instructor during emulation

Feedback: The students will receive immediate feedback while creating emulation by looking at
photos on the DSLR as they shoot them and getting feedback from peers and the instructor as they
work toward a photo suitable for submission.

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work individually, though discussing the
work with peers and the instructor is encouraged. Students will use the “10 Steps to Analyze for
Emulation” handout and the “Settings & Equipment for Photography Techniques” handout to
assist them in creating a single emulative work.

Objective 6: Given guidelines for constructive feedback and peer critique sessions and using prior
knowledge of how to use an online discussion board, students will submit their emulation
photographic works for review, provide constructive feedback to two peers, and be receptive to
feedback on their work to participate in discussions actively.

Content Presentation

Content: Instruction will occur first as an individual viewing of the pre-recorded Art of Giving

Feedback presentation with formative assessment questions on giving feedback. Then the instructor
will present feedback scenarios for the students to discuss in table groups using the Grow and Glow
Feedback handout for assistance.

Examples: The instructor will…

1. Show an example discussion board post with example responses
2. Ask the students to discuss in groups which responses are most helpful and why.

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work individually and as table groups.
Students will use computers, the “Art of Giving Feedback” presentation, and the “Grow and Glow
Feedback” handout.

Student Participation

Practice Items and Activities: Students will upload their emulation work to a discussion board
with an artist statement (brief explanation). Then, students will provide feedback to their peers and
review feedback from their peers.

Feedback: Students will receive feedback from the “Art of Giving Feedback” presentation with
formative assessment. Students will receive feedback from their peers through the discussion board.

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work individually to upload their
emulation work to the discussion board to receive and provide feedback. They will need a computer
with internet access. They can use the “Art of Giving Feedback” presentation and the “Grow and
Glow Feedback” handout to assist them.

Objective 7: Using feedback from the discussion board and continued access to photography
resources, students will revise their photographic works and submit finalized artworks
demonstrating notable improvements in technique execution, creativity, or alignment with the
intended artistic vision.

Content Presentation

Content: The instructor will briefly discuss the importance of peer feedback and explain how to
receive effective and ineffective feedback. The instructor will ask for student volunteers to
demonstrate a feedback dialogue scenario. The instructor will display feedback dialogue scenarios on
a Smart Board or overhead projector.

Examples: After choosing student volunteers, the instructor will give varied examples of feedback,
such as:
1. [Student] has posted a new photograph. After a quick glance, [peer] scoffs and types, "This
is terrible. The colors clash, the composition is stupid, and it looks bad."
2. [Student] uploads their latest photo. [peer] thoughtfully reviews the photo and types, "Your
photos are intriguing. I like how you've incorporated texture. It adds depth and

then ask the students,
1. Is this helpful feedback? Why or why not?
2. How do you think [student] might feel after receiving that feedback?
3. Should [student] become defensive?
4. What can [student] do to get clarification and make this helpful feedback?

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will discuss with table groups and work as a
class to answer instructor questions given throughout the demonstration. Students will view
information displayed on a Smart Board or overhead projector. Students can use the Glow and Grow
feedback handout for assistance.

Student Participation

Practice Items and Activities: Students will discuss their work with the peers they gave feedback
to and received feedback from. Once they understand the feedback, they will revise their work and
submit the revised version for instructor review.

Feedback: Students will receive further feedback through one-to-one clarifying discussions with
peers. The instructor will provide feedback via a digital rubric created in the learning management
system (LMS) and attached to the discussion board.

Student Groupings and Media Selections: Students will work individually and in pairs or groups
of three. Students will need a computer with internet access to reference received and given feedback
and uploaded works on the discussion board. Students may use the Receiving Feedback handout to
assist them with processing their feedback.

Assignment of Objectives and Activities to Session(s) with Time Estimates

Session Objectives And Activities Time

1. Choose an aperture or shutter speed technique to study for 20 min.
creative implementation.

2. Given access to a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) 40 min

application and after reviewing their understanding of its
functionalities, learners will use the application for fifteen
minutes to generate ten original images demonstrating
experimentation and exploration of creative use of chosen
aperture or shutter speed techniques.
3. After generating ten original images, students will curate a
selection of three images that best emphasize the creative use of
their chosen aperture or shutter speed technique and interest
them creatively.

4. Using their previously acquired understanding of their chosen 60 min
photographic technique, prior knowledge of composition,
design principles, and art elements, and awareness of available
equipment, students will critically analyze the curated GenAI
images, identifying three notable aspects in each and evaluating
how to emulate the employed techniques.
5. After identifying and evaluating how to emulate techniques
employed in curated images, students will use their knowledge
of the different types of photography equipment and camera
settings available to select appropriate equipment and adjust
camera settings, ensuring alignment with the creative techniques
and desired outcomes to create one emulation with eighty
percent accuracy.

6. Given guidelines for constructive feedback and peer critique 30 min
sessions and using prior knowledge of how to use an online
discussion board, students will submit their emulation
photographic works for review, provide constructive feedback to
two peers, and be receptive to feedback on their work to actively
participate in discussions.

7. Using feedback from the discussion board and continued access 30 min
to photography resources, students will revise their
photographic works and submit finalized artworks
demonstrating notable improvements in technique execution,
creativity, or alignment with the intended artistic vision.

Consolidation of Media Selections and Choice of Delivery System(s)

Session Objectives Student Groupings Delivery System(S)

And Media Selections

1 Students will work as a whole This lesson will be taught face-to-face

class and as table groups. in a photography studio classroom.
Presentation slides will aid The media will include presentation
instruction and discussion. A slides, physical or digital handouts,
handout will aid the final photo computers, Generative AI
analysis. applications, DSLR cameras, and
photography equipment (tripod,
Students will work as a whole lenses, SD cards, SD card readers, and
class to discuss the effective and a Smart Board).
ineffective use of aperture and
shutter speed techniques. They
will then work in groups to

analyze a GenAI image. Finally,
students will work
independently to decide which
technique to study creatively.
Students will need a computer
with internet access and
handouts from the instructor.

2&3 Students will work

independently, though
discussion with peers is allowed
and encouraged. Students will
use a pre-recorded
demonstration for assistance.

Students will work

independently, though
discussion with peers is allowed
and encouraged. Students can
reference the pre-recorded
demonstration if needed.

4&5 Students will work as a class.
The instructor will use a
SmartBoard to present a GenAI
image exemplar and use Smart
Board writing utensils to mark
the image as it is discussed.

Students will work individually,

though discussing the work with
peers and the instructor is
encouraged. Students will use
the “10 Steps to Analyze for
Emulation” handout and the
“Settings & Equipment for
Photography Techniques”
handout to assist them in
creating a single emulative work.

6 Students will work individually

and as table groups. Students
will use computers, the “Art of
Giving Feedback” presentation,
and the “Grow and Glow

Feedback” handout.

Students will work individually

to upload their emulation work
to the discussion board to
receive and provide feedback.
They will need a computer with
internet access. They can use the
“Art of Giving Feedback”
presentation and the “Grow and
Glow Feedback” handout to
assist them.

7 Students will discuss with table

groups and work as a class to
answer instructor questions
given throughout the
demonstration. Students will
view information displayed on a
Smart Board or overhead
projector. Students can use the
Glow and Grow feedback
handout for assistance.

Students will work individually

and in pairs or groups of three.
Students will need a computer
with internet access to reference
received and given feedback and
uploaded works on the
discussion board. Students may
use the Receiving Feedback
handout to assist them with
processing their feedback.


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