A Detailed Lesson Plan in ICT

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in ICT

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Consider one’s and other’s safety when sharing information using the internet.
2. Recognize and avoid the dangers of the internet.
3. Perform the internet efficiently and properly through proper referencing.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Rules of Netiquette

 Online security, safety, and ethics.
 Protecting reputations online.

Instructional Materials: Laptop, LCD Projector, Video(s), Colored Cartolina,

Marker and Cutouts.

Reference(s): Information and Communications Technology, Innovative Training

Works, Inc. and Rex Bookstore., www. B4UClick.org/InternetSafety

III. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine
Everybody stand up for the prayer. (Everybody will stand up and pray.)

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

Before we start, kindly pick up those (Everybody will pick up all the garbage/trash
pieces of papers under your chair. around them.)

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Sir!

3. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent from the class? None Sir.

Very good! I am really glad that

everyone is present. Keep it up!

B. Developmental Activities

1. Activity

a. Motivation
We are now going to sing and dance Yes Sir!
Baby shark, I will be flashing some
logo and you will guess what that (Learners will sing and dance and identify the
logo is. Ready? different logo flashing on the screen)
(Facilitator will ask one-by-one)
(Learners will raise their hands.)








b. Main Activity
For 10 minutes arrange the puzzle
and formulate the definition of the
image assigned to your group its use
and influence to yourselves, Write at
least 3 Do’s and Don’ts on the
image provided. Be ready for the

You will be guided by the rubrics Yes Sir.

for proper scoring. Is that clear?
A representative from group 1
Now, let us call a representative will present their output.)
from group 1 to present their output
(Learners will give them a round of applause.)
Very good group 1! Let us give
them a big round of applause.
A representative from group 2
Next is group 2 will present their output.)

Very good group 2! Let us give (Learners will give them a round of applause.)
them a big round of applause.
A representative from group 3
Next is group 3 will present their output.)

(Learners will give them a round of applause.)

Very good group 3! Let us give
them a big round of applause. A representative from group 4
will present their output.)
And last but not the least, group 4
(Learners will give them a round of applause.)
Very good group 4! Let us give
them a big round of applause.
Answers may vary. (Internet and Etiquette.
Code of good behavior to be observed on the
What is netiquette? internet)

(Facilitator will show the questions one-by-

On the next slide, I will ask you 4 one)
(Answers may vary.)
(1) How many hours do you spend
on the Internet per day?
(Answers may vary.)
(2) Can you live without the internet
for a week?
(Answers may vary. Answers would be
(3) How many aspects of your life Education, Entertainment, Research Purposes,
depend on the internet? etc.)

(4) How many times have you (Answers could be “Always” or “many times.”
complained about your internet
connection speed?

2. Analysis
So based on your answers, we could see Yes Sir.
that these technologies have an impact
on our lives as students. Before most of
the students tend to use the library to
have some research just on the palm of
your hands. Is it true, class? The internet truly is a powerful tool. It can be
used to promote business, gain new friends,
Going on to the next slide. Class, kindly and stay in touch with the old ones.
Yes Sir.
Is this correct class?
Answers may vary. (The internet is a powerful
tool in a sense that it really helps us not just in
Why? business but also for communication to our
love ones either local or abroad.)
(The class will read the text in the slide.)
Okay, all of your answers are correct. The internet is defined as the information
So let us proceed to the next slide. Class superhighway.
kindly read.

Answers may vary. (It is the international

What do you mean by Internet network of computers.)

Yes, correct! Aside from that, It is also

a means of connecting a computer to
any other computer anywhere in the
world. When two computers are
connected to the Internet, they can send
and receive all kinds of information
such as text, graphics, voice, video,
and computer programs.

With hacks, scams, malware and more,

the Internet can feel like a dangerous
place these days. In addition, the recent
proliferation or propagation of devices,
from Smartphones and tablets to
Internet-connected appliances, has
opened us up to even greater risks.

However, the good news is that by

taking just a small handful of security
measures we can greatly reduce our
exposure to all these threats.
(Facilitator will show a video and the class
Before we proceed, let me show you a will react to it.)
video on what a learner like you can do
to be safe online and offline.
(1) Be mindful of what you share and
Here are some tips to help you stay safe what site you share it.
when using the Internet. Class, Kindly
read number 1. Expected statement: “It is like, think before
you click. Anything that we share without
What can you say about number 1? verifying of the facts could affect anyone.”

Correct! So it is like, there is always

two sides. It could be a positive impact
or a negative impact. Always remember
class, “Think before you click.” (2) Know the security features of the
Social Networking Site that you
Kindly read number 2 use.

Question class: who among you are (Learners will raise their hands.)
checking the privacy settings of your
Social Media Accounts? Are you aware
of those features?

Always remember class. You have the

authority to modify your privacy
settings. Use it wisely, because hackers
may find ways to check your profile and
use it in not-so-good things.
(3) Do not share the password with
Kindly read number 3. anyone.

(Learners will react on it.)

Does anyone here that shares their
password? I hope not.
(4) Do not talk to strangers whether
Read number 4. online or face-to-face.

May I ask who among you have 1000 (Some Learners will raise their hands.)
friends on Facebook?

The question is: Among those 1000

friends, can you imagine how many of
them you know personally? It is a norm
that you should not talk to strangers
unless you know them personally.
(5) Add friends you know in real life.
Read number 5.

Who among you are adding people on (Some Learners might raise their hand.)
Social Media just for stalking? If you do
not know that person, might as well do
not do it.
(6) Install and update your antivirus
Read number 6. software on your computer.

Class, when you are accessing the

Internet using your laptop or desktop (Some Learners will react on it.)
computer, do not forget to install 1
antivirus. Without it will be vulnerable
to internet threats.

Trivia: Did you know that if a computer

has 2 or more antivirus installed on it
there will be malfunctioning and
confusion between those programs?
Thus, there should be 1 antivirus per
computer. (7) If you have a WI-FI at home, make
it a private network by adding a
Read number 7. password.

(Some Learners might raise their hand.)

Who among the class has an internet
connection at home?
Yes Sir.
For those who have an internet
connection at home, you may notice a
slow connection while browsing. The
first in line to blame is the
Telecommunication Companies. Am I
right, class?

Possibly, users like you are not aware

that there might be someone connected
to your router without your permission.
There are two reasons: (1) That is
because, at one time, someone in your
family might share the password with
their friends during their visit; or (2)
Hackers might know your password. Expected answer(s): Change the password
So what is the solution class?
Yes Sir.
Right! That is the first thing to do, okay.

So let us proceed with Protecting

Reputation Online. I will show a video (Facilitator will show a video.)
showing the implications of a person
who just posting anything online. Take
time to reflect and observe.
Answers may vary. (Expected answers: This
What can you say about this video? video has shown the effects of posting
something without thinking of it.)

Okay, very good observation.

In the past, doing something embarrassing
Kindly read class. was not much of a big deal.

Yes, Sir.
Is this true class?
Nowadays, embarrassing moments are
Kindly read the next line. captured using any device you could imagine.

Expected answers: Because of the technology

Why is it, class? advancement today, it’s now easier to capture
photos without user consent.


3. Abstraction Sir, it is important to know the rules of

Class, why do you think it is important netiquette because these things could help us
to know the rules of netiquette? to be a responsible internet user.

4. Application

Okay, class, this time I will divide you (Learners will be divided into four groups)
into four groups.

Together with your group, create a

campaign material promoting “Think
before you Click.” It could be in a
form of quotation posted along the
hallway or bulletin boards as approved
by the school. This campaign is an
awareness program for the younger
batches of our school. You are given 5
minutes to finish the task.
Yes Sir.
You will be guided by the rubrics for
proper scoring. Is that clear?
(A representative from group 1 will present
Now, let us call a representative from their output.)
group 1 to present their quote.
(Learners will give them a round of applause.)
Very good group 1! Let us give them a
round of applause.
(A representative from group 2 will present
Next, group 2. their output.)

(Learners will give them a round of applause.)

Good job group 2! Let us give them a
round of applause.
(A representative from group 3 will present
their output.)
Next, group 3.
(Learners will give them a round of applause.)
Good job group 3! Let us give them a
round of applause.
(A representative from group 4 will present
their output.)
Last but not the least, group 4.
(Learners will give them a round of applause.)
Very good group 4! Let us give them a
round of applause.

5. Generalization
You have now learned the different
rules of netiquette and how to protect
your reputation online. Sir, to be able to be safe when we surf online
and how to be a responsible for what we post
Again, why is it important to know on Social Media
these rules?

IV. Evaluation
Kindly get 1/2 sheet of paper and answer the following:
- Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. Based on your assessment, what are the
advantages and disadvantages in using Internet?
- How would you feel if someone posted something embarrassing about you? What
would you do?

V. Assignment
Answer the Post-Test on Page 33.

That is all for today class.

Stand up and let us pray. (Facilitator will lead the prayer.)

Goodbye class. Goodbye and thank you, Sir Galvan.

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