Detailed Lesson Plan Connecting Peripherals

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Technology and Livelihood Education

Grade level : Grade 11

Learning Area : TLE-ICT

I. Lesson Objectives

At the end of 1 hour and 30 minute discussion, 75% of the class should be able
to attain at least 80% proficiency level in doing the following;

A. State the different external peripherals of a computer.

B. Follow the correct procedure on how to connect external peripherals to the
C. Demonstrate how to connect external peripherals to the computer according
to the given steps.
D. Observe safety precautions in the workplace.
II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Connecting external peripherals to a computer

B. Reference: Internet, Intro to ICT – Computer Hardware Peripherals

C. Materials: Visual aids, Pictures, Computer and different peripherals

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

Routinely Activities
1. Opening Prayer
“”Let us all stand for the morning (Student 1 will lead the prayer)
prayer. Student 1 kindly lead us the

2. Greetings
“Good Morning class!” Good Morning Ma’am.

“Please pick up pieces of paper under

your chairs and take your seats (Students pick up the pieces of
afterwards.” paper.)

3. Attendance
“Is everybody present?” Yes Ma’am.

“ Good!. So how was your weekend? “ Doing great Ma’am.

“That’s good to know”

By the way, for those who were absent last

meeting, my name is Jenifer Pequit, your ICT
teacher for this semester.
What have we discussed last meeting? Yes, Last meeting, we discussed
student 2 about the history of Computer.

Good! Who can state what a computer is? Computer is a device that
performs a set of tasks. It
performs calculations, processes
Very good! information, store files, and
displays and prints.”

Unlocking word difficulty

I have here some words that you will encounter
as we go along with our lesson for this day.

(At this point, students will be asked to read.

This is to check the literacy capacity of the
students. Words and corresponding
meaning/function are being posted on the

To test your reading skills, I want you read the

following :

(Calling students to read the first word and its


LAN (Local Area Network)

- A computer network that interconnect (Student 3 read the first word and
computers within a limited area. its meaning posted on the board)

Thank you student 3. Next word please,

student 4.

VGA (Video Graphics Array) (Student 4 read the second word

-is a graphics standard for video display and its meaning posted on the

Good. Who can state an example of this? (Student 5 raised her hand and
answered) : Computer Monitor
Very good student 5, that is correct. Who can Ma’am.
read the next word? How about those at the
back. The whole class would be very glad to
hear your voice too. Ok, student 6 please.

USB (Universal Serial Bus)

-is a common interface that enables
communication between devices. (Student 6 read the third word
and its meaning posted on the
What a golden voice you have. Next word will board)
be read by student 7. (The student beside #6.
This is to get their attention.)

PS/2 (Personal System / 2) (Student 7 read the fourth word

-type of port used by older computers for and its meaning posted on the
connecting devices such as keyboards and board)
Student 8, kindly read the 5th and 6th word.

RJ 45 (Registered Jack 45) (Student 8 read the fifth and the

-a standard type of connector for network last word and their meanings
cables. posted on the board)

Thank you for that class.

Motivation – Picture Talk

Next, I want you to take a look at the different

pictures that I will be posting on the board.
Observe carefully the pictures and try to
analyze their common thing
The students were seriously
Pictures are posted on the board. looking at the pictures.

After 3 minutes…
Student 9 answered: “Pictures of
What can you say about the pictures class? different devices connecting to
Yes, student 9? other devices and power outlet.”

Student 2 answered: “Because it

Good! Why do you think I’m showing you these has something to do with our
pictures? lesson for this day Ma’am.”

Student 5 answered: “Our lesson

Yes, you are right. Based on the pictures that for today is about connecting
you have seen, who can guess what will be our peripherals.”
topic for today? Yes, student 5

Very good! Connecting external peripherals of

a computer to be specific

Now, we are going to have an activity. But

before that, I want you to be aware of our
objectives for this meeting.

(This time both literacy and numeracy capacity

will be tested.)

Student 6, please read the first one. To be

followed by Student 7, 8, 9”
A. State the different external peripherals of
a computer.
B. Follow the correct procedure on how to
connect external peripherals to the
Computer. The 4 students read the
C. Demonstrate how to connect external objectives.
peripherals to the computer according to
the given steps.
D. Observe safety precautions in the

How many objectives do we have? Everybody answered “4”

Very good! You are excellent both in literacy

and numeracy.

For your activity, let us divide the class into 3

(The class will be divided into three groups.)

Ok counts off 1 to 3. 1..2..3….1..2..3….

The first group will occupy this area. Second

group on the right corner and the third group at
the back.

So, are you ready now? Yes Ma’am.

Now, here’s the direction. At the count of 10, I

want you to go to your respective groups

Each group will be given one envelope with 1

set of instructions. In 10 minutes, arrange the
instructions in proper order on how to connect
external peripherals to the computer. I want to
see that everyone participates in the activity.
After that, one presenter from each group will
present their output.

Any questions? No Ma’am.

You may go to your respective group now. (Students went to their respective
1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 group.)

(The group were given an envelope)

Ok, you may start your activity.

How do you find the activity? Was it We find it interesting and
interesting? challenging.

Good! What have you considered to come up We considered the size of the
with that arrangement of instructions class? port/connector. From smaller size
to bigger ones.
Do you think you were able to arrange the set
of instructions in proper order? We are not sure Ma’am.

Ok, let me check your works.

(The teacher checks their work on the board

one by one.)
Great job class! You almost did the it right. It
only shows that you did your assignments.

To further discuss the topic for this day, I am
going to demonstrate to you how to connect
external peripherals to the computer.

Before you connect, please be reminded of the

following safety precautions to avoid any
accident or something that will put you in

Everybody, please read the safety precautions (The students read the 4 safety
posted on the board. precautions.)

1. Strictly follow the correct procedure.

2. Don’t force components into
computer ports. If it isn’t going in with
normal procedure, something is
wrong. Ask for help as needed.
3. The proper way to hold the
peripherals in connecting to a
computer is to its head.
4. Check all circuits and installations
before power is applied.
5. Power supplies produce several level
of voltage. Read the information
carefully and make sure the power
supply is appropriate for the


(Preparing for the CPU, VGA cable, keyboard,

mouse, RJ 45 cable, speaker, printer cable, (All students are paying attention
and AVR to be used for the actual to their teacher.)

Class, this is how we are going to connect the

peripherals. In connecting peripherals, consider
the difficult peripherals to connect first up to the
easiest ones.

Steps in connecting external peripherals:

1. VGA Cable
Using a VGA cable, connect and tighten the
screws on the monitor cable to secure it.
2. PS/2 keyboard and mouse (for non-USB
For keyboard, plug it into the purple keyboard
port at the back of the computer, while green
mouse port for the mouse connection.
3. USB Keyboard and Mouse
To connect the keyboard, find the USB port and
connect it carefully. The same procedure for the
4. RJ 45 Connector
Locate the Ethernet port. Line up the tab of RJ -
45 connector with the top notch in Ethernet port
until you hear a slight click.
5. Audio jack
Locate your computer’s audio-out port. Plug the
audio jack by its color code one by one.
6. Power Cable
Locate the two power supply cables that came
with your computer. Plug the first power supply
cable into the back of the computer case.
7. Finally, after you connect the power cable
into the power port, you can now connect in a
safe outlet.

To disconnect the peripherals, procedures must

start from the last step upwards or shall we say,
the reverse step.

Were you able to get the proper Yes Ma’am

procedures/steps in connecting the peripherals

Ok good!.

I believe you are all ready and confident
enough to perform the procedure. Now it’s your
turn to do the actual demonstration. Let’s do it
one by one.

Now, do you have any questions before we Ma’am, do we still need to

proceed to your actual demonstration? disconnect the external
peripherals for our actual
Yes, for your actual demonstration, you have to demonstration?
connect and disconnect the external

Who wants to do the demonstration first? Any (Student 8 raised his hand and
volunteer? was called to perform the
Please be guided with the rubrics on the board.
Correct procedure – 20points
Identify the peripherals – 20 points
Observe safety precautions – 10 points

IV. Evaluation

On a ¼ sheets of paper, arrange the steps

in proper order on how to connect external
peripherals to the computer. Write only the
letter of the corresponding instructions from 1
to 7.
Using a VGA cable, connect and tighten the
screws on the monitor cable to secure it.
b. Finally, after you connect the power cable
into the power port, you can now connect in
a safe outlet.

Locate the two power supply cables that
came with your computer. Plug the first power
supply cable into the back of the computer

Locate the Ethernet port. Line up the tab of
RJ -45 connector with the top notch in Ethernet
port until you hear a slight click.

To connect the keyboard, find the USB port
and connect it carefully. The same procedure
for the mouse.

Locate your computer’s audio-out port. Plug
the audio jack by its color code one by one.

g. PS/2 (for non-USB type keyboard and

For keyboard, plug it into the purple
keyboard port at the back of the computer,
while green mouse port for the mouse

Are you done? Yes Ma’am.

Pass your paper to center and to the


Answer keys:

1. a 5. f
2. g 6. c
3. e 7. b
4. d

For your assignment, kindly copy this.

(Assignments are posted on the board

V. Assignment
Write your answers in a ½ sheet of paper.

1. Define computer system.

2. What are the different components of a

computer system and their functions?
Before you leave, kindly arrange your Noted Ma’am Jenny.
chairs and move outside quietly.

That’s all for today, see you all next Goodbye Ma’am. Thank you.
meeting. Goodbye class!

Prepared by:


SHS – ICT Applicant

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