Q8Z5CDx3To2WK35BUt1g - Session 3 EPD Tool Navigation Bootcamp 2024 - RR

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Session 3
Software demo - Manufacturing stage (A1 - A3)

• Quick recap on data collection A1-A3;

• How the software interface is organized;
• Software overview on the main tabs / stages;
• How to import data in the software, find data, and
model A1-A3 modules

4 Host: Ricardo Regi

EPD CS Specialist
EPD Bootcamp Rules

• Please keep your microphones muted.

• Ask questions using the Zoom Q&A function. Moderators may

answer your questions during the session.

• Questions will be answered live during the live Q&A parts.

• Recordings and slides are made available the next day on the
Academy Page.

Session 2
Getting Ready for EPD Success

• Key stages for EPD Creation

• LCA Key Concepts
• Intro to data collection (A1-A3)
• Intro to scenarios (A4-C4, D)

Host: Cristina Casals Miralles

EPD CS Specialist
Quick reminders for today’s

● This is a live demo.

● Please try the software after the session.

● Recording will be available max one day after the session to

help you navigate through the software on your own.
Today’s agenda

Software navigation
Software LCA stages
Data input and import
Finding ecoinvent data
Today’s agenda

Software navigation
Software LCA Stages
Data input and import
Finding ecoinvent data
Manufacturing stage, A1-A3

• A1, raw material extraction and processing, and the processing of secondary
material input (e.g. recycling processes)
• A2, transport of raw materials and inputs to the manufacturer
• A3, manufacturing of the products, and packaging

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Today’s agenda

EPD Tool navigation

Product LCA queries
Data input and import
Finding ecoinvent data
Manual Data Input

• Filters are available at the top.

• Keyword searching for resources from either

ecoinvent, or One Click LCA’s EPD library in the
text boxes.
Manual Data Input

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11.

1. Resource: The chosen data point

2. Quantity: The amount of this input per the declared unit of the product
3. Mass/unit: The weight of the given unit of the input, which populates the mass balance table (results page)
4. CO₂e: The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of this input and its overall contribution to the LCA
5. Comment: An optional note about the input, helpful for verification
6. Classification: A custom classification option that is used for a graph on the results page
7. Transport, km: The distance from the supplier to the factory
8. Transport, leg 2: Can be used if the material travels via two different transport modes
9. Production losses, %: If there is waste to the raw materials, it can be added as a percentage
10. Use for +A1/+A2/TRACI: See How Do I Use A +A1 EPD In My +A2 LCA?
11. Allocation, %: See Allocation % Feature
Manual Data Input

12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

12. Biogenic carbon balancing: To balance the biogenic carbon content in the raw material

13. Energy as material balancing: To balance the Energy as material of the raw material

14. Module C3: Relates to the share of the raw material that will directed to waste processes facilities. Based

on the end-of-waste scenario assumed in your model.

15. Module C4: Relates to the share of the raw material that will be directed to final disposal (e.g. landfilling).

Based on the end-of-waste scenario assumed in your model.

16. Change: See Replace or Split Material Choices, Copy, Delete and Lock.
Data import
In addition to manual data input, there are
three options to import data:

1. Direct import (see Import from Excel file)

2. Integrations with other softwares (e.g.
IMPACT from StruSoft, and openLCA)
3. Importing data from existing projects

To import data using any of the above

methods, go to the design you want to import
to and select “Input data”.

At the bottom of the menu, you can choose the

method of import you wish to use:

• Import Excel or gbXML files

• Import from another software
• Copy data from another design
Demo example
Data import
Q&A (3 minutes)
Today’s agenda

EPD Tool navigation

Product LCA queries
Data input and import
Finding ecoinvent data
Finding suitable options – Questions to ask

1. Do my suppliers have an EPD for their products? If yes, this is always the preferred method

2. If not, what is the product composition/manufacturing process?

Using EPDs

Help Centre article:

How Do I Use A +A1 EPD In My +A2 LCA?

What is Ecoinvent?

• Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) database that supports various types of sustainability assessments.
• Contains activities referred as “datasets”
• modelling human activities or processes (industry, agriculture, etc.)
• measuring:
○ the natural resources withdrawn from the environment,
○ the emissions released to the water, soil and air,
○ the products demanded from other processes (electricity),
○ the products, co-products and wastes produced.

Generic data used to model the LCA

Finding suitable options – Questions to ask

1. Do they have the same raw materials?

2. Do they have the same technology for production?

3. Can a similar manufacturing process be used?

4. Do they have a similar structure (for chemicals)?

5. Can they be cut off?

Finding suitable options – Steel example

1. Raw materials

1. Production technology

1. Similar process
Finding suitable options – Data card
The key to using key words – Single word

Multi-word search
Single word search
The key to using key words – UK vs US English

Sulphur vs Sulfur
The key to using key words – Synonyms

Rock wool vs Stone wool vs Mineral wool

Using the Country filter – Not for materials
(except EPDs from One Click LCA)
Using the Country filter – Not for processes
Using the Country filter – Great for energy
Using the Country filter – Great for energy
”Market for…” data points

Scope: A1-A4

Includes average scenario

A4 Transportation
Time for a Menti?


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Today’s agenda
EPD Tool navigation
Product LCA queries
Data input and import
Finding ecoinvent data
Self-study: Session 3
Importing the excel form for a steel
connection element project to the

-Login to the One Click LCA:

-Find this project on the bottom of the main page under

public projects. Open it and go over modules.

This self-study will help you with the final exam

How to get access to One Click LCA
Access: Key: EPDBootcamp23
Software: free EPD Bootcamp license after 2nd session.

Exam: after 5th session on Friday 1st March.

License requirements: registered & activated your


You can register your account at:


Course, Software & Exam: midnight Sunday 31st March.


Scan the QR to book a tailored

product demo for your company.
Thank you for attending

See you at the next session!


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