WRH Assignment 24-25

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C. K. Pithawala College of Engg. &Technology



Water Resources Engg. & Hydrology

Class: B.E. III (6th Sem) (Civil)


Enrollment No.: ___________________________

Academic Year: ___________________________

C. K. Pithawala College of Engg. & Technology, Surat.



This is to certify that Mr./Ms.

of B.E.III (6th Sem) (Civil), Enrollment No. :
has been found satisfactory in the continuous interval evaluation of assignments
in the Water Resources Engg. & Hydrology (3160610) for the academic year 20-
-- - 20---- .


Signature of Teacher In-Charge Signature of Head of the Department

Department of Civil Engineering
C.K. Pithawala College of Engg. & Technology, Surat-395007

Vision and Mission of the Institute

● To prepare engineering graduates with sound fundamental knowledge and professional competence
to meet the requirement of engineering profession locally as well as globally.

● To provide state of the art teaching learning process.
● To provide conducive environment and necessary infrastructure to students and staff for academic
and research.
● To create effective interaction with industries, other institutes and government organizations for
mutual benefits and promoting research activities.
● To enhance the co-curricular skill of students for developing professional competence and thereby
enhancing employability and promoting entrepreneurship.
● To enhance teaching skill and technical knowledge of faculties.

Vision and Mission of the Department of Civil Engineering

● To prepare competent graduates by incorporating fundamental knowledge, professional skill with
ethics and integrity to confront the subsequent challenges in the field of Civil Engineering.

1. To cultivate fundamental and in depth knowledge of Civil Engineering.
2. Preparing students to confront wide range of professional career challenges.
3. To inculcate professional ethics, entrepreneurial skill and research orientation in students.
Department of Civil Engineering
C.K. Pithawala College of Engg. & Technology, Surat-395007

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1 Preparation: To prepare the students with fundamental knowledge in civil engineering and
perseverance for higher education, research and professional career.
PEO2 Core competence: To prepare competent graduates having technical and managerial skills in
planning, design, construction, estimation, operation and maintenance of infrastructure.
PEO3 Breadth: To instill in students the use of modern technology and modeling concepts to solve
complex problems for multidisciplinary engineering system.
PEO4 Professionalism: cultivate communication skill and a sense of responsibility towards societal
and sustainable development following standard codes of practice with professional ethics.
PEO5 Learning Environment: To provide appropriate environment for developing lifelong learning
attitude in students to cope with futuristic technological challenges.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO)

PSO1 The ability to interpret the fundamental concepts of civil engineering and to apply knowledge
for problem identification, formulation, analysis, design and execution using appropriate tool.
PSO2 To provide appropriate environment for developing lifelong learning attitude in students to cope
with futuristic technological challenges.
Department of Civil Engineering
C.K. Pithawala College of Engg. & Technology, Surat-395007

Programme Outcomes [POs]

Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO1 Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,
and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for
the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with
an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 The engineering and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions
in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms
of the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports
and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering
principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects
and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Department of Civil Engineering
C.K. Pithawala College of Engg. & Technology, Surat-395007

Course Outcome [CO]

CO1 Understanding the concept of hydrologic cycle along with its impact on climate and various
other parameters like evaporation, infiltration etc.
CO2 Developing knowledge of runoff with concept of hydrograph, unit hydrograph and flow
duration curve along with data analysis for the same.
CO3 Study of ground water with emphasis on its occurrence, well hydraulics and its various
CO4 Study of concept of reservoir emphasizing on various important characteristics along with
introduction to various types of dams and its various ancillary works along with information
on hydroelectric power plant components.
CO5 Understanding Flood management along with various flood control structures and features of
channel improvement, flood damage analysis and hydrologic analysis.
CO6 To understand the various measures of water harvesting and drought management with various
measures to control drought.
List of Assignments
Sr. No. Title CO PO PSO
Estimation of flood using unit hydrograph CO2 PO1, PO3, PO5, PO8, PSO1,
PO9, P010,PO12 PSO2
Computation of rate of infiltration using infiltrometer CO1 PO1, PO3, PO5, PO8, PSO1,
PO9, P010,PO12 PSO2
Computation of live and dead storage capacity of CO4 PO1, PO3, PO5, PO8, PSO1,
reservoir PO9, P010,PO12 PSO2
Calculation of dependable flow. CO4 PO1, PO3, PO5, PO8, PSO1,
PO9, P010, PO12 PSO2
Determination of capacity of well. CO3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PSO1,
5 PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9, PSO2
P010, PO12

Name: Enrollment No:

Class: B.E.-III (6th Sem) (Civil), Water Resources Engg. & Hydrology


No. Name of Assignment Date Page No. Sign

1 Estimation of flood using unit hydrograph
2 Computation of rate of infiltration using infiltrometer
Computation of live and dead storage capacity of reservoir
4 Calculation of dependable flow.
Determination of capacity of well.

Knowledge 1 During viva, maintain During viva, maintain Difficulty during viva-
(Viva) professional decorum professional decorum voce exam.
PO-1 to PO-3 and give answers and give answers
(3 Marks) confidently. satisfactorily.
2 Clarity about practical Less knowledge of No clarity about
applications. practical applications. practical applications.

3 Perform practical Perform practical Cannot perform

assignments with assignments without practical assignments.
proper conclusive proper conclusive
remarks. remarks.
Communication 1 Proactively contributes Rarely contributes to Never contributes to
PO-10 to class by sharing class by sharing ideas class by sharing ideas
(3 Marks) ideas and clarifying and clarifying queries. and neither clarifying
queries. queries.

2 Clear and distinct Improper verbal Weak verbal

verbal communication. communication. communication.

3 Write practicals by Maintains manual in Neither maintains

maintaining organized proper format & organized format nor
format & proper legible handwriting. legible handwriting in
handwriting. manual.

Individual & 1 Performs individual tasks and also Performs individual tasks but has
Teamwork gives effective contribution to team less contribution to team activities.
PO-9 activities with a positive attitude.
(2 Marks)

2 Always share ideas and take Rarely shares ideas and takes
opinions from each team member. opinions from each team member.

Learning 1 Always prepared with assignments Rarely prepared with assignments

Attitude and class materials. and class materials.
(2 Marks) 2 Willingness to learn applications/ Rarely shows interest to learn
software to solve problems of applications/ software to solve
society. problems of society.

Estimation of flood using unit hydrograph


1. The ordinates of 3 hrs Unit hydrograph are given below:

Find the ordinates of a 6 hrs UH for the same basin analytically. Also, sketch 6 hr – Unit hydrograph. What is the peak value
of discharge in 6 hr – Unit hydrograph?

2. The ordinates of flood hydrograph from a 4 hour rainfall are given below. Derive the ordinates of 4 hr unit hydrograph
for a catchment area of 850 km2.
Time in 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Ordinate 20 60 155 400 320 210 150 120 80 55 20

3.The ordinates of storm hydrograph for a drainage basin in response to a 6-hour storm are observed as follow:

Consider total rainfall of 9.5 cm during storm, average rate of infiltration loss is 0.75 cm/hour and constant baseflow of 15
cumec. Derive ordinates of 6-hour unit hydrograph and area of basin.

4.A peak of flood hydrograph due to 6 hr storm is 470 m3 /s. The average depth of rainfall is 8 cms. Assume an infiltration
loss of 0.25 cm/hour and a constant base flow of 15 m3 /sec. Estimate the peak discharge of 6-hour unit for this catchment.

1. Find out the ordinates of a storm hydrograph resulting from a 9 hr storm with rainfall of 2.0, 5.75 and 2.75 cm during
subsequent 3-hr intervals. The ordinates of 3 hr UH at 3 hr interval are 0, 100, 355 ,510, 380, 300, 260, 225, 165, 120,
85, 55, 30,22,10,0 cumecs. Assume an initial loss of 0.5 cm, an infiltration index of 0.25cm/hr and a base flow of 10
2. The ordinates of 4 hour unit hydrograph are given in the table. Compute the ordinate of 8 hour unit hydrograph.
Time in 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Ordinates 0 20 50 150 120 90 70 50 30 20 10 0

3.The ordinates of storm hydrograph for a drainage basin in response to a 6-hour storm are observed as follow:

Consider total rainfall of 9.5 cm during storm, average rate of infiltration loss is 0.75 cm/hour and constant baseflow of 15
cumec. Derive ordinates of 6-hour unit hydrograph and area of basin.

4.A peak of flood hydrograph due to 6 hr storm is 470 m3 /s. The average depth of rainfall is 8 cms. Assume an infiltration
loss of 0.25 cm/hour and a constant base flow of 15 m3 /sec. Estimate the peak discharge of 6-hour unit for this catchment.

1. Ordinates of 8 hours UH for a drainage basin are given below. Obtain a 24 hr UH by analytical method.

2. A thunder storm of 6hour duration produces the following flood hydrograph. Derive the ordinates of unit hydrograph
for a catchment area of 2845 km2 . Also sketch the resulting unit hydrograph.
3.The ordinates of storm hydrograph for a drainage basin in response to a 6-hour storm are observed as follow:

Consider total rainfall of 9.5 cm during storm, average rate of infiltration loss is 0.75 cm/hour and constant baseflow of 15
cumec. Derive ordinates of 6-hour unit hydrograph and area of basin.

4.A peak of flood hydrograph due to 6 hr storm is 470 m3 /s. The average depth of rainfall is 8 cms. Assume an infiltration
loss of 0.25 cm/hour and a constant base flow of 15 m3 /sec. Estimate the peak discharge of 6-hour unit for this catchment.


1. The ordinates of 3 hrs Unit hydrograph are given below :

Time in 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Ordinates 0 12 24 19 16 12 9 7 5 3 0

Find the ordinates of a 6 hrs UH for the same basin analytically. Also, sketch 6 hr – Unit hydrograph. What is the peak
value of discharge in 6 hr – Unit hydrograph?

2. The ordinates of flood hydrograph from a 4 hour rainfall are given below. Derive the ordinates of 4 hr unit hydrograph
for a catchment area of 850 km2.
Time in 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Ordinate 20 60 155 450 310 200 150 120 80 55 20

3.The ordinates of storm hydrograph for a drainage basin in response to a 6-hour storm are observed as follow:
Consider total rainfall of 9.5 cm during storm, average rate of infiltration loss is 0.75 cm/hour and constant baseflow of 15
cumec. Derive ordinates of 6-hour unit hydrograph and area of basin.

4.A peak of flood hydrograph due to 6 hr storm is 470 m3 /s. The average depth of rainfall is 8 cms. Assume an infiltration
loss of 0.25 cm/hour and a constant base flow of 15 m3 /sec. Estimate the peak discharge of 6-hour unit for this catchment.

Computation of rate of infiltration using infiltrometer

1.A storm with a 16.0 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 8.9 cm. The time distribution of the storm is as follows.
Estimate the ɸ-index of the storm

2.A storm with a 15.0 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 8.7 cm. The time distribution of the storm is as follow.
Estimate the w-index and ϴ-index.

3.A storm with a 16.0 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 8.9 cm. The time distribution of the storm is as follows.
Estimate the ɸ-index of the storm

1.What is Infiltration? Discuss the factors affecting the infiltration rate. Write short note on Double ring Infiltrometer.
2. For a storm of 3-hr duration, the rainfall rates are as follows:
If the surface runoff is 3.5cm, determine the ϕ-index and W-index.
3.A storm with a 16.0 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 8.9 cm. The time distribution of the storm is as follows.
Estimate the ɸ-index of the storm


1.Explain potential evapotranspiration and the methods to measure it.

2. The recording rain gauge was installed on a basin having catchment area of 40 km2. The mass curve of rainfall is recorded
during a storm is given below. If the volume of measured runoff due to storm is 1.35x106m3 , estimate w-index and Ø-index
of the basin. Consider start of storm in hours and cumulative rainfall in mm.

3.A storm with a 16.0 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 8.9 cm. The time distribution of the storm is as follows.
Estimate the ɸ-index of the storm

1.The average rainfall over a basin of area 50 ha during a storm was as follows :

If the volume of runoff from this storm was measured as 25000 m3 , determine Φ – index for the storm.

2. The recording rain gauge was installed on a basin having catchment area of 50 km2. The mass curve of rainfall is recorded
during a storm is given below. If the volume of measured runoff due to storm is 1.4x106m3 , estimate w-index and Ø-index
of the basin. Consider start of storm in hours and cumulative rainfall in mm.

3.A storm with a 16.0 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 8.9 cm. The time distribution of the storm is as follows.
Estimate the ɸ-index of the storm

Computation of Storage Capacity of Reservoir


1. The monthly run-off volume (in Mm3) for a period of one water year recorded at a stream gauging site are
tabulated below. Determine the size of the reservoir proposed at the gauging site, if an uniform demand is
met. The water year may be taken as Jan to Dec and assume each month of 30 days.

60 20 26 26 116 74 244 188 163 114 76 78


1. A proposed reservoir has a capacity of 500 ha-m. The catchment area is 135 km2 and the annual stream flow
average 12 cm of run off. If the annual sediment production is 0.03 ha-m/km2 what is the probable life of the
reservoir before its capacity is reduced by sedimentation? The relationship between trap efficiency η (%) and
capacity inflow C/I is as under

C/I 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7

η(%) 45 60 76 80 84 87 94 95 96 97


1. Annual runoff in terms of depth over the catchment area of 1675 sq.km of a reservoir is given below:
Year 1962 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Runoff 98 143.5 168.3 94 95.3 152.4 110 131.3


Draw the mass flow diagram. What is the average yield from the catchment? What should be the live storage
capacity of the reservoir to use the source fully? If the dead storage is 20% of the live storage, what is gross storage?
Mark the filling and emptying periods on the mass curve.


1. Monthly inflow rates during a low-water period at the site of a proposed dam are tabulated in Col. (2) of the table. The
corresponding monthly pan evaporation and precipitation at a nearby station are also tabulated in Col (3) and Col (4)
of the same table. Prior water rights make it obligatory to release the full natural flow or15 hectares-meters per month,
whichever is minimum. If the estimated monthly demands are as given in Col (%) of the table and the net increased
pool area is 400 hectares, find the required storage capacity for the reservoir. Assume pan evaporation coefficient =
0.7 and also assume that only 28% of the rainfall on the land area to flooded by reservoir has reached the stream in the

Month Inflow at Pan evaporation Precipitation Demand in

dam site in in cm in cm hectare-
ha-m meters
January 1.4 1.8 1.3 16.2
Feburary 0.1 1.6 1.7 14.3
March 0.0 2.8 1.6 9.6
April 0.0 2.4 0.2 5.2
May 0.0 10.4 0.0 3.6
June 0.0 15.3 0.8 3.5
July 242 12.3 17.2 5.0
August 460 10.6 17.6 5.2
September 1.0 7.8 2.4 10.1
October 0.5 5.4 0.9 15.4
November 0.6 2.3 0.0 10.6
December 0.2 1.0 0.0 10.2


Determination of Capacity of Well


1. A well penetrates fully a 12 m thick water bearing stratum of medium sand having coefficient of permeability of
0.004 m/sec. The well radius is 110 mm and is to be worked under a drawdown of 4 m at the well face. Calculate
the discharge from the well. What will be the percentage increase in the discharge if the radius of the well is doubled?
Take R = 300 m in each case.


1. A 25 cm diameter well completely penetrates a confined aquifer of permeability 45 m/day. The length of the
strainer is 22 m. Under steady state of pumping, the drawdown at the well was found to be 3.1 m and the radius of
the influence was 300m. Calculate the discharge.


1. Design a tube well for the following data:

(i) Yield required = 0.20 cumecs
(ii) Thickness of confined aquifer = 40 m.
(iii) Radius of circle of influence = 300 m.
(iv)Permeability coefficient = 80 m/day
(v) Drawdown = 6 m.
Q = 0.23 cumecs
1. During the recuperation test of a 3.8m open well a recuperation of the depression head from 2.5 m to 1.25
m was found to take place in 92 minutes. Determine the specific capacity per unit well area.

Calculation of Dependable Flow

1. The yearly rainfall data for the catchment of a proposed reservoir site for 35 years is given in table. Compute from
this data, the values of dependable rainfall for 60% and 75% dependability percentage.

Year Rainfall in cm Year Rainfall in cm

1956 98 1974 88

1957 99 1975 94

1958 100 1976 107

1959 101 1977 110

1960 85 1978 204

1961 110 1979 118

1962 112 1980 120

1963 116 1981 102

1964 78 1982 84

1965 160 1983 115

1966 66 1984 140

1967 184 1985 138

1968 76 1986 115

1969 82 1987 114

1970 118 1988 80

1971 92 1989 76

1972 96 1990 109

1973 93

1. The daily flows in a river for three consecutive years are given in the table by class interval along with the
number of days the flow belonged to this class. What are the 50 % and 75 % dependable flows (annual and
daily) for the river?

Year 1981 Year 1982 Year 1983

S. No Daily mean No of days the No of days No of days

discharge in flow equalled the the flow the flow
m3/s class range of col equalled the equalled
(range) (2) class range the class
of col (2) range of col


1 100-90.1 0 6 10

2 90-80.1 16 19 16

3 80-70.1 27 25 38

4 70-60.1 21 60 67

5 60-50.1 43 51 58

6 50-40.1 59 38 38

7 40-30.1 64 29 70

8 30-20.1 22 48 29

9 20-10.1 59 63 26

10 10-negligible 54 26 13


1. The yearly rainfall data for the catchment of a proposed reservoir site for 35 years is given in table. Compute
from this data, the values of dependable rainfall for 65% and 70% dependability percentage.

Year Rainfall in cm Year Rainfall in cm

1956 96 1974 91

1957 98 1975 94

1958 106 1976 109

1959 101 1977 110

1960 88 1978 208

1961 110 1979 118

1962 112 1980 120

1963 116 1981 102

1964 77 1982 85

1965 163 1983 115

1966 66 1984 146

1967 186 1985 132

1968 78 1986 118

1969 82 1987 114

1970 118 1988 83

1971 92 1989 76

1972 96 1990 111

1973 93


1. The lowest portion of the capacity-elevation curve of a proposed irrigation reservoir, draining 30 km2 of
catchment, is represented by following data:

Elevation in m Capacity in ha-m

RL-600 26.8

602 29.4

604 32.5

606 39.7

The rate of silting for the catchment is assessed to be 278 m3/km2/year. Assuming the life of the reservoir to
be 60 years, a) compute the dead storage and lowest sill level if the main canal is 6 km with a bed slope of 1
in 1000 and the canal bed level at the tail end is 586.5m. The FSD at the head of the canal is 82 cm. The crop
water requirement is assessed to be 250 ha-m.
b) If the dependable yield of the catchment is estimated to be 0.26 m what will be the gross capacity of the


The daily flows in a river for three consecutive years are given in the table by class interval along with the
number of days the flow belonged to this class. What are the 50 % and 75 % dependable flows (annual and
daily) for the river?

Year 1981 Year 1982 Year 1983

S. No Daily mean No of days the No of days No of days

discharge in flow equalled the the flow the flow
m3/s class range of col equalled the equalled
(range) (2) class range the class
of col (2) range of col

1 100-90.1 0 6 10

2 90-80.1 16 19 16

3 80-70.1 27 25 38

4 70-60.1 21 60 67

5 60-50.1 43 51 58

6 50-40.1 59 38 38

7 40-30.1 64 29 70

8 30-20.1 22 48 29

9 20-10.1 59 63 26

10 10-negligible 54 26 13


1) What is Water harvesting? Explain various methods water harvesting.

2) Explain Roof top rain water harvesting with neat sketch

1) What is mean by Water harvesting? Explain any one method of water harvesting
2) Discuss the measures to be adopted for water conservation and augmentation in water scarce regions.

1) Describe various measures of water conservation and augmentation.
2) Describe the types of drought and its causes.

1) What is the need for planning of water resources projects? Discuss the steps involved in the water resources
2) Discuss the measures to be adopted for water conservation and augmentation in water scarce regions.

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