AN7719 - Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates

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AN 7719 Release 24.

Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems

Switching release announcement
Executive overview
This announcement describes the miscellaneous core system changes
Audience: that will occur with Release 24.Q2.
Issuer Effective date details
Network enablement partner

Region: Date Details

Global 12 April 2024 Dual Message System
(Authorization and Clearing)
Mastercard® Single Message System
Debit Mastercard®
What Mastercard is doing
This announcement addresses several Mastercard initiatives. The
Platform impact table provides customers with key information about
Action indicator: the systems affected by these initiatives.
Network mandate: acquirer, issuer
Attention warranted (program/service- Background
related): acquirer, issuer
Testing recommended: acquirer, issuer
The Central Site business date is the processing date expressed in the
local time zone of the Clearing Platform's processing center. Central Site
System: business date is also referred to as the Central Site processing date.
For more information regarding the Central Site business date, refer to
Single Message System
the Global Clearing Management System Reference Manual.
Published: For additional details regarding the Single Message System migration to
16 January 2024
Data Element (DE) 126 (Switch Private Data), see AN 5543
Effective: Enhancements to DE 110 (Additional Data-2) for the Single Message
12 April 2024 System.

© 2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates • 16 January 2024 1
Version history

Date Description of change

16 January 2024 Redefining Single Message System Data Element 126
subfields. References throughout.
Modified edits to add an Kenya intracountry
interchange business service agreement (BSA).
Updated What Is Mastercard Doing and Customer
Benefit to align with standard Miscellaneous Core
Systems Update announcements.

19 December 2023 Added Test documentation to Related documentation

21 November 2023 Added Other media to Related documentation

17 October 2023 Initial publication date

Customer impact
This section provides high-level information about customer impact. Refer to the Enhancements section for
more details. Each customer must determine the impact on its operations.

Network mandate: acquirer, issuer

Acquirers and issuers must support the new Clearing edit.
Acquirers and issuers in Kenya must support the modified edits for intracountry interchange processing.

Program or service requirement: acquirer, issuer

Single Message acquirers and issuers should be able to support the redefined subfields in DE 126:
• Subfield 5 (Product ID)
• Subfield 6 (Business Service Arrangement)
• Subfield 7 (Settlement Service)
Mastercard encourages customers that have not completed the migration from DE 110 (Additional Data-2), to
DE 126, to do so. As part of this migration, DE 110 and all of its subelements will be decommissioned.
When prepared to support the DE 126 migration, customers should contact Mastercard Customer
Implementation Services (CIS).

Attention warranted (program or service related): acquirer, issuer

Acquirers and issuers participating in GCMS early reconciliation should be aware of the modified logical file

Testing recommended: acquirer, issuer

Mastercard recommends testing for acquirers and issuers to support this release announcement.

Transaction message flows

How a customer connects to Mastercard determines the applicable message flows and transaction message
types. This announcement affects the message flows marked in the Transaction message flow impact table.

2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
2 16 January 2024 • AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates
Transaction message flows

Acquirer to Mastercard Mastercard to issuer Impacted

Dual Message System Dual Message System √
Dual Message System Single Message System √
Single Message System Single Message System √
Single Message System Dual Message System √

Mastercard will introduce changes to support this announcement.

Dual Message System (Clearing)

The Clearing Platform will support the new edit to Private Data Subelement (PDS) 0105 (File ID), subfield 2
(File Reference Date) for File Header/1644 messages.
The corresponding error number and error message will be added to Integrated Product Message (IPM)
Member Parameter Extract (MPE) Table IP0015T1: IPM Error Messages.

Logical file limitation clarification

IPM Clearing Formats and the Global Clearing Management Service Reference Manual will be modified to clarify
logical file limitations for early reconciliation.

Logical file limitations

Current Modification
For customers that participate in GCMS Early Customers participating in GCMS early reconciliation
Reconciliation, a GCMS limitation requires that the experience duplicate file sequence numbers in
number of logical files within a physical file must not acknowledgment reconciliation messages when a
exceed 999. If the allowed limit is exceeded, then physical file contains more than 99 logical files.
customers will be impacted by not receiving early Because PDS 0300 (Reconciled, File), subfield 4 (File
reconciliation for the physical file and could miss the Sequence Number), positions 24-25 (Sequence
preferred settlement cycle. Number) is a two-position value, submitting over 99
logical files causes the sequence to repeat.
Furthermore, if a physical file exceeds 999 logical files,
the customer will not receive early reconciliation for
the physical file, and could miss the preferred
settlement cycle. To avoid undesired processing of
early reconciliation files Mastercard advises customers
to limit the number of logical files to 99.

Where to find it
Navigate to the new logical file limitation content in the manuals as follows:
• Global Clearing Management Service Reference Manual: Sequence of the early reconciliation file
• IPM Clearing Formats: Customer-generated files > GCMS early reconciliation

©2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates • 16 January 2024 3
The Clearing Platform will support enhancements to intracountry interchange programs in Kenya by adding a
BSA for interchange rate designator (IRD) TP: Mastercard Tap on Phone to existing edits.

Single Message System

The Single Message System will support:
• Three redefined subfields in DE 126.
• Decommissioning DE 110 (Additional Data-2) and its subelements.
Redefined subfields in DE 126 include:
• Subfield 5 (Product ID)
• Subfield 6 (Business Service Arrangement)
• Subfield 7 (Settlement Service)
To support the DE 126 migration, DE 110 (Additional Data-2), and the following subelements will be
• Subelement 1 (Merchant ID)
• Subelement 2 (Program Registration ID)
• Subelement 3 (PLUS Acquirer ID)
• Subelement 4 (Visa International Fee Indicator)
• Subelement 5 (Additional Card Information)
• Subelement 6 (Business Service Arrangement)
• Subelement 7 (Settlement Service)
• Subelement 8 (Product ID)
• Subelement 9 (ANSI X9 TR-31 Key Block Key [128-bit Key Block Protection Key])
• Subelement 9 (ANSI X9 TR-31 Key Block Key [192-bit Key Block Protection Key])
• Subelement 10 (Key Check Value)
See AN 5543 Enhancements to DE 110 (Additional Data-2) for the Single Message System for more information
regarding the DE 126 migration.

Related documentation
Information relevant to this release announcement can be found in the documents available on Mastercard
Connect™. Depending on timing, information provided in this release announcement may not be reflected in a
manual until after the effective dates of this release announcement.

For more information refer to AN 5543 Enhancements to DE 110 (Additional Data-2) for the Single Message

Reference manuals
For information about Mastercard processing refer to the:
• Global Clearing Management Service Reference Manual
• IPM Clearing Format Error Numbers and Messages
• IPM Clearing Formats
• Single Message System Specifications

Other media
Statements made in videos presented at the Customer Technical Conference are current when the video was
recorded. Videos are currently available only for those announcements presented at the Customer Technical

2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
4 16 January 2024 • AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates
Conference. Mastercard may update announcements without updating the corresponding video. Refer to the
most recent version of the announcement on the Technical Resource Center for the most up-to-date
AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates, Customer Technical Conference, November 2023

Test documentation
Currently available test documentation for this announcement can be found here.

Platform impact
For items marked √ (Yes), details are available in the corresponding sections.

Platform impact

Dual Message Dual Message

System System Single Message
Topic (Authorization) (Clearing) System
Message flows
Message layouts
Data element definitions √ √
AB programs, descriptions, and associated MCCs
Edits √
Error numbers √
Alternate processing
Interchange compliance
Pricing and fees
Bulk files
Quarterly Mastercard reporting
Transaction Investigator
Single Message Transaction Manager
250-byte Batch Data File
80-byte Financial Institution Table File

©2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates • 16 January 2024 5
Mastercard will introduce changes to the Clearing Platform to support this announcement.

IPM data element and private data subelement definitions

Mastercard will update data elements or private data subelement definitions to support this announcement.
PDS 0105 (File ID)
PDS 0105 (File ID) uniquely identifies a logical data file exchanged between a customer or processor and the
Clearing Platform.

Subfield 2 (File Reference Date)

PDS 0105, subfield 2 (File Reference Date) is for customer-generated logical files. The subfield contains the
date the transmitting customer or processor submitted or processed the file. The file reference date must be
equal to or no more than 30 days before the current Central Site business date. The required date format is

Mastercard will add error number 3038 and the corresponding error message to Table IP0015T1: IPM Error

Mastercard will add new edits, modify existing edits, or remove existing edits to support this announcement.
New edit: PDS 0105 (File ID), subfield 2 (File Reference Date)
Mastercard will create this edit to verify that the file reference date is no more than 30 days before the Central
Site business date.

Error number Requirement

3038 The Clearing Platform verifies the date provided in
PDS 0105, subfield 2 is no more than 30 days before
the current Central Site business date.
The edit is performed in the Clearing Optimizer and the GCMS for File Header/1644 messages.

Modified edit: PDS 0023 (Terminal Type)

Mastercard will modify this edit by adding Kenya intracountry BSA 4/404001 for IRD TP.

Error number Current requirement Modification for this release

22 The Clearing Platform will ensure Modified to add Kenya intracountry
PDS 0023 contains a value of CT9. BSA 4/404001 for IRD TP.
This edit is performed in the Clearing Optimizer and the GCMS for the following messages:
• First Presentment/1240
• Second Presentment/1240
• First Chargeback/1442
Collection Only messages are excluded.

2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
6 16 January 2024 • AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates
Modified edit: DE 22 (Point of Service [POS] Entry Mode), subfield 2 (Terminal Data, Cardholder
Authentication Capability)
Mastercard will modify this edit by adding Kenya intracountry BSA 4/404001 for IRD TP.

Error number Current requirement Modification for this release

2991 The Clearing Platform will ensure Modified to add Kenya intracountry
DE 22, subfield 2 is present and BSA 4/404001 for IRD TP.
equals zero, one, or three.
This edit is performed in the Clearing Optimizer and the GCMS for the following messages:
• First Presentment/1240
• Second Presentment/1240
• First Chargeback/1442
Collection Only messages are excluded.

Modified edit: PDS 0018 (Acceptance Data), subfield 1 (mPOS Acceptance Device Type)
Mastercard will modify this edit by adding Kenya intracountry BSA 4/404001 for IRD TP.

Error number Current requirement Modification for this release

2992 The Clearing Platform will ensure Modified to add Kenya intracountry
PDS 0018, subfield 1 is present and BSA 4/404001 for IRD TP.
equals zero or one.
This edit is performed in the Clearing Optimizer and the GCMS for First Presentment/1240 messages.
Collection Only messages are excluded.

Error numbers
The error number and message listed represent the new edit to support this release announcement.

Error number

Field and subfield Error number Error message Edit performed by

PDS0023 22 PDS0023/PDS0158S4 Both
DE22, SF2 2991 DE22SF2 MUST BE Both
0, 1 OR 3
PDS0018, SF1 2992 PDS0018SF1 MUST BE Both

©2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates • 16 January 2024 7
Field and subfield Error number Error message Edit performed by
PDS0105, S2 3038 PDS0105S2 FILE Both

Single Message System

Mastercard will introduce changes to the Single Message System to support this announcement.

Single Message System data element definitions

Mastercard will update data elements to support this announcement.
DE 126 (Switch Private Data)

Subfield 5 (Product ID)

DE 126, subfield 5 (Product ID) provides issuers additional information about the product ID, also known as the
product code. This subfield contains the product code associated with a cardholder account. Single Message
System sends subfield 5 to the issuer in Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages.


Attribute Description
Data representation an-3
Data field Contents of position 16-18
Justification N/A

The Single Message System provides specific Maestro product codes to more accurately track and process
transactions conducted with Maestro enabled Debit Mastercard cards and non-Mastercard branded debit
The existing product code values will be migrated from DE 110 (Additional Data-2), subelement 8 (Product ID).

Application notes
Issuers receive subfield 5 in Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages. The subfield:
• Populates in the 80-byte Financial Institution Table file; MS-PRODUCT-ID for Maestro and PRODUCT-ID for
all other brands.
• Originates from Authorization in DE 63 (Network Data), subfield 1 (Financial Network Code) when the
transaction has a Dual Message System acquirer and a Single Message System issuer.
• Is available as an optional field for issuers to correct product code information in Financial Transaction
Request/0210 messages.
– Only used to correct product codes for certain Debit Mastercard products.
– Not available for Maestro or Cirrus branded products.

2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
8 16 January 2024 • AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates
Subfield 6 (Business Service Arrangement)
DE 126, subfield 6 (Business Service Arrangement) provides issuers with the business service arrangement,
applicable card program identifier, the business relationship between the acquirer and issuer, and the
interchange rules governing all participants for a Debit Mastercard transaction.


Attribute Description
Data representation ans-12
Data field Contents of position 19-30
Justification N/A


Field name Positions Data representation Values

Card Program Identifier 19-21 ans-3 Debit Mastercard (DMC)
Business Service 22 ans-1 1 is Interregional
Arrangement Type Code
2 is Intraregional
3 is Intercountry
4 is Intracountry
8 is Member-to-member

©2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates • 16 January 2024 9
Field name Positions Data representation Values
Business Service ID Code 23-28 ans-6 Identifies the business
service to which the
transaction is assigned for
reconciliation and rules
Interregional: FFTTnn
where FF identifies the
acquiring region, TT the
issuing region, and nn is
the unique number
assigned to each
interregional business
service. Intraregional:
RRnnnn where RR
identifies the acquiring
region and nnnn is the
unique number assigned
to each intraregional
business service.
Intercountry: nnnnnn
where nnnnnn represents
the unique number
assigned to each
intercountry business
service. Intracountry:
CCCnnn where CCC
represents the ISO
numeric country code and
nnn is the unique number
assigned to each
intracountry business
service. Member-to-
member: Nnnnnn where
Nnnnnn represents the
unique number assigned
to each member-to-
member arrangement on
FF, TT, RR represent the
two-digit clearing & billing
region codes that have
the following
01 is United States
02 is Canada
03 is Latin America/
Caribbean, Central
America, Mexico, South

©2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

10 16 January 2024 • AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates
Field name Positions Data representation Values
04 is Asia Pacific
05 is Europe
06 is Middle East/Africa

Interchange Rate 29-30 ans-2 A two-position code

Designator indicating the interchange
rate and editing rules
applied to the
transaction. For more
information on
interchange rate
designators (IRDs) refer
to the respective regional
Interchange Manual.

Subfield 7 (Settlement Service)

DE 126, subfield 7 (Settlement Service) provides Debit Mastercard issuers additional information about the
settlement of the transaction.

Attribute Description
Data representation ans-19
Data field Contents of positions 31-49
Justification N/A


Field name Positions Data representation Values

Settlement Service Level 31 ans-1 1 = regional
Code 2 = intraregional

Settlement Service ID 32-41 ans-10 The settlement service ID

Code code uniquely identifies
the settlement service
selected by the receiving

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AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates • 16 January 2024 11
Field name Positions Data representation Values
Settlement Date 42-47 ans-6 YYMMDD format
This date may differ from
the date in DE 63 if the
Debit Mastercard issuing
settlement bank is closed
the date the transaction
is received. In which case,
this date will be the
settlement bank's next
business day.

Settlement Cycle 48-49 ans-2 Value 01: Cycle 1

The settlement cycle is a
two-digit field that
identifies the settlement
cycle of the transaction.

©2023-2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.

12 16 January 2024 • AN 7719 Release 24.Q2 Miscellaneous Core Systems Updates

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