1g - Reading Lesson Material

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Reading lesson material.

Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8ZXOfWUbms

1. Perception – supratimas, suvokimas, įžvalgumas

2. Adjusting – prisitaikantis, reguliuojamas
3. Communicate – bendrauti
4. Monitor – kontroliuoti, stebėti
5. Predictable – nuspėjamas
6. Conduct – vadovauti tyrimui
7. Timekeeping – laiko apskaita, laiko kontrolė
8. Disrupt – sutrikdyti, pertraukti

Video task. Watch the video and insert the missing words into the text: perception adjusting communicate
monitored predictable conducted timekeeping disrupt

In 1962, cave explorer Michel Siffre 1 ……… experiments by isolating himself underground without light or clocks. 2
………….. by electrodes, he discovered his body maintained a regular circadian rhythm, influencing sleep, eating, and
hormone secretion. This field is known as chronobiology. The brain's 3 ………………… system, including the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), relies on proteins like CLK and PER. External cues fine-tune this system. Light, food,
noise, and temperature play roles, in 4 ………….. daily behavior. The SCN uses morning light to 5 …………. with the
hypothalamus, regulating melatonin, vasopressin, and noradrenaline. Bright screens at night 6 disrupt these signals.
The brain's internal stopwatch, based on 7 ……………… neuron communication, helps us perceive time. Siffre's
experiment revealed how isolation influenced his time 8 ………………. This prompts questions about individual
experiences of time and its subjectivity.

The wordlist:

Student’s book

1. Alert – budrus
2. A lark – vieversys
3. An owl – pelėda
4. Blood vessels – kraujagysl4s 1. Formula – formulė
5. Stiff – sustingęs, nelankstus 2. Laziness – tingumas
6. Flexible – lankstus 3. Trend – tendencija, mada
7. Thick – tirštas 4. Inevitably – neišvengiamai
8. Short-term – trumpalaikis 5. Therefore – todėl, taiga
9. Dip – kritimas, mažėjimas 6. Back up – palaikyti, paremti
10. Increase – pakilti 7. Findings – duomenys, išvados
11. Struggle – dėti pastangas 8. Absenteeism - praleidinėjimas, pravaikšta
12. Reduce – sumažinti 9. Reveal – atskleisti
13. Sharply – staigiai 10. Advocate – palaikyti, ginti
14. Approach – artėti, artintis 11. Claim – tvirtinti, pareikšti
15. Digest – virškinti 12. Disruption – žlugdymas, ardymas
16. Certain – tam tikras 13. Benefit – privilegija, pliusas
14. Convince – įtikinti
15. Doubter – skeptikas
16. Definite link – tikslus ryšys
17. Undeniable - nepaneigiamas, neginčijamas,

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