Hydraulic Fracturing

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Well Drilling Methods
 Vertical
 Directional
 Horizontal
(steerable bits)
Conventional vs. Non-Conventional Resources

Conventional reservoirs: Non-conventional reservoirs:

 Younger, fractured sandstones and  Typically older, compacted non-fractured
carbonates with higher permeabilities formations having undergone
(100 to 1,000 millidarcy) cementation/ recrystallization with very
low permeabilities (microdarcies to 3
 Initial production usually “driven” by millidarcy)
natural reservoir pressure
 Shale gas and shale oil formations
 Coal bed methane
Major Shale Basins Worldwide
Major U.S. Shale Plays
Natural Gas Supply Trends


Two Primary Factors Influencing Shale Gas
Development (and some types of oil)
 Horizontal drilling technology
 Horizontal laterals extending 4,000’ to 10,000’
 Often perpendicular to natural vertical fracture orientation

 High volume, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing operations

 6 to 12 frac “stages”
 Cumulative frac fluid volume per well can be greater than 8
million gallons of water

The goal is to maximize reservoir contact by exposing vast quantities

of surface area within the shale target by creating/interconnecting
hydraulic and natural fractures.
What is HF and Why is it Used?

 Creates numerous “pathways” or “conduits” through

the producing formation to enhance the flow of oil
or gas into the wellbore.
 Usually performed initially when the well is
completed and equipped for initial production.
 It increases the production of oil and gas from a well.
Hydraulic fracturing has increased U.S. recoverable
reserves of oil by at least 30% and of gas by 90%.
Fractured vs. Non-fractured well
High Volume Multi-Stage Frac
Horizontal Shale Gas Wells and “Multi-Stage” Fracs
Typical Frac
Additives Most important additive after water
Typical Composition of Hydraulic
Fracturing Fluid


Other Components

pH Adjusting Breaker, 0.010%

Agent, 0.030%
Crosslinker, 0.007%
Inhibiter, Iron Control, 0.004%
Water 0.039% Corrosion Inhibiter,
88.340% 0.002%
Gel, 0.056%

Biocide, 0.001%

Surfactant, 0.060% Dilute Acid (15%),


Oxygen Scavenger,

Friction Reducer,
KCl, 0.060%
Schematic of Horizontal Well & HF
Steps in Operating a Well
Management of Other Gathering, Treatment, and
Wastes Processing Facilities
Management of Fluids
Establishing Division
of Interest
Hydraulic Fracturing Operation and
Production of the Well

Well Completion Payment and Distribution of



Data Gathering and

Resource Assessment

Site Preparation and

Construction Leasing or Acquisition
of Rights

Permitting and
Scheduling and Contracting Well Planning and Design Authorizations

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