Induction of Systemic Resistance in Tomato Against Ralstonia Solanacearum Using Different Elicitors

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International Journal of Microbiology and Mycology | IJMM |

pISSN: 2309-4796
Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 1-11, 2022


Induction of systemic resistance in tomato against Ralstonia

solanacearum using different elicitors
Roselyn G. Andamon*1, Rhodina C. Castillo1

College of Agriculture, Sultan Kudarat State University, Tacurong City,

Sultan Kudarat, Philippines
Keywords: Bacterial wilt, Essential oils, Elicitors, Systemic acquired resistance, Disease incidence

Publication date: September 10, 2022

Ralstonia solanacearum that causes a vascular wilt disease and has been ranked as the second most
important bacterial pathogen and it is one of the most destructive pathogens identified to date because
it induces rapid and fatal wilting symptoms in host plants. Potential of thyme essential oil, tea tree
essential oil and oregano essential oil in inducing systemic acquired resistance in tomato plants against
R. solanacearum was evaluated. The study was lay-outed using CRD, replicated three times with five
treatments: T1-control (negative control), T2- Salicylic acid (Positive control), T3-Tea Tree essential oil,
T4- Thyme essential oil, and T5-Oregano essential oil. The experimental pots was inoculated with the
bacteria and plant essential oils were applied after 2 hours of infestation, then pots were sealed with
cellophane for 7 days and tomato seedlings were transplanted after 3 days of aeration. The result
revealed that the different elicitors were effective in reducing disease incidence and disease severity in
tomato plants. It also increase number of survival plants ranges from 55.55-77.78%, plant height
increment and number of leaves. This result implies that tea tree oil, thyme essential oil and oregano
essential oils are not only effective elicitors in inducing systemic resistance in tomato against R.
solanacearum but it can also improve its growth and development.
* Corresponding Author: Roselyn G. Andamon  [email protected]

1 Andamon and Castillo

Introduction (Miller, et al., 2005). The use of bacterial wilt-
The tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) belongs susceptible commercial cultivars grafted onto
to Solanaceae family. In the Philippines, it is a bacterial wilt-resistant rootstocks has been
popular fruit vegetable that is widely grown as a demonstrated to be an effective management
secondary crop. It's one of the commodities that tool in both the Philippines and Bangladesh (Miller
helps farmers make money. Because of its many et al., 2005). This is in conformity with the study
uses, including food and skincare, the crop is of Manickam et al. (2021) that new eggplant
thought to have a considerable market potential rootstocks can be considered as alternatives to
both locally and internationally (Department of the rootstocks currently used for commercial
Agriculture, 2021). production of tomatoes because it showed low
wilting percentage at 0.0–20.0% during the hot-
Tomato production reached 76.47 thousand metric wet season. Enhancing host resistance with
tons in the second quarter of 2021. It increased by elicitors, which addresses environmental concerns,
3.0% compared to the 74.27 thousand metric tons is another useful disease management technique.
produced in the same quarter of 2020 (PSA, The perception of a pathogen or elicitors activates
2021). With 28.87 thousand metric tons, Ilocos inducible plant defenses. Elicitors are detected by
Region remained the top tomato producer, receptors that are either on the cell surface or
accounting for 37.8% of the country's total output inside the cell (Dardick and Ronald, 2006; Dipathi,
this quarter. Central Luzon and Cagayan Valley et al., 2019). The recognition of elicitors triggers the
came in second and third, with 10.9 percent and plant's overlapping signaling responses (Kim et al.,
9.7 percent, respectively (PSA, 2021). 2006; Wu, et al., 2014). Plants respond in a variety
of ways when they recognize the elicitor. In many
However, soil-borne pathogens are a problem
plant-pathogen interactions, salicylic acid (SA) has
everywhere tomatoes are produced. One of the
been found to be a key signaling molecule involved
most devastating soil borne pathogen is Ralstonia
in defense responses to pathogen attack (Shetty et
solanacearum that causes a vascular wilt disease
al., 2008; Guamizo et al., 2020).
and has been ranked as the second most
important bacterial pathogen and it is one of the
Plant extracts offer antibacterial properties that
most destructive pathogens identified to date
are effective against plant diseases. Essential
because it induces rapid and fatal wilting plant oils contain a variety of volatile chemicals,
symptoms in host plants (Yuliar et al., 2015). R. including aliphatic aldehydes, terpenoids, esters,
solanacearum is a soil- and water-borne and alcohols, in addition to plants (Chouchan, et
bacterium which invades and colonizes tomato al., 2017). Fungicidal and bactericidal properties
plants via root wounds; it eventually enters the are well known in medicinal essential plant oils
xylem vessels and causes the collapse of infected and their active components (Ji et al., 2005).
tomato plants (Zhang et al., 2017).

Tea Tree Oil (TTO) derived from Melaleuca

In the Philippines, crop losses consistently reach alternifolia plant is composed of terpene
30-80% in bacterial wilt-infested fields (Miller et hydrocarbons, mainly monoterpenes,
al., 2005). The universal control methods of R. sesquiterpenes, and their associated alcohols.
solanacearum is very difficult because of its Terpenes are volatile, aromatic hydrocarbons and
species complex are so diverse. Within the may be considered polymers of isoprene, which
Philippines, cultural practices, such as the use of has the formula C5H8. TTO possesses
mulch and reduced soil cultivation, have not been antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and
successful in reducing bacterial wilt incidence antifungal properties. With biological activity,

2 Andamon and Castillo

The antimicrobial activity of TTO is attributed conditions as elicitors in inducing systemic resistance
mainly to terpinen-4-ol, a major component of in tomato against Ralstonia solanacearum.
the oil (Carson et al., 2006).
In the Philippines, crop losses consistently reach
Thyme essential oil (TEO) derived from Thymus is 30 to 80% in bacterial wilt-infested fields (36).
composed of phenolic components with thymol, Because strains within the R. solanacea-rum
carvacrol, geraniol and 1,8-cineole as the major species complex are so diverse, the development
components (Ben-Jabeur et al., 2015; of universal control methods is difficult. Within
Moutassem, et al., 2019). Thymol had antifungal the Philippines, cultural prac-tices, such as the
activity against pathogenic fungi and other plant use of mulch and reduced soil cultivation, have
diseases of several fruits and vegetables not been successful in reducing bacterial wilt
(Angelini, et al., 2006; Sergvic-Klaric et al., incidence (36). The use of bacterial wilt-
2007). It has been reported that TEO was susceptible commercial cultivars grafted onto
effective in inducing systemic acquired resistance bacterial wilt-resistant rootstocks has been
in tomato against gray mold and Fusarium wilt demonstrated to be an effective management
(Jabeur and Hamada, 2014), Fusarium tool in both the Philippines and Bangladesh (36).
oxysporum f. sp. ciceris (Foc) and complete
inhibition of Phytophthora infestans with a TEO Materials and methods
concentrations of 8.0mL L-1 (Mohamedy and El- Experimental Design and Treatments
latif, 2015) and considerable anti-R. The study was laid out using Completely Randomized
solanacearum (Pradhanang et al., 2003). Design (CRD) with three replications and five
treatments. The treatments were as follows:
Oregano essential oil is composed of 27 chemical T1- No application (Negative control)
compounds and the most abundant bioactive T2-Salicylic Acid (700µL SA + 6.3mL of 70%
components were monoterpenes and Ethanol + 0.1% detergent + 56mL of water)
sequiterpenes. Monoterpene carvacrol was the T3- Tea Tree Oil (700µL tea tree oil + 6.3mL of
main compound, which comprised 84.38% of the 70% Ethanol + 0.1% detergent + 56mL of water)
identified compounds and several other natural T4-Thyme Essential Oil (700µL thyme essential
compounds were reported, which include p- oil + 6.3mL of 70% Ethanol + 0.1% detergent +
cymene, y-terpinene, B-caryophyllene, and 56mL of water)

terpinen-4-ol 9 (Hao, et al., 2021). Rienth et al. T5-Oregano Essential Oil (700µL oregano

(2019) reported that oregano vulgare essential oil essential oil + 6.3mL of 70% Ethanol + 0.1%

vapour treatment during 24h post-infection proved detergent + 56mL of water)

to be sufficient to reduce downy mildew

The solution in the essential oils was based on the
development by 95%. Karsou and Samara (2021)
study of Pradhanang, et al. (2003) on the different
emphasized in their study that essential oils
essential oils against tomato bacterial wilt in which
including oregano as plant resistance elicitors are
they used 700 µL of essential oils dissolved in 6.3
promising for the loose smut disease management
mL of 70% ethanol and detergent at 0.1% in 56 mL
in barley and wheat and can be considered a novel
of water for stable essential oil and were used to
and risk-free biocontrol agent for plant disease
treat the infested soil.
control, intensifying crops production under a
reduced need for synthetic chemicals. Collection and Pathogenicity test of Ralstonia
solanaearum (Rs)
In this study, essential oils in thyme, oregano and In the field, a wilted tomato infested with
tea tree were investigated under greenhouse Ralstonia solanacearum was collected.

3 Andamon and Castillo

The pathogenicity of the infected tomato plant removed and aerated for 3 days to vent excess
was tested using Singh et al., method's (2018). volatiles (Fig. 1). Then these were ready for
To produce bacterial oozing, the infected plant transplanting of tomato seedlings. There were
seedling was submerged in sterile water. A 6- three pots per treatment with a total of 45
day-old tomato seedling was dipped in the experimental pots.
bacterial suspension and transferred to an empty
sterile test tube for 5 minutes of air exposure
before being put to sterile distilled water and
incubated until wilting signs appeared which took
roughly 2 weeks.

Evaluation of Different Essential oils for Bacterial Wilt

The shoots infected with Rs were soaked in sterile a b
distilled water and incubated for 24 hours.
Growth of isolated bacteria were determined with
the presence of cloudiness in water solution.

The procedure in inoculating Rs was based on the

study of Pradhanang et al. (2003). A 100 mL c
Fig. 1. Treatment application (a); aeration of
bacterial solution was inoculated in a 900mL of
pots (b); and transplanted tomato seedlings (c).
soil in a polyethylene bag and thoroughly mixed.
After 2 hours treatments were applied to each
Statistical Design and Analysis
bag and mixed again. A plastic cover were placed
All the experiments were laid out in Complete
at the top of the pot and plastic straw/wire were
Randomized Design (CRD) replicated three times.
used to secure the bag to prevent escape of
The treatment means were compared using the
volatiles until 7 days and plastic cover were
Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test.

Data gathered
1. Incubation period of the disease. The number of days from inoculation to the production of first
visible symptoms was recorded.
2. Disease severity. The disease severity were recorded using the scale with corresponding fig.s below
by Borines et al. (2015) and the level of resistance was based on Ghulam et al. (2016):
Percent coverage Level of Resistance/
Scale Corresponding fig.
of Wilting Susceptibility
1 No wilting R (Resistant)

4 Andamon and Castillo

Percent coverage Level of Resistance/
Scale Corresponding fig.
of Wilting Susceptibility
2 Slight wilting MR (Moderately Resistant)
(1-25% wilting)

3 Moderate wilting MS (Moderately Susceptible)

(26-50% wilting)

4 Severe wilting S (Susceptible)

(51-75% wilting)

5 Almost dead/dead HS (Highly Susceptible)

(>75% wilting)

5 Andamon and Castillo

3. Percent Disease Index (PDI). The percent
disease index was determined using this formula
proposed by Wheeler (1969):
Sum of the Individual disease rating
PDI = x 100
Total number of fruits observed x Maximum grade

4. Disease Incidence. This was computed by

dividing the number of infected plants to the total
number of plants multiplied by 100.
5. Percent Survival. This was computed by
Fig. 3. Bacterial wilt disease severity ratings as
dividing the number of plants inoculated to the
affected by the different elicitors at 7, 14, 21,
total number of plants survives.
and 28 days after treatment.
6. Number of leaves. The number of leaves was
counted at the end of the experiment. Effects of treatments on disease incidence and
7. Plant height. The plant height was measured severity
using a ruler/tape measure after the end of the The results in bacterial wilt incidence revealed
experiment. significant differences between treatment means
at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after inoculation (Table
Results and discussions
1). The salicylic acid has zero infection, while
Effect of treatments on the number of days to
plants applied with thyme essential oil and
oregano essential oil has lesser incidence with the
There was no significant variation observed
same mean of 22.22 than tea tree oil with 44.45
between the different elicitors and the control on
and is comparable to control with 100% infection
the days to first symptom development (Fig. 2).
of bacterial wilt (Fig. 4).
However, a numerical differences was observed
where control was the first to develop its Table 1. Percentage of infected seedlings as
symptoms at 5 Days After Transplanting (DAT) affected by the different elicitors at 7,14,21 and
the tomato seedlings followed by tea tree oil at 28 days after treatment.
8.33 DAT, thyme essential oil and oregano
Disease Incidence
essential oils at 9.33 DAT, respectively. As Treatments Days After Inoculation
observed, salicylic acid (positive control) has no 7ns 14* 21* 28*
T1- Control 33.33 77.78a 100 a 100 a
recorded infection of bacterial blight. T2-SA 0.00 0.00b 0.00 b 0.00 b
T3-Tea Tree Oil 22.22 22.22ab 33.33 b 44.45ab
0.00 11.11b 22.22 b 22.22 b
Essential Oil
0.00 11.11b 11.11 b 22.22 b
Essential Oil
CV 1.84 1.57 1.31 1.10
Means in a column followed by common letter/s
are not significant different at 5% HSD

Analyzed data on disease severity exhibited

significant differences between treatment means at
14, 21 and 28 days after inoculation (Fig. 3).

CV=1.53 Salicylic acid, oregano essential oil, thyme essential

Means in a column followed by common letter/s are not oil and tea tree oil does not differ significantly and
significant different at 5% HSD showed less severity ratings ranges from 0-1.55
Fig. 2. Bacterial wilt incubation period as affected ratings compared to negative control with a rating
by the different elicitors. of 5 at 28 Days After Inoculation (DAI).

6 Andamon and Castillo

Fig. 4. Growth of tomato seedlings 28 days after inoculation.

This result implies that the different elicitors were The underlying mechanism in the host-pathogen
effective in reducing disease incidence and essential oil interaction shows clearly that
disease severity in tomato plants. This action in Oregano vulgare vapour triggered a multilayered
the elicitors is due to induce resistance in plants. immune system of the plants and the gene
In a similar study conducted by Pradhanang et al. expression analysis revealed a complex activation
(2003) thymol were effective in reducing R. of hormonal crosstal involving Jasmonic,
solanacearum population and bacterial wilt Ethylene, and Salicylic acid biosynthesis and their
incidence of tomato grown in infested soil. This signaling cascades (Rienth et al., 2019). Similar
result is in conformity with the study of Ji et al. result was observed in the study of Dalio et al.
(2005) that thymol when applied as biofumigant (2020) when spraying tea tree essential oil on a
significantly reduced bacterial wilt incidence. Ben- field of banana plants infected with Fusarium
Bajeur et al. (2015) also reported similar results oxysporum f. sp. cubense and green house plants
that thyme oil significantly reduced Botrytis infected with Xanthomonas campestris developed
cineria colonization on pre-treated detached resistance. The effectiveness of tea tree oil is
leaves when compared to untreated leaves and attributed to its components terpenes and their
displayed a significant decrease in Fusarium wilt alcohols that was found to be an effective
severity in tomato plants. The mode of action of antiseptic, bactericidal (Carson, et al. 1993;
thyme essential oil was proxidases accumulation Carson et al. 2006) and effective fungicide (Shao
was the first defense activation signal which et al., 2013).
might be explained by the biological effect of
essential oils and their constituents causing Effects of treatments on the percent survival of
oxidative burst by accumulation of reactive plants
oxygen species (ROS) (Ben-Bajeur et al. (2015). The percent survival of tomato plants as affected
Rienth et al. (2019) also conforms to the result by the different treatments exhibited significant
based on the result of their study that oregano differences between treatment means (Fig. 5).
essential oil efficiently suppressed downy mildew Salicylic acid (positive control) has 100%
development in grapevines by 95 percent. percentage survival plants, followed by Thyme

7 Andamon and Castillo

and Oregano essential oils with a survival rating significant differences between treatment means
of 77.78% and they do not differ significantly at 14, 21 and 28 days after inoculation (Table 2).
with the positive control. This was then followed The same trend was observed from 7, 14, 21 and
by Tea tree oil with 55.55% percentage survival 28 DAI where Salicylic acid (positive control)
which is comparable to the zero percentage obtained the highest increment followed by
survival in control/untreated. thyme essential oil, oregano essential oil and tea
tree oil which do not differ significantly compared
with the positive control while the least increment
was obtained by the negative control.

Table 2. Plant Height increment of tomato

seedlings as affected by the different elicitors at
7, 14, 21, and 28 days after inoculation.
Plant Height Increment
Treatments Days After Inoculation
7ns 14* 21* 28*
T1- Control 5.13 3.7c 0.00c 0.00c
Cv= 0.67 T2-SA 6.02 14.65a 19.23a 6.92a
Means in a column followed by common letter/s T3-Tea Tree Oil 6.82 7.73ab 6.19ab 3.52ab
are not significant different at 5% HSD 3.82 11.86ab 13.05ab 6.53a
Essential Oil
Fig. 5. Percent survival of tomato seedlings as T5-Oregano
6.36 9.20ab 12.10ab 2.96ab
Essential Oil
affected by the different elicitors. CV 40.14 53.55 82.20 73.43
Means in a column followed by common letter/s
This result implies that elicitors were effective in are not significant different at 5% HSD
inducing systemic resistance in plants that leads to
the increase percent survival in tomato plants. The number of tomato leaves as affected by the
Based on the studies of Reinth et al. (2019) and different elicitors exhibited significant differences
Oliveira et al. (2017) the antimicrobial or between treatment means at 7, 14, 21, and 28
antifungal activity of essential oils like tee-tree, DAI (Table 3). Same trend was observed in every
oregano and thyme might mainly be caused by the week data where elicitors obtained higher
properties of their terpenes/terpenoids, that due to number of leaves and do not differ significantly
their highly lipophilic nature and low molecular with each other while control obtained the lowest
weight are capable of disrupting the cell number of leaves.
membrane, causing cell death or inhibiting the
sporulation and germination of fungi. According to Table 3. Number of leaves in tomato seedlings
Thakor and Suhal (2012) chemical elicitors affect as affected by the different elicitors at 7, 14, 21,
production of phenolic compounds and activation and 28 days after inoculation.
of various defense-related enzymes in plants. In Number of leaves
addition, Stitcher et al. (1997) said that once Treatments Days After Inoculation
7* 14* 21* 28*
resistance or SAR is generated in plants against a
T1- Control 5.11b 4.56b 0.00b 0.00b
given disease, it retains its efficacy for weeks, if T2-SA 8.89a 14.78a 19.77a 22.78a
not the entire cropping season. T3-Tea Tree Oil 8.89a 10.44ab 12.00ab 11.99ab
8.44a 14.89a 19.44a 19.89a
Essential Oil
Effects of treatments to plant height increment T5-Oregano
8.11a 13.00a 15.00a 15.89ab
Essential Oil
and number of leaves CV 20.15 41.46 63.44 69.95
The plant height increment of tomato seedlings Means in a column followed by common letter/s
as affected by the different elicitors exhibited are not significant different at 5% HSD

8 Andamon and Castillo

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11 Andamon and Castillo

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