GEE PMT Module 1

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GEE- Principles and Methods of Teaching


Week 1-2

This module presents an overview of the teaching profession, what teaching is all about,
teaching as a mission and profession, and the teacher as a person and the top qualities of
effective teachers.

I. OBJECTIVES. Specifically, after working on this module, you should be able to do the

1. define teaching according to different contexts

2. construct own definition of teaching
3. Formulate a concrete statement of a personal mission to teach that would guide
you in your exercise of the teaching profession.

II. Introduction
The Teaching Profession: An Overview

Ever since, teaching has been regarded as a noble profession. It has been established
to be not just a job but a calling, a mission and a form of great service. It is one which can be
rewarding and fulfilling no matter what the odds are. Great teachers recite a litany of
rewards most of which are invisible to the eyes but are the most essential. The concept of
teaching has remained strong through the years, but it has been accentuated by the need
for meeting the challenges of time, which can be addressed through quality teaching.
Teaching has become very complex and demanding of the teachers’ knowledge, skills, and
values needed in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities for the 21 st century
teaching-learning arena. A working teacher must know what teaching is since his concept of
teaching guides his behavior. His understanding of teaching serves as a guide to all activities
he and his learners may face.

III. Discussion
What is teaching?
• Teaching is a process or set of actions to induce learning and eventually to succeed in
learning. This definition stresses the need for planning for teaching, the process of
teaching and the achievement aspect which means it is a deliberate process, it does
not just happen.
Module 1 PMT

• Teaching is an organized, purposeful and deliberate efforts designed to bring certain

desirable ends in an individual.
➢ Learning is the expected end of teaching in a school setting.
➢ Learning occurs when the learners’ educational experiences elicit a
transformation of consciousness that leads to a greater understanding of and
care for self, others, and the community (world and local)
Teaching and learning are two aspects of the process called Education. Hence,
teaching has always been directed at learning.
• Some view that teaching is both an art and a science.
It is an art because it calls for the exercise of talent such as creativity and
resourcefulness to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations and
It is a science for it involves a systematic and organized system of procedures,
strategies, techniques and mental skill in the attainment of knowledge and
information that will equip the learners for a better life.
• Teaching has always been thought of as one of the noblest of professions, and, a
teacher, likewise one of the noblest human beings. It is believed that an individual
possessed with a noble heart, will be willing to assume a great responsibility to society
the development of good citizens, the inculcation in and cultivation of the mind, the
heart, and the soul of the youth, the love of beauty, goodness and truth.
• Teaching demands a total commitment to total transformation of the learner, a
continuous development of his potentials for a totally satisfying life as a person and as
a member of the community.
• Since teaching is a multi-faceted human activity for it involves wide range of planning,
teaching strategies, interactions organizational arrangement and material resources
that take place in the teaching-learning process, teachers are often viewed as the most
important variable in the learner’s educational environment.
Some teachers regard teaching as just a job. Others see it as their mission.
What’s the difference?
What exactly is the mission to teach? Is it merely to teach the child the fundamental
skills or basic R’s of reading, writing, arithmetic and right conduct? Is it to help the child
master the basic skills so he can continue acquiring higher level skills in order to become a
productive member of the society? Is it to deposit facts and other information into the
“empty minds” of students to be withdrawn during quizzes and tests? Or is it to “midwife”
the birth of ideas latent in the minds of students? Is it to facilitate the maximum
development of his /her potential not only for himself but also for others? In the words of
Alfred North Whitehead, is it to help the child become “the man of culture and of expertise?
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Or is it to provide opportunities for a child’s growth and to remove hampering influences” as

Bertrand Russel put it?

“To teach is to influence every child entrusted in your care to become

better and happier because life becomes more meaningful. To teach is to help
the child become more human.”
Let us reflect on this:

Teaching: Mission and/or a Job?

Teaching: Mission and/or a Job?
If you are doing it only because you are paid for it, it’s a job
If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for service, it’s a mission If you
quit because your boss or colleague criticized you, it’s a job
If you keep on teaching out of love, it’s a mission
If you teach because it does not interfere with your other activities, it’s a job
If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities, it’s a mission
If you quit because no one praises or thanks you for what you do, it’s a job.

If you remain teaching even though nobody recognized your efforts, it’s a
mission. It’s hard to get excited about a teaching job.
It’s almost impossible not to get excited about a mission.
If our concern is success, it is a job
If our concern is success plus faithfulness, it’s a mission.
An average school is filled by teachers doing their teaching job.
A great school is filled with teachers involved in a mission of teaching.


Activity 1

Formulate a concrete statement of your personal mission to teach. Express it thru

a filmed spoken word poetry. Submit in MS Teams.

The Teacher as a Person

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▪ A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life for which it is the highest
obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home, or
▪ A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary principle of personal
behavior in all relationships with others and in all situations.
▪ A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as a
model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and all others.
▪ A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his own destiny and of
the destinies of men and nations. (Magna Carta for Teachers, Article XI)
What makes a good teacher?
There have been various investigations and research to define and establish
scientifically about the characteristics of an effective teacher. The results of the studies
generally attribute to two major categories in which the distinguishing characteristics of
an effective teacher may be grouped:
(1.) Personal qualities and (2) professional qualities.

• Personal qualities refer to the teacher’s personality – philosophy, interests,

attitudes, beliefs, emotional maturity and his interrelations with students, co-
teachers, school administrations, non-teaching personnel in the manner he
responds to various situations.
• Professional qualities refer to the teacher’s knowledge of the subject matter to
be taught, his understanding of psychological and educational principles,
theories and concepts, methods and strategies as well as his high regard and
appreciation to the teaching profession.
On personal Qualities
These are the desirable characteristics and traits an effective teacher should possess:
1. Pleasing personal appearance
2. Good physical health and personal hygiene
3. Emotional stability, sound mental health and self-control
4. Intelligence
5. Pleasant, modulated voice
6. Empathy, kindness, helpfulness, patience, diligence
7. Integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, sincerity
8. Flexibility, creativity, resourcefulness
9. Fairness, firmness, impartiality, tolerance, patience
10. Sociability, friendliness, cooperativeness
11. Refinement in words, tact and courtesy, civility

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12. Sense of humor, cheerfulness, enthusiasm

13. Positive outlook, encouraging attitude
14. Promptness, efficiency
On Professional Qualities
1. Mastery of the subject matter – the first essential requisite of effective teaching.
2. Understanding the learner - the 2nd essential part of effective teaching is knowledge
of the nature of the learner. It is important that the teacher must like the learner. A
teacher who has a genuine concern and sincere love for children can virtually imbue
them with love of studying and learning. It is important to be aware and understand
a. Basic principles of human growth and development
b. Different levels of intellectual and emotional maturity of the children
c. Learner’s interests, background, and previous experiences which in
effect, can be used in motivating the learners.
3. Understanding the principles and methods of teaching and skill in the use of
strategies and techniques for proper implementation. The teacher should be able to
promote learning effectively through:
a. Knowing what to teach (subject matter)
b. Knowing how to teach (method)
4. General understanding of other branches/field of knowledge
a. The teacher must keep abreast with the explosion of knowledge and be
able to show how his subject relates with other areas of knowledge.
b. A broad understanding of the arts, languages, literature, philosophy,
mathematics, physical science, and culture is necessary.
5. Understanding and taking pride in teaching as a profession. The teacher must:
a. Understand his task and the corresponding responsibility
b. Value and uphold ethical professional relationships with other people at all
c. Be aware of the importance of professional organizations for teachers and be an
active member
d. Be aware of the need to keep abreast with the demands, changes, and
challenges in education through various in-service programs.

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IV. Assessment: Apply what you have learned:

Make a Venn Diagram of personal and professional attributes of a teacher.
1. Oholano 2019.The Teaching Profession.
2. Acero 2015. Principles of Teaching I. Rex Book Store.
3. Lim 2014 The Teaching Profession Adriana Publishing
4. Salandanan, Gloria G. 2012. Methods of Teaching.Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City
5. Zulueta, Francisco. 2009. Principles and Methods of Teaching. National Book Store. Navotas
6. Magna Carta for Teachers

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