Vitro-Td-138 Het Glass

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

The purpose of this Vitro (formerly PPG fully tempered or laminated heat‐
Glass) Technical Document is to provide strengthened glass should be specified.
information that may be of assistance in Neither heat strengthened nor tempered
determining which type of heat‐treated glass can be safely cut after the heat‐treating
glass is most appropriate for the intended fabrication process. Please refer to Vitro
application. This document includes brief Technical Document TD‐124 Fabrication of
discussions of: Heat Treated Glass for further information.
 Heat strengthened and tempered glass Further design information concerning
 “Spontaneous” tempered glass breakage thermal stress can be found by using Vitro’s
and its cause on‐line thermal stress calculator available on
 Nickel sulfide stone inclusions the Vitro Glazings Website and in Vitro
Technical Document TD‐109 Thermal Stress
 Heat soaking of tempered glass Update.
 Distortion in heat‐treated glass
Finally, this document offers Vitro’s
The Difference Between Heat
recommendations regarding the use of heat‐
Strengthened and Tempered Glass – Both
treated glass.
are Heat Treated
There are many important considerations
when designing and using glass in the vision
and spandrel areas of architectural glazing Heat‐treated glass products, whether heat
applications. When heat treated glass is strengthened or tempered, are produced in
a very similar fashion using the same
required to resist wind or snow loads,
expected thermal stresses, or to comply with processing equipment. Briefly, the glass is
applicable building codes, the responsible heated to approximately 1200ºF (650ºC) and
design professional must carefully consider then force cooled to create surface and/or
the respective performance characteristics edge compression in the glass. It is by
controlling the rate of cooling that
of these products before selecting and
determines if the glass is either heat
specifying the glass product type.
strengthened or tempered. To produce
In architectural applications, heat‐treated tempered glass, the cooling is much more
glass significantly reduces the breakage rapid, thus creating higher surface and/or
potential due to thermal stress and stress edge compression in the glass. To produce
from uniform loads such as wind and snow heat strengthened glass, the cooling is
loads. In most cases, heat‐strengthened slower and the resultant compression in the
glass of the appropriate thickness and glass is lower than fully tempered glass yet
quality eliminates opportunities for still higher than annealed glass.
breakage due to thermal stress and wind
load. In cases where safety glazing is
required by code or responsible design, then

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

The industry standard specification The most dramatic and important difference
requirements for heat strengthened and between heat strengthened and tempered
tempered glass are set forth in ASTM C1048 glass is in the post breakage characteristics
“Standard Specification for Heat Treated Flat of the two products (i.e. break pattern). If
Glass – Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and heat strengthened glass should break, the
Uncoated Glass.” pieces will be relatively large and tend to
remain in the glazing system until removed.
 Heat strengthened glass is defined as
Tempered glass, on the other hand, is
having a surface compression of 3,500 to
designed to break into innumerable small,
7,500 psi (24 to 52 Mpa); no requirement
roughly cubical pieces. In fact, it is this break
for edge compression is specified.
pattern that qualifies tempered glass as a
 Tempered glass is defined as having a safety glazing material. However, because
minimum surface compression of 10,000 of the break pattern, tempered glass is much
psi (69 Mpa), an edge compression of not more likely to evacuate the glazing system
less than 9,700 psi (67 Mpa), or meet immediately upon breakage. Responsible
ANSI Standard Z97.1 or CPSC Standard design professionals must consider the
16CFR1201. tendency of tempered glass to evacuate the
Note that surface compression of heat‐ opening upon breakage and the
strengthened glass must be verified to meet consequences must be acceptable.
ASTM C1279 “Standard Test Method for Responsible parties know that there is
Non‐Destructive Photoelastic Measurement always a possibility of glass breakage;
of Edge and Surface Stresses in Annealed, therefore the glass construction must be
Heat‐Strengthened, and Fully Tempered designed with a low probability of breakage,
Glass” requirements. This is because there is typically less than 8 lites / 1000 lites, but if
not a strong correlation between the break the glass does break, the glass design must
pattern and surface compression in the be done in a manner so that the breakage
range of heat‐strengthened glass consequences are acceptable.
compression levels. Typical Tempered Glass Break Pattern
Because of the compression in the glass,
heat strengthened glass is approximately
twice as strong as annealed glass of the same
thickness. Tempered glass is approximately
4 to 5 times as strong as annealed glass of
the same thickness. Except for this increase
in mechanical strength, all other properties
of the glass remain unchanged including
glass deflection. For additional information
on glass deflection, please see Vitro
Technical Document TD‐113 Why Annealed,
“Because of the break pattern, tempered glass is
Heat Strengthened and Tempered Glass All much more likely to evacuate the glazing system
Deflect the Same Amount. immediately upon breakage.”

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

Typical Heat Strengthened Glass to greatly reduce the likelihood of nickel
Break Pattern sulfide stones. Vitro specifically does not
include nickel in any of its primary glass
batch formulations, and its float glass plants
use magnetic separators and do not use
glass batch handling equipment with nickel
bearing components.
There is, however, no known technology to
totally eliminate the possibility of nickel
“Because of the break pattern, heat-strengthened sulfide stone inclusions in float glass. Such
glass is much more likely to remain in the glazing inclusions can occur at random, are often
system upon breakage until such time it is benign, and are almost always very small.
purposefully removed.” Nickel sulfide stones typically range in size
between 0.003” and 0.015” (0.076 mm and
Heat strengthened glass is not a safety 0.380 mm) in diameter. This size precludes
glazing material. When safety glazing is the use of practical inspection methods
required, either by code or design, a certified common to the production of float glass.
safety glazing material such as tempered or ASTM C1036 “Standard Specification for Flat
laminated glass must be used. Glass”, the basic specification to which float
glass is manufactured in the U.S., permits
What is Spontaneous Breakage blemishes (including stones) between
and What Causes It? 0.020” and 0.100” (0.5 mm and 2.5 mm) in
There are instances, after installation, of float glass, depending on glass size and
tempered glass breaking due to no apparent quality level.
cause. In these cases of “spontaneous
breakage”, it is most often determined that
the glass broke due to existing surface or
edge damage that severely compromised
the ability of the glass to withstand
anticipated wind loads, or normal building
movements; or that glass to metal contact
combined with movement under wind load
initiated the break. In relatively rare
instances, the breakage has been traced to
Nickel Sulfide Stone, (0.003” inclusion)
the presence of nickel sulfide stones in the
center tension zone of the tempered glass. Since nickel sulfide stones can occur in the
Although unintended, nickel sulfide stones production of float glass, they may be
can form in the production of float glass. present in annealed and heat strengthened
Vitro and other North American glassmakers glass, as well as in tempered glass. However,
have implemented procedures and controls because of the explanation given below,

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

annealed and heat strengthened glass are Heat Treated Glass Comparison
almost never subject to spontaneous PRO’S CON’S
breakage due to nickel sulfide stone Heat Increased Does not meet
inclusions. Strengthened resistance to safety glazing
wind and requirements
Briefly, nickel sulfide stone breakage is due snow loads unless laminated
to a phase transformation (so called  to  Increased
resistance to
phase change) that results in an increase in thermal
the stone size. The volumetric growth of the stresses
stone is small, ranging from approximately 2 Typically
remains in
to 4%. This volume growth, if the stone is in opening if
the center tension zone, can cause stresses broken
potentially resulting in glass breakage. Heat soaking
not required
During the manufacture of float glass, the PRO’S CON’S
Full Meets safety Evacuates
glass is intentionally cooled at a slow,
Tempered glazing opening upon
controlled rate in order to produce glass requirements breaking
with as little residual surface and edge Increased Increased
compression as possible. During this resistance to probability of
wind and breakage due to
annealing phase, any stones have time to snow loads NiS stones
undergo the  to  phase change and Increased Increased cost
become stable, without causing glass resistance to and risk of
thermal damaging
breakage. stresses product due to
heat soaking and
When glass is re‐heated for heat the associated
strengthening or tempering, any NiS stones extra steps and
that are present will shrink back to the handling
smaller high‐temperature‐stable  form.
The slower cooling cycle of the heat
strengthening process allows the stones to What is Heat Soaking and Does It Work?
undergo the  to  phase change. However,
the rapid cooling cycle required to produce The concept of heat soaking glass to reduce
tempered glass arrests the phase change or eliminate spontaneous breakage due to
and may trap the stone before it completes stone inclusions has been around for
its volumetric growth. Then later, due to in‐ decades. Heat soaking involves exposing the
service temperature exposure, the phase tempered glass to elevated temperatures for
change and accompanying volume growth some period of time.
continues and may lead to breakage. The exposure temperature and time is not a
There is general agreement that constant, but varies according to the belief
spontaneous breakage due to stone of the heat‐soaking proponent. Some
inclusions is not an issue with annealed or believe that lower temperatures for longer
heat strengthened glass. The phenomenon times are more appropriate; others believe
is limited to tempered glass. that higher temperatures for shorter times

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

are appropriate. A typical heat soak process With many decades and millions of square
elevates the glass temperature to 550°F feet of heat strengthened glass production
(290°C) for two hours. Reference BS EN in service, Vitro is not aware of any
14179‐1 standard. occurrence of spontaneous breakage in heat
strengthened glass; given that heat soaking
The obvious objective of the heat soak
cannot guarantee the elimination of
process is to achieve a “break now, not later”
spontaneous breakage in tempered glass, it
result, based on the assumption that any
follows that the risk of spontaneous
glass lites with inclusions will break during
breakage is likely lower in heat strengthened
the heat soak process. The heat soak test can
glass than that of heat‐soaked tempered
be conducted on a sampling basis, or on
entire lots. Note: If you choose to heat soak
coated glass, Vitro recommends that all There are also potential unintended
tempered coated glass on the building’s consequences associated with heat soaking.
façade be heat soaked. They include:
It should be pointed out that there is a  Damage to adjacent test lites should a
considerable body of public information on
break occur during the test
the topic of nickel sulfide stones. There are
numerous web sites, and a long history of  Effect on the tempered glass induced
technical articles from glass industry and stresses that may alter its break‐safe
material science experts. characteristics
While there is general agreement on the  Stable stones that would have not
concept and intent of the heat soaking caused field breakage begin the phase
process, there is not agreement on the transformation during the heat soak test,
outcome. Most agree that heat soaking can but do not break and then the phase
eliminate (by destruction) some of the change continues later in the field and
problem lites, but not that heat soaking will causes breakage
guarantee 100% elimination of potential  The effects of additional handling and
spontaneous breakage due to inclusions. In temperature on tempered low‐e coated
fact, the outcome of heat soaking can only glass including:
be expressed statistically, i.e., the predicted o Scratches or other surface damage
probability of breakage due to inclusions resulting in yield loss and extra costs
may be reduced from x lites/1000 to y o Breakage and/or edge damage that
lites/1000. This statistically predicted could cause future breakage
outcome is based on many assumptions, o Potential for a shift in reflected and
including the incidence of stone occurrence, / or transmitted color of the low‐e
the complex stoichiometry involved, coating.
location of the stone within the body of the
glass, and the efficacy of the test procedure.
And, there is no consensus on the statistical
procedures used.

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

 What effects will heat soaking have on
Vitro Glass Products Approved for Heat Soaking the color of the tempered low‐e coated
All Uncoated Glass Solarban® z75VT glass
Solarcool® reflective
Solarban® 70VT glass
Vistacool® reflective Heat‐Treated Glass Distortion and
Solarban® 72VT glass
glass Flatness
Sungate® 400VT glass Solarban® 90VT glass
Optical image distortion may occur in all
Solarban® 60VT glass Solarban® R100VT glass types of glass for many different reasons
such as but not limited to:
Solarban® z50VT glass
 Non‐uniform flatness
Note: Only the above MSVD Low‐e Temperable VT coatings o Roller wave
are approved for heat soaking. No annealed version of the
MSVD Low‐e coating is approved for heat soaking.
o Kink
o Bow
o Warp
When tempered glass is specified, the
 Glazing pressure
appropriate decision maker must make an
 Wind load
educated decision as to the need and
 Changes in temperature
desirability of heat soaking based on, among
 Changes in barometric pressure
others, the following considerations:
 Changes in altitude between insulating
 The use of heat strengthened glass in lieu glass unit fabrication location and
of tempered, provided that safety installation location.
glazing is not required
With heat‐treated glass, the heat‐treating
 If safety glazing is required by code or by process itself will modify the original flatness
the desire to retain glass in the opening, of the annealed glass substrate and result in
consideration should be given to distortion. This is an inherent condition of all
laminated heat‐strengthened glass. heat treated glass and results in optical
 Assurances regarding the expected distortion due to roller wave, bow, and
outcome of heat soaking, i.e., will warp.
assurances and guarantees be offered Because different heat‐treating processes
that breakage due to nickel sulfide may produce acceptable optical distortion at
stones will be eliminated; or, reduced different levels of roller wave there is no
from some predicted level to a lower industry standard to quantify allowed heat‐
level? treated glass roller wave. Frequently a roller
 What effects will heat soaking have on wave tolerance of 0.005” is specified;
the performance of the tempered glass, however, if available, utilizing a millidiopter
i.e., potential reduction of strength specification is more appropriate. Even with
and/or deterioration of the break‐safe a flatness specification there is no guarantee
characteristics? that a specific number will insure acceptable

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

optics; thus a full scale mock‐up under job‐
site conditions to evaluate the optical Vitro Recommendations
aesthetics of a specific heat‐treating process
is the best way to minimize job‐site
surprises. In addition to the full‐size mock  Vitro reaffirms its longstanding
up, where possible the following additional recommendation that heat strengthened
steps should be taken to minimize the glass be specified and used, except where
impact of inherent heat‐treated glass tempered glass is mandated for safety or
distortion: other purposes by code. Note: For spandrel
applications, please see Vitro Technical
 Produce all heat‐treated glass for a Document TD‐145, Spandrel Glass ‐ Types and
given project on the same equipment Recommendations, for additional heat
using the same processing treating comments unique to this application.
parameters.  Vitro continues to believe that heat
 Use thicker glass as it is less prone to soaking is not a proven method of
all types of distortion. eliminating all possibility of glass
 Orient the heat‐treated glass so that breakage due to nickel sulfide stone
the roller wave is parallel to the inclusions.
window sill / header.
 If the decision is made to heat soak
The appearance of distortion may also occur coated glass, Vitro recommends that all
due to strain patterns in heat‐treated glass. tempered coated glass on the building’s
Please see Vitro Technical Document, TD‐115 façade be heat soaked.
Strain Pattern in Heat‐Treated Glass for
additional information.  Vitro strongly recommends a full size
mock‐up be viewed under actual jobsite
The appearance of distortion may also occur conditions to evaluate the appearance of
due to interference fringe patterns in the heat soaked glass.
insulating glass units with or without heat‐
treated glass. Please see Vitro Technical  All MSVD low‐e glass that has been heat
Document, TD‐118 Interference Fringes in soaked must be fabricated into sealed IG
Insulating Glass Units. units within 5 days of tempering.

 Fabricators should periodically measure

the surface compression or conduct
additional particle size testing of heat
soaked glass to ensure the attributes of
the fully tempered glass have not been

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Glass Technical Document | TD‐138

Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Glazing

Original Publication 5/27/2004 INSIDE GLASS, Technical Services
Recommendations, 92‐2, 16 January 1992
“Use Vitro Hestron Heat Strengthened
Glass for Architectural Glazing” is
withdrawn and replaced with this
Revision #1 11/4/2011 Added comments on heat‐soaking Vitro
MSVD Coated Glass and heat‐treated glass
Revision #2 7/23/2014 Added SG600 to approved heat soak list
Revision #3 10/04/2016 Updated to Vitro Logo and format
Revision #4 1/25/2019 Updated the Vitro Logo and format
Revision #5 11/17/2020 Added SB90VT to the approved coatings
for heat‐soak list and removed SG500,
SG600 and SunClean discontinued products
from the list. General formatting changes.
Revision #6 4/15/2021 Added SBR100VT to the approved coatings
for heat‐soak list.

This document is intended to inform and assist the reader in the application, use, and maintenance of Vitro Flat Glass products.
Actual performance and results can vary depending on the circumstances. Vitro makes no warranty or guarantee as to the results to
be obtained from the use of all or any portion of the information provided herein, and hereby disclaims any liability for personal
injury, property damage, product insufficiency, or any other damages of any kind or nature arising from the reader's use of the
information contained herein.

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