Lesson Plan

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Title/Description Module-I Heat transfer- Modes of heat transfer Conduction - Fourier law of heat conduction, thermal conductivity and thermal resistance. Factors affecting conductivity, General Heat Conduction Equation in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates. One-dimensional conduction through plane wall, hollow cylinder, hollow spheres and their composites. Log mean area, Critical radius and its significance. Tutorial Convection- Newton law of cooling, heat transfer coefficient, Buckinghams pi theorem and its application to Natural and forced convection heat transfer, overall heat transfer coefficient Tutorial Radiation - Stefan Boltzman law, emissive power, absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity. Concept of black body, Grey body Kirchoffs law, emissivity. Radiation heat transfer between infinite parallel plates. Tutorial Heat exchangers - Classification-Parallel flow, counter flow, evaporator, condenser, variation of temperature, Analysis of Heat Exchangers LMTD and NTU methods Tutorial Module-II Compressors-Classifications, reciprocating compressor: p-v diagram, work done, effect of clearance, efficiencies, volumetric efficiency and free air delivered (FAD), Two stage compression, optimum pressure ratio, effect of intercooling. Tutorial Rotary compressors- classifications, working, Fans and Blowers-classification, working and field of applications (description only) Gas turbines- Classifications-open closed and semi closed cycle and working cycles, efficiency, work output, effect of regeneration, intercooling, reheating. Tutorial Module-III Refrigeration-Definition, Unit, Air cycles-reversed

No. of Hrs 1 1 1 2 1 2 2

Cumulative No: of Hrs

7 8

1 2

9 10

1 2

11 12

1 2

13 14 15 16 17

2 2 1 1 3

18 19 20

1 2

21 22 23 24 25 26

Carnot cycle, Bell Coleman cycle, COP, method of improving COP Vapour refrigeration cycle-layout, T-s and p-h diagram, simple saturated cycle, wet and superheated cycle, effect of variation in pressure, effect of sub cooling and superheating, Liquid suction heat exchanger Tutorial Absorption refrigeration: Layout ,Ammonia water system and Electrolux system. Air conditioning- psychrometry-basic definitions, psychometric chart, psychometric process Load Calculation in air conditioning systems, the factors influencing the load calculation. Tutorial

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ASSIGNMENT 1 ( submission date :18.07.2011)

1. Obtain the general conduction equation in polar form 2. The roof of an electrically heated home is 6 m long, 8 m wide, and 0.25 m thick, and is made of a flat layer of concrete whose thermal conductivity is k =0.8 W/mC . The

temperatures of the inner and the outer surfaces of the roof one night are measured to be 15C and 4C, respectively, for a period of 10 hours. Determine (a) the rate of heat loss through the roof that night and (b) the cost of that heat loss to the home owner if the cost of electricity is Rs 3/kWh. 3. Water enters a 2.5 cm internal diameter thin copper tube of a heat exchanger at 15 0C at a rate of 0.3 kg/s, and is heated by steam condensing outside at 120 0C. If the average heat transfer coefficient is 800 W/m2 0C, determine the length of the tube required in order to heat the water to 1150C 4. Hot oil is to be cooled in a double-tube counter-flow heat exchanger. The copper inner tubes have a diameter of 2 cm and negligible thickness. The inner diameter of the outer tube (the shell) is 3 cm. Water flows through the tube at a rate of 0.5 kg/s, and the oil through the shell at a rate of 0.8 kg/s. Taking the average temperatures of the water and the oil to be 450C and 800C, respectively, determine the overall heat transfer coefficient of this heat exchanger.

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