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[Company Name]

Car Parking Policy

Effective Date: [Date]

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this Car Parking Policy is to provide guidelines and regulations for employees and visitors
regarding the use of parking facilities at [Company Name]. This policy aims to ensure an organized, safe, and fair
parking environment for all users.

2. Eligibility for Parking:

a) Employees: Parking spaces in the company premises are primarily allocated to full-time employees. Part-time
employees, temporary staff, and contractors may be eligible for parking based on availability and business

b) Visitors: Limited visitor parking spaces are available for clients, business associates, and guests visiting the
company. Visitors must register their vehicles at the reception or security desk upon arrival.

3. Issuance of Parking Permits:

a) Employees: Employees seeking parking privileges must apply for a parking permit through the designated
process outlined by the Human Resources Department. Issuance of parking permits is subject to availability.

b) Visitors: Visitors may receive temporary parking permits or parking validation at the discretion of the
reception or security desk.

4. Parking Rules and Regulations:

a) Designated Parking Areas: Employees and visitors must park their vehicles only in designated parking areas
assigned to them. Parking in reserved, handicapped, or other unauthorized areas is strictly prohibited.

b) Vehicle Identification: All vehicles parked in the company premises must display a valid parking permit or
visitor pass visibly on the windshield or as instructed by the company.
c) Overnight Parking: Overnight parking is generally not allowed without prior authorization from the Human
Resources Department or security personnel.

d) Speed Limit: Vehicles must adhere to the posted speed limit within the company premises for the safety of
pedestrians and other vehicles.

e) Liability: [Company Name] is not liable for any loss, theft, or damage to vehicles or their contents parked on
the company premises.

f) Vehicle Maintenance: Vehicles parked on the company premises must be in good working condition and
comply with all local traffic laws and regulations.

5. Enforcement:

a) Violations: Violations of this Car Parking Policy, such as unauthorized parking, improper parking, or failure to
display valid permits, may result in disciplinary action, including fines or towing of the vehicle at the owner's

b) Towing: [Company Name] reserves the right to tow any vehicle that poses a safety hazard or is parked in
violation of this policy or any local regulations.

6. Carpooling and Alternative Transportation:

To promote sustainable practices and reduce parking demand, employees are encouraged to participate in
carpooling or use alternative transportation methods whenever possible.

7. Amendments:

This Car Parking Policy will be reviewed periodically and may be amended as necessary to reflect changes in
company policies, parking availability, or legal requirements.

By adhering to this Car Parking Policy, we ensure an organized and efficient parking system that benefits all
employees and visitors of [Company Name].



[Authorized Signatory]


A. Add a clause for emergency fund, once in 2 yrs, add calculations and all, based on gross, salary advance policy.



Attendance is a key factor in your job performance. Punctuality and regular attendance are

expected of all employees. Excessive absence (whether excused or unexcused), tardiness or

leaving early frequently is unacceptable. If you are absent for any reason or plan to arrive late

or leave early, you must notify your manager and the HR as far in advance as possible and no

later than one hour before the start of your scheduled workday. Log in and log out should be

marked daily in the HR Portal through mobile app as directed by HR. If you have missed any

punches, you can request the same with reason. In the event of an emergency, you must notify

your manager as soon as possible.

Attendance Log:

Employee should mark their attendance daily on HR Self Service mobile app.

During pandemic and COVID situation while working remotely, all employees should be present

on respective team attendance call and remain online on the platform during working


In case the employee is not able to join the attendance call but not on leave should inform the

manager else this will be treated as unauthorised absent.

A no call/no show lasting two consecutive days may be considered job abandonment and

may be deemed an employee's voluntary resignation of employment.


Leave without pay:

● Leaves availed by employees would amount to LWP in case of Leaves availed without

sufficient balance in the leaves count.

Unauthorized Absence:

● Employees are discouraged from proceeding on leaves without any prior authorization or

approval from the concerned authority.

● Employees proceeding on unauthorized absence would be subjected to disciplinary action

including termination of services.

● Employees on an unauthorized absence for more than 5 calendar days consecutively can

be terminated from his/her services in the organization.

Procedure to apply leaves:

● Employees must submit their leave application in the HR Self Service portal and seek

approval from the manager.

● Employees should clearly mention the type of leave in the leave application.

● The approving manager and HR must clearly feed his/her remarks to the leave request

in order to provide clarity to the employee on whether the leave is approved or rejected.

● If an employee is unable to apply for a leave due to any emergency, he/she should inform

the reporting manager or HR through phone call, SMS or through email and should update

the HR portal as soon as possible.

Amendments & Modifications:

This leave policy is subject to review periodically and can be amended as needed. Employees

will be informed through email, notice board, or intranet communication regarding the same.

Government Holidays

Government holiday will be as per the respective state holiday calendar where employee is


An yearly holiday calendar will be provided and displayed on the notice board in the beginning

of the year

[Company Name]

Planned and Unplanned Leave Policy

Effective Date: [Date]

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this Planned and Unplanned Leave Policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for
employees regarding the process of requesting and taking planned and unplanned leaves from work
at [Company Name]. This policy aims to ensure a fair and consistent approach to leave management
while maintaining operational efficiency.

2. Types of Leave:

a) Planned Leave: Planned leave refers to any leave request submitted by an employee in advance for
planned events, vacations, personal reasons, or other foreseeable circumstances.

b) Unplanned Leave: Unplanned leave, also known as sick leave, refers to any leave taken due to
unforeseen or emergency situations, such as illness, injury, or other urgent personal matters.

3. Leave Request and Approval:

a) Planned Leave:

- Employees are required to submit their planned leave requests through the designated leave
management system or by using the company's leave application form.

- Employees should submit planned leave requests at least [Number of Days] in advance, except in
cases of unforeseeable circumstances.

- The approval of planned leave is subject to the business needs and staffing requirements of the

- Supervisors or managers will review and approve planned leave requests based on operational
needs and the availability of resources.

b) Unplanned Leave:

- In case of unplanned leave due to illness or other unforeseen events, employees must notify their
immediate supervisor or manager as soon as possible, preferably before the start of the workday.

- Employees may be required to provide appropriate documentation, such as a medical certificate,

to support their unplanned leave request, depending on the company's leave policies.

4. Accumulation of Leave:

a) Planned Leave:

- Employees are encouraged to plan their leaves in coordination with their supervisors to minimize
disruption to the workflow and ensure adequate coverage.

- Unused planned leave cannot be carried forward to the next calendar year and will be forfeited at
the end of the leave calendar year.
b) Unplanned Leave:

- Accumulated sick leave, as per the company's leave policy, can be carried forward to the
subsequent leave calendar years, subject to the maximum limit allowed.

5. Leave Entitlement:

a) Planned Leave:

- The number of planned leave days an employee is entitled to annually will be specified in their
employment contract or company policies.

b) Unplanned Leave:

- The number of sick leave days an employee is entitled to annually will be specified in their
employment contract or company policies.

6. Reporting and Record-Keeping:

- The Human Resources Department will maintain records of employees' leave balances, approved
leaves, and sick leave utilization.

7. Abuse of Leave:

- Any abuse or misuse of leave, including falsifying leave applications, may lead to disciplinary
action, as per company policies.

8. Amendments:

- This Planned and Unplanned Leave Policy will be reviewed periodically and may be amended as
necessary to reflect changes in company policies or legal requirements.

By adhering to this Planned and Unplanned Leave Policy, we ensure a well-managed and supportive
leave system that respects the needs of our employees while maintaining productivity and
operational effectiveness.



[Authorized Signatory]


Leaves Policy


The objective of this policy is to define the entitlement of various types of leaves, guidelines to

avail such leaves and enable employees to maintain a healthy work life balance.


This policy is applicable to all permanent employees working at [Company Name) working in


Leave Period:

The leave period would be from 01st January to 31st December every year.

Leave Accrual:

Leaves will be accrued at the beginning of the calendar year.

Maternity Leave:

All full-time female employees who have worked for at least 80 days immediately preceding

twelve months from the date of her expected delivery are entitled for Maternity leave for a

maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks for the first two (2) surviving child. The female employee

can start her Maternity Leave latest by eight (8) weeks immediately preceding the expected

date of delivery and eighteen (18) weeks post-delivery including the day of delivery. The

application for maternity leave has to be made at least twelve (12) weeks prior to going on


Female employees are expected to inform reporting manager and HR manager at least twelve

(12) weeks in advance about the pregnancy and plan the leaves accordingly and must provide

an expected date of delivery certificate (issued by registered medical practitioner) along with

the leave request to the HR team.

A female employee having two or more surviving children shall be entitled for a Maternity benefit

of twelve (12) weeks of which not more than six (6) weeks shall precede the date of her

expected delivery.

In case of miscarriage, female employees are allowed for 6 weeks of leave from the date of

such incident.
After completion of 26 weeks of maternity leaves, in case of illness arising out of

pregnancy/delivery, upon producing the doctor’s certification the employee will be eligible for

four (4) weeks of leaves. The doctor’s certificate (issued by registered medical practitioner)

needs to be submitted to Corporate HR operations mandatorily.

Paternity Leave:

Male employees who have worked for at least 80 days immediately preceding twelve months

from the date of delivery shall be entitled for Paternity leave of a maximum of 05 working days

per child. Paternity Leave should be availed within 30 days from the date of birth of the child.

It is applicable for a maximum of 2 children only.

Garden Leave

The Company reserves the right to place you on garden leave at any time during your employment or
notice period. You shall continue to be employed with the Company during the period of garden
leave and the Company shall pay you salary and applicable benefits during such period of garden
leave. During the garden leave period, the Company in its sole discretion may : (i) cease to vest in or
assign to, you any powers or duties or to provide any work to you; (ii) change your duties in whatever
way the Company decides its appropriate; (iii) require that you do not contact or communicate with
any current, former or proposed clients, customers, employees or vendor of the Company; (iv)
exclude you from the premises of the Company; (v) announce to employees, client, customers,
vendors, etc. of the Company that you have been given notice of termination or resigned (as the case
may be). You hereby acknowledge and confirm to comply with any additional conditions laid down
by confidentiality and good faith continue to apply, together with all the duties and obligations
towards the Company.

Process of Performance Appraisal of Marque Impex

The first step in the process of performance appraisal is to set up the standards which are used as

the base to compare the actual performance of the employees. Certain criteria are taken into
consideration to judge the performance of the employees as successful or unsuccessful and the
degrees of their contribution to the Organizational goals and objectives.

The appraisal form is distributed in order to achieve the above said. The appraisal form contains

two sets of questioners namely self appraisal form and feedback form, the former is to be filled by
each individual about their work or achievement and the later is to be filled either by the superior or
by colleague or by subordinate (peer group) about that individual concerned. The HR manager is the
one who is authorized to decide as to who will give feedback about whom and a minimum of four
feedback forms are filled for each individuals. The form is designed in such a way that it is easily
understandable and clear.

The employees are informed and the procedures are clearly explained which helps them to
understand their role and to know what exactly is expected from them. The feedbacks are not
disclosed to other employees and the individual concerned. It is also clearly mentioned that one
should give comments on the basis of professional ground with a positive attitude not on the basis of
personal ground where there is chance of bias is filled with.

Measuring the actual Performance

The most difficult part of the performance appraisal process is to measure the actual performance

of the employees i.e. work done by the employees during the specified period of time. It is a
continuous process which involves monitoring the performance throughout the year. This stage
requires the careful selection of the appropriate techniques of measurement, personal bias should
not affect the outcome of the process and provide assistance rather than interfering in an
employees’ work.

After this a final sheet is prepared of every individual and comparisons are done on the basis of
rating given by individual and the rating given by others. The actual performances received from

both are compared and the result is concluded accordingly. The result includes recalling, evaluating
and analysis of data related to the employees’ performance.

After that the HR manager sits with each individual on one by one basis listens to them and analysis
the performance in future. The purpose of the meeting is to solve the problem faced and to motivate
the employees to perform better. The following decisions are taken as per discussion:-

▌ Employees are sent for further Training Programme.

▌ Exposure is given on different fields.

▌ Change in roles and responsibilities and also additional responsibilities are done.

▌ Concrete action plan or sometimes a detailed career plan is suggested.

Decision Making

The last step of the process is executed by the Director. The decision is made purely based on the
individual’s performance and further it is decided that whether he/she should be rewarded,
promoted, demoted or any training required for the personal development / improvement in the
present work positions required / taking up new challenges other then the responsibilities given.
Based on the final results & the discussion held with each employee a list is prepared and informed
to everyone.

Sexual Harassment

Seanergy is committed towards ensuring employees to be treated fairly and equally in an

environment free of intimidation and sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is an unacceptable form
of behavior which can not be tolerated under any circumstances. It is also unlawful. All complaints of
sexual harassment are treated seriously and promptly, with due regard to confidentiality. Disciplinary
action will be taken against any employee who breaches the policy.

Sexual harassment is any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behavior of a sexual nature which
makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated or offended. Sexual harassment can take many different
forms and may include physical contact, verbal comments, jokes, propositions, the display of
offensive material or other behavior that creates a sexually tense or hostile working environment.
Sexual harassment can occur between an employee and a co-worker, supervisor, manager, agent,
consultant or contractor.

Sexual harassment is not just unlawful during working hours or at the workplace itself. But also
behavior is unlawful in any work-related context including conferences, work functions, business or
field trips, and interactions with clients.

Seanergy encourages any employee who feels they have been harassed to contact the factory
manager. The factory aims at providing a working environment which is free of workplace
harassment or intimidation.

Seanergy recognizes comments and behavior that do not offend one person can offend another.
Management accepts individuals may react differently and expects this right to be generally

Any complaint or report of sexual harassment is treated promptly, seriously and sympathetically.
They are investigated thoroughly, impartially and confidentially. Managers and supervisors must act
immediately on any reports of sexual harassment. Employees are not disadvantaged in their
employment conditions or opportunities as a result of lodging a complaint.

Appropriate disciplinary action is taken against anyone in this factory’s employment who is found to
have sexually harassed a co-worker. Depending on the severity of the case, consequences can include
an apology, counseling, transfer, dismissal, demotion or other forms of disciplinary action. Immediate
disciplinary action is also taken against anyone who victimizes or retaliates against a person who has
complained of sexual harassment.

Seanergy has a legal responsibility to prevent sexual harassment.

Therefore, managers and supervisors have a responsibility to:

• Monitor the working environment to ensure acceptable standards of conduct are observed
at all times

• Model appropriate behavior themselves

• Treat all complaints seriously and take immediate action to investigate and resolve the

• Refer complaints to another manager if they do not feel they are the best person to deal
with the case (e.g. if there is a conflict of interest or if the complaint is particularly complex or

All employees have a responsibility to:

• Comply with the organization’s sexual harassment policy.

• Offer support to anyone who is being harassed and let them know from where they could
get help and advice (they should not approach the harasser themselves)

• Maintain complete confidentiality if they provide information during the investigation of a

complaint (employees who spread gossip or rumors may expose themselves to defamation action)

▌ Objective

To foster a professional, open and trusting workplace.

▌ Application

The sexual harassment policy will be successfully applied when all staff are treated on merit by their
managers, by peers, by direct reports and by all other team members.

▌ Process

Making a Complaint:
If you believe you are being, or have been, harassed, follow the procedure below:

• Inform the offender the behavior is offensive, unwelcome, and against factory policy and
should stop (only if you feel comfortable enough to approach them directly)

• Keep a record of the incident(s)

• If the unwelcome behavior continues, contact your supervisor or manager for support

• If this is inappropriate, you feel uncomfortable, or the behavior still persists, contact your

Receiving a Complaint:

When a manager receives a complaint, he/she should follow the procedure below:

• Listen to the complaint seriously.

• Treat the complaint confidentially.

• Allow the complainant to bring another person to the interview if he/she chooses to.

• Ask the complainant for the full story, including what happened step by step.

• Take notes, using the complainant’s own words.

• Ask the complainant to check your notes to ensure your record of the conversation is

• Explain and agree next action with the complainant

• If investigation is not requested:

• Act promptly

• maintain confidentiality

• pass your notes on to your manager

• If investigation is requested, or is appropriate, follow the procedure outlined.

Investigating a Complaint:

When a manager investigates a complaint, he/she should follow the procedure below:

• Interview all directly concerned, separately

• Interview witnesses, separately

• Keep records of interviews and investigation

• Do not assume guilt

• Interview the alleged harasser, separately and confidentially

• Let the alleged harasser know exactly what he/she is being accused of

• Give him/her a chance to respond to the accusation

• Listen carefully and record details

• Make it clear he/she does not have to answer any questions

• Ensure confidentiality, minimize disclosure

• Determine appropriate action based on investigation and evidence collected

• Check to ensure the action meets the needs of the complainant and company

If any resolution is not immediately possible, the complainant should be referred to the higher senior

If the resolution requires the authority of a more senior manager, the complainant should be
referred to the appropriate level.

Outcomes as they affect the complainant should be discussed with the complainant to ensure that
needs are met.

▌ Potential Outcomes:

If the complaint is found to be justified, the complainant may be entitled to any or all of the

The complainant may receive:

• Commitment the behavior will cease

• Private apology (verbal or written)

• Re-credit of any leave taken due to the harassment

• Payment of medical and counseling expenses

• Transfer, with no job disadvantage

• Other compensation
[Company Name]

Gift Policy

Effective Date: [Date]

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this Gift Policy is to provide guidelines and regulations regarding the giving and
receiving of gifts by employees, contractors, and representatives of [Company Name]. This policy
aims to maintain the integrity, ethics, and transparency of our business practices while avoiding
conflicts of interest and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

2. Definition of Gifts:

For the purpose of this policy, "gifts" refer to any tangible or intangible items, including cash, gift
cards, vouchers, travel tickets, entertainment, hospitality, or any other valuable consideration offered
or received in connection with the business relationship with [Company Name].

3. Prohibition of Acceptance of Excessive Gifts:

Employees, contractors, and representatives of [Company Name] shall not accept gifts from clients,
vendors, suppliers, or any other business associates that exceed the value of [Currency and
Maximum Value]. Any gifts received above this value should be politely declined and returned to the
giver with a note explaining the company's gift policy.

4. Reporting Gifts:

Employees, contractors, and representatives are required to report any gifts they receive that exceed
the maximum value mentioned in section 3 to their immediate supervisor or the Human Resources
Department within [Number of Days] of receipt.

5. Gifts to Clients and Business Associates:

Gifts given to clients, vendors, suppliers, or business associates on behalf of [Company Name] should
comply with the local laws and regulations. Any gift given must be of a nominal value and should not
influence or be perceived to influence any business decision.

6. Gifts in the Hiring Process:

Employees involved in the hiring process, such as recruiters or interviewers, shall not accept gifts or
favors from job applicants or recruitment agencies. The hiring decisions should be based solely on
merit and qualifications.

7. Gifts from Competitors:

Employees, contractors, and representatives of [Company Name] shall not accept gifts from
competitors or companies with whom [Company Name] has a competitive relationship. Accepting
gifts from competitors may raise concerns about conflicts of interest.

8. Gift Exchange Within the Organization:

Gift exchanges among employees within the organization are allowed during festive occasions or
special events. However, the value of such gifts should be nominal and should not exceed [Currency
and Maximum Value].

9. Disciplinary Action:

Non-compliance with this Gift Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination
of employment or contractual agreement.

10. Policy Review:

This Gift Policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure it remains relevant
and compliant with legal and ethical standards.

By adhering to this Gift Policy, we reinforce our commitment to conducting business with integrity
and transparency while promoting a fair and ethical work environment.



[Authorized Signatory]


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