Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer
1. Relieving Pain and Discomfort Ligal, S. (2023, May 30). Breast cancer: types,
2. Promoting Positive Body Image symptoms, management. We Care.
3. Promoting Positive Adjustment and
4. Improving Sexual Function
Mayo Clinic. (2022, December 14). Breast cancer -
5. Monitoring and Managing Potential
Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic.
6. Teaching patient self-care
7. Continuing care. conditions/breast-cancer/diagnosis-
8. Monitor the effects of the anesthesia treatment/drc-20352475
and inspect the surgical dressing for
MD Anderson Cancer Center (2023). Breast cancer
any signs of bleeding.
9. Review care of the biopsy site, pain
management, and activity restrictions types/breast-cancer/breast-cancer-
with the patient once the sedation has symptoms.html
worn off.
10. The dressing covering the incision is
Shaban, D. (2005, July 31). Breast cancer: symptoms,
usually removed after 48 hours, but the
causes, treatment. WebMD.
Steri-Strips, which are applied directly
over the incision, should remain in cancer/understanding-breast-cancer-basics
place for approximately 7 to 10 days.
11. Encourage the use of a supportive bra
following surgery to limit movement of
the breast and reduce discomfort.
12. Do a follow-up telephone call 24 to 48
hours after the procedure to provide Prepared by:
the patient with the opportunity to ask
any questions and can be a source of ABDULMALIK, Hamdane S.
great comfort and reassurance.
13. Encourage to avoid jarring or high- ADMAIN, Heba O.
impact activities for 1 week to promote
healing of the biopsy site. ALI, Aljerah D.
14. Encourage to take acetaminophen
(Tylenol) for pain relief; a mild opioid ALIPONTO, Sittie Nor-ashya A.
may be prescribed if needed.