Iec 60571 2012

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IEC 60571

Edition 3.0 2012-09


Railway applications – Electronic equipment used on rolling stock

Applications ferroviaires –(
Equipements électroniques utilisés sur le matériel
IEC 60571:2012
IEC 60571:2012
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IEC 60571
Edition 3.0 2012-09



Railway applications – Electronic equipment used on rolling stock
Applications ferroviaires – Equipements électroniques utilisés sur le matériel
roulant IEC 60571:2012


ICS 45.060 ISBN 978-2-83220-411-5

Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor.
Attention! Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez obtenu cette publication via un distributeur agréé.

® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission

Marque déposée de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
–2– 60571 © IEC:2012


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 8
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................ 8
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................... 10
4 Environmental service conditions of operation ................................................................. 12
4.1 Normal service conditions ...................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 Altitude ...................................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Ambient temperature ................................................................................. 12
4.1.3 Shock and vibration ................................................................................... 13
4.1.4 Relative humidity ....................................................................................... 13
4.2 Special service conditions ...................................................................................... 13
4.2.1 General ..................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Atmospheric pollutants ............................................................................... 13
5 Electrical service conditions ............................................................................................ 13
5.1 Power supply ......................................................................................................... 13
5.1.1 Supply from accumulator battery ................................................................ 13
5.1.2 Supply by a static converter or a rotating set .............................................. 15
5.1.3 Supply change over ................................................................................... 15
5.1.4 Supply with overhead line IECor third rail ......................................................... 15
5.2 Supply overvoltages ............................................................................................... 15
5.3 Installation .............................................................................................................
5702caf6c201/iec-60571-2012 15
5.4 Surges, electrostatic discharge and transient burst susceptibility tests .................... 16
5.5 Electromagnetic compatibility ................................................................................. 16
6 Reliability, maintainability and expected useful life ........................................................... 16
6.1 Equipment reliability............................................................................................... 16
6.1.1 Predicted reliability..................................................................................... 16
6.1.2 Proof of reliability ....................................................................................... 16
6.2 Useful life .............................................................................................................. 17
6.3 Maintainability ........................................................................................................ 17
6.4 Maintenance levels ................................................................................................ 17
6.4.1 On-vehicle diagnosis and repair ................................................................. 17
6.4.2 Off-vehicle diagnosis and repair ................................................................. 17
6.5 Built-in diagnostics................................................................................................. 17
6.6 Automatic test equipment....................................................................................... 18
6.7 Alternative methods for fault diagnosis ................................................................... 18
6.8 Purpose built test equipment and special tools ....................................................... 18
7 Design ............................................................................................................................ 18
7.1 General ................................................................................................................. 18
7.1.1 Quality management .................................................................................. 18
7.1.2 Life cycle ................................................................................................... 19
7.2 Detailed practices – Hardware ............................................................................... 19
7.2.1 Interfacing ................................................................................................. 19
7.2.2 Fault protection .......................................................................................... 19
7.2.3 Referencing power supplies ....................................................................... 21
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7.2.4 Interchangeability ....................................................................................... 21

7.2.5 Reduction of supply voltage ....................................................................... 21
7.2.6 Polarity reversal ......................................................................................... 21
7.2.7 Inrush currents .......................................................................................... 21
7.2.8 Spare capacity ........................................................................................... 21
7.3 Detailed practices – Software ................................................................................. 21
7.3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 21
7.3.2 Software design measures ......................................................................... 22
7.4 Equipment features ................................................................................................ 23
7.4.1 General ..................................................................................................... 23
7.4.2 Memory checking ....................................................................................... 23
7.4.3 Self-test ..................................................................................................... 23
7.4.4 Watchdog .................................................................................................. 24
7.4.5 Error indication .......................................................................................... 24
7.4.6 Recovery ................................................................................................... 24
8 Components ................................................................................................................... 24
8.1 Procurement .......................................................................................................... 24
8.2 Application ............................................................................................................. 25
9 Construction ................................................................................................................... 25
9.1 Equipment construction ......................................................................................... 25
9.1.1 General ..................................................................................................... 25
9.1.2 Mechanical protection ................................................................................ 25
9.1.3 Polarisation or coding ................................................................................ 25
9.1.4 Dimensional requirements .......................................................................... 25
IEC 60571:2012
9.1.5 Sockets and connectors ............................................................................. 25
9.2 Component mounting .............................................................................................
5702caf6c201/iec-60571-2012 26
9.2.1 General ..................................................................................................... 26
9.2.2 Layout ....................................................................................................... 26
9.2.3 Fixing ........................................................................................................ 26
9.2.4 Component terminations ............................................................................ 26
9.2.5 Pre-set control ........................................................................................... 26
9.2.6 Select on test (SOT) components ............................................................... 26
9.3 Electrical connections ............................................................................................ 27
9.3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 27
9.3.2 Soldered connections ................................................................................. 27
9.3.3 Crimped connections ................................................................................. 27
9.3.4 Wire wrap connections ............................................................................... 27
9.3.5 Other connections ...................................................................................... 27
9.4 Internal flexible wiring (electrical and optical) ......................................................... 27
9.5 Flexible printed wiring ............................................................................................ 28
9.6 Printed boards – flexible and rigid .......................................................................... 28
9.6.1 Printed board types .................................................................................... 28
9.6.2 Procurement .............................................................................................. 28
9.6.3 Layout ....................................................................................................... 28
9.6.4 Materials .................................................................................................... 28
9.7 Protective coatings for printed board assemblies .................................................... 29
9.8 Identification .......................................................................................................... 29
9.8.1 Bare printed board identification ................................................................. 29
9.8.2 Identification of subracks and printed board assemblies ............................. 29
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9.8.3 Mounting position of subracks and printed board assemblies ...................... 29

9.8.4 Fuse and battery identification .................................................................... 29
9.9 Mounting ............................................................................................................... 30
9.10 Cooling and ventilation ........................................................................................... 30
9.11 Materials and finishes ............................................................................................ 30
10 Safety ............................................................................................................................. 30
10.1 Introductory remarks .............................................................................................. 30
10.2 General ................................................................................................................. 31
10.3 Functional safety ................................................................................................... 31
10.4 Personnel safety .................................................................................................... 31
11 Documentation ............................................................................................................... 31
11.1 General ................................................................................................................. 31
11.2 Supply and storage of documentation ..................................................................... 31
11.3 Hardware and software documentation................................................................... 31
11.3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 31
11.3.2 Hardware documentation ........................................................................... 31
11.3.3 Software documentation ............................................................................. 32
11.4 Documentation requirements ................................................................................. 32
11.4.1 Documents ................................................................................................ 32
11.4.2 Circuit diagrams ......................................................................................... 33
11.4.3 Component lists ......................................................................................... 33
11.4.4 Component layout ...................................................................................... 33
11.4.5 Block diagrams .......................................................................................... 33
11.4.6 Wiring diagrams ......................................................................................... 33
IEC 60571:2012
11.4.7 Interconnection diagrams ........................................................................... 34
11.4.8 Equipment drawings ................................................................................... 34
12 Testing ........................................................................................................................... 34
12.1 Categories of tests................................................................................................. 34
12.1.1 General ..................................................................................................... 34
12.1.2 Type tests .................................................................................................. 34
12.1.3 Routine tests ............................................................................................. 35
12.1.4 Investigation tests ...................................................................................... 35
12.2 List of tests ............................................................................................................ 35
12.2.1 General ..................................................................................................... 35
12.2.2 Visual inspection ........................................................................................ 35
12.2.3 Performance test ....................................................................................... 36
12.2.4 Cold start test ............................................................................................ 36
12.2.5 Dry heat test .............................................................................................. 37
12.2.6 Damp heat test, cyclic ................................................................................ 37
12.2.7 Supply overvoltage ..................................................................................... 38
12.2.8 Surges, electrostatic discharge (ESD) and transient burst
susceptibility tests ...................................................................................... 39
12.2.9 Radio frequency test .................................................................................. 40
12.2.10 Insulation test ............................................................................................ 40
12.2.11 Salt mist test .............................................................................................. 42
12.2.12 Vibration, shock and bump test .................................................................. 42
12.2.13 Watertightness test .................................................................................... 42
12.2.14 Equipment stress screening ....................................................................... 43
12.2.15 Low temperature storage test ..................................................................... 43
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Annex A (informative) List of subclauses in which agreement between the parties (e.g.
user and manufacturer) is mentioned .................................................................................... 44
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 45

Figure 1 – System interfacing with the typical EMC areas A, B and C ..................................... 20
Figure 2 – Supply overvoltage ............................................................................................... 39

Table 1 – Ambient temperature ............................................................................................. 12

Table 2 – List of tests ............................................................................................................ 35


IEC 60571:2012
–6– 60571 © IEC:2012




1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
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9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard IEC 60571 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 9: Electrical
equipment and systems for railways.

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition issued in 1998 and its amendment 1
(2006). It constitutes a technical revision.

The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows:
a) In 4.1.2, Table 1 has been modified according to IEC 62498-1. Additional explanation about
the aim of this table is mentioned as notes.
b) In, “32 V”, ”36 V”, “64 V” and “87 V” have been added as the nominal voltage of
equipment according to IEC 60077-1.
c) In 5.3 and (Figure 1), the word “interference” has been replaced by “disturbance”
that is more appropriate because “disturbance” is the cause of “interference”.
d) In 12.2.7, “max” of the test waveform duration D has been replaced by “min” in the table in
Figure 2. Specifying “min” can be expected to derive the duration time D longer than 1 s but
quite near 1,0 s in almost all actual business case. On the other hand, specifying “max”
may cause unnecessarily shorter D than 1,0 s.
60571 © IEC:2012 –7–

e) In, “0,7 U n” has been changed to “k U n” and some examples for Nickel-cadmium
battery and Lead-acid battery are given as NOTE.
f) Subclause 12.2.9, Radio frequency test, has been divided into, Radio frequency
immunity test, and, Radio frequency-emission test.

The text of this standard is originally based on EN 50155. It was submitted to the National
Committees for voting under the Fast Track Procedure.

The text of this standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

9/1711/FDIS 9/1735/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in the data related to
the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be

• reconfirmed, iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

• withdrawn,
• (
replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IEC 60571:2012
–8– 60571 © IEC:2012


1 Scope

This International Standard applies to all electronic equipment for control, regulation, protection,
supply, etc., installed on rail vehicles and associated with:

– either the accumulator battery of the vehicle;

– or a low voltage power supply source with or without a direct connection to the contact
system (transformer, potentiometer device, auxiliary supply);

with the exception of electronic power circuits, which conform to IEC 61287-1.

This standard covers the conditions of operation, design, construction, and testing of electronic
equipment, as well as basic hardware and software requirements considered necessary for
competent, reliable equipment.

Additional requirements in other standards or individual specifications may complement this

standard, if they are justified.
Specific requirements related to practices necessary to ensure defined levels of functional
safety are determined in accordance with and of IEC 62278 and its informative
Annex A.
IEC 60571:2012
Software safety integrity level of 1 or higher shall only be considered when it is shown that a
residual safety risk remains and that it has to be carried by the software driven programmable
electronic system. In such a case (i.e. software safety integrity level 1 or higher), IEC 62279 is

For the purpose of this standard, electronic equipment is defined as equipment mainly
composed of semiconductor devices and recognized associated components. These
components will mainly be mounted on printed boards.

NOTE Sensors (current, voltage, speed, etc.) and firing unit printed board assemblies for power electronic devices
are covered by this standard. Complete firing units are covered by IEC 61287-1.

2 Normative references

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)

IEC 60068-2-1, Environmental testing – Part 2-1: Tests – Test A: Cold

IEC 60068-2-2, Environmental testing – Part 2-2: Tests – Test B: Dry heat

IEC 60068-2-30, Environmental testing – Part 2-30: Tests – Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 +
12 hour cycle)

IEC 60297 (all parts), Mechanical structures for electronic equipment – Dimensions of
mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series
60571 © IEC:2012 –9–

IEC 60300-3-5, Dependability management – Part 3-5: Application guide – Reliability test
conditions and statistical test principles

IEC 60352-1, Solderless connections – Part 1: Wrapped connections – General requirements,

test methods and practical guidance

IEC 60352-2, Solderless connections – Part 2: Crimped connections – General requirements,

test methods and practical guidance

IEC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Codes)

IEC 60605 (all parts), Equipment reliability testing

IEC 60617, Graphical symbols for diagrams

IEC 60850, Railway applications – Supply voltages of traction systems

IEC 61082 (all parts), Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology

IEC 61124, Reliability testing – Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure

IEC 61188 (all parts), Printed boards and printed board assemblies – Design and use
IEC 61188-5, Printed boards and (
printed board assemblies – Design
Attachment (land/joint) considerations
and use – Part 5:

IEC 60571:2012
IEC 61249-2-7, Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures – Part 2-7:
Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad – Epoxide woven E-glass laminated sheet of
defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad

IEC 61249-2-22, Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures – Part 2-22:
Reinforced base materials clad and unclad – Modified non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass
laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad

IEC 61373, Railway applications – Rolling stock equipment – Shock and vibration tests

IEC 62236-3-2:2008, Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility – Part 3-2: Rolling

stock – Apparatus

IEC 62278:2002, Railway applications – Specification and demonstration of Reliability,

Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)

IEC 62326 (all parts), Printed boards

IEC 62498-1:2010, Railway Applications – Environmental conditions for equipment – Part 1:

Equipment on board rolling stock

ISO 9001, Quality management systems – Requirements

ISO 90003, Software engineering – Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to
computer software
– 10 – 60571 © IEC:2012

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:

printed board
base material cut to size containing all holes and bearing at least one conductive pattern.
Printed boards are typically subdivided according to:

– their structure (e.g. single and double-sided, multilayers)

– the nature of the base material (e.g. rigid, flexible)

printed board assembly
printed board with electrical and mechanical components and/or other printed boards attached
to it with all manufacturing processes, soldering, coating, etc., completed

plug-in unit
unit which plugs into a subrack and is supported by guides. These units can be of various types,
ranging from a printed board with components mounted in a frame or box type unit, designed
with a plug-in connection

structural unit for housing printed board assemblies and/or plug-in units
IEC 60571:2012
free-standing or fixed structure for supporting electrical or electronic equipment (e.g. subracks)
any enclosure for housing electrical and/or electronic equipment

line replaceable unit
unit designed to be exchanged as a result of on-vehicle fault diagnosis, e.g. a subrack, or
plug-in unit

performance check
short form performance test which is carried out during and after environmental tests, sufficient
to prove that the equipment is within its operational limits, and that it has survived an
environmental test

control system voltage supply
voltage supply used to power the vehicle control equipment
Note 1 to entry: The supply may be derived from a vehicle battery. The battery may be charged from battery
chargers, auxiliary inverters and motor-alternator or motor-generator sets with associated electronic regulations.

Where the control system voltage supply is derived from a battery, the nominal and rated control system voltages
are defined in 5.1. Where no battery is fitted, the nominal control system voltage is the normal controlled level of
that voltage.
60571 © IEC:2012 – 11 –

vehicle wiring
all wiring which can be connected to the control system voltage supply, wherever located, and
all other wiring external to the electronic equipment under consideration

supply overvoltage
electrical disturbance to the control system voltage supply caused by equipment controlling that
supply. A supply overvoltage will occur as an increase in the level of the control system voltage

non-periodic and relatively short positive or negative (or both) variable (voltage or current)
between two steady states
Note 1 to entry: It may be produced by the normal operation of equipment within the vehicle, caused generally by
the discharge of energy when inductive circuits are switched.

It may be present either on the control system voltage supply, or on wiring connected directly to switched inductive
circuits, or coupled electrostatically or electromagnetically from such wiring into other wiring.

The effective value of the source impedance of a transient will depend upon the manner of its generation and

repetitive pulses occurring during a fixed time interval
They may occur during normal operation of the vehicle, typically resulting from unstable arc
conditions IEC 60571:2012
3.14 5702caf6c201/iec-60571-2012
termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function
Note 1 to entry: A temporary malfunction will not be considered a failure provided that:

a) the equipment recovers normal operation automatically following malfunction;

b) the malfunction is not apparent to the vehicle operating staff; for example, fault indicators do not light up.

Note 2 to entry: Attention is drawn to the possibility of a consequential failure of a second item of equipment
resulting from a temporary malfunction of another item of equipment connected to it.

any change in visual appearance or alteration of mechanical integrity

useful life
under given conditions, the time interval beginning at a given instant of time and ending when
the failure rate becomes unacceptable, or when the item is considered not repairable as a
result of a fault or for other relevant factors

Note 1 to entry: For a repairable item the individual useful life may be ended by a failure which is not considered
as repairable for any reason.
– 12 – 60571 © IEC:2012

4 Environmental service conditions of operation

4.1 Normal service conditions

4.1.1 Altitude

The altitude at which the equipment is normally to function does not exceed the values called
for in IEC 62498-1:2010, 4.2. When it exceeds this figure, compliance with the requirements
shall be defined by agreement between user and manufacturer.

4.1.2 Ambient temperature

Electronic equipment shall be designed and manufactured to meet the full performance
specification requirement for the selected temperature categories as stated in Table 1.

The design shall take into account temperature rises within cubicles to ensure that the
components do not exceed their specified temperature ratings.

In addition, the equipment shall meet the special short-term start up thermal conditions as
stated in column 3.

Table 1 – Ambient temperature

Class Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Ambient temperature Internal cubicle Internal cubicle Air temperature
outside vehicle
temperature overtemperature
during 10 min
surrounding the
printed board
°C °C
IEC 60571:2012 °C °C
T1 –25
+40 –25 +55 +15 –25 +70
T2 –40 +35
–40 +55 +15 –40 +70
T3 –25 +45 –25 +70 +15 –25 +85

T4 –10 +40 –10 +70 +15 –10 +85

T5 +5 +45 +5 +70 +15 +5 +85

T6 –20 +45 –20 +75 (NOTE 2) –20 +(NOTE 2)

TX –40 +50 –40 +70 +15 –40 +85

NOTE 1 The differences between this Table 1 (column 2) and IEC 62498-1:2010 Table 2 (column 3) are mainly
due to the following reasons:

IEC 62498-1 refers to a general application, where cubicles are provided without any particular thermal design.

In electronic equipment, a thermal design is usually needed, to guarantee a convenient minimum and maximum
ambient temperature for the electronic components. The values given for the maximum temperatures inside the
cubicle has been restricted to a choice of two to allow manufacturers to have only two classes of cards.

NOTE 2 This value may become as high as a level that some agreement between user and manufacturer may be
necessary considering the effect of high temperature to the life and reliability of parts and to the cost of the
thermal design.

For peripheral units (measuring transducers, etc.), or if the equipment is in a decentralized

configuration, then if the above ambient temperature ranges are exceeded, the actual
temperatures occurring at the location of the equipment concerned shall be used in the design.

Rapid external ambient temperature variations resulting from running through tunnels shall be
taken into account. For this purpose the rate of change of external temperature shall be
assumed to be 3 °C/s, with a maximum variation of 40 °C.
60571 © IEC:2012 – 13 –

4.1.3 Shock and vibration

The equipment shall be able to withstand, without deterioration or malfunction, vibrations and
shocks that occur in service.

In order to provide some reasonable degree of confidence that it will survive the specified
useful life under service conditions, it shall be capable of meeting the vibration, shock and
bump test as described in 12.2.12.

For these purposes the equipment is specified as having the electronic units installed complete,
and supported in their designed fixings, with anti-vibration mounts where fitted.

For the typical values of shocks and vibrations in real service, reference is made to IEC 61373.

4.1.4 Relative humidity

Refer to Table 2 of IEC 62498-1:2010 with regarding the relative humidity ranges for the
temperature classes T1 to TX as basis of design of the equipment.

The equipment shall be designed for the following humidity stresses (limit values) over the
relevant range of the external ambient temperature as defined in 4.1.2:

– yearly average ≤ 75 % relative humidity,

– 30 consecutive days in the year: 95 % relative humidity.
In addition, any moisture condensation shall not lead to any malfunction or failure.
For peripheral units (measuring transducers, etc.), or if the equipment is in a decentralized
configuration, then if the above humidity IEC stresses are exceeded, the actual humidity occurring
at the location of the
equipment concerned shall be used in the design.
4.2 Special service conditions

4.2.1 General

Special arrangements shall be agreed between the appropriate parties involved when service
conditions can be proved to be different from those mentioned in 4.1 (e.g. electronic equipment
mounted on the bogie or integrated within a power converter, etc.). Checks for the
effectiveness of such arrangements can, if required, form the subject of optional type tests
which can be carried out on the vehicle itself in accordance with methods to be agreed
between user and manufacturer.

4.2.2 Atmospheric pollutants

The equipment may be expected to be exposed throughout its life to various pollutants (e.g. oil
mist, salt spray, conductive dust, sulphur dioxide.). The types of pollutants and their
concentration should be defined in the tender documents.

5 Electrical service conditions

5.1 Power supply

5.1.1 Supply from accumulator battery General

The nominal voltage of equipment (U n) so supplied shall be selected from amongst the
following values:

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