Man Sem 4 Cerebellum

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Composed of :
1) Cerebellar cortex :
 Outer gray matter
2) Deep cerebellar nuclei :
 inner white matter
 Deep cerebellar nuclei ( Dentate , Globose , Emboliform & Fastigial )

Cerebellum is formed of 3 parts :

Vermis , Cerebellar hemisphere & Folliculo-Nodular lobe

Anatomically :
Cerebellum is divided by 2 fissures ( primary and posterolateral ) into :
1) Anterior lobe
2) Posterior lobe
3) Flocculo-nodular lobe

Functionally :
1) Vestibule- cerebellum ( Archi-cerebellum )
 Flocculo – nodular lobe
 Related in its functions with vestibular system
2) Spino- cerebellum ( Paleo-cerebellum )
 Vermis , Para-Vermal ( Intermediate ) zones of cerebellar hemispheres
 Related in its functions with spinal cord
3) Cerebro (ponto)- cerebellum ( Neo-cerebellum )
 Lateral zones of the cerebellum
 Related in its functions with cerebral cortex

Functions of the cerebellum :
1) Regulation of equilibrium (Vestibulo-Cerebellum ) :
Disturbed equilibrium → ++ vestibular receptors → vestibule-
cerebellum → send corrective signals through :
1) V.S.T & R.S.T  Maintain body posture
2) M.L.B  3 , 4 , 6 cranial nuclei → eye movement (Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex )

2) Regulation of body posture  ( Vermis ) :

Receives information from proprioceptors about position & movements
Sends output to V.S.T & R.S.T → controls tone of antigravity muscles

3) Regulation ( coordination ) of voluntary movements
a) Servo-comparator function (Spino-cerebellum) :
Spino-cerebellum is informed about :
1) Intended plan :
 from motor cortex ( via cortico – ponto - cerebellar tract )
2) Performance of movement :
 from muscles ( via spino – cerebellar tracts )
Cerebellum Compares intention with the performance
If not appropriate the cerebellum sends corrective signals to the
motor centers

b) Predictive and damping function :

 Cerebellum assesses rate of movement & calculates the time needed
to reach the intended point
 Then send inhibitory impulses to the motor cortex to stop the
movements at the exact intended point

c) Planning & timing function (cerebro-cerebellum) :

 Cerebellum plans & provides proper timing for movement
 This is necessary for smooth transition from one movement to the next
and joining of sequential movements ( Onset & Termination )
 Especially important for ballistic movements .

 Equilibrium and posture  Vestibulocerebelum

 Distal limb movement control by feedback  Spinocerebellum
 Planning, sequencing & timing  Cerebrocerebellum

 Manifest effects on ipsilateral side (same side of lesion).

1) Lesion in Flocculo- nodular Lobe :
Lead to impaired equilibrium

2) Lesion in Vermis :
Lead to inability to sustain the upright posture

3) Lesion in Neo-cerebellum : (Neo-Cerebellar syndrome) :

a. Hypotonia : Weak ms tone , due to ↓ supraspinal facilitation
b. Asthenia : weakness of movements .
c. Ataxia (asynergia) : incoordination of voluntary movements , in
absence of UMNL & LMNL

Manifestations of ataxia
1) Dysmetria :
 Limb overshoots ( hypermetria ) Or undershoots ( Hypometria )
 Due to failure of Comparator & damping function

2) Dysarthria ( Scanning speech ) :

 Speck becomes slow , fragmented ( separate syllables )
 Due to failure to adjust timing & activity of speech muscles

3) Dysdiadochokinesia :
 Patient is unable to perform rapid successive opposite movements e.g.
supination & pronation of hands
 Movements become slow and irregular
 Due to failure adjust precise timing for " onset " & termination of
successive alternating contractions

4) Decomposition of Complex movements :

 Voluntary act is carried out as several successive steps like Robots 
 Patient can’t perform movements that involve 2 joints at the same time .
 Tested by heel to knee test

5) kinetic tremors :
 Occur during voluntary movements
 Due to failure of damping function
 When the cerebral cortex detects overshooting it tries to correct it by a
movement in opposite direction, but this corrective movement also
overshoots needing a new correction, and so on.

6) Unsteady Gait :
 Due to dysmetria and kinetic tremors of the lower limb muscles
 Drunken (Swaying ) manner

7) Rebound phenomenon :
 When the patient flexes his forearm strongly against a resistance then
the resistance is suddenly removed  Patient cannot stop inward
movement of his forearm in proper time and may strike his body
 This is due to failure of the damping function

8) Nystagmus :
 Due to kinetic tremors of extra ocular muscles


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