Answer Aa City Administration Education Bureau - 240317 - 165450

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1. A. The establishment of the Institute of
Ethiopian Studies (IES) changed the way of
historical studies in Ethiopia in the 1960s.
2. D. The decline of Roman Civilization in the
5th century AD marked the beginning of the
ancient European periodization.
3. B. The Big Bang Theory explains that the
universe began as a single point and
4. D. Gorillas and Chimpanzees are classified
as hominids, different from humans.
5. D. Australopithecus Africanus was
discovered by paleoanthropologists from South
6. A. Zeresenay Alemseged got involved in the
discovery of Lucy.
7. C. Homo Erectus was the first human being
to master the use of fire around 1.5 million
years ago.
8. B. Zoroastrianism was the second
monotheistic religion after Judaism in ancient
9. C. Thucydides is considered by most
scholars as the first scientific historian.
10. D. The war and conquest by the Romans in
146 B.C. did not contribute to the decline of
ancient Greece.
11. D. Confucius did not accept the existence
of Heaven based on human reason.
12. A. According to Hinduism, salvation is not
through attaining pleasure in the material
13. B. The known or famous kings with extra
palaces did not characterize civilized states.
14. A. The earliest state in the world emerged
more than 6,000 years ago, not some 6000
years ago.
15. D. The origin of the Marathon race is
commonly traced back to the Greco-Persian
War in 490 B.C.
16. D. The comic and tragic comedies and
dramas are not achievements of the Roman
17. C. The Barbarians did not establish strong
trade and government in the Roman territory
during the European Middle Ages.
18. D. The Eastern Roman Empire developed
a civilization that was more Greek than Latin,
not more Latin than Greek.
19. B. The Persian elites did not make an
agreement with the Arabs to help them during
the rapid success of the Muslim Arabs.
20. D. Hanbali school was not associated with
the kingdom of South Arabia.
21. D. The bulk of the feudal army was not
comprised of powerful nobles during the
military feudalism in the Medieval period.
22. C. Divine right theory is not a theory about
the emergence of the state.
23. B. Towns and cities in the Late Medieval
period were not centers of administration for
feudal lords.
24. B. Legal inequalities with special privileges
among peoples is not a characteristic of
capitalism in its early stage.
25. C. The Crusaders did not accomplish their
main objectives of capturing the Holy Land.
26. B. Preaching Quran in the Church and
Bible in the Mosque is not a shared common
value of Christians and Muslims in Ethiopia.
27. D. Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa are not
inhabited by speakers of Afro-Asiatic
28. C. The rebellion of Beja pastoralist Peoples
was not a major factor for the downfall of
29. D. His foreign policy did not lack a
foundational plan to defend the sovereignty
and solidarity of Ethiopia.
30. A. The religious transformation from idol
worship to Christianity did not characterize the
31. D. The Portuguese explorer Vasco da-
Gama did not sail to the New World/America.
32. D. Church and its tax exemptions is not a
point of criticism by Protestants against
33. D. Establishing the Royal Navy and
encouraging shipbuilding was not an
achievement of King Henry II of England.
34. C. Instability inside her previously divided
country did not characterize the English
Golden age under Queen Elizabeth I.
35. A. Portugal was the first European nation to
establish trade relations with Asians.
36. A. The story did not justify that Queen
Sheba was the Queen of Axum/Ethiopia.
37. C. The desire to conquer the neighboring
states and peoples did not win the immediate
attention of the restored Christian kings in the
38. C. Reduced sense of nationalism was not a
main effect of Zemene Mesafint.
39. D. Ottoman Turkey did not encroach along
the Red Sea
Coast regions after the battle of Woyna-Dega
in 1543.
40. D. Madda Walaabu in Bale was not the
ritual and political center of the Oromo.
41. A. The existence of political hierarchy
under powerful Motis or kings did not
characterize the Gada system.
42. B. Gorgora Bichen did not involve Kassa
defeating four vassals of Wube and Ali.
43. B. Segregating Muslims and Falashas from
Christians was not an achievement of King
Fasillades (1632-1667).
44. D. The Enlightenment, the Age of
Reasoning did not contribute to the growth of
capitalism and democracy in Europe and North
45. A. Expansion of world trade was not a
negative effect of the Industrial Revolution.
46. C. Establishment of constitutional
monarchy is not a legacy of Napoleon
47. D. Corruption and maladministration was
not a serious conflict between the monarchy
and the parliament during King Charles I
48. A. The "Magna Carta" or the traditional law
did not contribute to the serious conflict
between the monarchy and the parliament
during King Charles I (1625-1649).
49. C. The "country of the blacks" is equivalent
to "Bila'd al-Sudan."
50. D. It decreased absolutism in pre-colonial
West Africa was not a consequence of the

51. A. The kingdom of Keffa adopted

Christianity introduced from Enarya is an
incorrect statement.
52. B. State of Limu-Enarya was not founded
by the well-
known Oromo chief Bakare Godana in 1840.
53. D. Packing goods for mobilization is not a
responsibility of the Negadras.

54. D. The kingdom of Venetia and Lombardy

were not the nucleus for the unification of Italy.
55. D. Political difference between the
autocratic north and more liberal south is not a
hindering factor for the unification of Germany.
56. B. Slavery was continued in the South until
the end of the 19th century is not a major effect
of the American Civil War.
57. A. Lack of braveness and enthusiastic spirit
to struggle is not a factor for the failures of
African resistance.
58. C. He was succeeded by his reforms like
manufacturing modern guns is incorrect about
the challenges of Tewodros II.
59. A. He persisted with the use of force for
building imperial authority is true about the
policies of Yohannes VI.
60. C. Liberalism is not among the major
causes of WWI (1914-1918).
61. D. The Treaty of Saint was not signed
between the Allied and Austria is incorrect
about the effects of the First World War.
62. A. The first phase of Menelik’s territorial
expansion was motivated by the need to create
a buffer zone between adjacent colonial
powers and Ethiopia is a true statement.
63. C. The major objective of the 1883 treaty
between Menelik and Italians was not
strengthening the Assab-Shoan trade is an
incorrect statement.
64. C. The proper geographical knowledge by
Italians is not a
factor for the success of the Ethiopian Victory
over Italians at Adwa.
65. B. The battle of Sarwuha 1887 was fought
between Negus T/Haymanot and Mahdists.
66. D. Ineffectiveness of the European
missionaries to manufacture mortars is not a
reason for the failure of the policy of Tewodros.
67. B. The formation of military alliance called
Allied and Axis is different from the others.
68. C. They themselves were imperialists and
colonizers is the reason the League of Nations
failed to give a just solution for the Italo-
Ethiopian crisis of the 1930s.
69. D. Abba Jobir of Jimma is not a
collaborator of Italians against Emperor Haile
70. A. Asmara is the center of Italian East
71. D. Ras Seyum Mengesha was not the
designated viceroy of Emperor Haile Selassie
who was in exile in London (1936-1941).
72. D. The formation of the League of Nations
is not an effect of WWII; it was formed after

73. C. "Land to Tiller" is the slogan associated

with the student's movements.
74. C. It gave less focus on the religion and
isolation of worship does not characterize the
Apartheid rule in South Africa.
75. B. Burkhardt Du Bois (1869-1963) is
considered the TRUE father of Pan-Africanism.
76. A. Workers Party of Ethiopia (WPE) served
as a bridge between the party, the state, and
the people since 1984.
77. D. He was the head of Ethiopian People's
Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRP) is
incorrect; Mengistu Hailemariam did not lead
the EPRP.
78. C. Casablanca Group was not originally
organized by ex-French colonies.
79. D. Low level of brain-drain refugees is not
among the problems of independent African
states and the OAU.

80. A. Making an inclusive or multi-party

system in the country is not a measure of the
consolidation of autocracy.
81. C. Lack of proper coordination and the
failure to involve the army is the reason for the
failure of the 1960s coup d'état.
82. D. The freedom of the masses and
development of their nation was the primary
concern for the students during their struggle
against the imperial regime.
83. A. Increasing land tax and the process of
privatization was the immediate cause of the
Gojjam peasant rebellion.
84. B. The Tigray People's Liberation Front
(TPLF) is represented by the term Jabaha.
85. A. Creating favorable ground for males in
the education system is not among the
demands of the Ethiopian Teachers

86. B. The reestablishment of Ethiopian

education on the American model did not
characterize the Ethio-American relation in the
post-Global War period.
87. C. Tamirat Layne was the first Prime
Minister of the transitional government of
Ethiopia in 1991.
88. D. Military challenge from the Eritrean
People's Liberation Front (EPLF) is not a factor
for the decline of the Derg.
89. C. Ethiopia was not a member of the
League of Nations at the time of the Fascist
Italy's war on Ethiopia.
90. C. Lack of willingness and less
commitment of the Axis powers to manage the
war is not a factor for the defeat of the Axis
91. D. To control the admission of new
members is not among the responsibilities and
authorities of the Security Council of the UN.
92. B. It was caused by the world's great
economic crisis called "great depression" is
wrong about the Cold War.
93. B. To establish a National State for the
Jews in Palestine was the objective of Zionism.
94. C. The spread of Political ideology called
capitalism is NOT a result of land privatization
in the post-war period.
95. D. Sweden favored union with Ethiopia is
FALSE about the proposals of the 1948 UN
96. B. To Create the United States of Africa is
NOT among the purposes of the OAU.
97. C. Holding veto power which was enjoyed
by some members of the UN is NOT among
the successes of the UNO.
98. D. The traditional methods and the cultures
of African war experiences is NOT a factor that
facilitated the liberation of Africa.
99. B. Ahmed Ben Bella was not associated
with Nigeria.

100.D. Her plan to help Britain's plan of

building the dam on Lake Tana in 1925 is
different from the other activities listed.

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