Grade 11 History Worksheet 2

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Hohete Tibebe Share Company

Education and Technology Team

Ethio-Parents' Schools (Gerji / Gullele/Hawassa

2012( 2019/20) HISTORY WORKSHEET -2 FOR GRADE 11

Take care for yourself and for others! Stay home and keep
Social Distancing!
Direction I – Read the following Statement carefully and gives your
answer writing False for incorrect, and true for correct statement

1. Portuguese and Ottoman Turkish Rivalries in the Horn caused economic and
political boom in Ethiopia.
2. The first population movement in the Ethiopian region and the Horn was the
movement of Afar and Somali.
3. Besides the internal factors the Gada system also affected by external factors.
4. After the death of Imam Ahmed at the Battle of Woina Dega in 1543, the threat
from Adal ceased immediately.
5. Zemene Mesafint was the period of the kings’ domination over regional lords in
the palace of Gondar.
6. Unlike the war with the Oromo, Gelawdewos was more successful in the
campaign against the Adal.
7. The attempt at conversion to the Roman faith began as soon as the Portuguese
soldiers entered the Christian kingdom in 1541.
8. The Chinese officials of the 16th and 17th centuries regarded those who lived
outside their empire as uncivilized.
9. The Seclusion policy for Japan had brought various positive socio- economic and
political consequences.
10.The Tudor dynasty (1485-1603) had made the English monarchy strong but not
11.The Gada system was affected by the changes in the economic life of the
Oromo population.
12.The history of Catholicization in Ethiopia was accompanied by bloodshed
signifying the strong establishment of Orthodox Christianity in the highland
Christian kingdom.
13.The emergence of Gondar as the third permanent capital resumed the old
tradition of citadel in Ethiopia.
14.Despite its influences and legacies, Enlightenment was a minority
15.Prior to the revolution the American colonies were used to running their
affairs with no much interference of British government.
16.The French Revolution was the bourgeoisie because it lacked active
participation of the majority.

Education and Technology Team 1

Direction II Match Item listed under column “A” with Items listed
under column “B”

Column “A” Column ‘B”

1. Who didn’t have full political right A. Samurai

2. The covenant made by members of B. Rasbitwaded
the French National Assembly C. Glorious Revolution
3. Marked the final victory the D. Midhecha
parliament over the monarchy in E. States General
England F. The Tennis Oath Court
4. The national representative Assembly G. The Law of Maximum
of France H. Active citizens
5. Who had enough property and I. Passive citizens
privilege? J. Carbonari
6. The secret society organized in Italy K. Daimyos
in the 1840’s L. The Reign of Terror
7. Feudal warriors of medieval Japan M. Afeniguse
8. The Guardian of the weak king in
medieval Ethiopia
9. Introduced by the Jacobins used to
stabilize the economic situation
10. Feudal lords of Medieval Japan

Direction III Choose the best answer to the following Questions

from the alternatives given for each

1. What was the immediate outcome of the Battle of Dengez fought in

A. The establishment of Gondar as permanent Capital.
B. Susenyos abdication from his throne in favor of his son.
C. Forging the country’s foreign relation
D. Execution of the catholic missionaries (Jesuits)
2. Since the late 17th century on the core provinces of the Gonderian
kingdom included all except
A. Gojjam C. Tigre
B. Shewa D. Begemdir
3. Gondar experienced a period of glory and splendor only during its
first three successive kings. These were:
A. Iyasu I, Iyasu II and Bakafa
B. Fasiledes, Yohannes I and Iyasu I
C. Yohannes I, Yohannes II and Iyoas
D. Tekle Himanot Iyasu II, Yohannes III and

Education and Technology Team 2

4. All are the characteristics of the Zemene Mesafint except?
A. The country experienced prolonged civil war
B. The Dejazmach and Rases had become the real ruler of the
C. The Orthodox church remained the only unifying force.
D. Exhibited the foreign threat mainly came from Egypt
5. Before the Mamluk rise to power in 1250, Egypt was ruled by:
A. The Muslim Dynasty of Ayyubid
B. The Fatimid Muslim dynasty
C. The Makhzumite Muslim dynasty
D. The Muslim dynasty of Abbasids
6. What was the major factor that contributed to the emergence of
pre-colonial western Sudanese kingdoms?
A. The Trans -Saharan trade
B. The Trans - Atlantic slave trade
C. Frequented civil war of the region
D. Continuous contact with the alien merchants
7. Which one of the following is wrong about the Trans- Atlantic
Slave trade?
A. Portugal was the first European country that began the slave
B. In Africa the slave trade conducted for about more than 3000
C. The Atlantic slave trade passed three distinct phases
D. West European nations accumulate enormous wealth as the
result of triangular slave trade
8. Pre- colonial African state which has similar style to the walled city
of “Jegol” was:
A. The kingdom Aoukar C. The Kanem- Bornu
B. The Funj sultanate D. The Hausa state
9. Which one of the following is outstanding ruler in Southern Africa
who won the war against the Boers (the Dutch migrant farmers)?
A. Manipogo Alfonse C. Shaka Zulu
B. Mongusuttu Buthelezi D. King Mosh she

Education and Technology Team 3

10. The Ch’ing Dynasty is remembered as foreign dynasty in the history
of medieval China, but the Chinese landlords and educated class
accepted it because of:
A. The principle of “the might always right”
B. The idea of the “Mandate of Heaven” told them.
C. The warrior merciless nature the Ch’ing rulers
D. The very espionage and conspiracy practice of Ch’ing king
11. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England marked:
A. The introduction of the called Magna Carta
B. The final victory of the monarchy over the parliament
C. The restoration of the power of the monarchy with bloodshed
D. The final victory of the parliament over the monarchy without
12. What was the main purpose of Seclusion policy of Tokugawa
government in medieval Japan?
A. Allowed the Christian missionaries in Japan
B. Isolate Japan from any external influence
C. Avoid the isolation of Japan contact with the outside world
D. Transition of Japan from an old feudal system to early
capitalist stage
13. Which one of the following is wrong statement about
A. The 18th century intellectual movement in Europe and colonial
North America
B. The center of enlightenment was France, because it had
become cultural center too.
C. The Enlightenment thinkers all have the same opinions.
D. The Enlightenment thinkers all condemned religious
persecution and intolerance
14. All are said to be the factors contributed to the final success of the
American War of Independence except:
A. The foreign military aid directly from France
B. Determinant leadership role of George Washington
C. The advantage of the Peace Treaty of Paris in 1783
D. Geographically the colonies were more advantageous

Education and Technology Team 4

15. The “Tennis Court Oath” of the French Revolution referred to:
A. Members of the National assembly vowed not to give up the
meeting until they had given France a proper constitution
B. The National Assembly decision to overthrow the French
absolute Monarchy
C. The national Assembly took authority to create new social and
political condition in France.
D. An event when the National Assembly give warning to the
king and the nobility not to resist reforms

16. The slogan “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity “in history

associated with:
A. The English Bourgeois Revolution
B. The French bourgeoisie Revolution
C. The American war of Independence
D. Russian Socialist Revolution
17. When the European Coalition forces occupied Paris, on 3 March
1814 Napoleon I was exiled to the Island of
A. St-Helena C. Elba
B. Waterloo D. Solferino
18. Which one of the following I true about the Jacobins and Girondins
political factions of French Revolution?
A. The later was radical and right wing than the former.
B. The Former was more moderate than the later
C. The former represented the middle and petty bourgeoisie
D. The later represented the peasantry and the working
19. In 1825 the first railway was built in connecting the town
A. Liverpool and Manchester
B. Stockton and Darlington
C. Liverpool and Birmingham
D. Stockton and Liverpool
20. Which one is irrelevant historical fact to the Oromo population?
A. Before and on their movement, they were egalitarian society
B. During their movement the Qallu had also shifted its center from
Bale to Rift valley lakes
C. The Oromo movement was caused by human and natural factors
D. before their movement Leadership in the Oromo was based on
ability and

Education and Technology Team 5

Direction IV Completion and Short answer

1. Discuss the causes and the consequences of the American war of

2. State the internal and external factors that attributed for the success
Oromo population in their movement and expansion
3. Discuss the root causes of the French Revolution
4. Explain about glorious Revolution
5. Discuss the effects of The Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade.

Education and Technology Team 6

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