Navigating HR Dynamics in Bangladesh

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Navigating HR Dynamics in Bangladesh

Mohammed J. Sarwar
Brooklyn College, CUNY
International Human Resource Management
Spring 2024

◉ HRM and Organizational Success

◉ Informed HRM Decision-Making

Structure of
Structure Of

◉ International Expansion Challenges


Labor market Culture
Bangladesh as a Unique Case

◉ Components for Analysis in Bangladesh, see the

Labor relations
and employment
diagram. laws

◉ Comprehensive Guide for HR in Bangladesh.

Politico-legal Environment

1. Parliamentary Democracy in Bangladesh:

o Executive Structure: Headed by Prime Minister (CIA
Organization, 2023).
o Influence on HR: Shapes labor laws, regulations, and system

2. Political Ideology and Multi-Party System:
o Diverse Landscape: Reflects in a multi-party system (CIA
Organization, 2023). l
o HR Alignment: Requires awareness for policy compliance
3. Political Stability Challenges in Bangladesh:
o Weaker Stability: Risks public discontent and unrest(CIA Government

Organization, 2023).
o HR Vigilance: Monitors impact on morale and operations.
Politico-legal Environment (Cont.)

Childhood Determinants

Legal System - Civil • Upholds Individual Rights.

Justice in
Bangladesh: • Guides HR in dispute resolution.

Property Rights • Constitutional Guarantees.

Protection in
Bangladesh: • Crucial for HR in compensation design.
Economic Environment

National Wealth: Macroeconomic

Economic System: Fundamentals:

• Inflation: 9.02% implies

• GDP Growth: 10.55% HR compensation strategy
increase in 2022 signifies considerations.
economic robustness.
• Mixed Economy: Blending • Interest Rates and
• GDP per Capita: Expected Exchange Rate: Rates:
private-public sectors,
to be 1874.00 USD by 6.63% (May 2023), Cash:
agriculture reliance.
2024. 7.75%, Exchange: 0.0092
• Government Role:
• Wealth Distribution: per dollar.
Established EPZs to boost
Disparities: 133rd in HDI, • Unemployment Rate:
exports, key to the
21% bottom 40, 27% top Decreased to 4.70% in
economy (CIA
10 (CIA Organization, 2022, highlighting
Organization, 2023).
2023). competitiveness economy
(CIA Organization, 2023).
Economic Environment(Cont.)

Top Exports: Knitted

Agriculture or crocheted
Dominance: 70%+ apparel

Industrial International
Structure: Trade: Top Imports: Rice,
crucial for food;
Principal Industries: Foreign Investment:
Textiles, Received $3.44
Pharmaceuticals, billion in FDI in FY
Electronics, (CIA 2021-2022, (CIA
Organization, Organization, 2023).
Cultural Environment

Cultural Social
Religion: Language(s):
Characteristics: Structure:

• Objective Culture: Tangible • Ethnic Composition: 98% • Number of Religions: 42 • Number of Spoken
aspects like food, ethnic Bengali, Sunni languages, 36 ethnic Languages: 42.
costumes, and names; Muslims majority; minority, 6 non-ethnic • Dominant Language:
influences daily practices. minorities in Chittagong Hill minority. Bangla (Bengali), 98.8%.
• Subjective Culture: Ideas Tracts. • Dominant Religion: Muslim,
about material culture, • Social Classes: Range from 88.4%.
guiding behavior and daily peasantry to capitalist
life. farmers, forming rural
Cultural Environment (Cont.)

Work-Related Values (G.H. Hofstede)

◉ Power distance: high

◉ Uncertainty avoidance: high

◉ Individualism versus collectivism: individualism

◉ Masculinity versus femininity: intermediate

Figure. 1. Hofstede’s cultural dimension
◉ Long-term orientation: restrained (Culture Factor Group, of Bangladesh. Source: Culture Factor
Group. (n.d.).
Labor Market

4.1 Labor Force: 4.2 Employment and


Total Population (2023 est.): 167,184,465 • Employment by Sector (2021):

(8th globally) • Agriculture: 37.09%
• Age Distribution (2023 est.): • Services: 41.2%
• 0-14 years: 25.38% (male • Others: 27.21%
21,587,699/female 20,846,378) • Educational Attainment (1990-2016):
• 15-64 years: 67.09% (male • Gross secondary school enrollment rates
54,560,958/female 57,599,478) increased, achieving gender parity.
• 65 years and over: 7.53% (male • Unemployment Rate (2022):
5,871,022/female 6,718,930) • Overall: 3.7%
Ethnically Homogeneous: • Gender: Women (3.4%), Men (4.0%)
• Predominantly Bengali (99%) (Global • Ethnicity: Bangladeshi (20%), Black (19%)
Edge, n.d-B).
• Youth (15-24): 12.93% (0.84% decline from
2021) (Global Edge, n.d-B).
Labor Market (Cont.)

Wage Distribution
Minimum Wage: Hourly Wages: (2024):

• Revised to 12,500 takas ($113) • Average is 150 BDT (1.42 USD) • Earning less than $3.65/day:
in Nov. 2023, disappointing for as of April 21, 2023 (Global 41.51%.
workers' rights (Global Edge Edge n.d-B). • Earning less than $6.85/day:
n.d-B). 82.73%.
• Highlighting challenges in labor
standards, necessitating
strategic policy considerations
(Global Edge n.d-B). .
Labor Relations and Employment Laws

Union Labor Anti-discrimina
Labor Laws: Separation
Membership: Disputes: tion Laws:

• Compliance ensures a • Act allows unions for • Due process • Act promotes • Navigate termination
fair work collective bargaining. adherence in workplace equality regulations for legal
environment. • Recognize unions for termination. indirectly. compliance.
• Align policies with fair negotiations (Bipo • Transparent • Implement policies to • Align termination
Bangladesh Labor Act Times, 2022). communication prevent discrimination decisions with legal
(Bipo Times, 2022). mitigates disputes (Bipo Times, 2022). requirements and
(Bipo Times, 2022). consider financial
implications (Bipo
Times, 2022).

◉ Understand diverse aspects for HR in Bangladesh.

◉ Align decisions for inclusive workplaces, address challenges, comply with laws.

◉ Consider ideologies, indicators, cultural nuances, and legal frameworks in HR.

◉ HR vital in managing diversity, cultural sensitivity, legal compliance in growth.

◉ Comprehensive guide for HR in Bangladesh's unique context.


◉ Bipo Times. (2022). Bangladesh Labour Law & Employment Regulations.
◉ De Mooij, M. (2010). The hofstede model. International Journal of advertising, 29(1), 85-110.
◉ Culture Factor Group. (n.d.). Country Comparison Tool. Retrieved from
◉ Taylor, S., Beechler, S., & Napier, N. (1996). Toward an integrative model of strategic international
human resource management. Academy of Management review, 21(4), 959-985.
◉ CIA Organization. (2023, December 19). The world fact book: Bangladesh. Retrieved from :

◉ Mendenhall, M., & Oddou, G. (1986). Acculturation profiles of expatriate managers: Implications
for cross-cultural training programs. Columbia journal of world business, 21(4), 73-79.
◉ Global Edge. (n.d-B). Bangladesh: economy. Retrieved on 8 January 2023 from: \
◉ Collings, D. G., & Isichei, M. (2018). The shifting boundaries of global staffing: Integrating
global talent management, alternative forms of international assignments and non-employees
into the discussion. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1), 165-187.
◉ Global Edge. (n.d). Bangladesh: Culture. Retrieved on 8 January 2023 from:

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