Research Paper On Cloning

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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, especially when tackling complex subjects like cloning.

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When delving into a topic as controversial and scientifically intricate as cloning, the challenges
multiply. Not only must researchers navigate the vast landscape of existing literature and studies, but
they must also grapple with ethical considerations, societal implications, and evolving scientific
advancements. Crafting a coherent and compelling thesis on cloning requires a comprehensive
understanding of biology, genetics, ethics, and law, among other disciplines.

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Well with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep updated with forthcoming post. An
author of the following writing seeks to discuss the moral problems related to the cloning of humans
and consequences that could follow it. There are other ways of mapping features on DNA for longer
length DNA molecules, such as mapping by transduction.Map can be constructed. Thanks a million
and please carry on the gratifying work. According to him, permitting the conduct of one may lead
to the conduct of the other; since research cloning is allowed for therapeutic purposes, there is a
tendency for a temptation to pursue reproductive cloning for other purposes aside from giving a
childless couple an offspring. Cloning paves the way for replacing the defective gene with the perfect
one. Now, you have to put your hard efforts in the paper and be logical, coherent and reasonable
throughout the assignment. Just two years later, five groups independently isolated DNA ligases and
demonstrated their ability to assemble two pieces of DNA (9-13). In addition, they are also
expensive and take up a lot of time. Yadav and Sharma (2011) explain that a geneticist known as
Joshua Lederberg, is credited coming up with the prospects and promise of human cloning. The
twentieth century scientists developed genetic engineering, In combination with cloning such genetic
material was able to bring about the desired change in a plant's genes. Consequently on 5th July
1996 Dolly the sheep was born; she was the first mammalian clone produced by somatic tissue. Stem
cells are able to do this because they are able to grow into any cell of the body and perform cell
division to an extent that they are able to create an organ. Reverse transcription was used to create a
DNA copy (cDNA) of mRNA that was subsequently amplified by PCR to create an insert for
ligation. Cloning can cause designer babies as the fertilized egg cell can be made better with
additional genes for particular traits. There are numerous debates as to whether human cloning has
advantages or disadvantages. In 1972, Berg separately cut and ligated a piece of lambda
bacteriophage DNA or the E. There are four steps involved in the process of DNA cloning, these
include, fragmentation in which string of DNA is divided, the next step is the ligation part in which
different parts of DNA are glued together in a sequence that is desirable, the third step is recognized
as transfection, in this step the newly created DNA is inserted into cells and the last step is
recognized as selection in which the those cells that were transfected successfully with the DNA are
selected (MacKinnon 116). The process is thought to be of therapeutic or reproductive importance.
This clone is genetically identical to the organism. Morally it is not supported as the opponents
believe that human beings cannot take the laws of mother nature in hand and one cannot play the
role of the Creator, God of the universe. Cloning is a kind of asexual reproduction, it therefore
reduces the sense of distinctiveness of a character and there lacking uniqueness and freedom. Our
lives have already been enhanced immeasurably by medical technology. Many ethicists and
theologians disagree with cloning because they believe it to be morally wrong. Reproductive cloning
is one form of human cloning which is used to produce one or more than one individuals who are
genetically identical to each other. Breast silicone implantation is the most prevalent cosmetic
procedure now being adopted by numerous women across the world, which may result in the
immunological complications or other associated diseases, but with the advent of human cloning
process the procedure could be simplified and augmentation of breast could be performed with the
host's tissues, thereby escaping all the impediments (Smith). After the religious sect the Raelians
claimed they had successfully given birth to the first cloned human baby, everyone in the US
Congress agreed on the need for a ban on the practice. With the new technology, instead of using
materials not from us to the body for operations, doctors will be able to manufacture bone, fat,
connective tissue, or cartilage that matches the patients tissues exactly. For example, identical twins
have identical DNA, and asexual reproduction in plants and organisms could produce genetically
identical offspring. Shortly after PCR was developed, reverse transcription was coupled with PCR
(RT-PCR) to allow cloning of messenger RNA (mRNA).
These issues can be solved with the assistance of therapeutic cloning (MacKinnon 151). According
to him, permitting the conduct of one may lead to the conduct of the other; since research cloning is
allowed for therapeutic purposes, there is a tendency for a temptation to pursue reproductive cloning
for other purposes aside from giving a childless couple an offspring. Reproductive cloning is one
form of Human Cloning which is used to produce one or more than one individuals who are
genetically identical to each other. The twentieth century scientists developed genetic engineering, In
combination with cloning such genetic material was able to bring about the desired change in a
plant's genes. Stem cells can also be used to get organs for organ transplants. Some scientists believe
that this could lead to the engineering of people completely resistant to other diseases, like AIDS and
cancer, making society happier and healthier. Human Cloning is Immoral When Dollly the cloned
sheep hit the headlines in 1997, it literally displaced pop stars and politicians from the headlinesand
front pages of magazines and newspapers. The same could happen to human clones leading to
questions over the ethics of cloning. It has enabled to determine its nucleotide sequence, study its
transcripts, and restore the modified sequence into living organisms. However there is no real proof
to prove that cloning was the cause of her death. Postrel presents the positive side of research cloning
that it is a normal scientific endeavor that is still at its beginning stage with high hopes of solving
medical problems like cancer, and it posits no enormous danger to humankind. During the period of
2006, FDA approved the usage of cloned products such as plants and animals for dietary purpose of
individuals living in US. This cell acted like a normal embryo and started to divide. These are gene
cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Messing with the natural order of things and
twisting them when we don'thave such agreat lack of understanding is a very dangerous and
extremely risky Bownas. Research reveals that cloning encompass generation of copies of DNA or of
cells leading to the development of complete organism. The pros and cons or controversies of human
cloning is a continuous process. This has an added advantage because the organs will be cloned from
animals and cannot be rejected. Although most sheep live to the age of 11 and 12 she died early.
During the period of 2006, FDA approved the usage of cloned products such as plants and animals
for dietary purpose of individuals living in US. The length of the compatible ends is sufficient to
hold the molecule together in the absence of ligase, even during transformation. The organism, such
as a plant, is grown, and the seeds they produce have inherited the new genetic properties. The
process of making identical copies of living matter like cells or organisms is termed as cloning. The
term cloning is even used in digital context when identical forms of software are produced. Many
people are worried about the effect cloning would have on society, they are worried that cloning may
be used for eugenics- people may try to create a superior breed of people. The concept clone is
obtained from an ancient Greek term called klon which was used to refer to the procedure through
which creation of plants took place from twig (MacKinnon 17). Not all the clones genes will come
from the donor, some of the genetic material will come from the mitochondria of the new egg.
Usually this involves copying the DNA sequence of that gene into a smaller, more accessible piece of
DNA, such as a bacterial plasmid. Scientists working in Boyer’s lab recognized the need for a
general cloning plasmid, a compact plasmid with unique restriction sites for cloning in foreign DNA
and the expression of antibiotic resistance genes for selection of transformed bacteria. Creating
humans should be an aspect of human life that’s off limits to science.
When mixed together, the vector and insert anneal through the long stretch of compatible ends. If
this is verified to be true, beneficial tissues can be developed from obtainable embryonic stem cell
lines rather than from the cell lines modified for an individual patient. Also, because there are many
benefits to cloning and since not everyone believes in a god why should religion be used in making
decisions for people where religious morality is not even an issue. In this research the focus will not
be cloning of animals and plants, rather the focus will be on human cloning, types of human cloning
and the advantages and disadvantages associated with it. There are those with religious beliefs who
think that taking antibiotics or receiving blood transfusions is wrong, but this does not stop the rest
of the world from receiving the benefits from them. In 1902, he was able to create a set of twin
salamanders by dividing an embryo. Cloning is performed to fulfill therapeutic objectives and
therefore it is categorized as therapeutic cloning and for reproductive purposes under reproductive
cloning to generate the replica of human for enhancing the number. Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. Thanks a million and please carry on the gratifying work. The phenomenon was
first recognized in work done in the laboratories of Salvador Luria, Weigle and Giuseppe Bertani in
the early 1950s. This was useful in cloning DNA fragments that did not contain restriction sites
compatible with the vector (32). When analyzed against an ethical lens, it is clear that human cloning
oversteps scientific boundaries by destabilizing social and moral structures in society. According to
the website of university of Utah, the failure rate of SCNT cloning procedure is between 99.9% -
97%, this means that out of a total of 1000 attempts to conduct cloning only, 1 to 3 attempts end up
being successful and the remaining ones fail (Utah, 2012). All information for this work was taken
from: The examples were taken from. For me, human cloning for therapeutic purposes is a good idea
but there are also other means of solving the problems of health and diseases. Promoting human
cloning for creating replicas would aid in financial, ethical and social burden on the planet, but if the
technology is used for therapeutic purposes then it is going to relieve the sufferings of ailing
individuals and thereby reducing financial burden, treatment cost and other associated miseries. It
could be exploited for cosmetic and plastic surgery and to prolong the aging. It is used to determine
four bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine thymine). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. I will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning.
This occurs when the zygote splits into two smaller cells and two embryos are formed instead of one.
Early work with restriction enzymes was hampered by the purity of the enzyme preparation and a
lack of understanding of the buffer requirements for each enzyme. There has been a lot of
controversy over whether these foods should be consumed or not. Cloning could potentially lead to
the extinction of certain species if their clones are preferred over the natural organisms. It could also
lead to a lack of genetic diversity in a population, as clones would all have the same genetic makeup.
Its been suggested that with human cloning it would be possible “to toss aside the uniqueness of
humanity and trash the concept of human dignity” (Dr. Bohlin- “ The natural limits to biological
change”). Geneticists have cloned cells, tissues, genes and entire animals. To clone an organ a stem
cell must be produced and then used to clone the specific organ. Human Cloning can help reverse
heart attacks and even their effects. The process is thought to be of therapeutic or reproductive
importance. He is very specific and clear in his arguments, and passionate too.
There are those with religious beliefs who think that taking antibiotics or receiving blood transfusions
is wrong, but this does not stop the rest of the world from receiving the benefits from them.
Williams Jr., a surgeon and founder of Orange County Hair Restoration and author of “Hair
Transplant 360: Follicular Unit Extraction” (Jp Medical Ltd., 2015). Visit us PhDiZone. Plasmid also
occur in some eukaryotes and are especially important in treatment because they often carry genes for
pathogenicity and drug-resistance. The postmortem indication indicated that she was quite normal
apart from her cancer and arthritis. But this may never come about if there are laws prohibiting
cloning and its research. Researchers who can insert a piece of DNA or a gene into a plasmid vector
create a so-called recombinant plasmid. Researchers have figured out that out of the total number of
attempts made to produce clones, 90% have ended up in failure and out of a total of 100 nuclear
procedures of transfer; one has ended up being successful (Ornl, 20120. Blunt-ended cloning was
developed to directly ligate PCR products generated by polymerases that produced blunt ends, or
inserts engineered to have restriction sites that left blunt ends once the insert was digested. Another
ethical concern with cloning is the potential for negative impacts on biodiversity and the natural
order of life. These early experiments took years to complete, but technology is accelerating the
ability to synthesize large DNA molecules. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The
copy of the organism which is created is called its clone. There are cloning rights groups who say
that the government should not be allowed to control a person's reproductive rights and that your
DNA is your own property and you should be allowed to do what you want with it. The clones could
even take over the identity of original people. 7. Sometimes the women who are carrying the cloned
embryos may themselves face pregnancy complications. 8. Cloning will cause us to lose our
diversity. Considering the previous failures that involved Dolly experiments, uncertainty of science
technology is mounting. Yadav and Sharma (2011) explain that a geneticist known as Joshua
Lederberg, is credited coming up with the prospects and promise of human cloning. In order to
further investigate thevalues that underlie scientists’andChristian fundamentalist leader’s
understanding ofhumancloning, aswell as theirdifferentialuse of language in communicatingabout
this issue, we conducted an open-ended, exploratory survey of practicing scientists in the field of
molecular biology and Christian fundamentalist pastors.We then analyzed the responses from this
survey using qualitative discourse analysis. Human Cloning can help reverse heart attacks and even
their effects. In this research the focus will not be cloning of animals and plants, rather the focus will
be on human cloning, types of human cloning and the advantages and disadvantages associated with
it. But cloning stem cells from humans is a very promising field of research. Twins are produced
when a fertilized egg splits, creates two or more embryos that carry almost identical dna. The first
experiments in cloning date back to 1885, when German biologist Hans Driesch split two-cell sea
urchin embryos. Therapeutic cloning encompasses cloning cells for their exploitation in treating
various ailments. In the field of biotechnology it is referred to as a procedure utilized to create
identical copies of fragments of DNA, organisms and cells. RELATED PAPERS Should the
development of cloning technology be stopped. It is the parent's ambition to want their children to
have certain characteristics. Most imprinting errors occur when embryonic stem cells are being
cultured in laboratories. 6. Through cloning there is the possibility of compromising individuality,
creativity and freedom. Use this topic or order a custom research paper, written exactly how you
need it to be. Yet despite a surfeit of public opinion polls and widespread opining in the news media
on the topic of human cloning, there have been no empirical studies comparing the views of scientists
and Christian fundamentalists in this debate (see Evans, 2002a for a recent study of opinion polls
assessing religion and attitudes toward cloning). This cell acted like a normal embryo and started to
Cloning can happen naturally without any human interference, this can be seen in the case of
identical twins, this occurs when the fertilized egg separates, and then producing in most cases two
separate embryos resulting in identical twins that are genetically identical, however they do not share
the same genetic makeup as either of their parents. Other than the low amount of success rate, cloned
animals experience the risk of lower level of immune system which can not protect the cloned entity
from various infections, deadly diseases and growth of tumor. Thus, even though GM foods are
available to us people are still in doubt as to whether they should consume them.UK has recently
given. Plasmid vectors have a source of an replication that allows for semi-individual replication of
the host’s plasmid. For example: In the area of Australia, the first sheep cloned seemed to be of great
health even on the day she experienced death and after her death, no reason for death or no illnesses
could be determined (Sateesh 600). When analyzed against an ethical lens, it is clear that Human
Cloning oversteps scientific boundaries by destabilizing social and moral structures in society. Since
cloning is going to happen anyway, the government should accept it and regulate it to try to see that
it is used to benefit the most people. They Just made mistakes on the way, but humans make
mistakes called human error. The process is thought to be of therapeutic or reproductive importance.
Restriction mapping requires the use of restriction enzymes. As a basis for such regulation, she
proposed assessing the motivation of those who want to use the technology. Researchers believe that
it is unethical to destroy embryos that will eventually form children. e.g.: a cloned cow recently died
weeks after its birth with a huge abnormality in blood pressure. These included scientists,
theologians, businesspeople from the biotechnology industry, bioethicists, legal scholars,
representatives of non-profits, and SCU faculty. Many people also believe that cloning and genetic
engineering are wrong because they generate dangerous attitudes towards children, especially those
with disease. The first experiments in cloning date back to 1885, when German biologist Hans
Driesch split two-cell sea urchin embryos. Many people do support cloning and whether the
government makes laws against it or not, it will most likely take place. Researchers who can insert a
piece of DNA or a gene into a plasmid vector create a so-called recombinant plasmid. Crops
engineered to produce industrial chemicals and drugs GM crops could already be poisoning GM-free
crops grown for food in the US. It is commonly accepted that we create babies in test tubes and take
birth control pills to prevent them, so why not clone them too. This is one of the issues when organ
transplant is being conducted along with the issue of lack of organs in the organ transplantation
market. Cloning can help resolve the issue of fertility among those whop are sterile and have failed
to produce children. The term cloning is even used in digital context when identical forms of
software are produced. DNA fragments can also be moved from one vector into another by
digesting with REases and ligating with compatible ends of the target vector. Williams Jr., a surgeon
and founder of Orange County Hair Restoration and author of “Hair Transplant 360: Follicular Unit
Extraction” (Jp Medical Ltd., 2015). Visit us PhDiZone. Restriction enzyme preparations were
unreliable due to non-standardized purification procedures, plasmids for cloning were cumbersome,
difficult to work with and limited in number, and experiments were limited by the amount of insert
DNA that could be isolated. But it could be that Dolly’s cells were reprogrammed from mammary
cell functions back to embryological functions. These stem cells can be used in experiments aimed at
understanding disease and developing new treatments for disease. This kind of cloning can be
conducted in several forms, for example: cloning of entire fragment of the gene can be conducted or
a portion of the fragment of the DNA can be cloned or certain sequences of the DNA can be cloned.
It can treat diseases like Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia, Sickle cell anaemia and Down syndrome. These
issues can be solved with the assistance of therapeutic cloning (MacKinnon 151).
His passion about his belief makes his argument effective. Stem cells can also be used to get organs
for organ transplants. Thousands of patients benefit from these techniques. 4. Hereditary diseases
can also be prevented through cloning by detecting whether a baby has any diseases through its
genes and preparing early for any disease which could even save its life. Genetic manipulation could
serve to be the boon for those suffering with genetic defects (Smith). Initially, it was believed that
the common bacterial laboratory strain, E. Plasmid vectors have a source of an replication that allows
for semi-individual replication of the host’s plasmid. We also offer solutions for automation, site-
directed mutagenesis, as well as your favorite restriction enzyme, ligase or competent cell products.
Growing population is putting pressure on the demands of basic amenities, infrastructures and social
set ups; with human cloning, further contribution to disaster cannot be eluded (Disadvantages of
cloning). Clones are normally generated to procure therapeutic implications, used to study the
development process, organogenesis, cause of disease, the genetic basis of altered condition that is
responsible for causing disease (Smith). Cloning existing animals for good purposes like world
hunger would be an excellent idea, but cloning animals to harm other living beings would be a
terrible idea. The human genome project which is researching the human genome plans to give
scientists more information on human cloning. I think that scientists would find it difficult to draw
the line between therapeutic and enhancement cloning. Finally, the egg is implanted into the uterus
of a female of the same species as the egg. This will not allow any rejection problems related to
organ and tissue transplants. The postmortem indication indicated that she was quite normal apart
from her cancer and arthritis. Growing population is putting pressure on the demands of basic
amenities, infrastructures and social set ups; with human cloning, further contribution to disaster
cannot be eluded. Artificial cloning is of many different types, (1) DNA cloning (2) reproductive
cloning or the cloning of an organism and (3) therapeutic cloning. Religion also has to be taken into
consideration if we want to clone humans. After consulting with many independent scientists and
experts in cloning, the U. The beauty of humanity lies in the differences between people. Human
cloning is a term used to define the creation of a genetically similar copy of a human being
(MacKinnon 9). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. These studies also identified a
methylase enzyme that protected the bacterial DNA from restriction enzymes. The pros and cons or
controversies of human cloning is a continuous process. DNA sequencing was developed in the late
1970s when two competing methods were devised. NEB sells the USER enzyme for ligase and
restriction enzyme independent cloning reactions. The new egg which contains the DNA of the
donor cells is then specially treated so it starts dividing. Since then, there have been many
breakthroughs in cloning. The egg is then implanted into a surrogate mother and then a cloned baby
is produced which is genetically identical to the donor. Organism cloning Organism cloning is the
process by which an entire organism can be cloned.
Yadav and Sharma (2011) explain that a geneticist known as Joshua Lederberg, is credited coming
up with the prospects and promise of human cloning. Caulfield provides views of scientists, critics
and religious leaders on the results of human cloning activities in his article on human cloning. DNA
sequencing was developed in the late 1970s when two competing methods were devised. The
application of Reproductive cloning can be effective only if its efficiency is improved and the safety
concerns are addressed satisfactorily. This is just another tool that can be used to our advantage, so
why not do it if it can help improve the health of society. The beliefs of some people should not stop
others from the benefits of cloning. Through cycles of denaturation, annealing and polymerization,
he showed he could exponentially amplify a single copy of DNA. Many people are very opposed to
cloning humans. The U.S. Congress has passed a bill to ban human cloning which would make it a
crime to even attempt human cloning and to ship, receive or import cloned embryos or products
derived from them. During the period of 2006, FDA approved the usage of cloned products such as
plants and animals for dietary purpose of individuals living in US. The major artists of this period are
Leonardo Da Vinci, Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian (Art History). Yet despite a
surfeit of public opinion polls and widespread opining in the news media on the topic of human
cloning, there have been no empirical studies comparing the views of scientists and Christian
fundamentalists in this debate (see Evans, 2002a for a recent study of opinion polls assessing religion
and attitudes toward cloning). By this process, an organism is generated that has the same DNA as
another animal. Because they will not have the same environment and experiences as the person from
which they were cloned, a clone is more like a younger identical twin with a personality of its own.
Human cloning was finally created, and everyone who wanted a clone of themselves bought one. If
this is verified to be true, beneficial tissues can be developed from obtainable embryonic stem cell
lines rather than from the cell lines modified for an individual patient. Secondly, these clones seem to
look quite healthy initially, but soon they loose their health and several of them have died in a
mysterious way. These are gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Cloning is
regarded as the process of creating a genetically similar organism, two kinds of human cloning exists;
these include DNA cloning and Reproductive cloning. Manage With PhDiZone March 20, 2023
Know the Role of Thesis Writing Services in Your Academic Success March 13, 2023 Tags academic
essay writing. Several companies have marketed the technique and sell kits containing cloning
vectors that are already linearized and “tailed”. Also, because there are many benefits to cloning and
since not everyone believes in a god why should religion be used in making decisions for people
where religious morality is not even an issue. Therapeutic cloning encompasses cloning cells for their
exploitation in treating various ailments. Cloning a gene means isolating an exact copy of a single
gene from an organism. I believe Postrel's and Krauthammer's issues are still relevant today since not
much has happened in this area of research in the past five years and it is still in progress. The
technology could be utilized for blood cell cloning, organ cloning, treating cancer and to cure
infertility. The human clone is the copied material, compromised of the same genetic makeup as the
original (National Human Genome Research Institute). Many religions feel that we shouldn't clone
people and 'play god'. Cloning is the process that is not related with the reproduction but is
encompasses creation of a human using asexual means. The sociologists have become active in the
discussion on Human Cloning. Scientists believe that by cloning, any damage caused by illnesses can
be repaired.

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