Thuyết Niềm Tin Vào Công Nghệ
Thuyết Niềm Tin Vào Công Nghệ
Thuyết Niềm Tin Vào Công Nghệ
Trust plays an important role in many Information Systems (IS)-enabled situations. Most IS research employs trust as a measure of interpersonal
or person-to-firm relations, such as trust in a Web vendor or a virtual team member. Although trust in other people is important, this paper
suggests that trust in the information technology (IT) itself also plays a role in shaping IT-related beliefs and behavior. To advance trust and
technology research, this paper presents a set of trust in technology construct definitions and measures. We also empirically examine these
construct measures using tests of convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity. This study contributes to the literature by providing: a) a
framework that differentiates trust in technology from trust in people, b) a theory-based set of definitions necessary for investigating different
kinds of trust in technology, and c) validated trust in technology measures useful to research and practice.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: K.8.m PERSONAL COMPUTING—Miscellaneous
General Terms: Human Factors
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Trust, Trust in Technology, Construct Development
Trust is commonly defined as an individual’s willingness to depend on another party because of the characteristics
of the other party [Rousseau et al. 1998]. This study concentrates on the latter half of this definition, the
characteristics or attributes of the trustee, usually termed ‘trust’ or ‘trusting beliefs.’ Research has found trust to be
not only useful, but also central [Golembiewski and McConkie 1975] to understanding individual behavior in
diverse domains such as work group interaction [Jarvenpaa and Leidner 1998; Mayer et al. 1995] or commercial
relationships [Arrow, 1974]. For example, Jarvenpaa and Leidner [1998] report swift trust influences how “virtual
peers” interact in globally distributed teams. Trust is crucial to almost any type of situation in which either
uncertainty exists or undesirable outcomes are possible [Fukuyama 1995; Luhmann 1979].
Within the Information Systems (IS) domain, as in other fields, trust is usually examined and defined in
terms of trust in people without regard for trust in the technology itself. IS trust research primarily examines how
trust in people affects IT-acceptance. For example, trust in specific Internet vendors [Gefen et al. 2003; Kim 2008;
Lim et al. 2006; McKnight et al. 2002; Stewart 2003] has been found to influence Web consumers’ beliefs and
behavior [Clarke 1999]. Additionally, research has used a subset of trust in people attributes—i.e., ability,
benevolence, and integrity—to study trust in web sites [Vance et al., 2008] and trust in online recommendation
agents [Wang and Benbasat 2005]. In general, Internet research provides evidence that trust in another actor (i.e., a
web vendor or person) and/or trust in an agent of another actor (i.e. a recommendation agent) influences individual
decisions to use technology. Comparatively little research directly examines trust in a technology, that is, in an IT
Authors’ addresses: D. H. McKnight, Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI 48824, U. S. A.; E-mail: [email protected]; M. Carter, Department of Management, College of Business and
Behavioral Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, U. S. A.; E-mail: [email protected]; J. B. Thatcher, Department of
Management, College of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, U. S. A.; E-mail: [email protected];
P.F. Clay, Department of Entrepreneurship and Information Systems, College of Business, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164,
U. S. A.; E-mail: [email protected]
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
To an extent, the research on trust in recommendation agents (RA) answers the call to focus on the IT artifact
(Orlikowski and Iacono 2001). RAs qualify as IT artifacts since they are automated online assistants that help users
decide among products. Thus, to study an RA is to study an IT artifact. However, RAs tend to imitate human
characteristics and interact with users in human-like ways. They may even look human-like. Because of this, RA
trust studies have measured trust in RAs using trust-in-people scales. Thus, the RA has not actually been studied
regarding its technological trust traits, but rather regarding its human trust traits (i.e., an RA is treated as a human
The primary difference between this study and prior studies is that we focus on trust in the technology itself
instead of trust in people, organizations, or human surrogates. The purpose of this study is to develop trust in
technology definitions and measures and to test how they work with a nomological network. This helps address the
problem that IT trust research focused on trust in people has not profited from additionally considering trust in the
technology itself. Just as the Technology Acceptance Model’s (TAM) perceived usefulness and ease of use
concepts directly focus on the attributes of the technology itself, so our focus is on the trust-related attributes of the
technology itself. This study more directly examines the IT artifact than past studies, answering Orlikowski and
Iacono’s call. Our belief is that by focusing on trust in the technology, we can better determine what it is about
technology that makes the technology itself trustworthy, irrespective of the people and human structures that
surround the technology. This focus should yield new insights into the nature of how trust works in a technological
To gain a more nuanced view of trust’s implications for IT use, MIS research needs to examine how users’
trust in the technology itself relates to value-added post-adoption use of IT. In this study, technology is defined as
the IT software artifact, with whatever functionality is programmed into it. By focusing on the technology itself,
trust researchers can evaluate how trusting beliefs regarding specific attributes of the technology relate to individual
IT acceptance and post-adoption behavior. By so doing, research will help extend understanding of individuals’
value-added technology use after an IT “has been installed, made accessible to the user, and applied by the user in
accomplishing his/her work activities” [Jasperson et al., 2005].
In order to link trust to value-added applications of existing workplace IT, this paper advances a conceptual
definition and operationalization of trust in technology. In doing so, we explain how trust in technology differs from
trust in people. Also, we develop a model that explains how trust in technology predicts the extent to which
individuals continue using that technology. This is important because scant research has examined how technology-
oriented trusting beliefs relate to behavioral beliefs that shape post-adoption technology use [Thatcher et al., 2011].
Thus, to further understanding of trust and individual technology use, this study addresses the following research
questions: What is the nomological network surrounding trust in technology? What is the influence of trust in
technology on individuals’ post-adoptive technology use behaviors?
In answering these questions, this study draws on IS literature on trust to develop a taxonomy of trust in
technology constructs that extend research on trust in the context of IT use. By distinguishing between trust in
technology and trust in people, our work affords researchers an opportunity to tease apart how beliefs towards a
vendor, such as Microsoft or Google, relate to cognitions about features of their products. By providing a literature-
based conceptual and operational definition of trust in technology, our work provides research and practice with a
framework for examining the interrelationships among different forms of trust and post-adoption technology use.
IS research has primarily examined the influence of trust in people on individual decisions to use technology. One
explanation for this is that it seems more “natural” to trust a person than to trust a technology. In fact, people present
considerable uncertainty to the trustor because of their volition (i.e., the power to choose)—something that
technology usually lacks. However, some researchers have stretched this idea so far as to doubt the viability of the
trust in technology concept: “People trust people, not technology” [Friedman et al. 2000: 36]. This extreme position
assumes that trust exists only when the trustee has volition and moral agency, i.e., the ability to do right or wrong. It
also assumes that trust is to be defined narrowly as “accepted vulnerability to another’s…ill will (or lack of good
will) toward one.” [Friedman et al. 2000: 34]. This view suggests that technology, without its own will, cannot fit
within this human-bound definition of what trust is. However, the literature on trust employs a large number of
definitions, many of which extend beyond this narrow view (see [McKnight and Chervany 1996]).
This paper creates trust in technology definitions and constructs that are more palatable to apply to
technology than the interpersonal trust constructs used in other papers that study trust in technology. Our position is
that trust situations arise when one has to make oneself vulnerable by relying on another person or object, regardless
of the trust object’s will or volition. Perhaps the most basic dictionary meaning of trust is to depend or rely on
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
another [McKnight and Chervany 1996]. Thus, if one can depend on an IT’s attributes under uncertainty, then trust
in technology is a viable concept. For instance, a business person can say, “I trust Blackberry®’s email system to
deliver messages to my phone.” Here the trustor relies on the Blackberry device to manage email and accepts
vulnerabilities tied to network outages or device failures. Hence, similar to trust in people, trust in an IT involves
accepting vulnerability that it that may or may not complete a task.
Different Types of Trust
Researchers (e.g. [Lewicki and Bunker 1996; Paul and McDaniel 2004]) suggest different types of trust develop as
trust relationships evolve. Initial trust rests on trustor judgments before they experience the trustee. The online trust
literature has often focused on initial trust in web vendors (see Appendix A). This research ([e.g. Gefen et al. 2003;
McKnight et al. 2002; Vance et al. 2008) finds that initial trust in web vendors influences online purchase intentions.
One form of initial trust is calculus-based trust [Lewicki and Bunker 1996], in which the trustor assesses the costs
and benefits of extending trust. This trust implies the trustor makes a rational decision about the situation before
extending trust [Coleman 1990]. By contrast, we use the social-psychological trust that is about perceptions
regarding the trustee’s attributes.
Once familiar with a trustee, trustors form knowledge-based or experiential trust. Knowledge-based trust
means the trustor knows the other party well enough to predict trustee behavior in a situation [Lewicki and Bunker
1996]. This assumes a history of trustor - trustee interactions. In contrast to initial trust, which may erode quickly
when costs and benefits change, knowledge-based trust is more persistent. Because the trustor is familiar with the
eccentricities of a trustee, they are more likely to continue the relationship even when circumstances change or
performance lapses [Lewicki and Bunker 1996].
In recent years, limited IS trust research (e.g. [Pavlou 2003; Lippert 2007; Thatcher et al., 2011]) has
investigated knowledge-based trust in technology. These studies provide evidence that it is technology knowledge
that informs post-adoptive use behaviors, not cost vs. benefit assessments. The fact that other IS constructs based on
cost/benefit assessments (e.g. perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) have been shown to have less
predictive power in a post-adoptive context [Kim and Malhotra 2005] supports this view. Thus, developing a
knowledge-based trust in technology construct may provide insight into post-adoptive technology use. Further, even
though some examine trust based on technology attributes, they typically do not use trust in technology measures
(Appendix A). Rather, they either use trust in people measures or non-trust-related measures like website quality,
which is a distinct construct [McKnight et al. 2002]. This underscores the need for trust in technology constructs and
Contextual Condition
Whether they involve people or technology, trust situations feature risk and uncertainty (Table 1). Trustors lack total
control over outcomes because they depend on either people or a technology to complete a task [Riker 1971].
Depending on another requires that the trustor risks that the trustee may not fulfill expected responsibilities,
intentionally or not. That is, under conditions of uncertainty, one relies on a person who may intentionally (i.e., by
moral choice) not fulfill their role. Alternatively, one relies on a technology which may not demonstrate the
capability (i.e., without intention) to fulfill its role. For example, when an individual trusts a cloud-based
application, such as Dropbox, to save data, one becomes exposed to risk and uncertainty tied to transmitting data
over the Internet and storing confidential data on a server. Regardless of the source of failure, technology users
assume the risk of incurring negative consequences if an application fails to act as expected [Bonoma 1976], which
is similar to the risks the trustor incurs if a human trustee fails to prove worthy of interpersonal trust. Hence, both
trust in people and trust in technology involve risk.
Object of Dependence
Trust in people and trust in technology differ in terms of the nature of the object of dependence (Table I, row 2).
With the former, one trusts a person (a moral and volitional agent); with the latter, one trusts a specific technology (a
human-created artifact with a limited range of capabilities that lacks volition [i.e., will] and moral agency). For
example, when a technology user selects between relying on a human copy-editor or a word processing program,
their decision reflects comparisons of the copy editor’s competence and their willingness (reflecting volition) to take
time to carefully edit the paper versus the word processing program’s ability (reflecting no volition) to reliably
identify misspelled words or errors in grammar. Further, while a benevolent human copy editor may catch the
misuse of a correctly spelled word and make appropriate changes, a word processing program can only be expected
to do what it is programmed to do. Because technology lacks volition and moral agency, IT-related trust necessarily
reflects beliefs about a technology’s characteristics rather than its will or motives, because it has none. This does not
mean trust in technology is devoid of emotion, however. Emotion arises whenever a person’s plans or goals are
interrupted (Berscheid 1993). Because we depend on less than reliable technology for many tasks, technology can
interrupt our plans and raise emotion. For this reason, trust in technology will often reflect positive/negative
emotions people develop towards a technology.
Nature of Trustor’s Expectations
When forming trust in people and technology, individuals consider different attributes of the object of dependence
(see Table I, bottom section). Trust (more accurately called trusting beliefs) means beliefs that a person or
technology has the attributes necessary to perform as expected in a situation [Mayer et al. 1995]. Similar to trust in
people, users’ assessments of attributes reflect their beliefs about technology’s ability to deliver on the promise of its
objective characteristics. Even if an objective technology characteristic exists, users’ beliefs about performance may
differ based on their experience or the context for its use. When comparing trust in people and technology, users
express expectations about different attributes:
• Competence vs. Functionality – With trust in people, one assesses the efficacy of the trustee to fulfill a promise
in terms of their ability or power to do something for us [Barber 1983]. For example, an experienced lawyer
might develop the capability to argue a case effectively. With technology (Table I, Nature of Trustor’s
Expectations entry 1.), users consider whether the technology delivers on the functionality promised by
providing features sets needed to complete a task [McKnight 2005]. For example, while a payroll system may
have the features necessary to produce a correct payroll for a set of employees, trust in a technology’s
functionality hinges on that system’s capability to properly account for various taxes and deductions. The
competence of a person and the functionality of a technology are similar because they represent users’
expectations about the trustee’s capability.
• Benevolence vs. Helpfulness – With people, one hopes they care enough to offer help when needed [Rempel et
al. 1985]. With technology (Table I, entry 2.), users sense no caring emotions because technology itself has no
moral agency. However, users do hope that a technology’s help function will provide advice necessary to
complete a task, [McKnight 2005]. Evaluating helpfulness is important, because while most software has a help
function, there may be substantial variance in whether users perceive the advice offered effectively enables task
performance. Consequently, trusting beliefs in helpfulness represent users’ beliefs that the technology provides
adequate, effective, and responsive help.
• Predictability/Integrity vs. Reliability – In both cases (Table I, entry 3.), we hope trustees are consistent,
predictable or reliable [Giffin 1967; McKnight 2005]. With people, predictability refers to the degree to which
an individual can be relied upon to act in a predictable manner. This is risky due to peoples’ volition or freedom
to choose. Although technology has no volition, it still may not function consistently due to built-in flaws or
situational events that cause failures. By operating continually (i.e., with little or no downtime) or by responding
predictably to inputs (i.e. printing on command), a technology can shape users’ perceptions of consistency and
Note that the above expectations are perceptual, rather than objective, in nature. Having delimited a role for the
knowledge-based trust in technology construct and described similarities and differences between trust in people and
trust in technology, we turn to developing definitions of different types of trust in technology. In each case, the trust
in technology definition corresponds to a trust in people definition in order to be based on the trust literature.
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
referring to a person’s relationship with a particular technology (e.g., Microsoft Excel). The trust literature suggests
a causal ordering among trust constructs, such that one’s propensity to trust directly influences institution-based trust
and indirectly shapes trust in a specific technology [McKnight and Chervany 2001-2002]. Moreover, given their
specificity, we believe (differing from McKnight and Chervany) that trust in a specific technology should fully
mediate more general constructs’ influence on behavior. To evaluate trust’s nomological net, we examine trust in
technology constructs’ interrelationships as well as their relationship with two post adoption outcomes: a) intention
to explore and b) deep structure use (see Fig. 1). This also differs from the McKnight and Chervany model.
H1a. Propensity to trust in general technology will positively affect institution-based trust in technology.
H1b. Propensity to trust in general technology will exert a mediated, positive effect on trust in a specific technology.
Institution-based Trust in Technology
Where propensity to trust directs attention to trust across situations, institution-based trust focuses on the belief that
success is likely because of supportive situations and structures tied to a specific context or a class of trustees.
Applied to technology, institution-based trust refers to beliefs about a specific class of technologies within a context.
Institution-based trust in technology is composed of situational normality and structural assurance.
Situational normality (Table II, entry 4) reflects a belief that when a situation is viewed as normal and well-ordered,
one can extend trust to something new in the situation. Situational normality-technology reflects the belief that using
a specific class of technologies in a new way is normal and comfortable within a specific setting [McKnight and
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
Chervany 2001-2002]. For example, one may perceive using spreadsheets to be a normal work activity, and
consequently be predisposed to feel comfortable working with spreadsheets generally. This may result in trust in a
particular spreadsheet application.
In contrast, structural assurance refers to the infrastructure supporting technology use. It means the belief
that adequate support exists—legal, contractual, or physical, such as replacing faulty equipment—to ensure
successful use of an IT (see Table II, entry 5). For example, contractual guarantees may lead one to project a
successful software implementation. Structural assurance helps individuals form confidence in software, thereby
fostering trust in a specific technology.
H2a. Institution-based trust in technology will positively affect trust in a specific technology.
H2b. Institution-based trust in technology will exert a mediated, positive effect on post-adoption technology use.
Trust (Trusting Beliefs) in a Specific Technology
In contrast to institution-based trust’s focus on classes of technology (e.g., spreadsheets), trusting beliefs in a
specific technology reflect beliefs about the favorable attributes of a specific technology (e.g., MS Excel).
Interpersonal trusting beliefs reflect judgments that the other party has suitable attributes for performing as expected
in a risky situation [Mayer, et al. 1995]. McKnight, et al. defined trusting beliefs in people as a perception that
another “person is benevolent, competent, honest, or predictable in a situation” [1998: 474]. In studies of initial
trust, willingness to depend is often depicted as trusting intention [McKnight et al, 2002]. We do not address
trusting intention, but focus on the trusting beliefs aspect of trust, as have other IT researchers (e.g., [Gefen et al.
2003; Wang and Benbasat 2005]). This focus is particular appropriate in the post-adoption context, where users'
trust is based on experiential knowledge of the technology.
Trusting beliefs in a specific technology is reflected in three beliefs: functionality, helpfulness, and
reliability. A) Functionality refers to whether one expects a technology to have the capacity or capability to
complete a required task (see Table II, entry 7). B) Helpfulness excludes moral agency and volition (i.e., will) and
refers to a feature of the technology itself—the help function, i.e., is it adequate and responsive? (See Table II, entry
8) C) Reliability suggests one expects a technology to work consistently and predictably. The term reliable (i.e.,
without glitches or downtime) is probably used more frequently regarding technology than the terms predictable or
consistent [Balusek and Sircar 1998]. Hence, trusting belief-specific technology-reliability refers to the belief that
the technology will consistently operate properly (see Table II, entry 9). These three beliefs reflect the essence of
trust in a specific technology because they represent knowledge that users have cultivated by interacting with a
technology in different contexts, gathering data on its available features, and noticing how it responds to different
Trusting beliefs in a specific technology is a superordinate second-order construct. Superordinate implies
higher rank or status in the relationship between the trust in a specific technology and its dimensions. This means
that trusting beliefs in a specific technology exists at a deeper level than its individual trusting beliefs [Law et al.
1998], with the relationships flowing from trusting beliefs in a specific technology to its dimensions [Edwards 2001;
Serva et al. 2005]. When individuals trust more in a specific technology, they will report corresponding increases in
trusting beliefs about functionality, helpfulness, and reliability. In contrast, if the construct were aggregate, trust in a
specific technology would be formed by its dimensions which would not necessarily covary [see Polites et al.
Forthcoming]. Moreover, we believe each dimension of trust in a specific technology is reflective, and should be
conceptualized as superordinate and reflective at each level of analysis.
Because trust in specific technology is grounded in users’ knowing the technology sufficiently well that
they can anticipate how it will respond under different conditions, this construct should be positively related to post-
adoption use. We propose that users will be more willing to experiment with different features (intention to explore
[Nambisan et al. 1999]) or to use more features (deep structure use [Burton-Jones and Straub 2006]) of a technology
because they understand it well enough to believe that it has the attributes (i.e. capability, helpfulness, and
reliability) necessary to support extended use behaviors. Because trust in a specific technology is tied to specific
software applications, we anticipate it will mediate the effect of more broadly defined technology trust concepts on
post-adoption technology use.
H3a. Trust in a specific technology will positively affect individuals’ intention to explore the technology in a post-
adoption context.
H3b. Trust in a specific technology will positively affect individuals’ intention to use more features of the
technology (i.e. deep structure use) in a post-adoption context.
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
H3c. Trust in a specific technology will mediate the effects of propensity to trust and institution-based trust in
technology on post-adoption technology use.
extracted with eigenvalues greater than 1 (Appendix D), which was consistent with the scree plot. With the
exception of faith in general technology item 4, trust in technology items loaded above 0.70 and cross-loaded at less
than 0.30. Further, PU, external CSE, and internal CSE, did not cross-load highly on trust in technology factors.
Thus, all items were included in the subsequent analyses.
Evaluating the First-Order model
Then, we used a two-step confirmatory approach to evaluate our measurement and structural models [Anderson and
Gerbing 1988]. First, we performed confirmatory factor analysis of the first-order model using EQS 6.1’s maximum
likelihood method. The first-order model demonstrated good fit (NNFI = 0.963, CFI = 0.968; RMSEA = 0.041; chi-
square (χ2) = 731.47 df = 398; χ2/df = 1.84) [Hu and Bentler 1999]. Also, the Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
and Cronbach’s alphas exceeded recommended values (i.e., AVE > 0.50 and α > 0.70) for convergent validity
[Fornell and Larcker 1981]. Moreover, the square roots of the AVEs exceeded each off-diagonal intercorrelation
[Fornell and Larcker 1981], suggesting discriminant validity. Finally, all item loadings were above 0.707 (p<0.01),
which provides further evidence of our measures’ discriminant and convergent validity [Hair et al. 1998] (see
Appendix E).
Common method bias was evaluated in the first-order measurement model by allowing items to load on an
unmeasured latent method factor in addition to their theoretical construct [Podsakoff et al. 2003]. Common method
bias is present when the introduction of the method factor causes item loadings on theoretical constructs to become
non-significant [Elangovan and Xie 2000]. In the presence of the method factor, all item loadings on theoretical
constructs remained above 0.707 and significant at p<0.01 [Hair et al. 1998]. Thus, common method bias does not
present a substantial problem.
Evaluating the Second-Order model
To evaluate our second-order trust in technology conceptualization, we compared first- and second-order
measurement models. When fit statistics are equivalent, the model with the fewest paths is considered the best
fitting model [Noar, 2003]. In the second-order model, trusting beliefs in a specific technology was modeled as a
second-order factor, reflecting individual beliefs about the reliability, functionality, and helpfulness of a specific
technology. First, we assessed model fit. NNFI (0.963) is unchanged in the second-order model, while CFI (0.967)
decreases by just .001. RMSEA (0.041) is also unchanged. The chi-square/df ratio is 1.89. These findings indicate
that modeling trust in a specific technology as a second-order factor does not significantly change model fit [Bentler
and Bonett 1980]. The AVE (0.58) and Cronbach’s alpha (0.89) for trusting beliefs in specific technology exceed
recommended values, providing initial evidence for our second-order conceptualization’s convergent and
discriminant validity. Further, the square root of the AVE for the construct was greater than any intercorrelations,
indicating discriminant validity (Appendix E).
Next, we further evaluated our second-order conceptualization of trust in technology. Analogous with the
relationship between reflective constructs and their measures, first order dimensions of trust in a specific technology
(i.e. reliability, functionality, and helpfulness) are expected to covary (Edwards 2001). Correlations among the
dimensions were within the range of r = 0.50 to r = 0.63 and statistically significant at p < .001. The strength of
these correlations indicates substantial relationships among the individual technology trusting beliefs [Williams
1968]. We also evaluated each dimension’s loadings on the trust in a specific technology construct. Reliability (β =
0.78), functionality (β = 0.76), and helpfulness (β = 0.64) load highly on the second-order factor (see Figure 2).
Taken together, these analyses suggest that our reflective second order conceptualization of trust in a specific
technology is appropriate.
Evaluating the hypothesized structural model
In the second step, we tested the hypotheses in a structural model in EQS 6.1 [Anderson and Gerbing 1988]. The
indices for the hypothesized model indicated good fit [Bentler and Bonett 1980; Hu and Bentler 1999]. Fit statistics
all met, or exceeded, recommended heuristics (i.e. NNFI = .961; CFI=.965; and RMSEA = .051; chi-square (χ2) =
514.34; df = 264; χ2/df=1.95). The model explains a large amount of variance in trust in a specific technology (R 2 =
0.50), as detailed in Fig. 2. With the exception of the relationship between faith in general technology and situational
normality, all proposed direct relationships were statistically significant at p<.05. Institution-based trust did not
fully mediate the effects of propensity to trust. Faith in general technology ( = 0.28 p < .001) and trusting stance (
= 0.11 p < .05) had significant direct effects on trust in specific technology. This finding suggests that to more fully
understand sources of trust in specific technology, it may be necessary to include propensity to trust as well as
institution-based trust constructs in research models.
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
While many studies have investigated ties from initial trust to users’ initial decisions about technology, little
attention has been given to how knowledge-based trust shapes value-added post-adoption technology IT use. Such
research is important, because managers seek to extract value long after an IT is introduced. By developing trust in
technology constructs, as well as demonstrating the internal and external nomological validity of their measures, this
study contributes to the research and practice in three ways. First, it provides an attribute-based framework for
distinguishing between trust in people and trust in technology. Second, it offers literature-based definitions required
for investigating forms of trust in technology. Third, it develops parsimonious measures.
Rooted in trust in people literature, this study advances IS trust research by distinguishing between
knowledge-based trust in technology and initial trust. Where initial technology decisions may reflect trust derived
from assumptions or estimates of cost and benefits, we suggest that an individual’s experiences with a specific
technology build knowledge-based trust that influences post-adoption technology use. As such, it represents an
opportunity for developing theories for how trust in a specific technology guides users’ value-added applications of
existing IT.
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
Our research sheds light on how initial and knowledge-based trust in a specific technology may differ.
Consistent with trust transference [Doney et al. 1998; Stewart 2003], initial trust suggests individuals extend trust to
an unknown trustee when the individual associates the specific trustee with an institutional mechanism or familiar
context (e.g., structural assurances). For example, seal programs can contribute to individuals forming initial trust
and intention to use a website; but initial people trust can erode because it is assumptional or indirect in nature
[McKnight et al. 1998]. By contrast, our findings imply that when individuals rely on knowledge-based trust, they
draw less on institution-based beliefs, and make decisions based on trusting beliefs about characteristics of the
technology itself. For example, intentions to explore additional features of MS Excel may rest on an individual’s
trusting beliefs about the actual helpfulness of the tutorials embedded in the software. While this study does not
directly compare initial and knowledge-based trust, it suggests a need for future research that employs longitudinal
methods to compare their formation and implications for post-adoption technology use.
Although we have demonstrated trusting beliefs in technology differs from perceived usefulness and CSE,
future research should explore the relationship between these forms of object-specific technology beliefs. We
suspect that in the post-adoption context, trusting beliefs in technology may complement models like TAM, because
it adds an experiential trust component that is not currently captured in frequently studied beliefs such as perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use. Further, we believe that trusting beliefs in technology’s influence may be
more pervasive than TAM constructs. Because perceived usefulness reflects a cost-benefit analysis which may
change with the context, its influence is likely more fragile across contexts than knowledge-based trust [Lewicki and
Bunker 1996]. Moreover, loyalty research suggests that knowledge-based trust often engenders commitment toward
a technology [Chow and Holden 1997; Zins 2001]. Such a commitment could make a specific technology appear
more attractive than reasonable alternatives, even where an alternative seems more useful or easy to use. Hence,
other constructs’ influence, such as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, may be subsumed by
experiential knowledge-based trust over time. In future research, it would be interesting to examine the relative
influence of trust in technology constructs vis-à-vis other constructs on use continuance or innovation over time.
To advance both trust and technology research, future studies should seek to understand more of the
relationship between distinct forms of trust. Also, research is necessary that investigates the conditions under which
knowledge-based trust develops and how it relates to trust in other actors, such as IT support staff, or vendors
[Thatcher et al, 2011]. For example, research is necessary that examines the dynamic interplay between users’ trust
in human agents that built a system, human agents that introduce a system, those that support a system, and the
technology itself. By examining how trust in different elements of the context and IT interact, one can form a
broader understanding of how trust in socio-technical systems shapes value-added technology use.
Additionally, while trust in human agents may help foster initial trust to influence users’ initial IT use
decisions, once formed, knowledge-based trust in technology may provide a plausible explanation for why people
persist in using products sold by unpopular vendors. For example, in the post-adoption context, users may continue
to use Microsoft products because they distinguish between Microsoft the IT vendor and applications such as MS
Office. A company may purchase a product from Microsoft because it trusts the vendor. But once the company has
the product in-house, trust in the vendor may have little predictive power because users mainly rely on the product
itself, not the vendor. Thus, one will continue (or discontinue) to use the technical product based on trust in the
product itself, based on use experience (e.g., a user who dislikes Microsoft Corporation may still use MS Office due
to its attributes). Hence, the practical problem this paper addresses is that trust in the vendor often does not influence
continued usage. This study provides a set of trust in technology constructs that enable one to predict continued use
when trust in the vendor adds little value to the equation. To give practitioners actionable guidelines, it is important
for additional research to tease out the underlying dynamics of these relationships.
In considering forms of trust, researchers may also consider emotions’ influence on value-added post-
adoption IT use. Komiak and Benbasat [2006] argue that because decisions to use a technology involve both
reasoning and feeling, cognitive beliefs alone are inadequate to explain trusting decisions. Given the post-adoption
context of this study, we focused on understanding the influence of experiential knowledge on trust in technology.
However, we suspect that integrating emotional aspects with cognitive beliefs offers a further opportunity to extend
understanding of individual IT use. To that end, having established empirically some impacts of trust in technology,
we plan to investigate whether mood primes trusting beliefs about a technology and/or moderates the relationship
between trust in technology and post-adoptive behaviors.
One study limitation is that we employ only one type of technology to evaluate the model. We note that in one early
pilot study (done before the one reported here) we used Oracle Developer as the trusted technology, with similar
results found. While our work is grounded in the interpersonal trust literature, future research should explore the
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
extent to which the findings presented here are transferable to other technology types. This is important, because
while users might readily distinguish between trust in a traditional IT vendor, such as Microsoft, and its products,
such as MS Excel, they may not make such distinctions with social technologies like Facebook or cloud-based
technologies like Gmail.
Across contexts and technologies, researchers will need to take care when adapting our measures to
different technologies. Our theoretical conceptualization of trust in technology accurately describes how individuals
approach specific technologies. However, when operationalizing trusting beliefs (e.g., reliability, functionality, and
helpfulness), researchers should carefully consider the meaning of these terms relative to a specific form of IT. For
example, a researcher may need to use a different set of items to describe the functionality of a sophisticated
software application such as Adobe Dreamweaver when compared to items for a DVD player. Hence, we urge
researchers to consider the context as well as the technology when adapting our measures.
Additionally, some might consider that using a student sample limits our model’s generalizability.
However, research suggests that students do not differ significantly from others in their technology use decisions
[Sen et al. 2006]. Moreover, our subjects were active users of MS Excel, and were thus an appropriate sample.
Nevertheless, researchers aiming to explore the influence of trust in technology may wish to use non-student
samples to increase generalizability.
Trust is an important concept, and trust in technology needs to be explored further, since our study finds it affects
value-added, post-adoption technology use. To this end, this paper provides a set of trust in technology constructs
and measures that can aid researchers. Because one is more likely to explore and use more features of a technology
if one trusts it, trust in technology may complement existing models examining post-adoption IT use. Also, theory
suggests that the influence of trust constructs may vary over time. This warrants further investigation because it
implies that different managerial interventions may be necessary to promote initial vs. post-adoption use. Finally, to
provide practitioners with actionable guidelines for interventions, it is important to tease out the relationship
between trust in people and trust in technology. For example, does trust in technology mediate the influence of trust
in people who build, advocate the use of, or support a specific technology? Or does trust in technology’s influence
depend on trust in people? Future research should explore these questions.
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
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Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
Object of Trust Trust Attributes Roles in Model / Empirical Relationships Type of Trust Studies
Institution Structural assurances, Beliefs that outcomes are likely to be Initial McKnight et al., 1998
situational normality successful due to the presence of supportive
situations and structures
Effectiveness of 3rd Trust Attributes. No empirical test Initial Lee and Turban, 2001
party certifications,
security infrastructure
Protective legal or Institutional-based trust affects trust in vendor Initial McKnight et al., 2002
technological structures
Situational normality, Institution-based trust affects trust (in Initial Gefen et al., 2003
structural assurances merchant) and PEOU/PU1.
Situational normality, System trust affects trust in vendor. Initial Pennington et al., 2003
structural assurances
Structural assurances Structural assurances influence trust in Initial Kim et al. 2009
mobile banking
Technology Technical competence, Trust Attributes. No empirical test Initial Lee and Turban, 2001
reliability, medium
Technology Information quality, Perceived site quality aids formation of trust Initial McKnight et al., 2002
good interface design in vendor
Site quality, technical Perceived technical trustworthiness and Initial Corbitt et al., 2003
trustworthiness perceived site quality affects trust in web
Competence, Trust in e-commerce environment mediates Initial Suh and Han, 2003
benevolence, integrity the relationship between perceptions of
security controls and behavioral intentions
Cognitive: Integrity, Cognitive trust influences emotional trust Initial Komiak and Benbasat,
competence (toward the behavior), which influences 2006
Emotional: feelings of intention to adopt online recommendation
security and comfort agent
PEOU = Perceived Ease of Use; PU = Perceived Usefulness
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
Object of Trust Trust Attributes Roles in Model / Empirical Relationships Type of Trust Studies
Accuracy, reliability, Initial trust in mobile banking influences Initial Kim et al. 2009
safety behavioral intentions
Online Ability, integrity, Trust in vendor (or agent of the vendor) Initial Lee & Turban, 2001;
Vendor benevolence affects intention to use the technology Bhattacherjee 2002;
McKnight et al., 2002;
Gefen et al., 2003;
Kim, 2008; Vance et
al., 2008
Benevolence, Trust in vendor determines attitudes and Initial Jarvanpaa et al., 2000;
credibility behavioral intentions Corbitt et al., 2003;
Pennington et al., 2003
Online Expectation of Trust in online stores and PEOU and PU Initial Van der Heijden et al,
Vendor particular action jointly determine online purchasing 2003
Commitment, avoiding Trust in internet bank influences adoption of Initial Kim and Prabhakar,
excessive advantage internet banking. 2004
No separate dimensions Trust in web merchant, as well as innovation Initial Van Slyke et al., 2004
characteristics, determine intention to use web-
based shopping
Ability, integrity, Trust in a community of sellers determines Knowledge Pavlou & Gefen, 2004
benevolence of an transaction intentions
identifiable population
Cognitive: Competence, Trust in the intermediary, and trust in the Knowledge Sun, 2010
benevolence, integrity, community of buyers influences sellers’
predictability intentions to use an e-marketplace again
Emotional: feelings of
security and comfort
Trusting beliefs: ability, The influence of trusting beliefs in a web vendor Initial Benamati et al., 2010
integrity, benevolence on intentions is fully mediated by trusting
Trusting attitude: a attitude
willingness to rely on a web
IT Support Ability Trust in IT support staff influences trust in Knowledge Thatcher et al., 2011
Staff IT and PEOU
Interfirm Reliability, integrity Trust in the supplier increases utilization of Knowledge Lippert, 2007
new technologies
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
This item was dropped prior to CFA
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
Trust. Trust.
Beliefs- Trust Struct. Faith in Gen. Beliefs- Trust
reliab. Sit. Norm Stance Assur Tech. help. Stance
situationalnormality2 0.97 -0.02 0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 0.02
situationalnormality1 0.96 -0.02 -0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
situationalnormality3 0.94 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.05
situationalnormality4 0.91 0.05 0.01 -0.01 -0.02 0.01 0.03
structuralassurance4 -0.02 0.96 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 0.02 0.00
structuralassurance3 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.05 -0.03 0.02 -0.05
structuralassurance2 -0.01 0.92 -0.01 0.02 0.03 -0.03 0.01
structuralassurance1 0.03 0.86 0.03 -0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.05
reliability4 -0.06 0.02 0.95 -0.08 -0.04 -0.05 0.05
reliability3 -0.01 -0.02 0.92 0.05 -0.04 -0.01 -0.03
reliability1 0.01 -0.02 0.83 0.05 0.00 0.10 -0.01
reliability2 0.08 0.02 0.77 -0.01 0.10 -0.01 0.00
faithgeneraltech2 -0.03 0.01 -0.01 0.90 -0.07 0.00 -0.08
faithgeneraltech3 0.02 0.01 -0.01 0.87 0.03 0.00 -0.04
faithgeneraltech1 0.04 -0.02 -0.10 0.78 0.00 -0.01 0.15
faithgeneraltech4 -0.02 0.01 0.14 0.68 0.06 0.01 0.01
helpfulness4 -0.02 -0.03 -0.01 0.00 0.94 -0.01 0.01
helpfulness1 0.00 0.03 -0.04 -0.05 0.92 0.07 0.01
helpfulness2 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.92 -0.05 -0.03
functionality2 -0.04 -0.01 -0.03 0.04 -0.01 0.95 0.05
functionality1 0.03 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0.03 0.91 -0.02
functionality3 0.02 0.01 0.07 -0.03 -0.02 0.90 -0.03
trustingstance2 -0.07 0.05 0.03 0.02 -0.04 0.00 0.89
trustingstance1 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 0.05 0.05 -0.03 0.88
trustingstance3 0.07 -0.04 0.02 -0.06 -0.02 0.03 0.87
Rotated Eigenvaluesa 5.18 5.62 6.12 4.35 5.23 5.66 3.52
% Variance Explaineda 36.16 12.40 8.65 7.91 6,26 5.30 4.81
Extraction Method: Principal Components Analysis with Promax
Rotation converged in 6 iterations
a. When components are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
APPENDIX E: Latent correlation matrices for 1st and 2nd order confirmatory factor analysis
Latent Correlation Matrix: 1st Order CFA
C.A. AVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.Trusting Stance 0.86 0.68 0.83
2.Faith General Tech. 0.83 0.56 0.43 0.75
3.Situational Normality 0.94 0.84 0.15 0.14 0.92
4.Structural Assurance 0.94 0.81 0.29 0.42 0.30 0.90
5.Functionality 0.91 0.78 0.29 0.37 0.44 0.42 0.88
6.Reliability 0.90 0.70 0.33 0.41 0.42 0.44 0.63 0.84
7.Helpfulness 0.93 0.77 0.13 0.31 0.40 0.43 0.50 0.51 0.88
8.Perceived Usefulness 0.92 0.76 0.27 0.36 0.24 0.33 0.62 0.56 0.50 0.87
9. Internal CSE 0.86 0.68 -.04 -.01 0.13 0.07 0.00 0.08 0.05 -.06 0.83
10. External CSE 0.84 0.67 -.07 -.05 -.02 -.03 -.11 -.02 -.04 -.06 0.31 0.82
C.A = Cronbach’s alpha; square root of AVEs given in diagonal; all correlations significant at p<0.05, unless indicated by grey shading
C.A. AVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.Trusting Stance 0.86 0.68 0.83
2.Faith General Tech. 0.83 0.56 0.43 0.75
3.Situational Normality 0.94 0.84 0.15 0.14 0.92
4.Structural Assurance 0.94 0.81 0.29 0.42 0.30 0.90
5.Trust in a specific technology 0.89 0.58 0.35 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.77
6. Perceived Usefulness 0.92 0.76 0.27 0.36 0.24 0.33 0.75 0.87
7. Internal CSE 0.86 0.68 -.04 -.01 0.13 0.07 0.05 -.06 0.83
8. External CSE 0.84 0.67 -.07 -.05 -.02 -.03 -.08 -.06 0.31 0.82
C.A = Cronbach’s alpha; square root of AVEs given in diagonal; all correlations significant at p<0.05, unless indicated by grey shading
Trust in Technology: Its Components and Measures
C.A. AVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1.Trusting Stance 0.86 0.68 0.83
2.Faith General Tech. 0.83 0.56 0.43 0.75
3.Situational Normality 0.94 0.84 0.15 0.14 0.92
4.Structural Assurance 0.94 0.81 0.29 0.42 0.30 0.90
5.Trust in Technology 0.89 0.78 0.29 0.37 0.44 0.42 0.77
6.Deep Structure Use 0.93 0.72 0.14 0.24 0.44 0.33 0.65 0.85
7.Intention to Explore 0.94 0.80 0.08 0.20 0.25 0.22 0.44 0.35 0.89
C.A = Cronbach’s alpha; square root of AVEs given in diagonal; all correlations significant at p<0.05, unless indicated by grey shading