Dracontias 4-11 Eng

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dracontias 4 2011

no. 4 2011

dracontias 4 2011

dracontias 4 2011

Some time ago I received a question from
a scholar regarding how one is to define
Dragon Rouge academically. Is Dragon
Rouge a religion, a way of life, a cult or
a society? I claimed that Dragon Rouge
is what one as a member makes it into;
Dragon Rouge is an alchemy which aids
the individual to progress and ennoble
life. Dragon Rouge is a constant four di-
mensional artwork which purpose it is to
Dracontias explore the unknown. Dragon Rouge is a
No. 4 2011
vessel which journeys towards new hori-
In this issue:
Just like any ship, Dragon Rouge needs
Editorial 3 to be a stable and proper build to be able to
A few words by Thomas Karlsson handle the journey across the huge black
seas. This means that every traveller on
Sorath’s Three Initiatrices 4 board this ship is extremely important and
By Thomas Karlsson together we will make sure to reach our
common and personal goals.
Reflections on Initiation and Learning 6
By Axel HDHM!
Thomas K.
The Black Gate: Portals to the Dark Side 7
By Yiannis K.

Lodge Programs 11

Magical Courses 16

Member Shop 17

Member Service 18

Editor Thomas Karlsson. Layout T. Ketola. English translations from Swedish by Tommie Eriksson.
English proofing by Albert H. Front cover serpents by KTL, based on a fresco at Pompei.
For opinions or suggestions, please write to [email protected].
The authors of the articles are responsible for their respective contents and do not necessarily represent
the official opinions of the Order.
© Dragon Rouge 2011. No part of Dracontias may be reproduced without written permission from
Dragon Rouge. When quoting, mention the source and author.

dracontias 4 2011

thomas k.

Sorath’s Three Initiatrices

On the Tree of Knowledge, three tunnels the initiate’s shadow has been released, and
lead to Thagirion, the world of the black sun, activated, and it will increasingly haunt the
from the worlds below. They have been called initiate moving towards illumination. Since
A’ano’nin, Saksaksalim and Niantiel, or Dag- the first initiation, the shadow has become the
darion, Necheshiron and Necheshthiron, and draconian intiate’s ally, but in Paroketh the
in the Kabbalah they correspond to the paths initiate must confront her shadow face to face,
Ayin, Samekh and Nun. and encounter her death and nonexistence in
In order to reach Thagirion the initiate must order to unite with it in the black light of Tha-
pass through the veils of Paroketh, which cor- girion. Horror and eroticism characterize the
respond to the curtain in the temple that con- passage through Paroketh. The three cards
ceals the altar and the holy space from the view of the Tarot which correspond to the tunnels
of the uninitiated. To enter into the temple of leading through Paroketh are The Devil, Art,
the Daemon and its illumination, the veils of and Death, which are three key motifs in the
Paroketh must be torn, a process that has been dark alchemy.
symbolically likened to the penetration of the The three tunnels leading to Thagirion is
hymen where the innocence of ignorance is fi- inhabited by countless beings from worlds be-
nally broken. Astrally, it has manifested as a yond the laws of time and space that shape the
nocturnal landscape illuminated by a bleeding material plane as well as the astral. Thagirion
moon on the horizon, or a throne room where is the location where XON opens up and time
the goddess Isis, or Hel, lifts the veil and re- and space cease, where all doors are unlocked
veals her face. Some adepts experience Paro- and encounters between worlds and dimen-
keth as a lengthy process, lasting for several sions occur, but already in the tunnels, meet-
years. The astral realm’s disintegration of the ings of a trans-astral character take place.
ego is completed, and all the discrete compo- Numerous allies can be found in the three
nents of one’s existence struggle against each tunnels and among them three female initia-
other, at the same time as they attempt to co- tors, a form of higher succubi, who function
operate. Only the guiding light of the daemon, as guides that gradually initiate the adept
shining from Thagirion, and the Luciferian into Thagirion, and the black light of Sorath.
star at the end of the draconian path, prevent They manifest under many different names
the initiate from going astray in the infinite and guises, but in the fashion that they ap-
labyrinth of the astral world. Occasionally, pear to the adepts of the draconian path, they
Paroketh is called “the minor abyss” or “The have appeared under names such as Qoohm-
realm of nightmares”. In the astral worlds, In, Zi-Qoohm and Qoohm-Zi. These names are

dracontias 4 2011

The symbols of Qoohm-In, Zi-Qoohm and Qoohm-Zi.

found in the esoteric literature of Sir Bulwer- are bound already from 2.0°, when the adept
Lytton’s Vril: The Power of the Coming Race is initiated into Gamaliel. These bonds receive
from 1871, where they denote three concepts a more concrete form through the swearing of
of Vril connected to void and cavity. In the the dragon oath in 3.0°, and by the initiation
qliphothic initiation, these are the names of into 4.0°, the adept stands equipped and ready
three of Sorath’s female initiators that guide to venture out into the black sea of Paroketh.
the initiate through Paroketh. Within their This is a journey that can take hours, months,
names and sigils, are keys to the initiation into or years – on this sea, time ceases. Sorath’s
the uniting light of the daemon. Initially, the three initiators assist the initiate in finding
three tunnels are pitch black, but within time, her way, avoiding to drown in the darkness,
vril, light and power, will shine through them or from being blinded by the intense light of
from Thagirion. The first tentative bonds to Thagirion when the journey draws to its end.
these tunnels, their denizens and initiators,


dracontias 4 2011


Reflections on Initiation and Learning

While reaching the conclusion of my teacher’s knowledge that is acquired through esoteric
education, I have the opportunity to contem- practice and understanding. Learning in the
plate the relation between learning and initia- mundane sense of the word is generally con-
tion. From an initiatory perspective, learning nected to the intellectual acquisition of knowl-
could be considered one of the prerequisites edge, whereas the esoteric counterpart often
for initiation. This is reflected in the teachings moves beyond the boundaries of the intellect.
of our order by the way that scientia – knowl- This knowledge is often wordless and brings
edge – constitutes one of the founding princi- about change within the adept, which can be
ples of the draconian path.1 difficult to express, and often doesn’t need to
What does this learning involve, and what be expressed: the knowledge is apparent in the
knowledge enables the traverse of the dra- adept’s being. This form of knowledge is often
conian path? The aim of this article is not to connected to entities belonging to the other
provide complete answers, but rather to point side, and particularly beings that are associ-
out a few significant aspects of the answers ated to the order in various ways, might then
to these questions. We can start by compar- act as a kind of tutor to the adept. For adepts
ing our learning to that which takes place in living far from a lodge, temple group or ritu-
school. One aspect of education is to shape the al group, this contact is particularly central.
behavior of the pupils in accordance with the Together with the magical courses, mentors,
norms deemed desirable by the surrounding and the forum, this education within the order
society. Research has shown that education forms a bridge to the other side that facilitates
generally fails at this task. On the Left-Hand a deepened learning and initiation.
Path we strive to create our own individual Within esotericism, language studies are a
norms, based on our knowledge. A knowledge reoccurring method of gaining insight into the
that can also prove our values wrong or in- reality beyond the mundane. Worth mention-
adequate, thus preparing, together with the ing here, is how the word daimon, which is
magical work, means for acquiring new, al- used by Homer and his successors, is related to
chemically refined principles. the word didaskein, to learn and teach, which
This change is directly related to the dra- in turn has spawned the modern word didacti-
conian formula visio vires actio. When knowl- cism – the art of teaching. When we approach
edge provides new insight of our selves, or the him on the Tree of Knowledge, our Daemon
world, our previous actions no longer retain becomes our mentor. This also speaks of the
their basis (visio), and a new course of ac- importance that the daemonic forces of Goe-
tion appears. To act in accordance with new tia, and other central grimoires, has within
insight, generally means that the actions will the order. An importance that is also under-
have the desired effect, and when this is the lined by Thomas Karlsson in his book on goetic
case, it means that a successful usage of v.v.a magic: “The demons can inspire love and an-
has occurred. And a new course of action of- nihilate enemies, the provide power and glory,
ten requires a new vision of what shall come but above all else, they are good teachers and
to pass. informants.”2
Learning and teaching is a central aspect
of esotericism: both intellectual and spiritual Notes
transmission from master to adept, divinity 1
Other principles that are stressed are virtus, fides et
or angel to human, and from adept to adept. decus – courage, loyalty and high ideals.
In mystical traditions throughout the world 2
Thomas Karlsson, Kabbala, kliffot och den goetiska
gnosis, jnana, marifat have all denoted a magin (Ouroboros, 2011), p. 150.

dracontias 4 2011

yiannis k.

The Black Gate

Portals to the Dark Side

is a state of mind. A state of mind that when

Entering the Other Side reached a shifting in consciousness occurs;
A direct contact with the dark side is unavoid- as the Magician leads consciously his percep-
able when one chooses to walk the Draconian tion to the immense Spheres of Darkness, a
Path. The Dark Magician strives towards find- certain feeling of momentary panic or a shock
ing and opening Gates to the dark side and es- usually appears – one could say that this feel-
tablishing contact by creating mentally an as- ing characterises a successful entrance to the
tral link. This link resembles an “alive” tunnel other side. It is during this certain point that
and a Gate which opens and closes, temporary the Magician shifts consciousnesses. He shifts
or permanently depending on the Magician’s from the mundane “everyday” consciousness
purpose, ability and magical experience. The to the great Black (Qliphotic) Consciousness,
aliveness would apply to the fact that it is not where an instant heightening of one’s dark/
uncommon for the gate to open by the Magi- diabolic astral senses takes place. One then
cian subconsciously or even unconsciously. is able to find a Gate inside the Gate and be-
The contact with the Dark Side – depending come aware of inner and outer dark worlds
on subjective experience – can be character- that exist respectively in the deserted fields of
ised as either abstract or totally certain, and it his own very existense or the universal exist-
can be either ecstatic or nightmarish, or both. ence. The secrets behind XON gates lie within
Since in the dark and the unknown our pho- the conscious journeys to the dark side and
bias and fears (metaphysical and not only), the activation of the black consciousness. One
as well as our weaknesses and insecurities should have empowered properly himself in
are projected, one might come across utmost advance for being able to both open and enter
terror. But he will always receive knowledge the Gate as well as being able to trigger the
and wisdom in return no matter how positive black consciousness and keep it activated.
or negative might the experience feels on its While shifting consciousnesses is a de-
surface. It is in absolute darkness of the great manding and time-consuming task, experi-
black consciousness where the Magician has enced Dark Magicians are capable of entering
the opportunity to work upon nourishing his/ the Dark Side consciousness just by shifting
her magical power and develop the magical focus – being here and there at the same time.
abilities. The more frequent the entrance to the Dark
But is the dark side a place you can actu- Side is the more possessed will the Magician
ally go? Yes and No. It wouldn’t be wrong if become by the dark forces as he keeps activat-
one thinks of the Dark or Other side as a dark ing his Black Consciousness. This possession
astral domain. But more than anything else which should be always sought by the Dark

dracontias 4 2011

Magician takes place gradually and basically deeply connected to the opening of Manipura
bound to the Draconian initiatory process. cakra and higher. Before he is able to become
A conscious entrance into the Dark Side aware of this force, the Magician must have
may have many functions and serve many dif- succeeded to open it at least to an extent. This
ferent purposes: in the dark and unknown the means he must spend quite some time with
Magician is able to come in contact with his/ this practice. The time required differs from
her inner most Self and the Daemon. He can person to person and when it happens one will
invoke Archetypical Forces of the microcos- have no doubts whether he has succeeded or
mic/macrocosmic universe, the Demon Rulers not. The magician should start with a month
or to enter their respective Qliphas, as well as of everyday meditation solely to open Manipu-
invoke/evoke demonic entities appearing in ra. A simple yet effective working would be
the traditional grimoire literature, etc. Magi- the following:
cal experimentation also! The act of entering Invoke the Dragon by conducting the Drag-
into the true Darkness should always be based on Ceremony. Sitting in asana, start breath-
on a purpose, otherwise even a single attempt ing as deep and slow as possible. The air you
would be proven meaningless and in some breath in is like a warm golden liquid which
cases even dangerous. Encountering extrater- reaches every inch of your body. You must be
restrial/extradimentional intelligences from fully conscious that the air you breath in is
different levels of perception and outer uni- filled with Vril. When you breath out the air
verses should be considered a realistic pos- comes out of you but the very essense of it, the
sibility. The Magician might find into these Vril energy, remains within your body. Usually,
“outer” or “inner” realms some allies who – if it is like a floating, radiating energy causing an
desired – will accompany him for the rest of ecstatic feeling of sweet numbness at the point
his life. of the body which is concentrated. The ma-
In Dragon Rouge several well effective gician must consciously lead this energy and
methods of opening Gates and establishing this very special feeling on Manipura cakra by
contact with the Dark Side have been devel- the aid of the Inner Dragon Kundalini. Con-
oped. One such a method is presented below. It tinue by concentrating more and more energy
can provide an extremely powerful tool to the on Manipura chakra and its root. Thirty min-
serious practitioner of the Dark Magic, but as utes of every day meditation will be efficient
every magical technique it will demand much for at least a partial opening. After the sug-
effort: dedication, discipline and will power. gested training weeks some enlightment will
The method is a Demoniacal/Vril working in hopefully arise.
which Ceremonial work and Vril power are The next step and main goal of the medita-
occupied to open the Gates to the Other side. tion above is to learn how to transfer Vril at
will; One should start exercising by visualising
The Vril Power the force being gathered on the chakras and
Man is blessed for being surrounded by this different parts or points of his body. When this
tremendous force, source of energy and magi- feels easier and more comfortable he should
cal power. Vril Power – or the Outer Dragon try to transfer this energy on specific points
– can be found anywhere (of course natural (i.e. simple objects) of his surrounding envi-
environments are suggested). Vril is not any- ronment. Visualization and transfer of con-
thing stagnant but it floats around in the form sciousness will play a significant role unto
of abstractly shaped energy. The experienced this. This exercise takes time and much ef-
Magician will easily feel an unexplainably odd fort, as all serious magical exercises.
aliveness of the surrounding environment Once this feels comfortable, experimenta-
when this is charged with Vril. The Dark Ma- tion with Sigils would be significant: practice
gician strives towards handling and using this on how to charge and recharge a sigil with
power to his benefit: once he is truly capable Vril. Very often, ritual music, trance music
of occuying this force all his magical actions or just a monotonous drum beat may proven
will lead to success. suitable for getting the right charging rhythm.
The understanding of the mysteries of Vril is One will notice that the more he works with

dracontias 4 2011

Vril the more his consciousness expands, and

begins becoming aware of parallel worlds and
other universes. Astral journeys may also oc-
The magician should always be conscious
that everything is fulfilled by the aid of the In-
ner Dragon. After lots of practice a key point
of totality where the inner and outer Dragon
meet can be found and a very special sensa-
tion or feeling will arise – the secret behind
true spells, witchcraft, divination, black magic
and foremostly the channeling of the Draco-
nian Current lies within this very sensation.

The Black Sphere

a black point in consciousness

It is now time to move on the next level.

Fulfil the following working: sit comfortable
in asana and open Manipura cakra. Gradual-
ly, start channeling Vril around your reptilian The Black Gate sigil empowered by power symbols and power
brain. Concentrate as much energy as possible words.
and charge it in despair and awe. More and
more. The way you charge is always cyclical,
wave-like and rhythmically monotonous.The dark consciousness exists within the frames
rhythm and the energy will lead you to reach of your normal consciousness. In there lie the
a trance-like state. Free yourself and just let magical powers of man’s hidden nature. The
it appear in itself: the black sphere. This is activation of the Black Sphere will bring you
only a poor, flat theoretical approach to de- both power and self confidence in the possibil-
scribe a pitch black shadow in consciousness: ities of the Self in Magic, yet also uneasyness,
a black point existing beyond Man’s mundane despair, madness and terror. It is during these
thought pattern, and in the in-between state moments of negativity the Magician must stay
of conscious and unconscious mind function. under control and keeps faith to his magical
Having worked hard enough in advance the Oaths and aims... If you feel becoming too pos-
Black Sphere state will be surprisingly easy to sessed by it, try to transfer it from the reptil-
reach. It may be a shocking and frightening ian brain to another part of the body, perhaps
experience but the biggest shock will occur your left hand.
when you realise that this point of pure black-
ness, this shadow in consciousness was always Open the Gates to the Dark
there, you were just not able to become aware Invoke the Dragon, enter in deep meditation
of it. Again, dedication, effort and talent will and activate the Black Sphere. When you get a
lead to success. Don’t expect fast results. glimpse of it, focus on the Black Gate sigil (see
above) with half-closed eyes. Gaze through its
The Black Gate depths and chant zazas zazas nasatanada
It is now when the actual journey begins. zazas eleven times. Then visualise the sigil is
Become familiar with the Black Sphere. The being placed on the reptilian brain where the
more you activate it the more you will become Black Sphere is formed. Charge full force with
possessed by it. It may start appearing unex- Vril. Do this desperately like it is the thing you
pectedly even during your normal everyday want more in the world. Give a certain motion
activities as a black syncope inbetween your and shape on Vril energy.
thought pattern and the realization that a new Let it resemble a raging sea, the rhythmic

dracontias 4 2011

motion and aggresion of its waves. The waves initiatory aims, decides how he will continue.
strike rhythmically on the Black Sphere – but He can either throw his consciousness into
as the wave is heading to its peak, the peak the Gate and seek the magnificent rarity of a
never comes! Instead, it falls into the Black Qliphotic astral journey, or he can contact his
Sphere. All the power and rage of the wave is Daemon. He is able travel to extra dimension-
vanished there, like feeding the Black Sphere al regions or to give a direct call to Demons.
(this is a trance method which might seem dull A personal ritual should be constracted in ad-
but helps mind to trick itself and remove men- vance to serve the Magician’s purpose. Always
tal blocks)! The Black Sphere will eventually close the Gate ceremonially. Experiments and
turn into a Gate leading to the utmost dark. exercises should be frequently conducted. For-
You will feel how the Self becomes a beacon get not, once the Black Sphere is formed one
between the physical plane and the dark anti- will never be able to deactivate it and once
worlds, a vessel and host of absolute darkness. the Black Gate opens one will never be able to
Into this point the Magician, depending on his fully close it.


The Temple Sponsor Society

Dragon Rouge emphasizes the importance You can of course stop paying whenever you
of a physical Temple, which serves as both like, or just make a one time donation. It is
a meeting point and most importantly a hub about 0,6 EUR (60 cents) daily to enable the
and cauldron for Draconian work. The Tem- existence of a magical Temple that is one of a
ple, however, is in need of more regular spon- kind.
sors. So we have founded a Temple Sponsor As sponsor you get:
Society. Members who donate money to the • Participation in the Temple workings and
Temple will get access to all the workings con- festivities.
ducted there. This is especially valuable for • Regular information with instructions for
foreign members who would like to be part of workings.
the monthly, and often weekly, workings in the • Access to unique magical material and work-
Temple over distance. As part of the Temple ings developed thanks to the Temple.
Sponsor Society, you will get advance informa- • Access to the Temple Sponsor Society net-
tion about the workings and the possibility to work.
do synchronized work with the Mother Order, • A Temple Sponsor Diploma
as well as with members all around the world. • Your name on the sponsor plate in the Tem-
But the most rewarding aspect of being part ple (you can of course be anonymous if you
of the Temple Sponsor Society is of course the prefer).
fact that you are sponsoring a unique Temple Send an email to thomas@dragonrouge.
for Draconian magic. With your contribution, net for further information or donate through
you enable the existence of the Temple and its PayPal to [email protected].
eonic and progressive work. Thank you for your contribution.
As sponsor you will annually pay 250 EUR. Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

dracontias 4 2011

Lodge Programs


Stockholm Malmö

Workings in Stockholm are associated with The magickal work in Lodge Sinistra takes place
initiatory level and one can attend after within a circle structure, where emphasis is put on
having begun the first course after having both theory and practice. The circles are open for
contacted the order through this address: anyone with an interest in joining the order. A pure
[email protected]. focus and dedication is vital. Individuals interested
in the lodge and the circles are very welcome to in-
The meetings will be based on different themes itiate contact. Lodge Sinistra may also commence
worked with during longer periods. The meet- workings that are not directly connected to any of
ings themselves will allow longer and deeper the circles, and different magickal interests will
workings and theoretical work, as well as so- not exclude anyone.
cial discussions.
Active circles and projects
We will also have deeper types of seminars.
These seminars will be held roughly once a The lodge work is as of now predominately focused
month during weekends and require initia- on the following three circles:
tions in either 2.0° or 3.0°. Astral circle

During the spring, docent Kennet Granholm The Astral circle consists of individuals with a strong
will be lecturing about Left-Hand Path re- interest in exploring the non-physical realms. We
search. work with advanced techniques and practices for
reaching ever deeper into non-physicality. At this
time our meetings are mostly theoretical, where
we discuss everything from individual experiences
to interesting literature.
The circle is working with a specific project for
a certain amount of time. The time frame may vary
between projects. Workings in the Astral circle
will require a lot of solitary work, although many
www.dragonrouge.net projects may involve non-physical interactions in
[email protected] different shapes and forms. The circle is open for

dracontias 4 2011

beginners, advanced travelers and everything in

between. Individuals who want to take part in the
Tempelgrupp Finland
circle from a long distance are also very welcome. Temple Group Finland will from autumn 2011
to summer 2012 be working with the four
Circle of initiatory witchcraft pillars of the G.O.T.A. to deepen the connec-
This circle is only for members initiated into de- tion with these fundamental areas of gnosis.
gree 2.0, or by special invite. Members not living A period prior to the maintheme, will be de-
close to Malmö can contact the lodge if they want voted to dream- and astralworkings in order
to take part from a distance. to prepare the participants for the rest of the
The circle works with experimental techniques, G.O.T.A. project.
taking part within a European tradition of witch- Contakt: tgfi[email protected]
craft which here is being interpreted from the ba-
sic principles of the left hand path. Temple Group Athens, Hellas
Introductory circle Evocations and Invocations of certain Demons
The Introductory circle is open for members work- from Goetia as well as from Dragon Rouge’s
ing with material for courses 1.0 and 2.0. Other material will play a significant role during
members wanting to share their knowledge and this new season. We will also explore various
experiences are also welcome to join. Discussions Qliphotic Tunnels depending on our initiatory
and practices are meant to deepen knowledge and aims and we will magically approach charac-
insight into the magickal system of Dragon Rouge, ters from the Greek mythology, always from a
as well as esoteric work overall. Draconian perspective.
Contact: [email protected]
January–June 2012
The Astral Circle: We put our focus onto the sub- Ritual Group Curitiba
ject of mutual dreaming. Profound techniques are Though established in the city of Curitiba,
utilized for deepening the path of dreaming. Mutual our Ritual Group is open to members all over
dreaming can be said to contain many different as- Brazil. We are organizing monthly activities
pects, and the goal of the Astral circle for the forth- for those interested in partaking seriously of
coming period is to open portals to levels where the dark tradition of Dragon Rouge. Some of
the subjective experience of each participant begin our activities will be led by means of projects,
to correspond, and an objective platform is created while others are to be conducted in meetings.
from where more esoteric layers of dreaming can Contact: [email protected]
be explored. Layers that exhibits qualities which
many times transcends physical “reality”.
The Introductory Circle: Please contact the
Temple Group Liverpool
lodge for more information concerning the activi- Temple Group Liverpool are working to estab-
ties of this circle. lish a good foundation for Draconian Magic in
The Circle of Initiatory Witchcraft: This circle the UK. The main focus beside the basic Dra-
is now active again, and interested parties may conian power workings are: 1. The old Nordic
contact the lodge for further information. tradition: Jötunheimr and beyond, 2. Mesopo-
tamian demonology, 3. Egyptian magic.
Contact: [email protected]

Temple Group Gothenburg

In order to consolidate our initiatory
work and to pool our conjoint efforts,
the Temple Group in Gothenburg will
focus on foundational Draconian prin-
sinistra.dragonrouge.net ciples during the autumn of 2011.
[email protected] Contact: [email protected]

dracontias 4 2011

reexamination of gnosis-traditions of the east-

ern mediterranean area within which one can
find aspects of the draconian current, includ-
ing traditions that have sometimes been called
orphic, pythagorean, hermetic, chaldean and
gnostic. We will examine the mystical corpus
of the traditions and compare it with the gen-
eral draconian current from both a scientific
and initiatory perspective. If you know classic
greek or have studied history of ideas or re-
LODGE ATLANTIS ligion you are encouraged to take part in the
Uppsala theoretical work within the project.
Update since the last Dracontias:

This is a presentation of what we will be work- The project is now practical aswell, within the
ing with within the Lodge Atlantis during the Lodge. Two materials have been completed:
first part of 2012. • The Body of Light and the Baptism of the
Many of our workings and projects are Lunary Aeons
open for international members. If you want • The Gnosis of Solomon part 1 – The An-
to take part in our work you can email us at gels of the Body.
[email protected]. We are at the moment finishing the writing of
two additional materials:
The Lodge
• Pneumatology in theory and practice
For information on the central activities of the • The Mass of the Gnosis
lodge, contact us. Much of our time is at the
The material will be sent out in due course.
moment dedicated to the work with the Gnosis
The project Atavism & Alliances with the
Flora has been incorporated into the Gnosis
The Tantric Circle project.
The Yogas of Naropa: The work will contin- Paroketh: Special invitation or from 3.0.
ue as before and will continue to be open for
The Runic Circle
international members. In Uppsala we will
schedule workings together with those in- Heldrasil & The Nine Worlds: The circle will
volved with the first project to teach the Yoga perform a co-operation with Lodge Heldrasil
first hand. regarding Heldrasil and its nine worlds. Open
The Yogas of the Inner Fire – Open for eve- internationally for members who have started
ryone. working with the 1.0° course.
The Yogas of the Illusory Body & the Clear
Light – Open for those who have finished the
work with the first Yoga and are at least work-
ing with 2.0.
The Circle of
Gnosis – the draconi-
an current within the
The project will deal
with a radical theo- atlantis.dragonrouge.net
retical and practical [email protected]

dracontias 4 2011

Thüringen, Germany

Lodge Reform Germany will include Hypnos as the God of Dreams/Trance

States, Mnemosyne the Mistress of Memory, Pan,
According to the new structures for Lodges, Tem-
Aphrodite and Eros in their darker eroto-magickal
pel Groups and Ritual Groups that was announced
aspects and of course Hades and Persephone as
in Dracontias 4-2009, Lodge Heldrasil is announ-
Master and Mistress of the underworld.
cing here the responsible persons:
Lodge Leader: Holger, [email protected] Helwegr. Access: every member.
Vice Lodge Leader: Tobias, [email protected] Supervisor: Michael Söllner ([email protected])
Treasurer: Wolf, [email protected] The Group Helwegr explores the dark side of the
Scribe: Christiane, [email protected] Runes and his impact on the Left Hand Path. The
Chosen suitable task: Volker, [email protected] first project is based on the Uthark-Runerow as an
All persons are accepted by the Inner Circle and initiatory system and includes Seidr.
confirmed in office. All questions about the Lodge Ars Goetia. Access: Initiands into the 1.0°.
can be asked at Holger and Tobi, if someone has Supervisor: Tobias Buckenmaier
questions in financial matters please contact Wolf. ([email protected])
With these new structures we have a new ac- Ars Goetia is exploring the Goetia and practicing
count for paying annual fee, courses etc. pp. Please Demonology based on different Grimoires, this also
use just this account if you didn’t want to pay in including invocations basing on the Necronomicon
Sweden directly: and alike. Here advanced dark magick is practiced.
Walter Kaminski One focus is set on approaching the invoked force
Postbank Frankfurt as dark aspect of the own shadow-self, so an initia-
Kto.-Nr.: 456305608 tion in at least the degree 1.0 Lilith is necessary.
BLZ: 50010060
Ha-Ilan ha-Hizon. Access: Initiands into the 1.0°.
Through IBAN & SWIFT it is not more complicated Supervisor: Holger Kliemannel ([email protected])
to pay to Sweden directly, it is lesser work for us if In this group we explore the qliphotic tree with all
you use the account from the mother lodge. his tunnels in all aspects. This working are based
on our older project called “Tzaphirion”, an initia-
The Working groups tion in at least the degree 1.0 Lilith is necessary.
The Paths of Hecate (Greek Mythology).
Access: every member. Supervisor: Wolf Kaminski
([email protected])
The Group The Path of Hecate/Greek Mythol-
ogy explores different Greek gods in their dark and
magickal aspects. The current focus of the project
is Hecate since she represents a supreme guardian
goddesses of the left-hand path in her aspects as heldrasil.dragonrouge.net
guide to the underworld and as a goddess of the [email protected]
moon, the night and the witches. Further projects

dracontias 4 2011

The centre of the project will be the sad-

hana, or focused spiritual work, of the deities
of the Mahavidyas, the ten emanations of the
Sakti or Goddess. In particular, we’ll focus on
the “Terrible” Mahavidyas, or Mahavidyas of
the Left-Hand Path: Mahakali, Bhairavi, Chin-
namasta, Bagalamukhi, Dhumavati and the
darker aspect of Tara.
The project will also feature a deeper in-
troduction to Kundalini awakening and an in-
troduction to the Cult of the Yoginis, the high
LODGE SOTHIS female initiatrixes who can teach the practi-
Naples, Italy tioner the secrets of vamacara and give them
access to the realms of the Goddesses.
Lodge Sothis’ work is organized in projects. This Sakta (Goddess-worshipping) ap-
The Lodge therefore intends to propose de- proach will also be implemented with Saiva
manding workings and asks dedication from (Siva-related) techniques of ecstasy and en-
the participants. Each project will take place lightenment.
for an indefinite period of time, ranging from
some months to some years, and will be com- DEMONOLOGY AND QLIPHOTH
posed of different layers, from workings for
newer adepts to more advanced levels. Every Mysteries of Thantifaxath and Gamaliel.
single member decides how active he wants Started: October 2010.
to be, selecting one or more areas he wants to Continuation: October–November 2011 and
partake in. beginning of 2012.

Lodge Sothis’ Current Projects We continue with the deeper exploration of

The projects which are active for winter the first tunnel and the sphere of Gamaliel.
2011/2012 are here listed. To access the ma- In cooperation with TG Gothenburg and their
terial it is mandatory to have at least started own Qliphothic investigations.
the 1.0° course. Unless it is otherwise stated,
publications are only in Italian. Spanish or ***
Portuguese-speaking members who can un-
derstand written Italian can contact us to ob-
Lodge Sothis’ Available Publications
tain the material.
Vira Saturnio, IMPERIVM, Ur Heka via Lulu Publishing
(available on amazon.com and lulu.com)
International project.
Hindu Tantra: the Mahavidyas and the Cult of BOOKS IN COOPERATION WITH ATANÓR PUBLISHING
the Yoginis. (ROME), available through bookstores, online booksell-
Start: October 2011. ers in Italy and Dragon Rouge’s website):

Thomas Karlsson, La Kabbalah e la magia goetica, 2005

This is the start of long series of focused Thomas Karlsson, Le rune e la Kabbalah, 2007
workings that will act as a deeper initiation Alberto Brandi, La Via Oscura: Introduzione al sentiero
into several traditions that can be broadly di mano sinistra, 2008
ascribed to Hindu Tantra. The project has a
specific beginning but no definite ending yet,
as it will be articulated in different branches, sothis.dragonrouge.net
depending on the involvement and the initia- [email protected]
tory level of the participants.

dracontias 4 2011

Magical Courses
The magical courses of Dragon Rouge are recomended to all members that want to deepen their
knowledge of magic and get a schedule for magical work with practices and advices. The courses
are also the key for those who wants to get initiated in the grade system of Dragon Rouge.

Magical Course 1.0° membership and please keep your receipt

until you have received your package.
As a member of Dragon Rouge, you have the The 1.0° course costs € 80.
possibility to order a six month letter course
that will present the foundation of magic Magical Course 2.0°
and draconian philosophy. After the course
This is the magical course that can make
you have the possibility to be initiated in the
an initiation in the second grade of Dragon
first grade in Dragon Rouge (Lilith 1.0°). The
Rouge possible (Gamaliel 2.0°). The course
course consists of extensive material of a
is constructed according to the same pattern
value of at least eur/usd 100 (if bought sep-
as the first one (Lilith 1.0°), but with a more
arately) and it also includes previously un-
precise direction and with more personal
published texts. The six parts of the course
commitment. Magical course 1.0° must be
consists of theory and a monthly practice
completed before you can begin with 2.0°.
schedule for practical magic and parapsy-
The course includes:
chology. As a participant of the course you
• The foundation to the second
will get personal guidance through contact
qliphotic level.
persons in a section of the forum on the DR
• The philosophy of the left hand path.
website, which only the participants of the
• Dream control and astral journeys.
course have access to. Your user account
• Witchcraft.
automatically gets upgraded when we re-
• Sex magic and carnal alchemy.
ceive your order for the course. The course
• Astral rituals.
• Demonology and deeper studies of the Qli-
• The foundation of magic and draconian
photh ...and many other subjects.
The 2.0° course costs € 80.
• Rituals and ceremonial magic.
• An introduction to dark magic.
• The foundation of Qliphoth and the Qa-
• Chakras, kundalini and sex magic.
• Typhonian alchemy and odinistic rune
...and many other subjects.
Payment is done in the same way as the

dracontias 4 2011

Member Shop
The shop is again open again, and works like it used to: upon visiting the shop for the first time,
you’ll have to create a new user account which allows you to place your orders. Currently we
only take payment by Paypal, but you can also connect your credit card to your Paypal account
to fulfil the payment. It can take up to 2-3 weeks before what you have ordered arrives, but
usually you will receive your items considerably faster.

Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic Uthark: Nightside of the Runes

By Thomas Karlsson By Thomas Karlsson

Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Tho- This is an introduction to runosophy and gothic
mas Karlsson is a unique practical introduc- rune magic. It is based upon the controversial
tion to magic. The main thread of the book is Uthark theory advocated by the Swedish pro-
the exploration of the Qliphoth and the dark fessor Sigurd Agrell in the 1930’s. The Uthark
mysteries which have for so long been a re- is thought to be the dark and secret version of
pressed part of western esotericism. Instead the rune row only known by the initiated rune
of ignoring and denying the dark side, the au- masters. In this book the Uthark theory is ap-
thor reveals, step by step, how man can get plied to practical Nordic magic. The book con-
to know his Shadow and, through this, reach tains a chapter about the Swedish rune mystic
a deeper knowledge of the Self. By exploring Johannes Bureus who expounded a system of
and not by repressing the Shadow it can be gothic rune qabalah in the beginning of the
transformed from a destructive force into a 17th century. The dark dimension of the runes
creative power. and the underworld initiation of Odin is the
The book deals with the problem of evil, main theme of this book. Uthark: Nightside of
the symbolism behind the fall of Lucifer and the Runes presents the runes as a Helwegr – a
man’s creation process according to Qabalistic road to Hel, which leads to illumination and
philosophy. self-deification.
The theories that are presented in this book Binding: hardcover. isbn: 91-974102-1-7.
are also linked to practice. Several examples 150 pages.
of rituals, meditations, magical exercises and
occult correspondences can be found within.
Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic contains
more than one hundred demonic sigils and
pieces of art that were created specifically for
this book. A unique collection of all the sig-
ils from the classic grimoires Lemegeton: The
Lesser Key of Solomon and the infamous Gri-
morium Verum are also included.
Binding: half-cloth hardcover. The first 30
copies are signed by the author. 248 pages.

dracontias 4 2011

Webpage and Member Service


Feel free to visit our newly restored and updated website. Apart from the regular information,
you have the possibility to use the members section for discussions and to share information
with the other members. We also offer magical literature and older DR material for download
in PDF format.

How to Access the Members’ Section Support Fund

To log in to our members section it is required The Support Fund of Dragon Rouge was origi-
that you register a username. The options of nally started with the goal of gathering 15,000
user name is (example John Peter Smith): SEK in order to restore and furnish our Dra-
John conian temple at Gotland, a goal that was
John S. reached and the temple was first inaugurated
John Smith at the Annual Meeting 2003.
Smith Since then, the temple has been improved
J. Smith both practically and aesthetically, and we
John P. Smith have more plans for the temple and the vi be-
John P. S. hind the temple building — the fireplace that
All other combinations than exactly as serves both ritualistic and leisurely purposes
above will be rejected and it has to be written at our meetings.
exactly like this (with capitals and periods), or When contributing to the support fund, you
else you won’t be able to log in. There is also can stay anonymous or use a pseudonym if
a limit of maximum 20 characters including you wish, otherwise your name will be pre-
spaces. Password is can be anything you like, sented together with the sum. The use of the
but must contain both letters and numbers. fund money is reported at each annual meet-
Send an email to administration@dragonrouge. ing.
net and tell us who you are and which user
details you want. Paying with PayPal & Credit Cards
In the member section you also have ac-
cess to the Member Store and in the control On the webpage you can order everything we
panel you can administrate your user account offer for sale, for example courses, books, oth-
(change password etc). er publications, etc. These you can pay with
The member fee is € 40 in Europe and € 45 credit card. Also the annual fee for member-
outside Europe. ship and donations to the Support Fund can
be paid there by card.
Member Service
On the webpage you also have access to our
Member Service, where you can notify us of
address changes and if something you ordered
didn’t get to you or if the Dracontias didn’t ar-
rive. Or anything else that concerns the ad-
ministration of the order.


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