Block E 2020 Kmu Annual
Block E 2020 Kmu Annual
Block E 2020 Kmu Annual
Rolt No:
Paper E Timet 120 Minutes Marks- 120
Note: Fill in the single Det ChOCe in the response sheetro
0 e ouowing hormones is responsible for increasinsconene tn tne iver during prolonged starvation?
C. Thyroxine D Glucagon
e aea s derived from: DrHamdard Official
B. Amino acids
Faty ac
CHs . Blirubin E Steroid
Aarold male presented in emerency with itory ef painfat defecation for ane week and atreaking of stol with fresh red
e e r he passes stool. There is history of chronie comstipation most likely patient is sufering from:
Rectal carcinoma D.Perianal abscess E. Anal tistula
.6 Isulin enhances the uptake of triacylgycerols in adipose tissues. Which of the following enzyme is activated that facilitates the
Q. 7 Which
statement O e r
C. Involve muscles which are innervated by a D. s the processin which bolus
is n u i t and
branch of Sth cranial nerve preparcd for swallawing vegetables
tienti e
a t t t o solid toods,
tray shoid the * pauent
The patient's lunch arrives, Which fond
. 14 The skin around the umbilicus is innervated by which of the following spinal segment
B. 19
D. TI E. TI2
Q2 sample is said to be a
n E ncluded in the sample.
sample, if it h selected in such a manner that each unit in the population has an cqua
A. Stratiticd r a n o e n p e . Systematic random sample
Clhuster samplie Non probability sarnple
E the tolowings are the intermrdintes or products eflH u n t EXCEIT
nt 3 A4year-old woman complains of severe polyuria (producing about 0.5 Lef urine each hour) and polydipsia (drinking twoto
Ruer r n e t a n no c o e , and she p l a c e d on overnight water restriction for further
Q26 Damage to the gastric mucosal barrier is a forerunner of a gastric ulcer. Which substance can both damsge the gastric mucosal
uarrier and stimulate pastric acid secretion
Builes B. Epidermal growth factor
C. Gastrin Hpylori E Mc
Q. 27 1fa patient has a creatinine clearance of 90 mVmin, a urine fow rate of 1mlimin, a plasma K+ concentrationof 4 mEq/'L, and a
urine Ke concentration of 60 mEq't. what is the approximate r
A. 0.06 o10mEo/min
C 0.36 mEq/min D. 3.6 mEq/min E 60 mEq/imin
Q 31 Thesalivary seeretion:
* i acose
dhel ets starch to glucose D. Has the large a Produced by a nervout i v e 1o plaumals
other digestive iui v e to ma
atrrha is daily fats fecal excretion of more than égm due to defective digestion and absorptien. Patients sutfering
of which of the following en
suffering irum pon.Patients
A. Acetyl Co-Aca
ein lipase
be CPancreatic lipase D. Phospholipase-D E Thiokinase
m Q. 4 The covering layer of the kidneys, that also cover the adrenal plands is:
PerineptrE tat Pararenal fat
C Gerota faicia D. Renal capsule - Renal p e c u m
Q 43 Which of the following tends to decrease potassium secretion by the cortical collecting tubule:
A. Adiuretic that decreases proximal tubule s0dium reatsorption Adiuretie tht nubi ue oa teE
C. Acuie alkalosis D. High sodium intake (ncreaned p
Buffering action
of hemoglobin is mainly due to its
%. Arginine residucs
C. Imadazole ring ne residues E Gcine resioues
A34year-eld female has reported with history of fargetfulnes, loas of hair and cald intolerance. She has been dingnosed wits
this disease t
of c
946 Lver gycogen contributes to the maintenance of glucose but not muscle glycogen. Which of the follow i n g entyme aun
47 The symptoms ef mental dation, flat foot eeopia lentis an
follewing enzyme? thrombosis are most likely related to
mportance otlrottins deficiency of which of
Describe the Biomedica
A. aheo
D. 1yrosinase Homogentisate oxidase
E. Histidase
Q. 48 Regarding develepment of kidney,
nterimediate mesoderm
It is derived from:
Q S I n infants delecation often follows a meal. 1he caute ot colonie contractions in this situation is:
hee o sence of which strweture is the key differentiatint print between duodenum and the rest of the small intestine?
serosal lining D. epithlial lining
MMac E basenent memo
56What is not true about the
malratatian of small intestine
i n incomplete rotation, rotation is arrested at 180 degrees t h e small intestine lics on the right with cecum in the midline
C. Ladds band extends from right upper
most common all exceptA
57 Increases in bath renal blood flow and GFR are cnused by which of the following?
Dilation of the afferent arterioles
C. Increased plasma colloid osmotic pressure D.
Increased glomerular capillary filtration
Dilation of the efferent arterioles
Encreased viscosity
dur to increased
. 5S Mass movements are often stimulated after smeal by datention af the stomach (gastrocalic refies) and distention ef the duedenum
(duodeno-colic relex). Which of the following is a mass movement?
A. Bowel moverments .topa coiraCton
D. uastriC tmovement . Haustratons
Esophageal reiaxatien
Q. 59 In chronie respiratory acidosis with partial rensl compeaatioan, yuu weuld espect to find the follwing changes, compared to
xeretion of NH4 -plasma tHco3 concentratin and rine p i
A. increased, increased, decreased Bncreasec, decrcascu, decreased
cange n, tncreaeu, decreseu
D. no changE in, no change
in, decreascdEtncreased, no change in, increased
Q 00 FUFTATPase activity is
directly blocked B. Bilinabin
Aspirin D. Rotenoee Thyroxin
Lingual lipase converts dietary
Q. 61
Diglycerides and fatty acids Glycerol an
. Al of
C. Monoglycerides and faty acids
D. None Ot e
62 PFeptic ulcers occur mostt commonlyin
Q. Duodenum
A. Small intestine
Reetum E Cardia of
the stomach
C. Pylorus
eatinine clearance tae
Renal blood presre
Gilomenular Filtrato
D.Renal plasma flow E. Urea ciearance
Cholic ncid snd
Chenodeosycholic acu ArE te
ythesized in the liver. The bile a c i coerteu
acids (eg. s
A. Entymes present in the gall bladders
C Entymes produced
i Eymes present in the duodenum
by exocrine pancreas
D. al oda
the small E Enymes
present in the
h i c h of the following reglons of the Gl tract is characters umerous short tubular invaginations but no vin?
uodenum jtiunum
E anal canal
9 96The coomonmest
A. Heputitis CVinas
of Chronie liver diseases (cuD), et,
nie hepatitis and cirrhesis ef liver in P'akistan is due to
Alcochol D. Gal
Anemia ec
e c e n t n calories D. Occurs in post weaning period
B There is muscle wasting
E. Occurs in diet deficient in
0 00 lomerular lination rate and Plasma Creatinine concentratien are
C. Have no relationship with cach other D.Invesely proportional to cach E. Directly proportional 1o the square root ot
101 ONd ative decarboylations Involve loss of cU2 and the production of NAD.
D. Tavelve leas of C
Iavolve loss of CO2 and the production of production of FADH2 Occur three limes in the TCA cyele.
esoplhageal cancer is
p e
E Adenocarcinoma
C. Squamous carcinorma D. Mucoid E
Adeno-squamous cartunoma
Q. 103 T he pancreas first appear at pproimately of gestation as two outpouchings of the endodermal lining of the
Just distai to the fori
A. Ah r
s. Sth week
C 6th w D. 7th week E 8th weck
Q. 104
A. Alakaptonuria
A low phenyialanine diet is recommended in DrHamdard Official
Al Albintsm
C.Hartnup' discase D, apie Syrup Syndirome E Phenylketonuria
A. respiraton acidosis with complete renal compensation o n acidoss with partial reta ca
simultaneous respiratory and metabolic D. uncompensated meuouic acidosis E uncompenssicd respy
0 Anion pp increased
Metabolic acidosis resulting from diathoca
lic acidosis resulting
from intestinalD.Dabetuc
. 10
e glomerular capillaries s 0 mm
Hg, Colloid osmotic pressure in the
the pressure in the Bowinan's capsueo
g, Ho glomerular
capillaries abouto
S mm Hg L 10 mmHg ion
D. 32 mmHg
C. 28 mmHg E. 60 minHg
unger strike and confines hime qa diet with minimal calories. Which of the follawing would occur
A. decreased liver Glycogenolysis
D. Increased Liver
Increased Glycolysis
Cnereacd Lipogenesis Gilyeogenolysis E ncreased TCA
. 111 To calculate renal bload flow we divide renal plasma flow by
A. I-hematocrit
B.1+ hematocrit
E. hematocrit-PCV
. 113 Your patients left hypoplossal nerve has been damaged. which ef the following would you expect to see?
left side of the
sons on the tongu
when asked to stick
tienit's ability to protrude the tongue is
deviate (point) towards the Ieft would deviate (point) towards the normal
C. Increased efferent arteriolar resistance D. Decreased angiotensin I E. Increased renal blood tlow
earald oman complains ofeverepolyuria (eroducing about .51of urine each hour) and polydipsia (drinking two to
thrre a s e f watereveryhour). Her urine centaias no glucose, and she is placed on overnight water restriction for further
E ne s eak And co
A. Diahetes ini "
A a
B. b. Diabetes tmellitus
C.e Primary aldosteronisen D.d Renin-secreting umor E
e Syndrome at
inapproprinte antidiuretic
16 h e cardiac notch is related to which of the following organ
B. Liver
DrHamdard Official
C. Heart D. Stomach Pancreas
Q17 Loop diuretics lnke furosemide causes diuresis by blocking which of the following mechanisms?
calcium ions
ctveansport o 8 . Sodiuim-2 chloride-potassium co-" usport
Sodum-nydrogenco-transport D. Sodiurn-hydrogen counter-transport Sodur-pON.3aluin aALPaMe
18 Ayear-old boy with siekie cell anema presents wth recurrentsevere riht upper quadrant colicky abdominal pain At the time
ol surgery muluple dark biack stones are 0una witnin the gal bladuer, thesestones,are com posed of which one of the following
Struvite E Urate
Q. 119 A physician prescribes a Proton-Pump Inhibitor to patient witha gastric ulcer, Which mcdication is considered a PPI?
Aanio D. Metronidazole . Pluoxetune
gnsu yaroXIde
120 All of the following statements are correct for Ketone bodies EXCEPT
hesis is inhibited when excess of carbohydrate is availab Produced durit acrobic ex ercise
C. HMG CoA synthetase and HMG Co lyase D. L C a n used these R 0urce o E Increase Ketogeniesis cause metabolic acidosis
are required