X 041 Standard Maths Question Paper 2023 24

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Class – X TIME: 3 HRS.

Subject- Mathematics M.M: 80

General Instructions:
1. This question paper has 5 sections A- E.
2. Section A has 20 MCQs carrying 1 mark each.
3. Section B has 5 questions carrying 2 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 questions carrying 3 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 questions carrying 5 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (4 marks
each) with sub-parts of the values of 1,1 and 2 marks each respectively.
7. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 2 Qs of 5
marks, 2 Qs of 3 marks and 2 questions of 2 marks has been provided.
An internal choice has been provided in the 2 marks questions of section
8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π =22/7 wherever required if
not stated.

Q.1 If in two triangles ABC and PQR, = = then
(a) ∆PQR ~ ∆CAB (b) ∆PQR ~ ∆ABC (c) ) ∆CBA ~ ∆PQR (d) ∆BCA ~ ∆PQR
Q.2 The value of tan 45°cos 60° + sin 60°cot 60° is
1 1
(a) (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) (√3 + 1)
2 2

Q.3 The discriminant of the quadratic equation 2x2- √5 x + 1 = 0 is

(a) - 3 (b) √−3 (c) 1 (d) – 1

Q.4 The acute angle 𝜃 satisfying √3 sin 𝜃 = cos 𝜃 is

(a) 70° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 60°
Q.5 An event is very unlikely to happen. Its probability is closest to:
(a) 0.0001 (b) 0.001 (c) 0.01 (d) 0.1
Q.6 The radius of a wheel is 0.25 m. The number of approximate revolutions it will make to
travel a distance of 11 km is
(a) 5000 (b) 7000 (c) 6000 (d) 1000
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Q.7 If 𝛼, 𝛽 are the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = x2 - 3x +2, then the value of 𝛼 2 + 𝛽 2 - is
3 3 7 9
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 2 4 2

Q.8 A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of its being a red face
card is
3 3 2 1
(a) 26 (b) 13 (c) 13 (d) 2

Q.9 If two tangents inclined at an angle 60° are drawn to a circle of radius 3 cm, the length of
each tangent is equal to
(a) 3 cm (b) 6 cm (c) cm (d) 3√3 cm

Q.10 For what value of k, if 3 is a zero of the polynomial 2x2 + x + k?

(a) -15 (b) - 9 (c) - 18 (d) - 21
∑( 𝐴 ×𝐵 )
Q. 11 The formula for finding mean by direct method is , where B and A are
(a) class mark, frequency of the class (b) average frequency, class size (c) class size,
average frequency (d) frequency of the class, class mark
5 5
Q.12 The 11th term of the A.P: - 5, - , 0, , ……. is:
2 2
(a) -20 (b) 20 (c) -30 (d) 30
Q.13 The median and mode of a frequency distribution are 32 and 38 respectively, then the
mean is
(a) 34 (b) 29 (c) 20 (d) 35
1 5
Q.14 If 2 is a root of the equation x2 + kx - 4 = 0, then the value of k is:
1 1
(a) 2 (b) - 2 (c) (d) - 2

Q.15 The roots of the equation 2x2 – 6x + 7 = 0 are

(a) real, unequal and rational (b) real, unequal and irrational (c) real and equal (d)
Q.16 A ladder 15m long makes an angle of 60° with the wall. The height of the point, where the
ladder touches the wall, is
15√3 15
(a) 15√3m (b) m (c) m (d) 15m
2 2

Q.17 The radius of a sphere whose volume is 12𝜋 cm3 is

(a) 3 (b) 3√3 (c) 32/3 (d) 31/3
Q.18 If ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶~∆𝐷𝐹𝐸, ∠A = 30°,∠C = 50°,then the value of ∠F is
(a) 80° (b) 100° (c) 30° (d) 50°
Q.19 Assertion(A) If the median and mode of a frequency distribution are 150 and 154
respectively, then its mean is 148.
Reason (R) Mean, Median and mode of a frequency distribution are related as
Mode = 3 median – 2 mean
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A).

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(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.
Q. 20 Assertion (A) The point (-1,6) divides the line segment joining the points (-3,10) and
(6,-8) in the ratio 2:7 internally.
Reason (R) Given three points i.e. A,B,C from an equilateral triangle, then AB = BC = CA
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R ) is not the correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.

Q.21 If sin𝜃 = cos 𝜃 then find the value of 2 tan 𝜃 + cos2 𝜃

Q.22 Show that 2 + 5√3 is an irrational number, given that √3 is an irrational number.
Show that 6 - 2√3 is irrational.
Q.23 Find the zeroes of the following polynomial: 5√5 x2 + 30x + 8√5
𝑥+1 𝑥−2 2𝑥+3
Q.24 Solve for x: 𝑥−1 + 𝑥+2 = 4 - 𝑥−2 , where x ≠ 1, -2, 2
Q.25 In the mid-point of the line segment joining the points A(3,4) and B(k,6) is P(x, y) and
x + y – 10 = 0, find the value of k.
If the point C(-1,2) divides internally the line segment joining A(2,5) and B(x, y) in the ratio 3:4,
find the coordinates of B.

Q.26 The area of a circular playground is 22176 cm2.Find the cost of fencing this ground at the
rate of 50 Rs per metre. [ Take, 𝜋 = 7 ]
Q.27 In the given figure, if PQ = PR prove that QT = TR i.e. QR is bisected at T.

Q.28 A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting

(i) an even prime number (ii) a number divisible by 2.
A card is drawn at random from a well – shuffled pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that
the card drawn is neither a red card nor a queen.

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Q.29 The mean of the following distribution is 53. Find the missing frequency k?

class 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100

frequency 12 15 32 k 13

Q.30 Find the ratio in which the y-axis divides the line segment joining the points (6,-4) and
(-2,-7). Also find the point of intersection.
The line segment joining the points A (2,1) and B (5, -8) is trisected at the points P and Q
such that P is nearer to A. If P also lies on the line given by 2x – y + k = 0, find the value
of k.

Q.31 Two pillars of equal height are on either side of a road, which is 100m wide. The angles of
the top of the pillars are 60° and 30° at a point on the road between the pillars. Find the
position of the point between the pillars. Also, find the height of each pillar.


Q.32 From a solid cylinder whose height is 2.8 cm and diameter is 1.8 cm, a conical cavity of the
same height and same diameter is hollowed out. Find the total surface area of the remaining
solid to the nearest cm2.
Water in a canal, 6m wide and 1.5m deep is flowing with a speed of 10km/h. How much area
will it irrigate in 30 min, if 8cm of standing water is needed?
Q.33 In a painting competition of a school a child made Indian national flag whose perimeter
was 50 cm. Its area will be decreased by 6 square cm, if length is decreased by 3 cm and
breadth is increased by 2 cm then find the dimension of flag.
Q.34 If the sum of the first n terms of an AP is 4n – n2, then what is the first term (i.e. S1). What
is the sum of first two terms? Find the nth term.
The first and the last term of an AP are 5 and 45 respectively. If the sum of all its terms is
400, find its common difference.
Q.35 Diagonals AC and BD of a trapezium ABCD with AB ∥ DC intersect each other at the point
O. Using similarity criterion for two triangles, show that 𝑂𝐶 = 𝑂𝐷.

Q.36 A Ferris wheel (or a big wheel in the United Kingdom) is an amusement ride consisting of a
rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger – carrying components (commonly referred to
as passenger cars, cabins, tubs, capsules, gondolas, or pods) attached to the rim in such a
way that as the wheel turns, they are kept upright, usually by gravity.
After taking a ride in Ferris wheel, Aarti came out from the crowd and was observing
her friends who were enjoying the ride. She was curious about the different angles and
measures that the wheel will form. She forms the figure as given below.

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On the basis of above information, answer the following questions.
(i) In the given figure, find ∠ROQ.
(ii) In the figure, find ∠RSQ.
(iii) In the given figure, find ∠RQP.
In the given figure, two circles touch each other at C and AB is a tangent to both the circles.
Find ∠ACB.

Q.37 A group of students of class X visited India Gate on an educational trip. The teacher and
students had interest in history as well. The teacher narrated that India Gate, official name
Delhi Memorial, originally called All- India War Memorial, monumental sandstone arch in
New Delhi, dedicated to the troops of British India who died in wars fought between 1914
and 1919. The teacher also said that India Gate, which is located at the eastern end of the
Rajpath is about 138 ft (42m) in height.

On the basis of above information, answer the following questions.

(i) What is the angle of elevation, if they are standing at a distance of 42m away from the
(ii) They want to see the gate at an angle of elevation 60°. So, they want to know the distance
where they should stand and hence find the distance.
(iii) The shadow of the gate when the Sun’s altitude is 30° is found to be 30m longer than when
it was 60°. Find the sum of length of its shadow.
If a 1.5m tall girl stands at a distance of 3m from a lamp – post and casts a shadow of
length 4.5m on the ground, then find the height of the lamp – post.

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Q.38 A vegetable seller has 420 potatoes and 130 tomatoes. He wants to stack them in such a
way that each stack has same number and they take up the least area of the tray.

Based on the above information of a vegetable shop, answer the following questions
i) Find the product of exponents of the prime factors of total number of vegetables.
ii) What is the number of vegetables that can be placed in each stack for this purpose?
iii) Find the sum of exponents of the prime factors of the number of vegetables that can be
placed in each stack for this purpose.
What is the total number of rows in which they can be placed?

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