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Phonetics & Phonology

Study of Human Speech Sounds is _______.

• Syntax
• Linguistics
• Morphology
• Phonetics
• Semantics
• Sociolinguistics
• Psycolinguistics
The general study of characteristics of speech
sounds is called:

a. Phonetics
b. Phonology
c. Articulatory Phonetics
d. Auditory Phonetics
e. Acoustic Phonetics
The study of movement of speech organs in
articulation of speech or the study of how the
speech sounds are made is called

a. Phonetics
b. Phonology
c. Articulatory Phonetics
d. Auditory Phonetics
e. Acoustic Phonetics
The study of perceptions of speech sounds is

a. Phonetics
b. Phonology
c. Articulatory Phonetics
d. Auditory Phonetics
e. Acoustic Phonetics
Acoustic phonetics is the study of

a) The production of speech sounds in languages

b) The generation of speech sounds by robots
c) The physical properties of speech sounds
d) The perception of speech sounds by humans
There are ______ consonant sounds in English
A. 22
B. 23
C. 24
D. 25
When the vocal cords are spread apart and the air
from the lungs passes between them
unimpeded(without any stoppage) the sound is called:
a. Unvoiced
b. Voiceless
c. Both
d. Voiced
When there is some vibration in vocal cord
while producing sound, the sound will be:

a. Voiced
b. Unvoiced
c. Voiceless
d. None
Total number of vowel and consonant sounds
in English respectively:

a. 24, 20
b. 20, 24
c. 22, 22
d. 19, 25
The sounds in English language are classified as
Bilabials, Dentals, Alveolar etc. it is according
to their:
a. Place of Articulation
b. Manner of Articulation
c. Both
d. None
The sounds which are formed using both upper
and lower lips (/m/, /b/,/w/) are called:

a. Bilabials
b. Labiodentals
c. Dentals
d. Alveolar
/f/ and /v/ are:

e. Bilabials
f. Labiodentals
g. Dentals
h. Alveolar
/t/, /d/, /s/, /n/ ad /z/ are called ________ because
they are pronounced with the front part of the tongue on

a. alveolar ridge.
b. Bilabials
c. Labiodentals
d. Dentals
e. Alveolar
/k/ and /g/ are called:

a. Bilabials
b. Velars
c. Dentals
d. Alveolar
/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/,/k/ and /g/ are 6:

a. Plosives
b. Nasals
c. Liquids
d. Fricatives
The consonants having the air push through
the narrow opening are called:

e. Plosives
f. Nasals
g. Liquids
h. Fricatives
Find out liquid consonants:
a. /l/,/r/
b. /l/,/m/
c. /l/,/n/
d. /t,/,/p/
In American English if /t/ occurs between vowels,
it is pronounced as /d/; for example, writer as rider
and metal as medal. Name this term.
a. Flapping
b. Taping
c. Stopping
d. Mashing
The only lateral sound is:
a. /l/
b. /t/
c. /b/
d. /h/
The ___________ sounds are mostly
articulated with obstruction in the vocal cart.

a. Vowel
b. Consonant
c. Abstract
d. Diphthongs
The sounds which are pronounced without any
obstruction in air passage, and are produced with a
free flow of air are called:
a. Vowel
b. Consonant
c. Abstract
d. Diphthongs
Mark the number of monophthongs and
diphthongs respectively.

a. 12, 8
b. 8,12
c. 14.6
d. 14.8
The study of speech patterns is called:
a. Phonetics
b. Phonology
c. Morphology
d. Pragmatics
The smallest unit of speech sound is called:

a. Morpheme
b. Phoneme
c. Lexeme
d. Allophone
The versions of one phone are called:
a. Morpheme
b. Phoneme
c. Lexeme
d. Allophone
A sound pronounced with one puff of air is
called ( a sound with one vowel sound):

a. Vowel
b. Consonant
c. Syllable
d. Coda
Syllable consists of onset and rime while rime
is further divided into:
a. Onset and nucleus
b. Onset and coda
c. Nucleus and onset
d. Nucleus and coda
The consonants after the nucleus are called:

a. Rime
b. Onset
c. Coda
d. Syllable
The syllables having onset and nucleus but not
coda are called:

a. Open syllables
b. Closed syllable
c. Light syllable
d. Heavy syllable
The syllables having nucleus and coda but no
onset are called:

a. Open syllables
b. Closed syllable
c. Light syllable
d. Heavy syllable
There are one or more consonants before or
after nucleus which describes:

a. Consonant Cluster
b. Elision
c. Assimilation
d. Syllable
When two phonemes occurring in a sequence, and
some aspect of one phoneme is taken or copied by
other phoneme, this process is called:
a. Consonant Cluster
b. Elision
c. Assimilation
d. Syllable
The omission or deletion of some sound from
a word is known as:

a. Consonant Cluster
b. Elision
c. Assimilation
d. Syllable
Dialect is peculiar to vocabulary while accent is
peculiar to _______ of a specific group of
a. Grammar
b. Spelling
c. Pronunciation
d. Tenses
Omission of a word or more from a sentence is

a. Elision
b. Ellipsis
c. Assimilation
d. Analogy
We need an air stream mechanism for the
A. Production of Speech

B. Digestion process

C. Blood circulation process

D. Dexidation Process
What is essential to acquire a good
pronunciation in English language?
A. a lot of conscious efforts

B. a lot of systematic efforts

C. a lot of regular practice

D. All the above

Our respiratory system consists of
A. Lungs

B. Air Pipe

C. Nostrils

D. All the above

The hard convex surface just Behind the upper
front teeth is called
A. soft palate

B. teeth ridge

C. hard palate

D. tongue
Diphthong is a
A. Pure vowel sound

B. Pure consonant sound

C. Vowel glides or mixed vowel sounds

D. none of the above

The letters a,e,i,o,u in English alphabet are
A. Clusters

B. Consonants

C. Vowels

D. Words
When one sound is given by two consonants, it
is called
A. vowel sound

B. consonant sound

C. single sound

D. consonant cluster
Which of the following has / i: / sound
A. Car

B. seat

C. fit

D. books
Which of the following has /e/sound
A. but

B. arm

C. bed

D. aunt
The example of consonant cluster is
A. sea

b. guard

C. guilty

D. play
The following does not belong to the basic
components of speech
A. stress

B. rhythm

C. poem

D. intonation
The word "Doctor" has
A. Two syllables with stress on none

B. two syllables with stress on both

C. two syllables with stress on first

D. two syllables with stress on second

"The degree of force with which sound or
syllable of a word is uttered" is called
A. intonation

B. stress

C. Rhythm

D. Pause
"The Change of pitch of voice " is called
A. stress

B. Rhythm

C. Pause

D. Intonation
The rise and fall of pitch in voice is called
A. Fluency

B. Pause

C. Intonation

D. Stress
"The smallest unit of words" is called
A. Phoneme

B. Allophone

C. Juncture

D. Morpheme
"The study of articulation, transmission and
reception of speech sound ," is called
A. Linguistics

B. Morphology

C. Phonetics

D. syntax
"Phonetics" is a part of language study. It is

A. Study of system of sound of language

B. Study of words

C. study of articulation, transmission and reception of speech sounds

D. None of the above

The teacher does not tell or interpret whether
the answer is correct or not in the

A. Testing activity

B. Teaching activity

C. Language game activity

D. Demonstration activity
Flow correct pause stress and intonation is only
possible through the practice of
A. Comprehension

B. Oral Expression

C. Reading

D. Writing
The unit of a word is
A. Sentence

B. Word

C. Sound

D. Letter
Which of these is not a type of phonetics?
a) Articulatory
b) Personal
c) Acoustic
d) Auditory
Which of these terms refer to the study of
hearing and perception of speech sounds?
a) Articulatory phonetics
b) Acoustic phonetics
c) Auditory phonetics
d) Laboratory phonetics
Laboratory phonetics is a branch which uses
instruments to study sounds.
a) True
b) False
What is the term used for ingressive air-sounds
a) Claps
b) Snap
c) Clicks
d) Beats
Which of these refer to the sound features of a
a) Morphemics
b) Phonetic substances
c) Phonetics
d) Syntax
What does the phonetic symbol /d/ represent?

a) Voiced bilabial plosive

b) Voiceless palatal plosive
c) Voiced alveolar plosive
d) Voiced dental fricative
What is the full form of IPA?
a) Indian Phonetic Alphabet
b) International Phonetic Alphabet
c) International Phonetic Agreement
d) Indian Phonetic Agreement
What does the sign / / represent?
a) Phonetic transcription
b) Centralization
c) Voiced bilabial nasal
d) Rising- falling pitch
The nucleus of the syllable is the vowel.
a) True
b) False
What is a consonant called when it is placed at
the end of a syllable?
a) Releasing consonant
b) Arresting consonant
c) Dental consonant
d) Alveolar consonant
What is the structure in the following syllable
: pack?
a) CVC
b) CV
c) VCC
d) VC
/f/ and /z/ are examples of :
a) Bilabial consonant
b) Sibilant consonant
c) Dental consonant
d) Alveolar consonant
Which of the following is a voiceless sound
a) /b/
b) /d/
c) /c/
d) /g/
According to the place of articulation, which
of these is not a type of consonant?
a) Bilabial
b) Dental
c) Velar
d) Public
Which of these consonants are the one whose
place of articulation is the lower lip and upper
a) Bilabial
b) Dental
c) Labio-dental
d) Glottal
According to the placement of the tongue,
which of these is not a type of vowel?
a) Cross vowels
b) Front vowels
c) Back vowels
d) Central vowels
As per quality, vowels sounds can be
differentiated as Monophthongs and
a) True
b) False
Which of the following vowels is an example
of back vowel?
a) /i/
b) /e:/
c) /u/
d) /a/
The definition of articulation includes which
of the following?
a. describes the systems and patterns of phonemes in a particular language
b. includes phonotactics
c. refers to the totality of motor processes involved in speech
d. all of the above
The definition of articulation disorder reflects

a. peripheral motor processes

b. gradually developing motor skills
c. the totality of motor processes involved in the planning and execution of
d. all of the above
Oral, verbal expression of language into words
a. phonology
b. articulation
c. speech
d. pragmatics
The definition of phonology includes
a. the description of the system and patterns of phonemes within a
b. the classification and description of how speech sounds are produced
c. the oral, verbal expression of language
d. the relatively peripheral motor processes involved in speech
The allowed combinations of phonemes in a
particular language refer to the
a. phonetic inventory
b. phonemic inventory
c. phonotactic constraints
d. minimal pairs
Which of the following is not included in the
definition of phonological disorder?
a. problems in the language-specific function of phonemes
b. disturbances in the relatively peripheral motor processes that result in
c. disturbances represent an impairment of the understanding and organization
of phonemes
d. phonemic errors
What is the smallest linguistic unit that can be
combined with other such units to establish
word meanings?
a. allophonic variations
b. speech sound
c. phoneme
d. phonotactic constraint
Which of the following is not included in the
definition of phonetics?
a. the production of features of speech sounds
b. the organizational system of speech sounds
c. the transmission properties of speech sounds
d. the perceptual bases of speech sounds
Which of the subdivisions of phonetics would
examine the frequency, intensity, and duration
of speech sounds?
a. articulatory phonetics
b. acoustic phonetics
c. auditory phonetics
If you were studying how foreign students perceive various
speech sounds of General American English, which branch of
phonetics would you be studying?
a. articulatory phonetics
b. acoustic phonetics
c. auditory phonetics
Vowels are defined as having

a. no simultaneous vocal fold vibration under normal conditions

b. articulatory constriction along the sagittal midline of the vocal tract
c. relatively unimpeded airstream from the vocal folds to the lips
d. relatively less acoustic intensity than consonants
Which consonants are considered to be
sonorant consonants?
a. fricatives and affricates
b. stop-plosives
c. all voiced consonants
d. nasals, liquids, and glides
The vowel [i] is described phonetically as a
a. high-front vowel that is unrounded and lax
b. mid-front vowel that is unrounded and tense
c. high-front vowel that is unrounded and tense
d. high-back vowel that is unrounded and tense
The consonant [l] is described phonetically as a

a. voiced apico-alveolar lateral approximant

b. voiced coronal-alveolar glide
c. voiced predorsal-alveolar lateral-approximant
d. voiced postdorsal-velar lateral-approximant
A very young child says [gɑg] for dog. This is
which type of assimilation process?
a. regressive phonemic assimilation
b. progressive phonemic assimilation
c. regressive phonetic similitude
d. coalescence
A young child child says [nɔɪni] for noisy. This
is which type of assimilation process?
a. progressive contact phonemic assimilation
b. regressive contact phonemic assimilation
c. progressive remote phonemic assimilation
d. regressive remote phonemic assimilation
Which one of the following words has an
unchecked syllable structure?
a. cupcake
b. tomato
c. jumping
d. bathtub
The voiced labiodental approximant may be
substituted for which sound?
a. [s]
b. [r]
c. [l]
d. [ʃ]
Which one of the transcriptions would indicate
a. [bɜd]
b. [bɛd]
c. [bɪ̞ d]
d. [bɔd]
The transcription [ʊ̜]would indicate which one
of the following?
a. a vowel position that is too far forward
b. a vowel position that is too far back
c. a vowel that is less rounded than usual
d. a vowel that is more rounded than usual
What syllable shapes predominate the first-50-
word stage of language development?
a. CV, VC, and CVC
Which of the following is among the later
developing sounds?
a. [f]
b. [j]
c. [s]
Which of the following is not a syllable
structure process?
a. cluster reduction
b. final consonant deletion
c. gliding
d. reduplication
If a child says [tip] for keep, this is an example
of which type of process?
a. stopping
b. gliding
c. fronting
d. epenthesis
Which of the following refers to a child's
conscious awareness of sounds within his or
her native language?
a. morphophonology
b. metaphonology
c. phonetic coding
d. phonotactics

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