Phonetics and Phonology Assignment 3

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1. Which of the following is not considered (an) articulator(s)?

a. the tongue b. the lips c. the velum d. the ears

2. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic

description : voiced labiodental fricative
a. [ v ] b. [ w ] c. [ ð ] d. [ f ]
3. Which of the following phonetic variations may happen to the voiced stop [g ] in
this context : [ d ɒg ] dog ?
a. [ g ] is aspirated after the front vowel [ɒ]
b. [ g ] is devoiced after the short vowel [ɒ]
c. [ g ] is devoiced word finally
d. [ g ] is unaspirated in the final position of a stressed syllable

4. Which of the following statements is correct ?

All the aspirated voiceless stops are produced with
a. the vibration of the vocal cords
b. an extra puff of the air strongly expelled
c. the air stream from the glottis
d. the air stream going through the nasal cavity

5. Which of the following words does not contain an open vowel?

a. seen b. hat c. hot d. not

6. According to the ……………….., vowels can be rounded or unrounded.

a. height of the raised part of the tongue b. raised part of the tongue
c. length of the vowels d. shape of the lip

7. ……………… are sounds articulated by the lower lip against the upper teeth.
a. labio-dentals b. alveolars c. velars d. glottals

8. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions corresponds to the following

phonetic description: low front unrounded vowel ?
a. / u / b. / æ / c. / i / d. / a: /

9. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions corresponds to the following

phonetic description : voiceless alveolar stop ?
a. / t / b. / t∫ / c. / d / d. / j /

10. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic

description: voiceless bilabial stop?
a. / v / b. / g / c. / ð / d. / p /

11. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in place of
articulation from the other segments?
a. / t, r, d, s / b. / k, g , ŋ, w/ c./ p, b, m, n / d. / t, d, n, z /

12. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in voicing from the
other segments ?
a. / d, v, b, m / b./ m, n, ŋ, v / c. / w, z , r, l / d./z, t , ∫, s /

13. Which of the following statements is correct ?

a. Velars are sounds made at the soft area toward the rear of the roof of the mouth.
b. Palatals are sounds made just behind the alveolar ridge
c. Bilabials are sounds made at the teeth ridge
d. Alveolars are sounds made with the tongue placed against the teeth

14. Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

a. Fricatives are consonants produced with a continuous airflow through the mouth.
b. Stops are consonants produced with the complete stoppage of the air in the mouth
which causes an explosion.
c. Nasals are consonants produced with the lowering of the soft palate.
d. Fricatives are non-continuant consonants.

15. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic

description : short mid-high front vowel
[i] b. [ e ] c. [ɒ ] d. [ æ ]

16. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic

description: voiceless interdental fricative
a.[ m ] b. [ v ] c. [ t ] d. [ ]

17. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in manner of
articulation from the other segments ?
a. [ w, r, j ] c. [ , ð , s ]
b.[ p, b, m ] d. [ t, d, k ]

18.Which of the following statements is correct ?

Interdentals are sounds made
a. with the tongue between the teeth
b. with the tongue on or near the hard palate
c. just behind the alveolar ridge
d. with the upper lip and the lower teeth

19. Which of the following symbols corresponds to the following phonetic

description : voiceless labiodental fricative

b. [ v ] b. [ w ] c. [ ð ] d. [ f ]

20. The process by which an alveolar stop/t,d/ is heard intervocally (voiced) between
2 vowels, the first of which is generally stressed is called
a. metathesis c. epenthesis
b. deletion d. flapping

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