God Said I Made A Man

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GOD SAID “ I MADE A Occupation: Poet, critic, lecturer

BY : Jose Garcia Villa
Title and Its Relation to the
God said, "I made a man The title "God said, 'I made a
Out of clay— man'" highlights the theme of
But so bright he, he spun creation by God, which is
Himself to brightest Day central to the poem's
exploration. It sets the stage for
Till he was all shining gold, a conversation between God and
And oh, the man made of clay,
He was lovely to behold! emphasizing the divine authority
But in his hands held he a bow and responsibility of God as the
Aimed at me who created
Him. And I said, Type and Structure of the
‘Wouldst murder me Poem:
Who am thy Fountainhead! ' The poem takes the form of a
free verse dramatic monologue,
Then spoke he the man of gold: allowing for flexibility in
‘I will not expression and thematic
Murder thee! I do but exploration. Through dialogue
Measure thee. Hold between characters, it delves
into questions of power,
Thy peace.' And this I did. identity, and the relationship
But I was curious between creator and creation.
Of this so regal head.
‘Give thy name! '—‘Sir! Rhyme Scheme and Meter of
Genius.'" the Poem:
"God said, 'I made a man'" does
not follow a consistent rhyme
scheme or meter, characteristic
ABOUT THE WRITER: of free verse poetry. The lack of
strict structure contributes to the
Born: August 5, 1908 natural flow of the dialogue and
Manila, Philippine Islands emphasizes the authenticity of
Died: February 7, 1997 (aged the interaction between
88) characters.
Pen name: Doveglion
Speaker and Their Themes in "God said, 'I made a
Perspective: man'" include creation, power
The speaker, presumably God, dynamics, identity, and the
addresses the man made of clay, limits of authority. Through the
expressing authority and interaction between creator and
concern over the actions of the creation, the poem explores
created being. The perspective existential questions and
of God provides insight into prompts reflection on the nature
themes of creation and divine of existence and agency.
guidance, while the response of
the man of clay adds depth to
the conversation. VOCABULARY

Mood and Tone of the Poem:

The mood of the poem is tense Fountainhead: The source or
and confrontational, reflecting origin of something; often used
the dialogue between God and metaphorically to refer to God
the man of clay. There's an as the ultimate source of all
underlying sense of conflict and creation. In the poem, it
curiosity as they discuss the represents God's position as the
man's transformation and creator of humanity.
intentions, contributing to the
complexity of the poem's tone. Regal: Royal, majestic, or
dignified. In the poem, "regal
Symbols and Imagery of the head" describes the majestic or
Poem: noble appearance of the man
Imagery in the poem revolves made of clay, emphasizing his
around the transformation of the grandeur.
man from clay to gold,
symbolizing enlightenment or Genius: Exceptional intellectual
transcendence. The bow held by or creative ability; can also refer
the man of gold represents to a spirit or guardian deity in
power and potential aggression, Roman mythology. In the poem,
while God's role as creator "Genius" is the name chosen by
symbolizes authority and divine the man made of clay,
guidance. suggesting his self-perceived
greatness or uniqueness.
Theme and Message of the

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