شيتات تربو
شيتات تربو
شيتات تربو
Sheet (1)
Shaft Power Gas Turbine Cycle
1- In an ideal gas turbine cycle with reheat, air at state (P1, T1) is compressed
to pressure rP1 and heated to T3. The air is then expanded in two stages,
each turbine having the same pressure ratio, with reheat to T3 between
the stages. Assuming the working fluid to be a perfect gas with constant
specific heats, and that the compression and expansion are isentropic,
show that the specific work output will be a maximum when r is given by
( ) 𝑻 𝟑
𝒓 𝜸 = ( 𝟑)
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3- A gas turbine is to consist of a compressor, combustion chamber, turbine
and heat exchanger. It is proposed to examine the advantage of bleeding
off a fraction (∆ṁ/ṁ) of the air delivered by the compressor and using it
to cool the turbine blades. By so doing the maximum permissible cycle
temperature may be increased from T to (T + ∆T). The gain in efficiency
due to the increase of temperature will be offset by a loss due to the
decrease in effective air flow through the turbine. Show that, on the
following assumptions, there is no net gain in efficiency when
∆ṁ ∆𝑻/𝑻
ṁ 𝟏+ ∆𝑻/𝑻)
and that this result is independent of the compressor and turbine
efficiencies. Assumptions:
(1) No pressure loss in combustion chamber or heat-exchanger.
(2) The working fluid is air throughout and the specific heats are constant.
(3) The air bled for cooling purposes does no work in the turbine.
(4) The temperature of the air entering the combustion chamber is equal
to that of the turbine exhaust.
A plant of this kind operates with an inlet temperature of 288 K, a pressure
ratio of 6, a turbine isentropic efficiency of 90 % and a compressor
isentropic efficiency of 87 %. Heat transfer calculations indicate that if 5 %
of the compressor delivery is bled off for cooling purposes, the maximum
temperature of the cycle can be raised from 1000 to 1250 K.
What results would you expect if these calculations were repeated for the
plant with the heat-exchanger omitted?
[ 25.1% , 47.8 % ]
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4- An auxiliary gas turbine for use on a large airliner uses a single-shaft
configuration with air bled from the compressor discharge for aircraft
services. The unit must provide 1.5 kg/s bleed air and a shaft power of 200
Calculate (a) the total compressor air mass flow and
(b) the power available with no bleed flow, assuming the following:
Compressor pressure ratio 3.8
Compressor isentropic efficiency 0.85
Combustion pressure loss 0.12
Turbine inlet temperature 1050 K
Turbine isentropic efficiency 0.88
Mechanical efficiency (compressor rotor) 0.99
Mechanical efficiency (driven load) 0.98
Ambient conditions 1 bar, 288 K
[4.78 kg/s, 633 kW]
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Al-Azhar University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sheet (2)
Centrifugal Compressor
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3- The following results were obtained from a test on a small single-sided
centrifugal compressor:
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(a) Calculate the stagnation pressure and temperature at the outlet of the
impeller, assuming no pre-whirl.
(b) Show that the radial outlet velocity at the impeller tip is about 96 m/s and
hence find the Mach number and air leaving angle at the impeller tip. (In
calculating the circumferential area at the tip, the thickness of the impeller
disc may be neglected.)
(c) Assuming isentropic diffusion in the vaneless space, find the correct angle
of the leading edges of the diffuser vanes, and also find the Mach number at
this radius.
[(a) 4.40 bar, 455 K (b) 1.01, 14.08° (c) 12.40°, 0.842]
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Al-Azhar University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sheet (3)
Axial Flow Compressor
1- An axial flow compressor stage has blade root, mean and tip velocities of
150, 200 and 250 m/s. The stage is to be designed for a stagnation
temperature rise of 20 K and an axial velocity of 150 m/s, both ·constant
from root to tip. The work done factor is 0.93. Assuming 50 per cent
reaction at mean radius calculate the stage air angles at root, mean and
tip and the degree of reaction at root and tip for a free vortex design.
2- Recalculate the stage air angles for the same data as in the previous
question for a stage with 50 per cent reaction at all radii, and compare the
results with those for the free vortex design.
(a) The tip radius and corresponding rotor air angles β1 and β2, if the
Mach number relative to the tip is limited to 0.95.
(b) The mass flow entering the stage.
(c) The stage stagnation pressure ratio and power required.
(d) The rotor air angles at the root section.
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4- An axial flow compressor has an overall pressure ratio of 4 and mass flow
of 3 kg/ s. If the polytropic efficiency is 88 per cent and the stagnation
temperature rise per stage must not exceed 25 K, calculate the number
of stages required and the pressure ratio of the first and last stages.
Assume equal temperature rise in all stages. If the absolute velocity
approaching the last rotor is 165 m/s at an angle of 20° from the axial
direction, the work done factor is 0.83, the velocity diagram is
symmetrical, and the mean diameter of the last stage rotor is 18 cm,
calculate the rotational speed and the length of the last stage rotor blade
at inlet to the stage. Ambient conditions are 1.01 bar and 288 K.
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Al-Azhar University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sheet (4)
Axial Flow Gas Turbine
1- A mean-diameter design of a turbine stage having equal inlet and outlet
velocities leads to the following data;
The turbine is designed for zero reaction (Ʌ= 0) at the root radius, and the
velocities at inlet and outlet ( V1 and V3) are both equal and axial. Calculate the
nozzle efflux angle α2 and blade inlet gas angle β2 at the root radius.
If the tip/root radius ratio of the annulus at exit from the nozzle blades is 1.4,
determine the nozzle efflux angle and degree of reaction at the tip radius.
Assuming a nozzle blade loss coefficient λN of 0.05 calculate the static pressure
at inlet and outlet of the rotor blades at the root radius and thereby show that even
at the root there is some expansion in the rotor blade passages under these
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3- The following data apply to a single-stage turbine designed on free-vortex
Mass flow 36 kg/s
Inlet temperature To1 1200 K
Inlet pressure Po1 8.0 bar
Temperature drop ∆To13 150 K
Isentropic efficiency ηt 0.90
Mean blade speed Um 320 m/s
Rotational speed N 250 rev/s
Outlet velocity V3 400 m/s
The outlet velocity is axial. Calculate the blade height and radius ratio of the
annulus from the outlet conditions.
The turbine is designed with a constant annulus area through the stage, i.e.
with no flare. Assuming a nozzle loss coefficient λN of 0.07, show that
continuity is satisfied when the axial velocity at exit from the nozzles is 346
m/s. Thence calculate the inlet Mach number relative to the rotor blade at the
root radius.
The values of the radius ratios in plane 2 were (rm/rr)2 = 1.164 and (rm/rt)2 = 0.877.
Using the same mean diameter angles, calculate β2 at tip and root for a constant
nozzle angle design in which α2 and Vw2r are constant over the annulus.
Compare the two designs by sketching the velocity diagrams and commenting
qualitatively on such aspects as the radial variation of degree of reaction and blade
inlet Mach number.
To satisfy radial equilibrium with constant nozzle angle, the constant angular
momentum condition should strictly be replaced by constant Vw. 𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑛 α . Show,
by recalculating β2 at tip and root, that this refinement has only a small effect on
the required blade angle.
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5- In certain designs the maximum mass flow passed by a turbine may be
determined by choking in the turbine amulas at outlet instead of in the
turbine nozzles. The maximum mass flow will then depend not merely on
the inlet conditions as in the case of expansion in a nozzle, but also upon
the work output per unit mass flow. Given fixed values of the inlet
conditions Po1 and To1, the temperature equivalent of the specific work
output ATo13, the annulus area A at the turbine outlet and that there is no
outlet swirl, show that for an isentropic expansion to a varying outlet static
temperature T3 the maximum flow can be expressed by
Comment on the effect this will have on the turbine mass flow versus pressure
ratio characteristic.
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Al-Azhar University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sheet (5)
Matching of Cycle Components
1- The following data refer to a single-shaft gas turbine running at its design
The combustion pressure loss is 5 per cent of the compressor delivery pressure
and the ambient conditions are 1.01 bar and 288 K. Mechanical losses can be
neglected. The 'non-dimensional' flows are based on m in kg/s, p in bar and T in
K, all pressures and temperatures being stagnation values.
Calculate the power output when operating at a turbine inlet temperature of
1100 K. Comment briefly on the variation in thermal efficiency as the load is
reduced at constant speed.
2- The following data refer to a gas turbine with a free power turbine,
operating at design speed.
Assuming that the power turbine is choked, the value of m√ being 188,
determine the design values of compressor pressure ratio and turbine inlet
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Neglect all pressure losses and assume the mechanical efficiency of the gas
generator rotor to be 0.98 and take the ambient temperature as 288 K. The
'nondimensional' flows quoted are based on m in kg/s, P in bar and T in K, all
pressures and temperatures being stagnation values. The suffixes 1, 2, 3 and 4
refer to the following locations:
1-compressor inlet
2-compressor delivery
3-gas-generator turbine inlet
4-power turbine inlet.
3- When running at a low power condition a gas turbine with free power
turbine operates at a compressor pressure ratio of 2-60. The combustion
chamber pressure loss is 4 per cent of the compressor delivery pressure and
the exhaust pressure loss can be ignored. The turbine characteristics are
given below:
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4- A gas turbine with a free power turbine gives the following results when
tested at ambient conditions of 1.0 bar and 288 K.
(a) the gas-generator turbine inlet temperature at design mechanical speed with
the same ambient conditions.
(b) the compressor power absorbed when running at 95 per cent design
mechanical speed with ambient conditions of 0.76 bar and 273 K.
Sketch the operating line on the compressor characteristic, and discuss the effect
of ambient temperature on net power output for a fixed gas-generator mechanical
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5- A simple gas turbine is to be used as a source of compressed air. The
turbine produces just enough work to drive the compressor which delivers
an airflow, mc, greater than that required for the turbine by an amount mb.
The design points operating conditions are
𝑇 𝑃2
m√ 1 = 22.8 =4
𝑃 1 𝑃1
and at the design point we also have T3/T1 = 3.3, ηc= 0.8 and ηt = 0.85. A rough
estimate of the equilibrium running line is required on the compressor
characteristic for the conditions where T3/T1 is maintained constant and the
amount of air bled off, mb, is varied.
For this purpose, the efficiencies of the compressor and turbine can be assumed
to be constant, the mechanical transmission loss and the combustion pressure loss
can be neglected, and the turbine 'non-dimensional' mass flow can be assumed
independent of speed and related to the pressure ratio r by the expression
𝑻 𝟏
m√ 𝟑 = K √(𝟏 − 𝟐 )
𝑷 𝟑 𝒓
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