5th Notes English

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A project of


Written by
Muhammad Shabeer

under the guidance of

Mr. Tawab Ahmed Kiani

Tawab Ahmed Kiani Muhammad Shabeer
Headmaster SSE(English) [email protected]
0333-5597373 0315-9662181
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Read the following paragraphs/stanzas carefully and answer the questions given at the end.
Paragraph No. 1
He was different from other boys. He had a sharp mind and always wanted to know how things
happened. Edison became deaf at a very young age, yet, he did amazing things. There are almost one
thousand inventions to his credit. As a child, he sold candies, vegetables and newspapers on the train.
He sold his own two-page weekly “Herald” newspaper that he printed himself. It was full of news
about the people who travelled or worked on trains.
i. According to the passage the word “Sharp” means:
(a) dull (b) small (c) active (d) slow
ii. The topic sentence of the given paragraph is:
(a) He was different from other boys. (b) He did amazing things.
(c) Edison became deaf at a very young age. (d) He had a sharp mind.
iii. The number of Edison’s inventions is nearly:
(a) one hundred (b) seven hundred (c) eleven hundred (d) one thousand
iv. Edison was sharp minded and different from other boys because:
(a) He sold candies, vegetables and newspaper.
(b) He became deaf at a very young age.
(c) He always wanted to know how things happened.
(d) He sold his own newspaper.
v. The “Herald” was full of news about the people who worked on:
(a) fruits (b) the train (c) newspapers (d) vegetables
Paragraph No. 2
The Cholistani people are very hard-working and peace loving. They sings songs while grazing their
cattle. Khawaja Ghulam Farid is the famous poet of Cholistan. His poetry is full with the message of
peace and love for all. Rain is very important for the people of Cholistan. They celebrate the rainy
season warmly. The rainy season normally lasts from July to September. The average rainfall is 5
inches a year. The major occupation of the people is cattle rearing. Camels, goats and sheep are very
useful for the people of desert. They get wool from them. From this wool they knit beautiful carpets
and clothes. The people use camels for transportation.
i. Which of the following is a compound word?
(a) grazing (b) important (c) beautiful (d) message
ii. The average rainfall is Cholistan is _________ inches a year.
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6


Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

iii. In Cholistan, the rainy season lasts for _________ months.

(a) two (b) three (c) four (d) five
iv. This paragraph is about:
(a) People of Cholistan (b) Rainfall in Cholistan
(c) Animals of Cholistan (d) Clothes of Cholistan
v. According to this paragraph the people of Cholistan are:
(a) hardworking (b) clever (c) lazy (d) friendly
Paragraph No. 3

The Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬left the chiefs and looked for the common people who would open their heart
to Allah’s words. For ten days he ‫ ﷺ‬stayed there delivering Allah’s message but no one was
interested. Each person he ‫ ﷺ‬met proved arrogant, unfriendly and behaved rudely. Instead of
accepting his call to Islam, they asked him to leave Taif. They even provoked children and slaves
against him. As the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬made his way out of the town, the crowd ran him and threw
stones at him. He was so badly injured that his feet got wet with blood. Hazrat Zaid ‫ ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬tried to
protect the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and was wounded in the head.

i. How many days the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬stayed in Taif?

(a) ten days (b) twelve days (c) fourteen days (d) sixteen days

ii. Each person he ‫ ﷺ‬met proved arrogant, “Arrogant” means:

(a) Friendly (b) talkative (c) humble (d) proud

iii. Instead of accepting Islam the people asked him to leave:
(a) Madinah (b) Taif (c) Makkah (d) Khyber
iv. Who would open their heart to Allah’s words? “Open heart” means:
(a) to open doors (b) to close everything
(c) to accept (d) to reject
v. Who was wounded in the head?

(a) Hazrat Zaid ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬ (b) Hazrat Usman ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬

(c) Hazrat Bilal ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬ (d) Hazrat Sohaib ‫ریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Stanza No. 4
God make my a little flower,
That gives joy to all,
Content to bloom in native bower,
Although the place be small,
God make my life a little song,
That comforts the sad;
That helps others to be strong,
And makes the singer glad.

i. The above stanzas belong to the poem:

(a) The Road (b) A Child’s Hymn
(c) The World’s Music (d) The Rain
ii. ‘God make my life a little flower.’ The adjective in this verse is:
(a) little (b) flower (c) life (d) God
iii. What is the meaning of ‘native’?
(a) country (b) business
(c) living in a particular area since birth (d) colonies
iv. The plural of ‘child’ is:
(a) childes (b) childrens (c) childs (d) children
v. The opposite of ‘life’ is:
(a) age (b) death (c) journey (d) work
Paragraph No. 5
One day, while sitting behind a group of classmates, he overheard them talking “Do you like
cricket?” Majid asked Mudassar. “Yes, we all do”, Mudassar said. He started telling about a cricket
match he saw a week ago.
Ibrahim said something about good bowling of Shahid Afridi. Everyone was taking part in the
conversation. Arif quite enjoyed listening to this discussion. Suddenly, he got the answer to his
problem. “Oh! Now I see. I never let anybody talk. That’s why my classmates don’t like my company.
I should listen more and talk less”, he said to himself. Arif was a changed boy from there on.
i. Identify the topic sentence:
(a) “Yes, we all do”, Mudassar said.
(b) I never let anybody talk.
(c) Arif was a changed boy from there on.
(d) One day, while sitting behind a group of classmates, he overheard them talking “Do
you like cricket?” Majid asked Mudassar.

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

ii. About which game the classmates were talking:

(a) cricket (b) hockey (c) football (d) badminton
iii. How many students liked cricket?
(a) some (b) all (c) no one (d) only two
iv. Who was saying something about the bowling of Shahid Afridi?
(a) Arif (b) Mudassar (c) Ibrahim (d) Majid
v. Who was taking part in the conversation?
(a) everyone (b) nobody (c) two persons (d) one person
Paragraph No. 6
Farah is a very intelligent girl. She listens carefully to everything her teacher says.
One day, Farah’s teacher said, ‘I am goint to give you a riddle. Find the answer. “Are you
ready?” All the teachers looked at the teacher keenly. “You can drink it. Wash in it. Clean with it. Play
in it.
“What is it?” Asked the teacher.
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
“water! Water!” shouted the children.
“Yes. It is water. Water is so important to us. We use it all the time. Tell me, in how many
ways you use water since you woke up today?”
Jamil said, “I took bath in water.”
i. I am going to give you a riddle. “Riddle” means:
(a) novel (b) talk (c) story (d) puzzle
ii. The topic sentence is:
(a) Farah is a very intelligent girl. (b) Water is so important to us.
(c) We use it all the time. (d) Water! Water! Shouted the children.
iii. The above paragraph is about:
(a) Farah (b) children (c) water (d) teacher
iv. We use water for:
(a) cleaning (b) many purposes (c) drinking (d) washing
v. Who listens carefully to everything her teacher says?
(a) everybody (b) nobody (c) Jamil (d) Farah

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Paragraph No. 7
In 1893, he joined Lincoln’s Inn to study law. Once he told that he joined Lincoln’s Inn only for the
reason because the name of the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is written at the top of the great law givers of the
world. He focused on his studies and completed his education in two years. He thus became the
youngest barrister of India at the age of nineteen. After obtaining his degree, Muhammad Ali Jinnah
started his legal practice. He was an efficient lawyer. He earned good name by hard work and honesty.
i. Quaid-e-Azam joined Lincoln’s Inn to study:
(a) engineering (b) law (c) politics (d) business
ii. He completed his education in:
(a) two years (b) three years (c) four years (d) five years
iii. He became the youngest barrister of India at the age of:
(a) sixteen (b) seventeen (c) eighteen (d) nineteen
iv. In Lincoln’s Inn, whose name is written at the top of great law givers of the world?
(a) Mohatama Gandhi (b) Mao Tse Tung

(c) The Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ (d) Karl Marx

v. After obtaining his law degree, what Muhammad Ali Jinnah did?
(a) started business (b) started his legal practice
(c) opened a store (d) started teaching
Paragraph No. 8
Mary came up with the thread and red-hot coal. Aunt Polly skillfully tied one end of the thread to
Tom’s tooth. She tied the other end to the bed. Suddenly, she pushed the red-hot coal near Tom’s face.
Tom pulled his head away. The tooth came out! On his way to school, Tom proudly showed his tooth
to the boys. They all thought that Tom was a brave boy.
i. The topic sentence is:
(a) Tom pulled his head away. (b) The tooth came out!
(c) They all thought that Tom was a brave boy.
(d) Mary came up with thread and red-hot coal.
Muhammad Kamran Khalid
ii. What was Aunt Polly doing? She was:
(a) pulling out Tom’s tooth. (b) giving medicine to Tom
(c) beating Tom (d) teaching Tom
iii. What Mary brought?
(a) stick (b) thread and red-hot coal

(c) medicine (d) water Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

iv. What Tom showed to the boys?

(a) his tongue (b) his ear (c) his tooth (d) his toe
v. The boys thought that, Tom was a:
(a) coward (b) intelligent boy (c) timid boy (d) brave boy
Paragraph No. 9
In 1868, when he was twenty-one, Edison invented an automatic vote counter for which he received
his first patent. (A patent is issued by the government, which gives an inventor the right to make and
sell his idea.) When he was thirty, he established a laboratory in Menlo Part, USA. Here, he invented
the tin-foil phonograph and electric light bulb. In Edison’s life time, none of his inventions made him
so popular as the phonograph, commonly known as gramophone. People called it “The talking
i. What invention was made by Edison in 1868?
(a) Tube light (b) Electric light bulb
(c) Tin-foil phonograph (d) Automatic vote counter
ii. Who issues the patent?
(a) The law minister (b) The foreign minister
(c) The government (d) The vice chancellor
iii. He established a laboratory when he was:
(a) twenty (b) thirty (c) thirty five (d) forty
iv. Phonograph was commonly known as:
(a) gramophone (b) voice box (c) speech box (d) mail-box
v. Edison’s laboratory was in:
(a) Queen’s Park (b) White House (c) Menlo Park U.S.A. (d) Hyde Park
Paragraph No. 10
Penguins are interesting birds. While other birds fly, Penguins do not. They are great swimmers. Their
wings have developed into flippers which allow them to swim very fast. They spend around half of
their time in water and half on land. Penguins come in different colours and sizes. There are seventeen
species of Penguins. Each species of Penguin is different from the other in look, behavior and habitat.
Some build nests to raise their young ones, other burrow, and some place eggs on their feet.
i. The word “species” means:
(a) colours (b) kinds (c) sizes (d) birds
ii. Penguins spend half of their life in:
(a) water (b) desert (c) tree (d) forest

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

iii. Which sentence is an opinion?

(a) Penguins are interesting birds. (b) Their wings are like flippers.
(c) Penguins come in different colours. (d) There are seventeen species of Penguins.
iv. Why are Penguins good swimmer?
(a) They live all of their life in water. (b) Their wings are like big flippers.
(c) There are seventeen species of them. (d) They build nests to raise their young ones.
v. Where is the best area for Penguins to live?
(a) in the desert (b) hilly areas (c) near oceans (d) in the forest
Paragraph No. 11
The story of Hazrat Abdul Qadir (RA) is well known to all Muslims. Nine hundred years ago there
was a boy in Arabia. His father had passed away so his mother looked after him. Abdul Qadir (RA)
was an intelligent boy and his mother wished to send him to school. The nearest place of learning was
in Baghdad, a town two hundred miles away. His mother decided to send him to Baghdad for study.
Travelling was not easy those days. There was no roads, buses or railways. People travelled in caravans
and it was only safe to travel in groups.
i. This paragraph is about:
(a) Hazrat Abdul Qadir (RA) (b) Muslims
(c) Arabia (d) Travelling
ii. This story is __________ years old.
(a) Less than 900 (b) 900 (c) more than 900 (d) 9000
iii. Hazrat Abdul Qadir (RA) lived in:
(a) Arabia (b) Baghdad (c) Madina (d) Makkah
iv. Who has passed away?
(a) Hazrat Abdul Qadir’s (RA) sister (b) Hazrat Abdul Qadir’s (RA) brother
(c) Hazrat Abdul Qadir’s (RA) father (d) Hazrat Abdul Qadir’s (RA) mother
v. There were schools only in:
(a) Taif (b) Baghdad (c) Khyber (d) Dammam
Paragraph No. 12 Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
After the death of Hazrat Abu Talib, the Quraish were creating serious difficulties for the Holy Prophet
(PBUH). Therefore, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to go to Taif to preach Islam. Taif was about
sixty miles from Makkah. He (PBUH) left for Taif with Hazrat Zaib Hib Harith (RA). It was the month
of Shawwal and the tenth of year of the Prophethood.
i. The Quraish were __________ the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

(a) friends of (b) companion of (c) against (d) neighbours of
ii. The Quraish wanted the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to __________ preaching Islam.
(a) continue (b) stop (c) increase (d) carry on
iii. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was facing __________ in Makkah.
(a) hard weather (b) no problem (c) problems (d) friends
iv. Taid was about __________ miles away from Makkah.
(a) forty (b) fifty (c) sixty (d) seventy
v. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) went to Taif in the month of __________.
(a) Safar (b) Ramadhan (c) Shawwal (d) Moharram
Paragraph No. 13
Every day is celebrated all over the world on 22nd of April. It is a day to create awareness about our
environment. Environment means the air, food, water, plants, animals and other people around us.
Garbage, dirty water, smoke of cars and factories are destroying the earth. Our environment is in
danger because of our careless acts. We need to save our environment from getting destroyed by
minimizing all the harmful factors affecting it.
i. The paragraph is mainly about:
(a) Awareness of Earth Day (b) Knowing our environment
(c) Destroying the environment (d) Protecting the environment
ii. The word “destroying” means:
(a) decorating (b) filling (c) damaging (d) falling
iii. Our environment is in danger because of:
(a) air (b) awareness (c) people (d) pollution
iv. Careless acts toward the environment refer to:
(a) keeping the environment clean (b) protecting the animals
(c) increasing pollution in environment (d) celebrating Earth Day on April 22nd
v. People can keep their environment clean by:
(a) throwing garbage (b) burning the trash
(c) planting trees (d) polluting water
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
Paragraph No. 14
Once there was a boy named Arif. He talked too much. He never listened to others and always had
tales about himself to tell. He thought that talking too much about himself would make him very
populate among his classmates. His classmates were tired of listening to him all the time. They started

avoiding him. If he tried to join them in break time, they would walk away. This made life very boring
and lonely for Arif. Son he realized that talking too much was the reason for this problem.
i. The above passage is a simple story. This story has happened:
(a) at home (b) in the ground (c) at school (d) in the park
ii. What was Arif’s habit?
(a) he told tales about others (b) he started avoiding others
(c) he talked too much about himself (d) he liked other’s ideas
iii. What happened when Arif wanted to join students in break time?
(a) The students got close to him (b) The students listened to his tales
(c) The students played with him (d) The students started to avoid him
iv. The example of a talkative character in this paragraph is:
(a) Arif (b) classmates (c) time (d) problem
v. What does “tales” mean in the passage?
(a) stories (b) news (c) lies (d) problems
Paragraph No. 15
Water is precious. It is very important in our life as we need water in almost everything. We use water
to clean out homes, wash our clothes and to cook our food. Plants, animals and humans cannot live
without water. However we do not realize the importance of water and waste it too much. If we are
not careful and continue to do so we will face shortage of water. We must use every drop of water
wisely to live a better life in future.
i. We should use water:
(a) carefully (b) carelessly (c) freely (d) unwisely
ii. What do you think about the importance of water?
(a) it is harmful for life (b) it is necessary for life
(c) it is dangerous for life (d) it is unimportant for life
iii. Who cannot live without water?
(a) machines (b) computers (c) buildings (d) plants
iv. The title of the passage is:
(a) water is precious (b) uses of water (c) shortage of water (d) excess of water
v. According to the paragraph what we do need the most in everyday life?
(a) coal (b) gas (c) oil (d) water

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Paragraph No. 16
The natural environment is the surroundings which helps all types of life to grow and nourish. Natural
environment means the air, food, water, plants, animals and other people around us. Natural
environment plays a great role in the existence of life on earth and it helps human beings, animals and
other living things to grow and develop naturally. Earth day is celebrated all over the world on 22 nd
April. It is a day to create awareness about our environment. A clean environment is very necessary to
live a peaceful and healthy life. Unfortunately our environment is getting more polluted day by day
because of some negligence of human beings. Garbage, dirty water, smoke of cars and factories,
cutting of trees are the factors creating pollution and destroying the earth. Our environment is in danger
because of our careless acts. We need to save our environment preferably by planting trees and
controlling smoke of cars and factories. We should save the earth from getting destroyed by
minimizing all the harmful factors affecting it.
i. The paragraph is mainly about:
(a) awareness of Earth day (b) knowing our environment
(c) destroying the environment (d) protecting the environment
ii. The word “unfortunately” means:
(a) luckily (b) happily (c) sadly (d) amazingly
iii. The natural environment is being damaged by:
(a) air (b) awareness (c) people (d) pollution
iv. Acts that harm the natural environment refer to:
(a) keeping the environment clean (b) protecting the animals
(c) increasing pollution in environment (d) celebrating Earth day on April 22nd
v. People can keep the environment clean by:
(a) throwing garbage (b) burning the trash (c) planting trees (d) polluting water
Stanza No. 17
God make my life a little light, Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
Within the world to glow;
A little flame that burns bright,
Wherever I may go.
God make my life a little flower,
That gives joy to all,
Content to bloom in native bower,
Although the place be small.

i. The phrase “native bower” means:

(a) natural fragrance (b) natural shady place
(c) staying outside (d) respectable behaviour

ii. The main idea of the stanza is:
(a) to become a flower (b) glow in the world
(c) prayer from God (d) bloom in native bower
iii. In the first four lines, the poet prays to become:
(a) flower (b) content (c) joy (d) light
iv. “Light” in the first line represents:
(a) ignorance (b) knowledge (c) evil (d) fear
v. “God make my life a little flower,
That gives joy to all,”
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
In this verse the poet prays to God to become:
(a) a person who has joyous life by getting little flowers.
(b) a little flower who is happy all its life for being a flower.
(c) a person whose life is a source of joy for all the little flowers God has created
(d) a flower whose fragrance and beautiful sight gives happiness to people.
Paragraph No. 18
Quaid-e-Azam was born on 25th December, 1876. His name was Muhammad Ali. His father Jinnah
Poonja was a businessman in Karachi. In 1884, he was enrolled in Sindh Madrassa-tul-Islam. He was
a brilliant and hardworking student. He used to study late at night. One night when he was studying,
his aunt said, “If you keep on studying like this you will fall ill.” Muhammad Ali Jinnah replied that if
he did not work hard he would never be able to accomplish anything great. He focused on his studies
and completed his education. He became the youngest barrister of India at the age of nineteen. He
earned a good name by hard work. The Muslims gave him the title of “Quaid-e-Azam” because of his
untiring efforts and rock like determination. Due to his hard work, Pakistan appeared on the map of
world on August 14, 1947 as the largest Muslim state. The Muslims would never have achieved
freedom if they had not a leader like Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
i. The paragraph is about:
(a) Jinnah Poonja (b) Quaid’s aunti
(c) Quaid-e-Azam (d) Sindh Madrassa-tul-Islam
ii. The word “completed” is formed by:
(a) complet+ed (b) complete + d (c) comple + ted (d) comp + leted
iii. The word “ determination” means:
(a) thankfulness (b) helplessness (c) purposefulness (d) carelessness

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

iv. “Those who do not work hard can never accomplish anything great”, means:
(a) Hard work is a key to success. (b) Achieve everything without hard work.
(c) Do not work hard. (d) Hard work accomplishes nothing.
v. The topic sentence of this paragraph is:
(a) Quaid-e-Azam was brilliant and hardworking.
(b) If you keep on studying like this you will fall ill.
(c) Quaid-e-Azam’s father Jinnah Poonja was a businessman of Karachi.
(d) In 1884, Quaid-e-Azam was enrolled in Sindh Madrassa-tul-Islam.
Stanza No. 19
The linnets play among the leaves,
At hide-and-seek and chirp and sing;
While, flashing to and from the leaves,
The swallows twitter on the wings.
And twigs that shake, and boughs that sway,
And tall old trees you could not climb,
And winds that come, but cannot stay,
Are singing gaily all the time.

i. “Linnets” are:
(a) winds (b) birds (c) insects (d) trees
ii. According to the stanza, who plays hide-and-seek?
(a) boughs (b) leaves (c) swallows (d) wings
iii. According to the stanza, which thing was NOT singing?
(a) boughs (b) trees (c) winds (d) time
iv. What does the word “gaily” mean?
(a) angrily (b) sadly (c) happily (d) effectively
v. Which line shows that the linnets were rushing here and there in the trees?
(a) And tall old trees you could not climb,
(b) While, flashing to and from the leaves,
(c) And winds that come, but cannot stay,
(d) Are singing gaily all the time.
Paragraph No. 20
Once there lived a wise and clever monkey in a beautiful forest. The other monkeys always listened to
him. The wise monkey told his friends that the forest was a strange place. Fierce giants were living

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

there. The monkeys must not eat or drink anything strange. One day the monkeys reached the lake
which had clear and quiet water. They wanted to drink water immediately but remembered their
friend’s advice. The wise monkey came. He walked round the lake and noticed strange marks of feet
went down to the water. The wise monkey thought that a giant must be living in this lake. Suddenly a
giant rose out of the water. The giant roared and said he would eat all of those who must drink water
from the lake.
i. The forest was dangerous because
(a) monkeys were living there. (b) hunters came to kill monkeys.
(c) there was no water in the forest. (d) giants were living there.
ii. The word “roared” means
(a) smiled (b) listened (c) attacked (d) shouted
iii. The compound word among the following is
(a) advice (b) roared (c) remember (d) anything
iv. The giants in the forest were
(a) dangerous (b) foolish (c) happy (d) friendly
v. The paragraph is about
(a) A noisy lake (b) Strange food (c) A wise monkey (d) Feet Marks
Paragraph No. 21
City life is different from the village life. A city has many buildings. It also has many roads. It has
many cars and lots of noise. Cities are full of people. They live in flats and do not have open spaces.
Children play computer games with less outdoor play. People live in larger societies in city. City life
can be full of fun. A village has lots of grass, trees, and animals. It also has farms. People grow food
in the village. Most of the people in the village are farmers. Fewer people live in the village. Children
have as much space as they want to play. People in the village know each other and are really friendly.
Village life is quiet. Village life can also be full of fun.
i. A city has many __________.
(a) trees (b) farms (c) animals (d) roads
ii. According to the passage, living in village is
(a) uninteresting (b) noisy (c) boring (d) peaceful
iii. According to the paragraph, most of the people in the village are
(a) farmers (b) doctors (c) engineers (d) businessmen
iv. The paragraph is about
(a) buildings in village and city (b) population of village and city
(c) village and city life (d) people of village and city

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

v. The topic sentence of the passage is

(a) City life can be full of fun. (b) A city has many buildings.
(c) People live in larger societies in city. (d) City life is different from the village life.
Paragraph No. 22
I always dreamt of flying. I am a brave child. After mastering the earth, I started imagining my success
in the sky. I live in a mountainous area which is an ideal tourist spot. Flying was my passion. One
afternoon, I sighted an object that looked like a parachute. So I rode my bike and reached the spot. It
was a balloon. One of my friends was standing there. He called me to help him. I held one of the ropes
attached to the balloon. I was supposed to hold onto the rope until the balloon was filled with air and
ready to fly. There were two men holding the seat of the balloon for the pilot. Mr. Jawad lit the burners
to heat the air and the balloon swelled up. Hot air began to fill in the balloon.
i. The boy came near the balloon to
(a) show the parachute to his brother. (b) meet his friend at the spot.
(c) watch the flying object. (d) look at the men standing there.
ii. The boy was holding the rope to
(a) fly in the air (b) light the burner
(c) keep the balloon down (d) tie it to the ground
iii. The thing which was helping the balloon to fly was
(a) the mountainous area (b) the rope
(c) hot air produced by the burners (d) the parachute
iv. Flying was his passion which meant he __________
(a) knew how to fly (b) disliked flying
(c) had strong desire to fly (d) helped pilots to fly
v. The topic sentence of the paragraph is
(a) I am a brave child. (b) I started imagining my success in the sky.
(c) I live in a mountainous area (d) I always dreamt of flying.
Paragraph No. 23
Penguins are interesting birds. While other birds fly, Penguins do not. They are great swimmers. Their
wings have developed into big flippers which allow them to swim very fast. They spend around half
of their time in water and half on land. Penguins come in different colours and sizes. There are
seventeen species of penguins. Each species of penguin is different from the other in looks, behaviour
and habitat. Some build nests to raise their young ones, others burrow, and some place eggs on their

i. The word “species” means:
(a) colours (b) kinds (c) sizes (d) birds
ii. Penguins spend half of their life in:
(a) water (b) desert (c) tree (d) forest
iii. In which word is the sound of “L” silent?
(a) Land (b) Half (c) Colours (d) Place
iv. Which sentence is an opinion?
(a) Penguins are interesting birds. (b) Their wings are like flippers.
(c) Penguins come in different colours. (d) There are seventeen species of Penguins.
v. Why are Penguins good swimmer?
(a) They live all of their life in water. (b) Their wings are like big flippers.
(c) There are seventeen species of them. (d) They build nests to raise their young ones.
Paragraph No. 24
I am an elephant. I am the largest mammal living on land. I live quite long, sometimes for more than
100 years. My long flexible trunk is very useful. I breathe through my trunk. I also use it to get water
and food. People think that I eat my food through my trunk but it is not true. I draw water up in my
trunk and then spray it into my mouth. I take grains and other food in the same way. I eat bark, grass,
leaves, fruit and roots. Sugarcane is my favourite food. I spend sixteen to eighteen hours eating every
i. The topic sentence in this paragraph is:
(a) I am an elephant. (b) I am the largest mammal.
(c) I live quite long. (d) I breathe through my trunk.
ii. ‘Flexible’ means:
(a) bendable (b) firm (c) hard (d) strict
iii. Elephants can live for __________ years.
(a) less than 100 (b) 100 (c) more than 100 (d) 1000
iv. Elephants do not eat:
(a) fruit (b) grain (c) meat (d) roots
v. Elephants eat for __________ hours daily.
(a) fifteen (b) sixteen to eighteen
(c) less than fifteen (d) more than eighteen

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Paragraph No. 25
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It prepared us for a long day and keeps us active. For
children a good breakfast is even more important. Breakfast helps us to perform better. If a student
does not eat his breakfast, he will feel weak and tired. And when it would be time to think about
Mathematics and English, he will be thinking about food only. Teachers observe that children who
come to school hungry, cannot learn their lesson actively in classroom. It is very important to know
that children who regularly take their breakfast are more alert and less tired. They work better in school.
Breakfast meals like bread, milk, yogurt, butter and eggs provide energy to our body. Milk and eggs
are complete food for growing bodies. The children who take breakfast regularly have good health and
are good at their studies.
i. The main idea of the passage is:
(a) Importance of healthy breakfast (b) Children at school
(c) Unhealthy breakfast habits (d) Learning difficulties at school
ii. Learning difficulties in hungry children are observed by:
(a) friends (b) teachers (c) children (d) doctors
iii. Which is not a kind of “meal”?
(a) Breakfast (b) Lunch (c) Dinner (d) Water
iv. The performance of children gets better if they eat breakfast:
(a) regularly (b) monthly (c) yearly (d) weekly
v. We take breakfast _________.
(a) at night (b) in the afternoon (c) in the evening (d) in the morning
vi. The complete food for growing bodies is:
(a) milk and butter (b) milk and eggs (c) bread and butter (d) yogurt and bread
Paragraph No. 26
Books are great! Books are fun!
Books let you do what you’ve never done!
Read a good mystery, solve a crime!
Read about history, go back in time!
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
Read about a lost dog, where can it be?
Read about a giant frog under the sea!
Read a very funny book, tears go away!
Read a bright, sunny book on a rainy day!
i. The poem is about:
(a) books (b) dogs (c) frogs (d) tears
ii. “Read a very funny book, tears go away!”

The given line means funny books make us _______.
(a) happy (b) lazy (c) sad (d) weak
iii. Books are the source of:
(a) creating problems (b) misguiding people
(c) giving knowledge (d) disturbing others
iv. After reading good books we feel more:
(a) boring (b) knowledgeable (c) misguided (d) care free
v. The pair of rhyming words is:
(a) bright, day (b) crime, time (c) funny, good (d) read, book
Paragraph No. 27
A watch is a very useful thing. It tells us time. It has two hands. The small hand
tell us hours. The big hand tells minutes. Some watches have a third hand. It
tells seconds. Watches can be of different shapes. Most of watches are round in
shape. A watch can be a square in shape. It can also be in the shape of a triangle.
A watch can be of any colour. We can have a red, green or yellow watch. Some
watches are very big in size. We put them on wall. They are called clocks. A
watch is very important for us.
i. The topic sentence of the above paragraph is:
(a) A watch is a very useful thing. (b) Most of the watches are round in shape.
(c) A watch can be of any colour. (d) A watch is very important for us.
ii. The third hand of a watch tells us about:
(a) seconds (b) minutes (c) hours (d) days
iii. How many shapes of a watch have been mentioned in the passage?
(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four
iv. Time by the above given watch is:
(a) 2 o’clock (b) 2:30 (c) 3 o’clock (d) 3:30
v. According to the passage, a watch can be of:
(a) same size and colour (b) same size and different colour
(c) different size and same colour (d) different size and colour
Paragraph No. 28
Rabia picked up the phone and dialed numbers 1122. A man answered the phone and said, “1122, how
can I help you?” “My name is Rabia Ali. My mother is lying on the floor. It looks like she is sleeping,
but I can’t wake her up”. The man told her to stay calm and asked all the questions she had practiced
with her uncle.

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Rabia spoke in a clear and lour voice, “I live at 203, East Block, Allama Iqbal Town”. The man told
that after a few minutes the rescuers will reach her place.
i. Identify the topic sentence:
(a) It looks like she is sleeping. (b) My mother is lying on the floow.
(c) My name is Rabia.
(d) Rabia picked up the phone and dialed numbers 1122.
ii. In response to Rabia’s call what the man said:
(a) “1122, how can I help you?” (b) “Who are you?”
(c) “What is the matter?” (d) “What is your name?”
iii. Actually the mother of Rabia:
(a) was snoring (b) was feeling tired (c) had become faint (d) was sleeping
iv. The man told Rabia to stay:
(a) sway (b) calm (c) outdoor (d) upstair
v. The man told that the rescuers will reach her place:
(a) the next day (b) after few hours (c) after an hour (d) after a few minutes
Paragraph No. 29
Village is a peaceful, calm and quiet place. In a village, life is a refreshing and inspiring as there is no
noise and rush of traffic. Pakistan is a land of villages. Almost 70% of our total population lives in
villages. The population of a big village may go up to 6000 people, but a small village usually has a
population of about 2000 people or less.
i. The paragraph is mainly about:
(a) villages (b) population (c) Pakistan (d) people
ii. Which of the following does NOT refer to a “refreshing and inspiring” life?
(a) peaceful (b) calm and quiet (c) rush of traffic (d) a small village
iii. The population of a small village is about:
(a) 2000 people (b) 5000 people (c) 6000 people (d) 7000 people
iv. The word “inspiring” means:
(a) noise free (b) attractive (c) pollution free (d) small
v. What percentage of Pakistan’s population lives in villages?
(a) 65% (b) 70% (c) 75% (d) 80%

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid


1. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.
breathe, dirty, old, elephant, favourite, flexible, on the land,
people, than, grains, water up, wonderful

I am an __________. I am the largest mammal living __________. I live quite long, sometimes for
more __________ 100 years. I am __________ in many ways. My long __________ trunk is very
useful. I __________ through my trunk. I also use it to get water and food. __________ think that I
eat my food through my trunk. It is not true. I draw __________ in my trunk and then spray it into my
mouth. I take __________ and other food in the same way. I eat bark, grass, leaves, fruit and roots.
Sugarcane is my __________ food. I spend sixteen to eighteen hours eating every day.
2. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.
wet , welcome, Makkah, merciful, preaching, difficulties, people,
crowd, Taif, decided, message, forgive, stones

The Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was __________ the message of Allah to people of __________. The started
creating __________ for him. He __________ to go to __________ to spread the __________. But
the __________ of Taif did not __________ him. The __________ ran after jim and threw stones at
him. His feet were wet with blood. Still the __________ Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬prayed to Allah Almighty to
__________ them.
3. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.
beautiful, prevent, different, purposes, wood, complete, different,
blessing, height, fuel, rains

Trees are a great __________ of Allah Almighty. There are __________ types of trees. Every tree has
its own shape, size and __________. Some trees give shade only whereas some give fruits also. We
get __________ from trees. We make __________ things from wood. We also use some types of wood
as __________. Trees are useful because they __________ land erosion. They also cause __________.
Trees are being cut for many __________. The forests are therefore in danger of __________
elimination we should not cut trees unless needed direly. Instead we should grow more trees to make
our country green and __________.
4. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.
truth, title, Baghdad, caravan, chief, robbers, Arabia, scholar,
education, ashamed, lining, impressed

Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jillani was born in __________ three hundred years ago. He was sent to
__________ for getting __________. His mother sewed some money in the __________ of his coat.

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

She asked him to always speak the __________. He joined a __________ and proceeded Baghdad. In
the way some __________ took their money. Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jillani told the __________ of
robbers that he had also some money with him. The chief of robbers was __________ by the truth of
the young boy. All the robbers were __________ of their wicked acts. Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jillani
became a great __________ and is known as the __________ of “The Saint of Saints.”
5. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.
Muslim Leadue, enrolled, Muslims, politics, Hindus, nineteen, focused,
Congress, barrister, practice, Muslims, lawyer, independence

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was __________ in Sindh Madrassa-tul-Islam in 1884. In 1893,
he joined Lincoln’s Inn to study law. He __________ on this studied and completed his education in
two years. He thus became the youngest __________ of India at the age of __________. After
obtaining his degree, Muhammad Ali Jinnah started his legal __________. He was an efficient
__________. He entered __________ in 1906. He initially believed that Muslims and Hindus should
struggle together for __________. But later on he found that the __________ were not sincere to the
__________. This made him very sad. He decided to come forward and relieve __________ from the
British and Hindu rule. Therefore he left __________ and joined __________ in 1913.
6. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

buntings, respect, crescent, symbol, national, beautiful, Muslims,

homeland, hoisted, white, unity, small, buildings, represents

Every country has a flag which is its __________. The people __________ and love their flag. We are
Pakistanis. Pakistan is our dear __________. It has a __________ national flag. Its colour is green and
__________. The green par tis large and the white part is __________. The green colour stands for the
__________ in Pakistan. The white colour __________ the non-Muslims. There are also a __________
and a star on our flag. Our flag stands for the __________ of the people. It is hoisted on all important
__________. On special days it is __________ by important persons. We decorate our houses with the
__________ flag and __________ on August 14 every year.
7. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

pleasure, important, indoor, regularly, discipline, sports, recreation,

becomes, Pakistan, activities, active, muscles, according, cooperate

Sports and games are very __________ for body and mind. Those who play games __________,
remain fit. If the body is not used, it __________ weak. __________ make the body and __________
strong. Cricket, football, hockey, swimming and badminton are popular sports in __________. One
can also play __________ games like table tennis, ludo, etc. Games __________ the body and the
mind. Most sports are group __________. The players have to __________ with their team-mates, and
play __________ to the rules of the game. Those who play games learn this, and become __________
in life. Sports and games provide __________. They are played for __________.

8. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

boiled, important, cooking, wash, waste, water

Water is very __________ in our life. We clean and wash things with __________. We __________
clothes with it. We use it in __________ too. We should drink __________ water.
9. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

food, house, rooms, live, last, love

This is my __________. It has five __________. We __________ in it happily. We bought it

__________ year. I __________ it very much.
10. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

advises, follow, nice, helps, visits, time

My uncle is a
__________ person. He frequently __________ our house. He is a very kind man. He always
__________ the poor. He often __________ me to help others. I will try to __________ my uncle.
11. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

Baghdad, famous, happy, intelligent, send, travelling

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

The story of Hazrat Abdul Qadir (R.A.) is very __________. Abdul Qadir was an __________ boy.
His mother wished to __________ him to school. The nearest school was in __________. But the
__________ was not easy in those days.
12. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

Blessing, exercise, fresh, keeps, stays, regularly

Health is a great __________. To keep myself healthy, I go for a morning walk __________. I enjoy
__________ air in the park. I do some __________ too. My morning walk __________ me fit.
13. Complete a simple paragraph using the given words, phrase and sentences. Do not use
your own words.

caring, love, prayers, school, teaches, cooks

My mother is a very __________ woman. She __________ food for me regularly. She __________
me at home. She offer her __________ regularly. I __________ her very much.


Paragraph No. 1 (Answers)
(i) Elephant (ii) on the land (iii) than (iv) wonderful
(v) flexible (vi) breathe (vii) people (viii) water
(ix) grains (x) favourite
Paragraph No. 2 (Answers)
(i) preaching (ii) Makkah (iii) difficulties (iv) decided
(v) Taif (vi) message (vii) people (viii) welcome
(ix) crowd (x) stones (xi) wet (xii) merciful
(xiii) forgive
Paragraph No. 3 (Answers)
(i) blessing (ii) different (iii) height (iv) wood
(v) different (vi) fuel (vii) prevent (viii) rains
(ix) purposes (x) complete (xi) beautiful
Paragraph No. 4 (Answers)
(i) Arabia (ii) Baghdad (iii) education (iv) lining
(v) truth (vi) caravan (vii) robbers (viii) cheif
(ix) impressed (x) ashamed (xi) scholar (xii) title
Paragraph No. 5 (Answers)
(i) enrolled (ii) focused (iii) barrister (iv) nineteen
(v) practice (vi) lawyer (vii) politics (viii) independence
(ix) Hindu (x) Muslims (xi) Muslims (xii) Congress
(xiii) Muslim League
Paragraph No. 6 (Answers)
(i) symbol (ii) respect (iii) homeland (iv) beautiful
(v) white (vi) small (vii) Muslims (viii) represents
(ix) crescent (x) unity (xi) buildings (xii) hoisted
(xiii) national (xiv) buntings

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

Paragraph No. 7 (Answers)
(i) important (ii) regularly (iii) becomes (iv) sports
(v) muscles (vi) Pakistan (vii) indoor (viii) discipline
(ix) activities (x) cooperate (xi) according (xii) active
(xiii) recreation (xiv) pleasure
Paragraph No. 8 (Answers)
(i) important (ii) water (iii) wash (iv) cooking
(v) boiled
Paragraph No. 9 (Answers)
(i) house (ii) rooms (iii) live (iv) last
(v) love
Paragraph No. 10 (Answers)
(i) nice (ii) visits (iii) helps (iv) advises
(v) follow
Paragraph No. 11 (Answers)
(i) famous (ii) intelligent (iii) send (iv) Baghdad
(v) travelling
Paragraph No. 12 (Answers)
(i) blessing (ii) regularly (iii) fresh (iv) exercise
(v) keeps
Paragraph No. 13 (Answers)
(i) caring (ii) cooks (iii) teaches (iv) prayers
(v) love Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

1. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My Classroom” using the given hints (use correct
capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Location and size …… decoration …… sitting arrangement …… your seat …… you like or
dislike? ……
My Classroom
My classroom is near the Headmaster’s office. It is wide. IT has two doors and six windows. It has ten
desks. It is newly built. Its walls are white washed. It has two ceiling fans. It has a class timetable and
pictures. It has a whiteboard. It has a cupboard. It has a teacher chair and table. I like my classroom.

2. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My Mother” using the given hints (use correct
capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Her approximate age …… her daily routine …… educated or un-educated …… religious
minded …… helps in teaching ……
My Mother
Mother is a blessing of Allah. My mother is kind to us. She is about 32 years old. She gets up early in
the morning. She offers prayer. She cooks food for us. She is an educated lady. She teachers me in the
evening. I love my mother. I am proud of my mother.
3. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My Father” using the given hints (use correct
capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Kind and generous …… his age …… his profession …… religious minded …… you like or
dislike ……
My Father
Father is a blessing of Allah. My father is kind hearted. He is a doctor. He is about 40 years old. He
gets up early in the morning. He offers his prayers. He leads a simple life. He helps the poor. I love
my father. I am proud of my father.
4. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “How do you spend your holiday?” using the given
hints (use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Getting up, early or late …… breakfast …… visit to any garden …… activities in the garden
…… returning home
How do you spend your holiday?
I get up early in the morning. I offer prayer. Then, I go to Jinnah garden. I enjoy fresh air. I enjoy the
chirping of birds. I do some exercises. Then I come back home. I take bath. Then I take my lunch.
After lunch, I take rest.
5. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My best Teacher” using the given hints (use
correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Name of teacher …… his education …… method of teaching …… his regularity and
punctuality …… his results ……
My best Teacher
Mr. Ali is my best teacher. He is an M.A, B.Ed. He is 30 years old. He is incharge of our class. He
teacher us Urdu and English. His method of teaching is very interesting. He says his prayers. He is
regular and punctual. He is never late from school. He shows very good result. May he live long!
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
6. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My School” using the given hints (use correct
capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Name of school …… number of rooms …… other facilities …… playgrounds …… numbers of
teachers …… result

My School
The name of my school is GBHS Moorat. It is situated outside the town. It has grand building. It has
ten rooms. All the rooms are clean and airy. It has swings and see-saw. It has a playground. It has a
big hall. Five teachers work in my school. It shows 100% result every year. I like my school.
7. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My Chair” using the given hints (use correct
capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Make of wood …… Its colour …… made by …… used for …… price …… like or dislike ……
My Chair
It is a chair. It is made of wood. IT has four legs and two arms. It has a back. Its colour is brown. The
carpenter has made it. It is used for sitting. I often sit on it. My father bought it from bazaar. I like it
very much.
8. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My favourite game” using the given hints (use
correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
My favourite game …… time to play …… playing with friends …… games improve fitness
…… reasons for liking ……
My favourite game
Cricket is my favourite game. It is a very thrilling game. It is played between two teams. Each team
has eleven players. It is played on a flat grassy ground. We play cricket in the afternoon. It keeps me
physically fit and mentally alert. It teachers me moral value. I like it.
9. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “Myself” using the given hints (use correct
capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
My name …… my age …… name of my school and class …… name of my favourite book ……
my hobby/hobbies
My name if Ali. I am ten years old. I study in GBHS Morat. I read in class 5th. Holy Quran is my
favourite book. I offer prayers regularly. My hobby is gardening. I have a small garden. I water and
look after the plants and flowers. Gardening is a useful and cheap hobby. I like it.
10. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “Allama Muhammad Iqbal” using the given hints
(use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Date of birth …… place f birth …… his education …… his contribution for Pakistan …… our
national poet ……
Allama Iqbal
Allama Iqbal was borin in Sialkot on November 9, 1877. He got his early education there. Then, he
passed his M.A. from Govt. College Lahore. He went abroad for higher studies. He wrote many poems
for children. He gave the idea of Pakistan. He is our national poet. His poetry gave us hope. He died
on April 21, 1938.

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

11. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “My favorite Book” using the given hints (use
correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings)
Name of my favourite book …… number of pages …… stories and picture of book …… my
reading time …… a good habit ……
My favorite book
My English textbook is my favourite book. It has 134 pages. There are 13 stories in it. IT has many
pictures in it. All the stories are very good. I read it daily. I read it in the evening. Reading is a good
habit as it increases knowledge. I like it very much.
12. Suppose your teacher advises you to keep a balance between work and relaxation. He
asks you what you do in your spare time. Write a paragraph on “How do you spend your spare
My/ Your Hobby
My hobby is gardening. It gives me a lot of pleasure. I enjoy the beauty of flowers. I have many plants
in the garden. I have a small garden. I spend my spare time in it. I water and look after the plants and
flowers. Gardening is a useful and cheap hobby. I like it.
13. Last week when your exams were over, you were feeling bored. Your cousin asks how
you got rid of boredom. Write a paragraph of TEN sentences on “How I got rid of my feeling
of boredom”. Use correct punctuation, grammar and spelling.
Describe what you did …… tell what made you feel happy …… what interested you the most
Last week when my exams were over, I was feeling bored. My friend and I seceded to visit Lahore
zoo. We reached there. We bought tickets and went in. We saw many animals, birds and beasts. We
saw lion, tigers, monkeys and bear. I like the bear. In the evening we came back home.
14. Suppose you live in a village. You have come into a big city to visit your cousin. Your
cousin asks you what kind of life you lead. Write a paragraph of TEN sentences on “village
life” (Use correct punctuation, grammar and spelling)
Describe your village …… describe the way the people lead their life …… mention the facilities
that are available in your village
My village name is Moorat. My village is calm and peaceful. There are many old shady trees in my
village. There are different types of houses, like mud houses and cemented houses. There is a
dispensary and school in my village. The people of my village are very friendly, hardworking and
peace loving. I like my village.
15. Suppose your teacher is in a good mood. He asks you where you feel relaxed and happy.
Write a paragraph on “The place where you feel relax and happy”
A little garden

I have a small garden in front of my house where I feel relaxed and happy. There are a lot of plants
and flowers in it. I water and look after the plants and flowers. I am very fond of plants and flowers. I
like my garden because it gives me pleasure.
16. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on “our flag” using the given hints.
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
Colour of flag …… hoisted on …… symbolic representation
Every country has a flag which is its symbol. Pakistan is our dear country. It has a beautiful national
flag. Its colour is green and white. The green colour is for Muslims and white is for non-Muslims. It
has a crescent and five pointed star. It is hoisted on all important buildings. I like my flag.
17. Suppose “Independence day” is being celebrated at your school. Your teacher asks you
to make a speech on Pakistan, my beloved homeland. Write a paragraph of 10 sentences on
“Pakistan, My beloved country/ My beloved Homeland”. (Use correct capitalization,
punctuation, grammar and spellings).
Founder’s name …… National language …… population …… provinces …… reasons for
liking ……
Pakistan is my dear country. Islamabad is its capital. Its national language is Urdu. It has four
provinces. There are many lush green valleys in K.P.K. Its population is near 20 crore. It came into
being on 14th August, 1947. Quaid-e-Azam is the founder of Pakistan. Pakistan is a developing country.
It has historical importance so I love Pakistan.
1. Write a story of a crow that was thirsty. How did he get water to drink? What lesson do
we learn from this story?
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
A thirsty crow
Once there was a crow. He was very thirsty. He flew here and there in search of water, but he could
not find it. Suddenly he saw a pitcher in a garden. The water was very low in it. His beak could not
reach it. He hit a plan. He put some pebbles into it. In this way the water rose up. He drank the water
and flew away.
Moral: 1. Necessity is the mother of invention.
2. God helps those who help themselves.
3. No pain, no gain.
4. Try, try again.
5. Man proposes, God disposes.
6. A clever crow.
7. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
2. Write a story on the moral “Honesty is the best policy.”
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
Honesty is the best policy

Once a woodcutter was cutting a tree. By chance his axe slipped and fell into the river. He began to
weep. Suddenly the angel appeared. He asked the woodcutter, “Why are you weeping?” The
woodcutter told him the whole story. The angel took pity on him. He dived into the water and brought
a golden axe. The woodcutter refused to take it. He dived again and brought out a silver axe. The
woodcutter refused to take it. He dived again and brought out an iron axe. The woodcutter accepted it.
The angel was so pleased that he gave him all axes as a reward of his honesty.
Moral: Honesty is the best policy.
3. Write a story on the moral “Union is strength”
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
Union is strength
Once there was an old man. He had three sons. They always quarreled among themselves. He was
worried. He hit a plan. He brought a bundle of sticks. He ordered his sons to break it one by one. They
tried their best but could not. He untied the bundle and asked them to break the sticks one by one. They
broke them easily. He advised them to remain united. His sons promised to remain united in future.
Moral: Union is strength.
United you stand, divided you fall.
4. Write a story using the following hints. Write a suitable title and moral of the story.
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
A man had a hen …… hen used to lay golden eggs …… man became greedy …… wanted to get
all the golden eggs at once …… killed the hen …… all in vain
The hen which laid golden eggs
Once a man had a hen which laid golden egg every day. He was very greedy man by nature. He wanted
to get a lot of wealth at once. So, he decided to kill the hen in order to get all the golden eggs. He
slaughtered it. He found that there was no egg in its belly. He started weeping bitterly but all in vain.
Moral: Greed is a curse.
It is no use of crying over spilt milk.
5. Write a story on the moral “Slow and steady wins the race”
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
A hare and a tortoise are friends …… The hare laughs at the slow speed of the tortoise ……
the tortoise challenges the hare to run a race …… They run …… the hare sleeps on the way
…… the tortoise goes on slowly and steadily …… he wins the race
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
A Hare and the Tortoise
Once a hare and a tortoise were friends. The hare was very proud of his speed. He challenged him to
run a race. The tortoise accepted his challenge of race. They started together. The hare ran very fast.
He left the tortoise far behind. He lay down under a tree and fell asleep. But the tortoise moved on

slowly and steadily until he reached the winning post. The hare woke up and saw that the tortoise was
already there.
Moral: Slow and steady wins the race
6. Write a story of a dog which was greedy. Write a suitable title and moral of the story.
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
A greedy dog
Once there was a greedy dog. He was very hungry. He went here and there in search of food. He stole
a piece of meat from butcher’s shop. He reached a river. He saw himself in water. He thought it to be
another dog who had a piece of meat. He wanted to snatch it. He opened his mouth to get it. His own
piece of meat fell into the water.
Moral: Greed is a curse.
7. Write a story on the moral “The grapes are sour”
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
The fox and the grapes
Once there was a fox. He was very hungry. He went here and there in search of food. But he could not
find anything to eat. At last he went to a garden. He saw a bunch of grapes there. He tried to get it. He
jumped again and again but could not reach them. At last, he went away saying, “The grapes are sour.”
Moral: The grapes are sour.
8. Write a story of a bee and a dove. Write down suitable title and moral of the story.
(Use correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spellings).
The bee and the dove
Once there was a bee. By chance, it fell into the water. It tried to get out of the water but all in vain. A
dove was sitting on the tree. She took pity and dropped a leaf near the bee. The bee jumped over it and
flew away. After some days, a hunter came that way. He aimed at the dove. The bee rushed towards
the hunter and stung on his hand. He missed his aim and the dove was saved.
Moral: Do good and have good.
Kindness never goes unrewarded. Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
9. Write a story using the following hints. Write a suitable title and moral of the story. Use
correct punctuation, grammar and spellings.
A hungry fox …… roamed around in search of food …… saw a crow with piece of
bread/cheese …… made a plan to get this piece of bread …… flattered the crow to sing ……
the crow sang and the bread fell down …… took and food by trick
The fox and the crow
Once there was a hungry fox. He went here and there in search of food. But he could not find anything
to eat. Meanwhile, he saw a crow with a piece of bread. His mouth began to water. He praised the

crow. The crow was much pleased. The fox asked the crow to sing a song. The crow opened its beak
to sing. The piece of bread fell down. The fox picked it up and ate it up.
Moral: Beware of flattery.
10. Write a story using the following hints. Write a suitable title and moral of the story. Use
correct punctuation, grammar and spellings.
A shepherd …… grazed a herd of sheep …… false shouting for help …… villagers came to
help …… found nothing …… cursed the shepherd and left …… one day a wolf came …… his
shouting went in vain.
Shepherd and the wolf
A shepherd used to graze sheep in a jungle. He as a joke, cried “Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers ran for his
help. The found nothing. They cursed him. The boy repeated the joke after few days. They ran for his
help. They saw no wolf. The villagers became angry. One day, a wolf really came there. He cried
“Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers did not come for help. The wolf killed the boy and ate many sheep.
Moral: Once a liar, always a liar.
11. Write a story of using the following hints. Write a suitable title and moral of the story.
Use correct punctuation, grammar and spellings.
A mouse ran over a sleeping lion …… the lion got up …… wanted to kill the mouse …… the
mouse begged for mercy …… the lion left the mouse …… a hunter set a trap for the lion ……
the lion got trapped ……he looked for help …… the mouse released the lion from the trap
A mouse and the lion
Once there lived a lion in a jungle. One day he was sleeping under a shady tree. A mouse came and
ran upon his body. The lion woke up. He was very angry. The mouse begged for mercy. He took pity
on it and let it go. After some days the lion was caught in a trap. He tried his best to break the ropes
but all in vain. He roared. The mouse heard his roaring. It reached there and cut the ropes with its teeth.
Soon the lion was free. He thanked the mouse and went away.
Moral: (1) Do good, have good.
(2) Kindness is rewarded.
(3) As you so, so shall you reap. Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
12. Write a story using the following hints. Write a suitable title and moral of the story. Use
correct spellings, punctuation and grammar.
A stag went to drink water …… he saw his reflection in the clear water …… admired his horns
…… hated his ugly legs …… hounds ran after him …… horns were caught in a bush ……
hounds tore him to pieces
A foolish stag
Once a stag was drinking water on a stream. He saw his reflection in the water. He was pleased to see
his beautiful horns. He did not like his thin ugly legs. Suddenly he saw the hounds. He ran away for

his life. His horns were caught in a bush. He tried his best to free himself but all in vain. The hounds
reached there and tore him into pieces.
Moral: (1) All that glitters is not gold.
(2) Pride hath a fall.
(3) God has made nothing useless.
1. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend summer vacation with you, telling
him how you will spend this time with him/her.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 03, 2016
My dear friend,
You promised to spend your summer vacation with me. We shall have a good time. We shall
visit some historical places. We shall work and play together. Please tell me the time of you arrival. I
shall wait for you.
Yours sincerely,
X.Y.Z. Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
2. You are living in a hostel. Write a letter to you father asking him to send you some extra
money to buy some reference book such as dictionary, etc.
During this month you had to buy some helping books and a dictionary. Now you are short of
money. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some extra funds.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear father,
You will be glad to know that I have passed my PEC Examination. I need some reference
books and dictionary. Now, I have no money. Please send me two thousand rupees for the payment
of hostel dues.
Your loving son,
3. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in the examination

Your friend has got very high marks in the exams. Write a letter to him congratulating him on
his brilliant success. Use correct punctuation, grammar and spelling.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear friend,
I congratulate you on your brilliant success in PEC Examination. It is the result of your
hardworking. Please accept my heartiest congratulation.
Yours sincerely,
4. Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for birthday gift.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear uncle,
I am thankful to you for your gift of wrist watch on my birthday. It will make me regular and
punctual. I will keep it with care.
Yours affectionately,
5. You have spent all your money due to extra hostel expenses. Write a letter to your father
asking him to send more money for living expenses.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear father,
I want to buy new books. I have no money. I have to pay my hostel dues. Please send me two
thousand rupees by money order.
Your loving son,
X.Y.Z. Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
6. You are going to visit a historical place. You need a camera to take photographs of
historical place. Write a letter to your friend to request him to lend you his camera.
Examination Hall,

City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear friend,
Our family is going to Murree. I wish you take some snaps. My camera is out of order.
Kindly lend me your camera. I will keep it with care.
Yours sincerely,
7. You friend has requested you to lend your book of English. Write a letter to say that
you will send the book as early as possible. Also say that you want it back in good condition
and on time.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear friend,
You have requested for my English textbook. I am sending this to you very soon. Please
return it to me before 30th October. Please keep it with care.
Yours sincerely,
8. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your birthday party.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear friend,
My birthday party is coming on 12th of this month. I shall be very happy if you come to this
party. It will be a great fun to spend time with you.
Yours sincerely,
9. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her her about your new school.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
March 02, 2016
My dear friend,

My school has beautiful building. It is newly constructed. It has six rooms. There are sea-
saw, swings and slides in my school. My school teachers are very kind. All the rooms are airy.
Yours sincerely,
Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid
Sr. No. Words Sentences
1 Strong Pakistan has a strong Army.
2 Flock A black sheep spoils the whole flock.
3 Lunch I have already taken my lunch.
4 Punctual He is a very punctual student.
5 Hospital Patients are treated in a hospital.
6 Serious Pollution is a serious problem.
7 Praise All praises are for Allah almighty.
8 Bright The sun is shining bright.
9 Intelligent Ali is an intelligent boy.
10 Desert There are two deserts in Sindh.
11 Money Money makes the mare go.
12 Precious Water is precious.
13 Interesting Monkeys are interesting animals.
14 Stomach I am feeling pain in my stomach.
15 Ready Ali is ready to go to school.
16 Trembling He was trembling due to cold.
17 Knee His knee was injured in an accident.
18 Calm Our village is calm and peaceful.
19 Sharp Rehan is a sharp-minded child.
20 Clean Please write neat and clean.
21 Nation We are a strong nation.
22 Happily We are living in this house happily.
23 Regular Haris is a regular student.
24 Learn We learn from teacher.
25 Need I need a pen to write with.
26 Catch Can you catch this ball?

27 Message He sent a message to come.
28 Join Join these lines to make a picture.
29 Always Always speak the truth.
30 Obey Always obey your parents.
31 Read He reads English book.
32 Eat I eat an apple.
33 Angel He saw an angel.
34 Important English is a very important subject.
35 Wisely You need to plan wisely.
36 Climb He climbed up the tree.
37 Pray He prays five times a day.
38 Sheep A black sheep spoils the whole flock.
39 Careful Be careful in rainy season.
40 Quickly He walks quickly.
41 Follow We should follow the teaching of Islam.
42 Remember Do you remember the story I told you?
43 Truth Always speak the truth.
44 Popular Quaid-e-Azam was a very popular leader.
45 Class I read in class five.
46 Enter The entered the class cheerfully.
47 Forget I forget to do my homework.
48 Family My family is very small.
49 Market I am going to the market.
50 Slowly He was walking very slowly.
51 Refuse He refused to accept my gift.
52 Afraid of We should not afraid of death.
53 Help We should help the poor.
54 Tired I am very much tired.
55 Bring Please bring a glass of water for me.
56 Newspaper I read newspaper daily.
57 Riverside He is living by the riverside.
58 Hardworking Ali is a hardworking student.

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid

59 Pluck He plucked a rose flower.
60 People There are many people in the park.
61 Clean He wears neat and clean dress.
62 Simple He wears simple dress.
63 Preach Every Muslim should preach Islam.
64 Avoid We should avoid bad company.
65 Protect We should protect our children.
66 Small Ali lives in a small house.

Prepared By :Muhammad Kamran Khalid


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