Jonas Bahog Etlog

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Background of the study

Senior High School (SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program andincludes 11 and
12. In SHS, Students will go through a core curriculum and subjectsunder a track of their choice.

Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education,students may
choose a specialization based on attitude, interests, and school capacity.The choice of career track will
define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. Each student in Senior High
School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and
Arts. The Academic trackincludes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM);
Humanities andSocial Sciences (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

The HUMSS strand covers a wide range of disciplines and mental health that delve into the
investigation and inquiry of the human conditions that uses empirical, analytical, andcritical methods
of studying human behavior and societal changes. Students pursuingcollege degrees on this strand
will have a deeper understanding of arts, culture,literature, politics, and society and how the complex
interplay of these facets help them appreciate individual behavior and social group and the pressing
issues corresponding them

The HUMMS strand is the least picked strand making it the most underrated among these. The
strand revolves around improving a student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills because if you
haven’t noticed yet, people who choose this strand are

aspiring to become members of the society who deals with a lot of people. (E.g.teacher, psychologist,
lawyer, etc.). Improvement of these skills are crucial for them have effective communication with
others. It focuses on improving the student’s proper diction.

As well as providing insights to the happenings occurring which involves people and their
culture. It also involves the study of political science, contemporary arts,literature and anthropology.
This is for those who likes writing, reading books and otherliterary works, those who show curiosity to
human history and behaviors.

The focus of this study is the HUMMS strand only since our school which is tayug national high
school has only one strand offered to the Senior High Students.This study the researcher wants to
know the students' perception on HUMMS strandunder the grade 12 Basic Education Program.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the perceptions of attitude in the mental health of the grade 12 HUMSS
students of tayug national highschool further, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1.what is the perceptions of learners in terms of:



C.) section (not necessary)

2.)what factors did the attitude make students to clean mental health?

3.what circumstances of unprofessional may occur?

4.)is there a significant difference?

5.)Is there a significant effect

Hypothesis of the study

This study deems to explore perceptions and attitudes towards mental health in grade 12 humss
strands, the research will employ and inductive approach, and following hypothesis guide the


H1: The lived experiences of Grade 12 HUMSS students reveal multifaceted and context-specific factors
influencing their perceptions and attitudes towards mental health.


H2: Personal narratives of academic stressors among Grade 12 HUMSS students will unveil nuanced
insights into the ways these stressors manifest and impact mental well-being.

H3: Exploring the social interactions within the HUMSS academic environment will uncover rich
qualitative data on how peer relationships and social dynamics contribute to the mental health

H4: The exploration of Humanities and Social Sciences subjects in-depth will yield qualitative insights
into the unique stressors and coping mechanisms associated with the curriculum.

H5: Examining support systems through qualitative lenses will provide a deeper understanding of how
peer relationships and access to mental health resources shape the mental health experiences of Grade
12 HUMSS students.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS ALIGNMENT: These qualitative hypotheses align with the overarching research
questions, providing a flexible framework for an in-depth exploration of the lived experiences and
perspectives of Grade 12 HUMSS students regarding mental health.

ASSUMPTIONS: The study assumes that participants will provide rich and detailed qualitative data,
offering a holistic understanding of their experiences and perceptions related to mental health in the
context of Grade 12 HUMSS.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

Comparative Analysis: If feasible, you might consider delimiting the study to make comparative analyses
between different cultural groups within the same geographical area.

By delimiting the influence of cultural factors, your study can focus on a specific cultural context while
recognizing that cultural diversity and nuances exist within that context. This approach helps provide a
more in-depth and contextually relevant understanding of the perceptions and attitudes of Grade 12
HUMSS students towards mental health.

Mental Health Aspects:

Awareness of Mental Health Issues: Clearly define the aspects of mental health awareness you want to
explore. For instance, you could delimit the study to focus on students' awareness of common mental
health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Stigmatization of Mental Health: Specify that the study will investigate students' perceptions and
attitudes related to the stigma surrounding mental health. You might limit the study to examining stigma
associated with seeking help or discussing mental health issues openly.

Help-Seeking Behavior: Delimit the research to study students' willingness and readiness to seek
professional help or support for mental health challenges. This can be a specific aspect of mental health

Specific Mental Health Programs: If relevant, you can limit the study to examine the perceptions and
attitudes of Grade 12 HUMSS students regarding specific mental health programs or interventions
within their educational institutions.

Time Period; Academic Year: Specify the academic year or years during which the study will be
conducted. For example, you could limit the research to a specific academic year (e.g., the 2023-2024
academic year).

Semester or Term: Alternatively, you might choose to conduct the study within a particular semester or
term. For example, you could focus on the first or second semester of the academic year.
The specific time period will depend on the research objectives, data collection methods, and resources

Sampling Method:

Random Sampling: This method involves randomly selecting Grade 12 HUMSS students from a list of all
eligible students. It provides a high degree of representativeness and reduces the risk of bias.

Significance of the study

The study of Perceptions and attitudes on the mental health towards grade 12 humanities and social
sciences (HUMSS) students. The finding of this study will have significant input on the following:

Introduction:The significance of this study lies in the critical examination of perceptions and attitudes
towards mental health among Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students. As these
students navigate the complexities of their academic journey, understanding their mental health
experiences becomes imperative.

Rationale for the Study:The transition to Grade 12 is a pivotal moment in a student's academic life,
characterized by heightened academic pressures and social challenges. By delving into their mental
health perceptions and attitudes, we aim to uncover potential stressors and protective factors unique to
the HUMSS context.

Contextual Relevance:Given the distinctive nature of Humanities and Social Sciences education,
exploring mental health within this academic framework is crucial. The study aims to contribute valuable
insights into how the nature of HUMSS subjects, social interactions, and academic demands may shape
the mental health landscape of Grade 12 students.

Academic and Social Implications:Understanding the mental health dynamics of Grade 12 HUMSS
students holds implications for both academic institutions and social support systems. Insights derived
from this study can inform tailored interventions, promoting a supportive environment that enhances
overall well-being and academic success.

Research Gap:While numerous studies focus on mental health in various educational contexts, there is a
noticeable gap in literature specifically addressing Grade 12 HUMSS students. This research aims to
bridge that gap, offering a nuanced understanding of their mental health experiences and contributing
to the broader field of educational psychology.
Definition of terms

To make this study more understand able to all- the researchers and readers some terms are define:
HUMSS: stands for humanities and social sciences it is one of the strands offered to senior high students.
The strands is for learners who aim to take up journalism, communication, liberal arts, education,and
other social science-related occurses

in collage

K-12 BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM: The grade 12 program covers covers kindergarten and 12 years of
basic education (six years of primary, four years of junior highschool, and two years of senior highschool
to provide a attitude of mental health to sufficient of mastery in concepts and skills, develop life long
learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle level skills development, employment

PERCEPTION: The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

"Perceptions and attitudes on the mental

health towards grade 12 humanities

and social sciences (HUMSS)


Julian, Jonas

Obra, Aj bert

Ylarder, Dariel

Agustin, Crystalene

De leon, Lota jane


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