Seloterio, Shyrah S. - REVISED

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process
by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Learning Area:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
DLP No.: Quarter: Duration:
1 SCIENCE 6 2nd 60 minutes
Learning Competency/ies: Describe the appearance and uses of uniform and Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) non-uniform mixtures S6MT-Ia-c-T
Key Concepts / Understandings to be Prepare beneficial and useful mixtures such as drinks, food, and herbal medicines
Adapted Cognitive Process
Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. OBJECTIVES:
Knowledge Remembering
The fact or condition of Identify homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
knowing something with
familiarity gained through
experience or association

The ability and
capacity acquired through Analyzing Differentiate homogeneous from heterogeneous mixture.
deliberate, systematic, and
sustained effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex Evaluating
activities or the ability, coming from
one's knowledge, practice, aptitude,
etc., to do something
Creating Give other examples of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

Attitude Internalizing values Participate actively in class discussion

Values Valuing Show appreciation of the importance of mixtures in everyday activities . .

2. Content Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures

Curriculum Guide
Instructional Materials

3. Learning Resources Marker

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity 1.Prayer
2.Recapulation of recent lesson
·Teacher will show students a series ofpictures and ask students what it is.

·What is ham &cheese sandwich made of?

Pick the right ingredients below:

10 minute

·What is a cup of coffee made of?

Pick the right ingredients below:

4.2 Activity
Divide the class into 2 groups. Each hroup will be given the materials and a task card

Mixture A ( Mix Sugar in Wayer )

Step 1: Fill the glass with 250 ml of water.
Step 2: Add 2 tablespoon of sugar
Step 3: Mix it with the spoon and observe the mixture. Label it with mixture A.

1. Did the sugar dissolved in the water? ( Yes )

2. Is there any changes in the appearance of the water? ( No )

Mixture B ( Mix Oil in Water )

10 minutes
Step 1: Fill the glass with 250 ml of water.
Step 2: Add 2 tablespoon of oil
Step 3: Mix it with the spoon and observe the mixture. Label it with mixture B.

1. Did the oil dissolved in the water? ( No )

2. Is there any changes in the appearance of the water? ( Yes )

4.3 Analysis

Students present their outputs of their activity to the class.

What is the difference between the appearance of the two of activities?

Are those examples of mixtures?

Do we still see the individual ingredients of Mixture A when we put them all together ? How abot mixture B?
- We can only see the water in Mixture A, we can no longer see the sugar. While in Mixture B, we can see both oil and wate
- Mixture A is a Homogeneous type of Mixture because it has a uniform composition and appearance.
- Mixture B is Heterogeneous type of Mixture because it has a no nonuniform composition and appearance.
10 minutes
- Miscible Liquids are all Homogeneous mixtures and Immiscible Liquids are all Heterogeneous mixtures.

MIXTURE- Is a combination of two or more substances. There are two types of mixtures. The Homogeneous mixture and
Heterogeneous mixture.

HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURE - is a mixture that has the same proportions of its components throughout any given sample.

HETEROGENEOUS MIXTURE- Are not uniform and they will not have not an identical composition. Sometimes these mixture a
obvious, where you can see different types of materials in a sample.

4.4 Abstraction
1. How do homogeneous mixture appear?
2. How do heterogeneous mixture appear?
3. Give another examples of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture.
4. How are homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures used in everyday life?
10 minutes

4.5 Application
Identify which of the following mixtures are homogeneous and

10 minutes
4.6 Assessment

ESSAY: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a short bondpaper.

1. How will you deffirenciate

Tests homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures?
10 minutes 2. How is matter clasified and why is it important to classify
3. How are mixtures important to the life of man and other organism?

4.7 Assignment

Directions: Complete the Venn Diagram by comparing the

characteristics of homogeneous and heterogeneous. At the center
whether they have in common.

Reinforcing /
strengthening the
5 minutes day’s lesson

4.8 Concluding Activity

Life is a mixture of love, peace, and happiness. Add purpose, stir throroughly with faith, drain and remove negative thoughts. Ser
5 minutes you all those around you. - Dodinsky
5. Remarks

6. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover

which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:
Name: Shyrah S. Seloterio School:
Cebu Technological University - Moalboal Campus
Position/ Designation:

Contact Number: 9296212757 Email address: [email protected]


materials and a task card

it with mixture A.

it with mixture B.

f activities?

? How abot mixture B?

le in Mixture B, we can see both oil and water.
sition and appearance.
composition and appearance.
l Heterogeneous mixtures.

ures. The Homogeneous mixture and

ponents throughout any given sample.

cal composition. Sometimes these mixture are

everyday life?


1. How will you deffirenciate

s matter clasified and why is it important to classify

an and other organism?

y comparing the
geneous. At the center

ith, drain and remove negative thoughts. Serves

- Dodinsky
niversity - Moalboal Campus

[email protected]
Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the
instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Learning Area:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
DLP No.: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: Date:
21/wk5 Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 11 FIRST 60 minutes July 6, 2018
Learning Competency/ies: Describe society and culture as a complex whole
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) UCSP11/12SPU-Ic-7
Key Concepts / Understandings to Society is a group of people living together in a definite territory,having a sense of belongingness, mutually
be Developed interdependent of each other, and follow a certain way of life.
Adapted Cognitive Process
Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. OBJECTIVES:
Knowledge Remembering
The fact or condition of identify the type of society
knowing something with
familiarity gained through Understanding
experience or association
Skills Applying
The ability and
capacity acquired through
deliberate, systematic, and Analyzing Compare each type of society from others
sustained effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability, coming from Evaluating
one's knowledge, practice, aptitude,
etc., to do something Creating
Responding to Today we are benefited with the boom of the society, but we must also do our part in order not to ruin our environment, as
Attitude Phenomena everything originates from the Mother Nature.
Values Phenomena Society teaches us to become who we are, embrace it and value its continuous change for the better.


3. Learning Resources books, pictures, regular teaching tools

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity

Review on the activity of yesterday. The picture analysis, which was performed by them.
4 minutes

4.2 Activity
6 minutes Ask students to give thier understanding of the previously discussed topics.
4.3 Analysis
Why is their transformation of society?
5 minutes
4.4 Abstraction Discuss the following:

1. Types of Societies
15 minutes A. According to Economic and Materials System B. According to Evolutionary View C. According to People's Subsistence

4.5 Application Group Activity: Provide each group with picture, let them identify the type of society, give its characteristics
and functions.

5 minutes

4.6 Assessment
Tests Written test: Refer to Enclosure 1.
15 minutes
4.7 Assignment Enriching / inspiring the day’s In a whole sheets of paper, the student will draw 2 types of societies, let them compare
5 minutes lesson its characteristics and give its functions.
4.8 Concluding Activity
Collected all the activity and recorded.
5 minutes
5. Remarks
6. Reflections "If everybody works,there is a good results".

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
with the lesson.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why

did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal

or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Designation: SST - III Division: CEBU PROVINCE

Contact Number: 9232179795 Email address: [email protected]

Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the
instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Learning Area:
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
DLP No.: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: Date:
20/wk5 Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 11 FIRST 60 minutes July 5, 2018
Learning Competency/ies: Describe society and culture as a complex whole
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) UCSP11/12SPU-Ic-7
Key Concepts / Understandings to Society is a group of people living together in a definite territory,having a sense of belongingness, mutually
be Developed interdependent of each other, and follow a certain way of life.
Adapted Cognitive Process
Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. OBJECTIVES:
Knowledge Remembering
The fact or condition of identify the type of society
knowing something with
familiarity gained through Understanding
experience or association
Skills Applying
The ability and
capacity acquired through
deliberate, systematic, and Analyzing Compare each type of society from others
sustained effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability, coming from Evaluating
one's knowledge, practice, aptitude,
etc., to do something Creating
Responding to Today we are benefited with the boom of the society, but we must also do our part in order not to ruin our environment, as
Attitude Phenomena everything originates from the Mother Nature.
Values Phenomena Society teaches us to become who we are, embrace it and value its continuous change for the better.


3. Learning Resources books, pictures, regular teaching tools

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity

Picture Analysis.
4 minutes

4.2 Activity
6 minutes With the picture shown, the students can give their own perception. Ask volunteers to share their ideas.
4.3 Analysis
1. How is the society transform?
5 minutes
4.4 Abstraction Discuss the following:
1. Society
2. Types of Societies
15 minutes A. According to Economic and Materials System B. According to Evolutionary View C. According to People's Subsistence

4.5 Application Group Activity: Provide each group with picture, let them identify the type of society, give its characteristics
and functions.

5 minutes

4.6 Assessment
Tests Written test: Refer to Enclosure 1.
15 minutes
4.7 Assignment Enriching / inspiring the day’s In a whole sheets of paper, the student will draw 2 types of societies, let them compare
5 minutes lesson its characteristics and give its functions.
4.8 Concluding Activity
Collected all the activity and recorded.
5 minutes
5. Remarks
6. Reflections "If everybody works,there is a good results".

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
with the lesson.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why

did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal

or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Designation: SST - III Division: CEBU PROVINCE

Contact Number: 9232179795 Email address: [email protected]

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