Heat Transfer

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Mock Test Solutions in English


1. The product of Reynolds number and Prandtl number is called.

A. Peclet Number B. Nusselt Number
C. Grashof Number D. Stanton Number
2. What is the number of transfer units for a heat exchanger with overall heat transfer coefficient 300 W/m2K,
area for heat exchange 15m2, Cmin = 2400 W/K.
A. 1.875 B. 1.345
C. 1.25 D. 1.60
3. In natural convection, whether the flow is laminar or turbulent is based on the value of
A. Reynold's Number B. Product of Grashof's & Prandtl Number
C. Product of Reynold's & Prandtl Number. D. Schmidt Number
4. One dimensional heat transfer equation for sphere can be written as _________.

A. B.

C. D.

5. A 5 mm diameter spherical ball at 50°C is covered by a 1 mm thick plastic insulation (K = 0.13 W/m-K).
The ball is exposed to a medium at 20°C with a combined convection and radiation heat transfer
coefficient of 20 W/m2K. Which of the following is correct ____________?
A. Plastic insulation will decrease heat transfer from B. Plastic insulation will increase heat transfer from
wire. wire.
C. Plastic insulation will not affect the heat transfer D. Plastic insulation will first increase then decrease
from wire. the heat transfer from the wire.
6. In the given figure, the shape factor F12 is( Assume,length of both the plates are equal)

A. 0.741 B. 0.505
C. 0.134 D. 0.258
7. Which among the following value represents the ratio of Nusselt number under constant heat flux
boundary condition to that of Nusselt number under constant surface temperature boundary condition.
A. 0.84 B. 1
C. 1.19 D. 1.56
8. A plane furnace surface at 150°C covered with 1 cm thick insulation is exposed to air at 30°C, and the
overall heat transfer coefficient is 25 W/m2-°C. If the thermal conductivity of insulation is 0.04 W/m-°C, the
rate of heat loss from the surface per unit surface area is
A. 35 W B. 3000 W
C. 300 W D. 480 W
9. Which of the following metals have lowest thermal conductivity _________?
A. Silver B. Copper
C. Gold D. Aluminum
10. Consider the following statements regarding large heat transfer rate through fins

i. Fins should have a larger lateral surface area (Perimeter to cross-sectional area ratio).

ii. Long and thick fins should be used.

iii. Fin material should be made of highly conductive materials.

iv. Fins to be used on the side where heat transfer coefficient is small.

Which of the above statement is/are correct?

A. (i) & (ii) only B. (i), (ii) & (iii)
C. (i), (iii) & (iv) D. (i) & (iv) only
11. In a counter flow heat exchanger, the hot water enters at 150ºC and leaves at 100ºC, while the cold water

enters at 60ºC and leaves at 110ºC . No. of transfer unit (NTU) for the system is 5. The area available for
the heat transfer is 50 m2. The find the heat transfer rate of the system (given heat capacity for both cold
and hot water is 1000 W/K)
A. 50 kW B. 100 kW
C. 150 kW D. 200 kW
12. A wall has two surfaces at temperature of 500oC and 300oC . Thickness of the wall is 0.5m. The
conductivity of the wall is k = ko [1+αT], where T is in degree Celsius. Then heat transfer per unit area will
be (Given, ko = 0.50 and α = 0.20)

A. 15.2 kW/m2 B. 16.2 kW/m2

C. 17.2 kW/m2 D. 18.2 kW/m2
13. Match List - I (Type of heat transfer) with list-II (Governing parameter) and select the correct answer.

List I:

P. Forced convection

Q. Free convection

R. Mixed convection

S. Unsteady convection with convection at surface

List – II:

1) Bi and Fo

2) Gr and Pr

3) Re and Pr

4) Re, Pr and Gr.

A. P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4 B. P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4
C. P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1 D. P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
14. Consider the following statements:

1) Dropwise condensation occurs on highly polished surfaces.

2) Film condensation in generally encountered in industrial applications and is usually planned for
condenser design calculations.

3) Dropwise condensation is associated with lower heat transfer rate as compared to heat transfer rate in
film condensation.

4) In film condensation, a part of surface is directly exposed to vapour without insulating film of
condensate liquid.

Which statements are correct __________?

A. 1 and 2 only B. 1, 2 and 3 only
C. 3 and 4 only D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
15. A cube loses heat from top, bottom & side surface with heat transfer coefficient of h1, h2, h3 respectively.
The average heat transfer coefficient for cube is-
A. h1 + h2 + h3 B.

C. D.

16. Consider convection heat flow to water at 75°C from a cylindrical nuclear reactor fuel rod of 50 mm
diameter. Under steady state condition,the rate of heat generation within the fuel element is 5 x 107 W/m3
and the convective heat transfer coefficient is 1 kW/m2K. The outer surface temperature of the fuel
element would be
A. 700°C B. 625°C
C. 550°C D. 400°C
17. A opaque surface of 2 m × 2 m is considered to be diffuse with an absorptivity of αs = 0.43 and emissivity,
ε = 0.9. The surface is maintained at 500 K and is simultaneously exposed to solar radiation, G = 1300
W/m2. The radiosity for the body is ___________ W/m2.
A. 1310.25 B. 2620.50
C. 3930.75 D. 7861.50
18. A fluid flowing over a flat plate has the following properties:

Dynamic viscosity: 12.5 × 10-6 kg/m-s

Specific heat: 1.0 kJ/kg K

Thermal conductivity: 0.0125 W/m-K

The hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness is measured to be 0.5 mm.

The thickness of thermal boundary layer would be:

A. 0.1 mm B. 0.5 mm
C. 1.0 mm D. None of the above
19. A gray and opaque plate at 273 K is placed in an environment at 298 K. The emissivity of plate surface is
0.75. I irradiation on the plate surface is 300 W/m2. The radiosity of the surface is ____
A. 350 B. 311
C. 372 D. 358
20. Formula for effectiveness of balanced parallel flow heat exchanger.
A. 1–e–NTU B. 1 – eNTU

C. D.

21. A small metallic sphere of diameter 10 mm is initially at a temperature of 500ºC is put into the atmosphere
of 0ºC. The heat transfer coefficient is 100 W/m2K. The density of sphere is 6000 kg/m3 and specific heat
is 500 J/kg-K. Then initial cooling rate (in ºC/s)will be
A. 5 B. 15
C. 20 D. 10
22. Lorentz number is ___________.
B. Ratio of thermal conductivity and electrical
A. Ratio of Biot no and Fourier no
C. Product of Biot no. and Fourier no. D. Ratio of Grashof no and Prandtl no.
23. In boiling curve, Leiden frost point occurs between which two regions:
A. A stable film and radiation range. B. Transition film and stable film boiling regions.
C. Nucleate boiling and transition film boiling region. D. Free convection zone and nucleate boiling region.
24. The overall heat transfer coefficient, based on outside surface area of an heat exchanger, dropped down

from 500 W/m2K to 400 W/m2K due to dirt. What is the value of film coefficient for this heat exchange
operation (in W/m2K) ________?
A. 1000 B.
C. 100 D. 2000
25. Consider the following parameters

(1) composition

(2) density

(3) porosity

(4) structure

Then, thermal conductivity of glass wool varies from sample to sample because of variation in
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3
C. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
26. Determine the range of wavelength in which a planet is emitting radiation if we assume this planet as a
black body in a temperature range of 25°C to 30°C .
A. (9.70 – 12.6) μm B. (9.56 – 9.72) μm
C. (9.80 – 10.6) μm D. (9.30 – 10.2) μm
27. The bulk mean temperature at any section of a pipe if Vmean is the mean velocity is

A. B.

C. D.

28. Assertion: fin is used when there is requirement to enhance heat transfer rate from the surface.

Reason: Effectiveness of the fin is always greater than one.

A. A and R both are true, and R is the correct B. A and R both are true, and R is not correct
explanation of A. explanation of A.
C. A is true, R is false. D. A is false, but R is True
29. In a counter current flow heat exchanger, the entry and exit temperatures of the cold fluid are 20ºC and

70°C. If the entry and exit temperature of the not fluid are 85ºC and 35ºC, then LMTD is ___________.
A. 30ºC B. 20ºC
C. 15ºC D. 25ºC
30. A fin is having efficiency of 40% and effectiveness of value 8. The length of fin will be ____ cm. If the
diameter of circular fin is 20 mm.
A. 10 cm B. 20 cm
C. 30 cm D. 40 cm
31. The Poisson equation of a three-dimensional heat flow in a body is represented by the following equation

A. B.

C. D.

32. Which among the following would have maximum spectral emissive power at shortest wavelength
A. Solid CO2 (Dry ice) B. Boiling water
C. Boiling cooking oil D. Melted liquid iron in furnace.
33. Consider the following enclosure as shown in figure.

Then find the shape factor F13

A. 0.25 B. 0.40
C. 0.60 D. 0.75
34. Let for a flow over a surface the free stream temperature is . The temperature profile over the surface
flow is given by T(δ) = α + βy + y2 + δy3 where α, β, , δ are constant. Then heat transfer coefficient is
given by the expression (Kf→ Thermal conductivity of fluid)

A. B.

C. D.

35. Which of the following are true regarding lumped heat analysis system.

1) Biot No (Bi) < 0.1

2) Temperature varies w.r.t time only.

3) Temperature varies w.r.t space in the body.

4) Temperature of body changes exponentially w.r.t time.

A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1, 3 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 4
36. For the thermal circuit shown in figure, the equivalent thermal resistance is

A. R12 R01 + R23A + R23B + R34 B.

C. D. None of them

37. In a heat exchanger the hot liquid enters with a temperature of 180oC and leaves at 120oC . The cooling

fluid enters at 40oC and leaves 120oC . The capacity ratio of heat exchanger is ____________.
A. 0.5 B. 2
C. 0.75 D. 1.5
38. The time constant of thermocouple is______.
A. the time taken to attain 100% of initial B. the time taken to attain 63.2% of initial
temperature difference temperature difference
C. the time is taken to attain 50% of initial D. the minimum time taken to record a temperature
temperature difference reading
39. Heisler charts are used to determine the transient heat flow rate and temperature distribution

B. internal conduction resistance is small and the
A. solids possess infinitely large thermal conductivity
convective resistance is large
C. internal conduction resistance is large and the D. both conduction and convection resistances are
convective resistance is small almost of equal importance.
40. Assertion: Small bodies are good candidates for lumped system analysis, especially when placed in a
medium which is poor conductor of heat.

Reason: For the lumped system analysis the conduction thermal resistance of body should be very small
as compared to convection thermal resistance.
A. A and R both are true, and R is the correct B. A and R both are true, and R is not correct
explanation of A. explanation of A.
C. A is true, R is false. D. A is false, but R is True


1. A
Sol. • Peclet number (Pe)= It is a dimensionless group representing the ratio of heat transfer by
motion of a fluid to heat transfer by thermal conduction.

• Peclet Number is the product of Reynolds number and Prandtl number.

2. A
Sol. Overall heat transfer coefficient: U = 300 W/m2K

Area for heat exchange: A = 15m2

Cmin = 2400 W/K

Number of heat transfer units is given by:

3. B
Sol. • The flow during natural convection, heat transfer is decided as Laminar or Turbulent based
on the value of (Gr Pr) product.
If Gr Pr < 109 Then, flow is Laminar
If Gr Pr > 109 Then, flow is Turbulent

4. D
Sol. The equation for heat conduction:
For sphere:

For cylinder

5. B
Sol. The critical radius of plastic insulation for spherical ball is:

Rcr = 13 mm > r2 (7 mm)

Since the outer radius of the ball with insulation is smaller than critical radius of insulation, so plastic
insulation will increase heat transfer.

6. A

Shape factor, F12 =

F12 =

7. C
Sol. The value of the Nusselt number under constant heat flux boundary condition:
Nu = 4.36
The value of the Nusselt number (Nu) under constant surface temperature boundary condition:
Nu = 3.66

8. B
Sol. Given:

overall heat transfer coefficient, U = 25 W/m2°C

thermal conductivity of insulation = 0.04 W/m2°C

Thickness of insulation = 1 cm = 0.01 m

The thermal resistances per unit area are

The rate of heat loss from per unit surface area is

Q = UA(TS - T∞)
Q = 25×1×(150 - 30)

Q = 3000W

9. D
Sol. Order for thermal conductivity is:
Silver > Copper > Gold > Aluminum.

10. C
Sol. The effectiveness of fin (with negligible heat loss from the tip) is given by:

Where, k – Thermal conductivity of the fin material

P – Perimeter of fin
h – Convective Heat transfer coefficient of fin material with respect to surrounding.
A – Cross-sectional area of the fin.
Thus, in order to have large heat transfer rate through fins, as can been seen from the above

i. The ratio of Perimeter to cross-sectional area (lateral sectional area) should be high for high
effectiveness of fin.
ii. For higher lateral sectional area, fins should have higher perimeter and lower sectional area,
for which thin & small fins (for lower sectional area) are to be used, hence statement (ii) is
iii. As effectiveness of fin material is directly proportional to thermal conductivity of fin material.
Hence, higher heat transfer rate is supported by high thermal conductivity.
iv. Also, effectiveness is inversely proportional to convective heat transfer coefficient, hence
higher heat transfer rate would require lower convective heat transfer coefficient.

11. D
Sol. Given:
Inlet temperature of hot water, Thi = 150ºC
Outlet temperature of hot water, The = 100ºC
Inlet temperature of cold water, Tci = 60ºC
Outlet temperature of cold water, Tce = 110ºC
Heat capacity for both cold and hot water is 1000 W/K
And NTU = 5

From the above diagram, we can write

Temperature difference at inlet, ΔTi = 40ºC
Temperature difference at outlet, ΔT0 = 40ºC
As we know that,

Heat transfer rate, = U A Tm = 100 × 50 × 40 = 200 kW
12. B
Sol. As we know that,





Or q × 0.5 = 100 + 8000

Or q = 16.2 kW/m2
13. C

14. A
Sol. • In dropwise condensation rate of heat transfer is higher compared to film wise condensation.
Because in film condensation, liquid condensate wets the solid surface spreads and forms
continuous film over the entire surface resulting in less heat transfer rate.
15. D
Sol. Total heat loss from the cube is given as,
Q = (h1AΔT + h2AΔT + h3(4A)ΔT)
Total heat loss from the cube in terms of average heat transfer coefficient is given as,
Q = havg×(6A)×ΔT
where, A → area of each surface.
By comparing above two equation,
Q = (h1AΔT + h2AΔT + h3(4A)ΔT) = havg×(6A)×ΔT

16. A
Sol. Given,
cylindrical nuclear reactor fuel rod diameter,d =50 mm
Rate of heat generation within the fuel element ,qg = 5×107 W/m3

Convective heat transfer coefficient, h = 1 kW/m2K

17. C
Sol. Given:
opaque surface area: A = 2 m × 2 m

Absorptivity: αs = 0.43
Emissivity: ε = 0.9
Solar radiation: G = 1300 W/m2
The emissive power is:
E = εσT4 = 0.9 × 5.67 × 10–8 × 5004 = 3189.375 W/m2
The radiosity is:
J= ( = 0, as body is opaque)
J = 3189.375 + (1 – 0.43) × 1300 = 3930.375 W/m2
18. B
Sol. As we know from the relations of theory of Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary Layer
thickness with Prandtl Number as:

…. (i)

& ….(ii)
µ is the dynamic viscosity of fluid
Cp is the specific heat of fluid
K is the thermal conductivity of fluid
δhydrodynamic is the thermal boundary layer thickness
δthermal is the hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness.
Substituting the values in equation (ii) we get,

Hence, from equation(i),

Hence, the thickness of thermal boundary layer is equal to thickness of hydrodynamic

boundary layer and equal to 0.5 mm.

19. B
Sol. Given,
ϵ = 0.75

For opaque body, =0


By kirchoff’s law, ϵ = α

So, ρ = 1 - α

Radiosity = Energy leaving from the surface

J = ρI + ϵσTs4

J = ρ × 300 + ϵσTs4

J = (1 - α)×300 + 0.75 ×5.67 × 10-8× (273)4

J = (1 - 0.75) × 300 + 0.75 ×5.67 × 10-8× (273)4

J = 311.208 W/m2
20. D
Sol. For parallel flow heat exchanger,

for balanced heat exchanger C = 1

21. D

Sol. Given:
Diameter of sphere, d = 10 mm = 0.01 m
Heat transfer coefficient, h = 100 W/m2K
Density of sphere, ρ = 6000 kg/m3
Specific heat, C = 500 J/kg K

Applying basic energy equation

22. B
Sol. Ratio of thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity is known as Lorentz number.
It is the same for almost all metals at a given temperature T and takes a value around 3(kB/e)2T,
kB and e are the Boltzmann constant and electronic charge, respectively

23. B
Sol. Boiling curve is given below:

• The Leiden frost point, which corresponds to the minimal heat flux. It represents the lower limit for the
heat flux in the film boiling regime.

• If the heat flux drops below this minimum, the film will collapse, causing the surface to cool and nucleate
boiling to be reestablished. Therefore, at this point, return to nucleate boiling (RNB) occurs.
24. D
Sol. Since fouling factor is given by:

Film coefficient is the reciprocal of the fouling factor.

Film coefficient =

25. D
Sol. Thermal conductivity of glass wool varies from sample to sample because of variation in

composition, density, porosity, structure.

26. B
Sol. Given,
Temperature range = 25°C to 30°C
Let T1 = 25°C = 25 + 273 = 298 K
& T2 = 30 + 273 = 303 K
According to Wein’s displacement law

Putting the value of T1 & T2 in equation (1) we get


So, the wavelength range is 9.56 μm to 9.72 μm.

27. A
Sol. • The bulk mean temperature (Tm) at a given cross-section of the pipe of flowing fluid is

defined as the constant temperature which takes into account the variation of temperature of
fluid layers w.r.t radius at that cross-section of the pipe and hence indicates the total thermal
energy or enthalpy carried by the fluid through that cross-section.

Fig.: Bulk Mean Temperature


• The bulk mean temperature at any section of a pipe,


28. C
Sol. Fins are the projection protruding from surface to increase the heat transfer rate, but effectiveness of the
fin may be or may not be greater than 1 but greater than is benificial

If will depend upon the various condition that use of fins are beneficial or not.

29. C
Sol. Given,
counter current flow heat exchanger,

θ1 = Thi – Tco = 85° - 70° = 15°C

θ2 = Tho – Tci = 35° - 20° = 15°C

∴ θ1 = θ2

∴ LMTD = 15°C
30. A
Sol. Given:
Efficiency of fin, η = 40%
Effectiveness of fin, ϵ = 8

Diameter of fin, d = 20 mm = 0.02 m

As we know that

Or l = 10 cm
31. C
Sol. 3-D heat conduction with heat generation at steady state is called the Poisson equation.

32. D
Sol. Since λmT = 2898 μm-K

Since TMelted iron > TCooking oil > TBoiling water > T Dry ice
Hence substance with maximum temperature would have minimum wavelength for emitted
spectral emissive power. Hence liquid iron in furnace.
33. D
Sol. We know that,

F13 = 0.75 and F12 = 0.25 (∵ F11 = 0)


34. B
Sol. Given,

Temperature profile, T(δ) = α + βy + γy2 + δy3

By heat balance at the solid surface

For plate surface temperature put y = 0

So, T (0) = α or To = α

35. D
Sol. About Lumped heat analysis:
1. For lumped heat analysis Bi < 0.1.
2. Temperature changes w.r.t time only.
3. No temperature change w.r.t space. (Thermal conductivity of body is assumed as of very
high value. So, no temperature gradient is possible w.r.t space)
Temperature of body varies exponentially as

Where, symbols have usual meaning.

36. B
Sol. In given thermal circuit, thermal resistances R01 and R12 are parallel therefore, the equivalent resistance
of these two is,


thermal resistances R23A and R23B are also in parallel connection therefore, the equivalent of these two


equivalent thermal resistances Req1, Rea2 and resistance R34 are in series connection therefore the
equivalent thermal resistance of these resistances is

37. C
Sol. Given:

Hot stream temperatures: Thi = 180oC and Tho =120oC

Cold stream temperatures: Tci = 40oC and Tco =120oC

Now, heat exchange is given by:

Q = Ch (Th1 – Th2) = Cc (Tc2 – Tc1)

Ch (180 – 120) = Cc (120 – 40)

Capacity ratio = = 0.75

38. B
Sol. Time constant of the thermocouple represents the time required for the thermo couple to record
63.2% of intial temperature difference.

39. D
Sol. Heisler charts are used to determine the transient heat flow rate and temperature distribution
when both conduction and convection resistances are almost of equal importance.

40. A

For a medium of poor conductor of heat convection resistance will be large and for smaller bodies
conduction resistance will be small due to small characteristic length. Thus, smaller bodies are good
candidates for lumped system analysis.

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